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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Yes I am currently happy with the game. Looking at what's coming in 1.2 (and beyond) I'll be even happier.


I'd like to see a more fleshed out free roam 3D space game at some point, as long as it is done better than SWG's was, which was very boring (save the ship crafting) and I'm very interested in hearing more about this secret space project they have in the works.

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The game is beautiful but the community is devided due to standardized game design flaws.


Flashpoint/battle ground instances.

PVE/PVP gear system.

PVE/PVP worlds areas.

Symetric map planning.


Other Bad points:

No space combat.

No shipwright (though cybernetics provides equipement, the proffesion doesn't build ships).

No player cities or option to rent an appartment in excisting cities.

No broken items.

Limited economics.

Tiny restricted planets.

Restricted server entry.

(an interesting development would be free server entry, so you can enter every server freely with your character. It would be even better that a server is linked to a single huge planet. Simply hoping from planet to planet means you enter a different server.)

No racial features.

No industry.

No faction war (it is limited, or even non-existing, that all your fault)

No of road world pvp rewards. (just the hollow feeling of honor or misguided ******.)

No dark or light exclusive features.

No faction deserter features. (hey, I am all goody empire or evil republic. Why keep tied to that faction? There could be a path in between piracy/crime/smuggling/intelligence or desertion to the opposing faction.)

No adult content (gore, love, hate, etc in the movies occasionally a hand or head flew off. and what happened to those nice childeren when Darth Vader passed by, you think he gave them candy.) VERY IMPORTANT! I want to see blood, brains, burn wounds, intestines, just everything that spoils a normal childhood development on screen.

Lvl restriction. I want an equal change to hit a lvl 50 character/npc and visa versa. Stats may improve it, but in general remove lvl restrictions like accuracy/armor. In principle a lvl 1 should be able to wear lvl 50 gear but still needs to develop his skills.


Good point

Crafting up till lvl 49 then it will become a disappointment due to PVP/PVE gear system.

Quests and xp gain.

Balanced classes, no OP issues only people with horrible tactics (kind of feel sorry for them.)


Come on deverloper spice up the game. Don't let all effort gone to waste.


(Do not let the Easy side cloud your judgment.)

Edited by CptRancor
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They promised something new and original, only thing we got was talking quests which while fun does nothing to take away the fact that the rest of the game is lacking in any originality or real depth


TOR is great idea, badly done


And the description so far of the way the legacy system will be implimented the game is just getting worse. A cool idea that had so much potential is turned into nothing more than an excuse to force people play as much as possible


End game gets old fast

No real reason to do any hard mode, you can get fully geared ready for raiding from grinding dailies

No insentive to group

No instentive to do Flashpoints

Flashpoints only on station not on planets

PvP gear WAY too easy to get (again making HMs pointless)

Active companion quest only for 1 comanion, rest just talk.

Inability to chose which comapanions you want or to gett rid of any

Not enough companion (see needing chose) and all are class specific

Inability to chose companion role forcing to have to take specific companion

'Planets' smaller than a city

Planets have no mood, no atmosphere, no 'life'.

Game way too linear, forces you to have to follow path, way too restrictive.

ZERO story differences (fake chat choices, everyone always ends up at the exact same place doing the same thing. ie we were LIED to about choices affecting story)

Space missions: fun the first few times then never get done again.

TWO FACTION OPEN PVP DOES NOT WORK, EVER!! (you'd think people would learn from expreiences like WAR)

Legacy system is really badly implemented (also obvious that it's a biological family tree meaning we were LIED to when we were told it could be any kind of group of people forming up)

Tanks screwed over in crafting system. ZERO craftable tanking mods/enhancements.

Social armour is not social, it's modable so can be used as fighting gear BUT only for light armour users meaning medium and heavy users get a lot fewer choices in gear. (very easy fix, add medium and heavy versions with the same skin)

No originality in class skill system

Way too many abilities for each class

Unequal damage defence/mitigation

We were LIED to about tanks being viable in PvP (I'm meaning actual geared and speced tanks not tank classes geared and specced for DPS)

Respeccing cost just keeps increasing

Too much CC in PvP (idea: when hit with a CC get a buff which gives imunity to CCs thus stopping chain CCing)

Raiding too easy (after just 2 months people had the title from doing nightmare in 2 hours.) if you can do BOTH raids in one night so soon after release then something is seriosuly wrong


The best thing about games is having choices

Atm in TOR there is..

NO choice in questing areas

NO choice in companions

Limited choice in companion used

Edited by Valkanna
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3rd input from me on this thread. after 2 months ive to say im little bored... But i think il resub on april after 1.2

The game is interesting but i think it misses the special appeal who normally allow to be hooked for months..

What is missing? I never know exactly, there are little annoyin things like the diff to find ppl for group quests (on heavy server with 40 ppl on balmorra yesterday NOONE needed to complete for 2 hours "target of opportunity... at the end i had to solo it.)

Ill come back for sure but now i wanna take a break.


As last thing i would like to know why the color palette of this game (like the last BW game as DA) is soooo discolored??? Why?? Bioware started with BG that was so bright! Now it semmes like my red tshirt after a passage of my gf washmachine...

