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REMOVE auto facing from PvP!


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sorry this is a carebear game and it wont happen




The moment the term Care Bear appears in a discussion the person using it loses all credibility. Play Eve if you want a game that actively encourages antisocial behaviors by 12 year old socially stunted people


Facings ruin pvp, turns the game into a bunny hopping counterstrike wannabe

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I play oprative, and the class is position depended, auto facing tracer classes etc makes it realy hard to get behind the target.


In my opinion auto facing its the most stupid thing I have ever seen in a game.


Remove it!


Agreed. Whos idea was this to begin with? Really bad day?

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They can turn off auto facing while channeling an ability when they add collision so people cant run through other players. Things are the way they are for a reason, is someone uses a channeled ability they should not be limited to one tick because you took one step towards them.
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agree!! remove auto facing from pvp, trying to backstab a tracer missile spammer who just spins around with you is just plain dumb..


There are already more than enough abilities to allow for a backstab.


Expecting an opponent to allow you behind him without using one of those abilities is just plain dumb.

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I play oprative, and the class is position depended, auto facing tracer classes etc makes it realy hard to get behind the target.


In my opinion auto facing its the most stupid thing I have ever seen in a game.


Remove it!


I think a compromise would be better. Remove auto-facing, but don't make a cast dependant on facing the target. This way, you can still get your backstab stuff off and the caster doesn't lose their cast simply because you ran through them.

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This is not an issue.


There are only two positional attacks that a scoundrel uses. The first is in stealth, which means you should have no problem attacking the target from behind. The second is a 12 second cool down which is really easy to pull off.


So, basically you want to gimp all ranged classes because you can't pull off a move once every 12 seconds.



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I'd be ok with the removal of auto-facing on the following conditions:


1. Characters can now body block enemy players (i.e. you cannot pass through an enemy character model).


2. Stealth Detection is added to all players that allows you to detect a stealthed player who is in front of you.


3. Abilities that are casted or channelled require proper facing to activate; losing proper facing during the cast or channel will not cancel the ability.

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I choked on my coffee reading this. rofl


have you ever considered that your behind target positionals shouldnt be used in all situations?

you should use them out of stealth when you jump someone, or when you incapacitate someone, or when someone else is keeping your target ocupied


last time i was in a fist fight at the local bar, i tried running around the guy whacking him on the back of the head it didnt work!!!

then i tried running through him....guess what that didnt work either


no game should let you get benefits from running in circles around or through your target, or god forbid from bunny jumping, sorry its just lame and totally unrealistic


i wonder what you think would be fastest running around someone or turning around where you stand, you would never get behind him, although you might make him dizzy after a while

not to mention the openings you would give your oponent trying to run around him

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I choked on my coffee reading this. rofl



Agreed, excellent post. I would add that all attacks should execute regardless of facing, mainly becaue of the number of melee combatants who use such lame tactics to avoid taking damage from ranged casters. Just IMO; pvp is fun, but it becomes a bit tedious when a stutter-running/bunny-hoping/figure-eight-running toolbag with a lightsaber ruins the fun.

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Don't forget the SKIL REQUIARMENT of running backward and forward through someone's character model.


As opposed to the 'SKIL REQUIARMENT' of not having to look at what you're hitting? Leave it in, but remove the Melee requirement to face targets and remove all positional requirements from abilities currently in game (Backstab etc.). How does that sound?


On topic, won't happen due to Cover as people already mentioned, but it should. You think Tracer Spammers are crying now? Just wait and see what happens if this ever makes it in.

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Smart players use autofacing vs Ops and Scoundrels, and it's a great counter to those people running jitter macros to strafe 6x a second. Perhaps you are trying to 1v1 with abilities which are meant to be opportunistic against engaged targets.


As a commando, i just love when Ops try to get behind me, especially dumb ones who keep circling while i blow them apart with grav round. When they get close, i can just concussion charge them away, and start charging another GR. Good Ops don't have a problem killing me, as they are usually opportunists who attack engaged targets, use stealth, use stuns ect. I give them respect for using the class as intended.

