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SWTOR asked for my feedback help


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SWTOR did ask for my feedback and I created a draft and sent it... is there anything I am missing?



SWTOR asked for my feedback and this is what I have to say about this MMO (this is my first draft and I sent it - should I send anything else?):









The single player content and story is GREAT! From level 1 thru 49 - you feel like you are making a difference in the SWTOR universe and that you are truly powerful and mighty and important. My hats off to you. However, have you all ever played a MMO before?


I played the closed beta and I could not believe how CRAPPY the UI was and the guild functions were. It is like you guys never played any MMO before or spent all your money on voice acting instead of programmers. No guild bank features? WHAT ARE YOU KIDDING ME? No way to effectively transfer items across your OWN characters... what really? The UI is not customizable?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? You give out so many new spells, abilities, and powers that they don't all fit in your central two bars? HAVE YOU ALL EVER PLAYED A MMO or RPG before? At least look at World of Warcraft, Rift, Everquest (1 or 2), Skyrim, Kingdoms of Amalur, SWG (the Sony Star Wars Galaxy) or any other modern RPG or MMO.



You may give us excuses like: SWTOR is new and give us time we will ADD IT IN.

NO THAT IS NOT EXCUSABLE. If this was 2002 and I never played World of Warcraft, Rift, Everquest (1 or 2), Skyrim, Kingdoms of Amalur, SWG (the Sony Star Wars Galaxy) or any other modern RPG or MMO I would forgive you. However, you have to learn from the past to make sure your product is up to date and innovative. As it stands when it comes to UI, Guild functions and being able to transfer items from your own character to your own character in the same server - the SWTOR game is out dated and lacking. This leads me to the next situation: Guild Houses and Player Houses.

When can I decorate my ship? Who will be crafting decorations and random items? If I can not decorate my ship will there be player housing? Why is it older Star Wars MMO, SWG from Sony, has the ability to create housing and vendors? Did you not look at that game? Why are we stepping backwards? In SWG - Star Wars Galaxy from Sony, we were able to create different set of houses and these houses had the ability to decorate them. In fact, one of the crafters, had the ability to custom decorate in house items like chairs, sofas, crafting stations, etc. Why did we step backwards and neglect this? Will we be able to do this soon? When can we be more SOCIAL on SWTOR and invite people over to a decorated starship or house?



Guild banks and a Guild Hall or Guild Ship? REALLY? Where is it? Have you not played any modern MMO that did not have it? The few that did not.. quickly got them soon. If my guild wanted to donate materials to crafters - how can they do this? BY MAIL? What if they send it to the wrong person? Or the person they send it to has a MILLION emails and don't notice it? You are that backwards and don't realize that a guild is a very social place and there is very little features that support the guild? When can we have a guild hall? Maybe a guild ship? Will be able to decorate it? I am betting we will not be able to decorate a guild hall or guild ship once we get it. Why, because that would be innovative and require thought - and so far... Bioware is failing in the MMO market on that department.



Moving right along. How many maps came with the PvP (multiplayer) version of Battlefield 3?



How many maps came with the PvP (multiplayer) version of the recent Call of Duty game?



How many PvP maps come with WoW? Rift? Everquest 2?



How many come with SWTOR? Three. Three? And only one of which is played the most... HUTTBALL. Do not get me wrong, I think HUTTBALL is great. Three weeks later, I am almost ready to poke my eyes out if I have to see another HUTTBALL match. Why are there not more matches or more variety in the matches out there? When will be able to play against both NPCs and PCs (players)? In Rift there is a match called Port Scion. In WoW I believe its called Warsong Gulch. I played WoW before the first expansion for a whole week, before I got bored - so forgive me if I don't know much about WOW. In these matches, it was PvP but you had to play against NPCs and coordinate both a defense and an offense. So your strategies could vary and you still had to kill people. What match is like that in PvP? Why don't we have something like this yet? maybe make a mini battle of illium match? Are you all sure you played other MMOs before, Bioware? Can you make a match where we fight against the Republic versus Imperials? Then make a DIFFERENT one where it can be random versus random - like HUTTBALL?



Did you not know that there will be more Imperials than Republic players? Did you not know most republic players are just imperials who made ALTS to see the story while they wait for the Imperial guild mates to come on? I wont mention how most servers have more dedicated Imperials than Republic players... cause even though that happened in CLOSED BETA, open beta, Beta weekends, and when guild registered on the website and selected a faction - how could you all know that more Imperials would be about? HOW COULD YOU HAVE KNOWN...


Flashpoints and Operations.


Why are they all EZMODE?


Why is nightmare almost EASIER than HARD?


Why are there only two operations?


Did you all not learn from previous MMOs?


Why is a single player game like Kingdoms of Amalur and Skyrim have more Dungeons and content than SWTOR a MMO?



Personally I disliked KoA - Kingdoms of Amalur; however, I will call it as I see it.

Now Bioware, half my guild has stopped playing and left. When will you fix this and stop the last half from leaving?

Edited by BoydofZINJ
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I agree with your main point though I think you over did it on getting in their face, I think when you point out their flaws that tends to serve the purpose you don't need to repeat yourself or CAP text to make the point.


Beyond that it is YOUR feedback not mine so do/write what you will.

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If they were to come out and say that no one at Bioware ever played an MMO before, it'd be easier to forgive some of the short comings. Things like no target of target or a combat log are huge oversights.


Thankfully they are being implemented, as are other things. But fail is fail.

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i think it's perfectly blunt and straight to the point no need to be subtle they need a reality check on how their game is.


It comes across as a bit 'ranty' and too over the top so it might get ignored (think of these forums). There are better ways to make a point.

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Anyone that unsubscribes gets asked to fill a survey as to why they quit.


I have not quit SWTOR, nor do I have plans to... yet. As for the "when WOW came out" responses... if this was 2002 - I would agree with you all. However, we have moved past that time. We expect more - and why should I bother keeping with the current game if the current game is not as good as a previous game? to me, it makes no sense. Once you finish the story - its a pretty dull game. Sure there are a few side quests I missed; but do you complete all of SKYRIM's quests? I am sure a few did, most will not. That is why I made an alt, though, to see the stuff I missed... and new class story. However, there comes a time... when you played all the alts you want... what then?


Why did we not have more stuff and more end content? They spent how much on voice acting and how much on programming?

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