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REMOVE auto facing from PvP!


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<Troll mode on> I love it how some hard core PVPers are whining becasue the mechanics are not more WOW-like rather than adapting their game to fit the battlefield, then calling others carebear! Its so funny, the antics of spoiled kids trying to convince everyone how uber they could be if only the combat system was more hardcore! Well go play a hardcore PVP game and take your whining with you. <Troll mode off>


I would like to see real Collision Detection so tanks could really be tanks, and Friendly Fire so using explosive AOE's with your mates in the blast zone would damage everyone there. That would be an interesting world to me.


Oh by the way, I suck in PVP and get killed. I am probably twice your age, with bad eyes and lousy reflexes. For me the combat system is just fine. :eek:


Now rage quit please. :D

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<Troll mode on> I love it how some hard core PVPers are whining becasue the mechanics are not more WOW-like rather than adapting their game to fit the battlefield, then calling others carebear! :D


Well it is a known fact that autofacing helps bad players and lowers already low "skillcap". Im just glad there aint much PvP games with it.

Edited by Forsbacka
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Not really, you couldnt run through good players in WoW either in purpose to cancel their casts.


That wasn't what I referred to, I was referring to the fact that "it has never been a problem for good people" could be used as an argumentation for keeping the auto aim system as well. Good pvp'ers does not need that extra advantage, they can cope fine without it etc.

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Yes you can.


"The existence of auto-face has never been a problem for decent players"




Its not a problem, but it helps bad players. What comes to yes you can part, show a tournament where people keeps running through opponents cancelling their casts ah, there isnt one, people seem to use their mouse instead of keyboard for turning around.

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That wasn't what I referred to, I was referring to the fact that "it has never been a problem for good people" could be used as an argumentation for keeping the auto aim system as well. Good pvp'ers does not need that extra advantage, they can cope fine without it etc.


You want to keep autofacing as an handicap system so bad players can be better than they are? kk.

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Its not a problem, but it helps bad players. What comes to yes you can part, show a tournament where people keeps running through opponents cancelling their casts ah, there isnt one, people seem to use their mouse instead of keyboard for turning around.


Are you not good enough to beat someone with auto-face?


Do you not enjoy the extra challenge?


And you call yourself a pvper?



Show me a tournament in swtor - this is not a pvp game, it's an MMO with some pvp. It has never been advertised as anything other than a storyline-driven MMO.

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The argument about it preventing positionals is laughable, behind in this game means 180 degrees so side and rear add in the latency and you can practically rear pos someone in the face most of the time.


could care less if it was removed but using not being able to get rear positionals off as a reason is just funny.

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Its not a problem, but it helps bad players. What comes to yes you can part, show a tournament where people keeps running through opponents cancelling their casts ah, there isnt one, people seem to use their mouse instead of keyboard for turning around.


Again, you can use that argument the other way around... Running through people requires NOTHING from you, but due to delays can mean a lot to the other person, thus it can help the bad people, due to the latency issues a server - client game always will have.


I repeat what someone mentioned earlier. Auto aim can go, if they implement collision detection, such that you limit the delay effect as much as possible.

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You want to keep autofacing as an handicap system so bad players can be better than they are? kk.


I didn't say that anywhere in the thread, I merely am able to look at it from both perspectives instead of being a narrowminded person on his own vendetta seeing nothing but his own views as the correct and only solution ;)


And it's funny how when we use the same arguments, for the opposite point, I'm the one wanting to protect the bads, despite previously giving an option as to how it could be fixed without it being so, yet you who only give a 'fix' where delay will have a serious impact on the fight is clearly protecting the "hardcore pvp'ers", like Labra ;D

Edited by Pozz
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Auto-facing is just stupid.


And so what if melees can walk through casters? It's not like they can do anything while doing so. Melees have to be IN FRONT of a target in order to hit it, not inside it.


And it's not like melees couldn't use a bump anyway.


And honestly, I never had huge issues with melees walking through my character, even after year of playing WoW @ Duelist/Gladiator level.

Edited by Dee-Jay
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Well it is a known fact that autofacing helps bad players and lowers already low "skillcap". Im just glad there aint much PvP games with it.


LOL and we all know what a horrible thing having a low skill cap is right? "Why those dang noobs will think there are as our l33t selves if it gets too low and we can't have that! It will make our epeen's deflate and then we will trip over ourselves!"


You guys have so much ego wrapped up in fighting in game. Is that all you have going for you? Sad if it is. It makes me concerned. How are you going to earn enough to keep my social security fully funded if thats all you do?



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I do, and many other FPS games over the years.


Then use that for your "real" pvp fix, this is a stat/gear based MMO, developed and advertised as such. It has issues with cast times, lag, synching - autoface while not fixing these, at least acts in partial mitigation.

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Then use that for your "real" pvp fix, this is a stat/gear based MMO, developed and advertised as such. It has issues with cast times, lag, synching - autoface while not fixing these, at least acts in partial mitigation.


Maybe just have non-autofacing servers? Yeah, thats the ticket!

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Often threads started can help you with that as well ;D


Thats too messy but when you see an low rating on someone thats asking for buffs/nerfs for different classes, you can just totally ignore his point of view cause you cant really discuss about class balance if you dont play close to perfect anyway. If you play at lets say 1700 rating in WOW at arena or RBGs, it doesnt matter at all what class or combo you play in terms of balance. the reason he is 1700 is cause he isnt a very good player.

Edited by Forsbacka
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