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  • 4 weeks later...
For anyone who thinks this auto-facing feature is a good thing..... you are F%$%in stupid. You sit in fleet and complain about player base has gone down and this and that, just shut up. This a prime example of why people dont play this game anymore. They can still use a no clipping feature AND turn off auto-facing as well at the SAME TIME. Some of you seem to think its ok to have a retarded feature as this in a mmrpg pvp setting. You are either 10 years old, which its star wars it wouldnt surprise me, or you are simply enjoying the fact you dont have to use your dam left hand or 2 mouse buttons to hold down and bind your spells like it should be to begin with. When a specific class needs to be behind to use a high damage ability and a range is running away with his torso facing me but his legs are running away from me and my screen saying i must be behind the target to use, is STUPID. Yes it takes skill to see a cast and move los or get behind to break it, it takes skill for a range to set up and use their **** correctly and be effective. By thinking this kinda auto-facing feature is ok, is like you are saying you are retarded and wanna play with your monitor off and use sound only, cause its the same thing with surround sound headphones, dont even need to see the enemy, itll shoot for you and aim for you and face them too, everything youll need to win. Complete brainless play and the worst feeling ever for any melee class or melee ability. BTW, this also effects pve too, *** i dont wanna tank and face the enemy on the right of me with the 2 on the left wacking me from behind with no defense what so ever, cause i cant set up in a cone infront of me and tank all from the front. Anyways this game sucks its already basically dead, things like this are what caused it and you nerds dont even get it and want pokemon gameplay or something. Have fun auto-facing guys, woot it makes you pro ......... pathetic.
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Autofacing doesnt work in general in pvp unless a certain number of conditions apply.


For example casting or channeling a spell when initially were in LoS or in the frontal cone of the target wont stop because you went out of it and although it feels unrewarding for you that you did something with your positioning while the other guy just stood there and you still took the cast/damage etc in the face, the issue here runs deeper.


While you may feel like that the other guy just stands there doing nothing and autofacing does everything for him, in reality he cant do anything at all, he cant chase around you or just wheel around to face you because that would cancel his action, so unless we get a system where you can move and cast (via castbar not just instants) at the same time where it would make sense since both players can move to reward the player that did and not the one that didnt we are stuck with 'autofacing while castbar is up'.


There are other factors to this like cover that i wont go through, i hoped my example/analysis helped you. :)

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Autofacing doesnt work in general in pvp unless a certain number of conditions apply.


For example casting or channeling a spell when initially were in LoS or in the frontal cone of the target wont stop because you went out of it and although it feels unrewarding for you that you did something with your positioning while the other guy just stood there and you still took the cast/damage etc in the face, the issue here runs deeper.


While you may feel like that the other guy just stands there doing nothing and autofacing does everything for him, in reality he cant do anything at all, he cant chase around you or just wheel around to face you because that would cancel his action, so unless we get a system where you can move and cast (via castbar not just instants) at the same time where it would make sense since both players can move to reward the player that did and not the one that didnt we are stuck with 'autofacing while castbar is up'.


There are other factors to this like cover that i wont go through, i hoped my example/analysis helped you. :)


You say this and all i can think of , have you not played WoW, or any other game similar to this type of pvp before? You cannot move in wow either as a caster on a channel spell, yet it works and the caster needs to turn, not strafe, but turn or right click the screen to grab it and move the toon. You make it seem like you cant play a game like this without auto-facing, gimme a break. You know as well as I do this is intended for brain dead keyboard turners and clickers to compete on a lvl of play they shouldnt be on. period. Auto-facing is stupid and not needed, look at other games, enough said.


Ok, also you said nothing about how it effects pve as well, making me turn my back to other mobs without me actually doing it myself. Very Stupid and totally a game ruiner for any pvper thats actually worth a dam online. They failed hard in this area

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Yea people that post things like this do not think ahead to see if the complaint is valid.


Rage first and then get shut down but try to defend a worthless point of view.


Gunslinger and Snipers both use the cover system along with my class Scrapper in PVE.


Scrapper isn't a class.

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I genuinely can't believe people are still complaining about this. There are actual problems in this game, auto-facing is not one of them, SWTOR is the easiest game I've ever facerolled as a melee player. Autofacing is dumb yes, but much less dumb than lack of collision, run-through bunny hopping 4tl imo.
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The class designers for Merc and Sniper and Repub equivalents probably couldn't get their Rhok'delars, and probably were 1200 rated in WoW playing Huntards, and got kicked out of raids because they couldn't kite anything at all. That's probably why almost all classes aren't designed to kite, because it's not extremely difficult to do, but it does require some effort. In all the rounds of PvP, I have only ever been kited by one person-a 31 Balance Sage.


I'm fairly certain most of the playerbase doesn't even know what kiting means.


It's very easy to kite as a gunslinger/sniper.

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