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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Leveling BH Merc


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Personally I leveled 24/17 Hybrid spec and used Torian as my companion. My own heals when needed was much more reliable than Mako's and Torian does decent damage as long as you keep buying him weapons of the vendor. Otherwise he wear the EXACT same gear as you, so you can give him your cast offs or side-grades and have him constantly well geared.
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Personally I leveled 24/17 Hybrid spec and used Torian as my companion. My own heals when needed was much more reliable than Mako's and Torian does decent damage as long as you keep buying him weapons of the vendor. Otherwise he wear the EXACT same gear as you, so you can give him your cast offs or side-grades and have him constantly well geared.


he asking for lvling, not doing lvl50 daily. i bet he is in 30's.


just get tracer and work up BG if you want to try this hybrid build. make sure mako on heal mode.


use torian once u get him. use mako against elite.

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I'm only 31 but Pyro/Mako has been a great combo. I've been skipping most side quests with this BH (Didn't want to do the same quests that my Assassin did) so with class quests and world quests, they've been orange quests mostly and I haven't had a problem as of yet. Elites are fine. Edited by Fujah
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A question like this, on an official forum, will not really help you much. I personally changed to bodyguard at 25 and used gault until I got Torian, then I used him till lvl 46 when I went back to arsenal just to get a change of pace again. I had absolutely NO issues as bodyguard, and soloed every elite and champ I came across, and they were between one level under me, to up to two levels above me.


Most all specs are viable to level with. What it comes down too is how fast you want to level, and how you want to play your character. For me, I like healing the most, so naturally I healed for most of my leveling.


I would suggest you try each spec for a few levels and make your own call. Also, not matter what spec you go with, keeping your companion's gear up to date is a must.

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Dps companion, Bodyguard spec and a tank friend (preferable Powertech so you can dual Gault).


Heroic 4? lol just us PT and Merc Heal + 2 gault is enough.



i dissagree, arsenal with a PT friend, double mako is amazing when she is geared... now if only mako would kiss mako

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