Edited by Fezzhan
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I think this has been a great game, leveling, lore, graphics, etc has been amazing. However once you hit 50 you are stuck with:

  • Endless loading screens, elevators, useless orbital stations, etc
  • A lackluster galactic market interface where it takes dozens of clicks to find anything (Why can't you just let people search for items by name???)
  • A broken professions system where anything except Bio is practically worthless. Who wants to make pants, implants, etc that are outdated by HMFP gear? Also the fact it takes an hour to make an item for a friend/guildie?? This really hampers trade in general.
  • Once again Endless Loading Screens, by far my biggest gripe has to do with the dozens of loading screens it takes to get anywhere
  • A lack of UI customization
  • Poor republic populations. On most planets there are barely a handful of people, and even on 'moderately' populous nights the republic fleet doesn't feel like swtor warrants the Massively Multi-player part of MMORPG.
  • PvP dominated by stun-locks and a perhaps broken resolve system? I can't begin to count the number of times I've been stunned and burned down with a full resolve bar.
  • Most of the years of development apparently went into the pre-50 stuff, class stories, lore, interactive quests, dialog, etc. Once you hit 50 almost all that disappears and you are stuck with everything I mentioned above

Myself and my guild feel much the same, and most of us have stopped playing entirely, or canceled, aside from a few last ditch efforts to run operations.


The sad thing is, I have a lot of guildies who have never even played WoW, and are convinced that TOR is a triple-A MMO. I keep trying to explain to them that, no, auction houses on other MMOs don't work this badly; no, you haven't been able to be stunlocked to death in an MMO I've played since the days of vanilla; no, I've never seen this many loadscreens in my life -- like, the sum total of all the loadscreens I have *ever* seen in all the games I have played tallied together don't equal what I have experienced in 2 months with TOR. But it's difficult to get the point across when their frame of reference is so skewed.


To address the overall thread, however, my answer is a resounding no and, what's more, I have unsubbed from TOR, and resubbed to WoW, a game I haven't played since March of '11. It's really a sad state of affairs to be honest -- I had a bad feeling about TOR after the first beta weekend, but went ahead and followed through on the CE because I wanted so desperately for the game to be a hit, something that my wife will likely never let me live down, given that I am cancelling after 60 days and dropped something on the order of $190 on this sucker. To put that in perspective, I got more playtime out of a shipwreck like Pirates of the Burning Sea than I did TOR for 1/4th the money paid out. That is a wretched return on my investment.


I love Star Wars -- even shabby Ep. I & II -- but I can't excuse the travesty that is this game. Every time I see a black core lightsaber, or (this would happen if I kept playing, although the mere thought of it induces the following reaction) spot a Sith Pureblood Jedi, my stomach goes into knots. What's worse than the lore issues, however, are the unbelievable and apparently unfixable gameplay fumbles that affect quality of life. From the bad UI, to the broken engine, to the lack of MMO conventions like damage meters or even combat logs, to the incredibly-long and inexcusably-frequent load screens, to the horrendous state of both PvP combat and the manner in which PvP gear is earned, TOR is fraying at the seams in a hundred different ways.


I knew within the first week or two that things were doomed for a number of specific reasons. The following three were telling:


  • The fact that NMs were on farm status in under 20 days. How the hell does that happen? This is supposedly the flagship content at 50, and it's facerollable even on the highest difficulty setting? Game over for the hardcore players (if they could get past the lack of a combat log in the first place, which was probably a sticking point for most).
  • The fact that, if you're a PvPer, the gear progression was (and still is, but to a lesser degree) a random crapshoot, with some players getting geared in a matter of days, and others taking months to reach the same mark, even if the same effort was expended. How the hell does a system like that even *make* it into an MMO these days? Or ever, for that matter?
  • The fact that the game was built primarily around a story that ends. Like it or not, MMOs are about the endgame, and the chief investment in this MMO was a story that... dries up at endgame? Oh, that's smart, smart design, Biofail.

This game is a house of cards built on top of a sandcastle, with the tide coming in, and a hurricane offshore, right before an 8.0 earthquake hits. It will be a miracle on par with the birth of Christ himself if this thing isn't F2P in 18 months. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if that changeover hits a long, long time before that.


So, yeah, as I said, I resubbed to WoW today. I didn't want to do it, and I'm not having the best time ever. But man oh man, after 7 years, Blizzard's game is still a more cutting-edge project than this stinker. What a shame.


I'll never buy another Bioware product again.

Edited by AJediKnight
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"So, yeah, as I said, I resubbed to WoW today. I didn't want to do it, and I'm not having the best time ever. But man oh man, after 7 years, Blizzard's game is still a more cutting-edge project than this stinker. What a shame."


Ditto. There is something I liked about SWTOR...it made me re-appreciate WoW.

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i love the cover system they have for smuggler and IA


i love the range tanking system they have


NO cross relm lfg system finally a game atm that dosent have it


Love the CTN SW style ( make WOW look like total crap)


This game with the story line is fantastic .. it can get old after 3-4 time out side story line but thats what space bar system was put in for.


Compaion affection system to futher create immersion is cool to


and best part is IT'S NOT WARCRAFT. you can say its a clone all you want but its not.


i am glad SWTOR got game of the year award and hopefull its get it for 2012.


P.S. LFR guilds dont matter and oyu can keep your Panda monk wont even think about wow till mist of pandear is at least over and next expansion is out

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i love the cover system they have for smuggler and IA


i love the range tanking system they have


NO cross relm lfg system finally a game atm that dosent have it


Love the CTN SW style ( make WOW look like total crap)


This game with the story line is fantastic .. it can get old after 3-4 time out side story line but thats what space bar system was put in for.


Compaion affection system to futher create immersion is cool to


and best part is IT'S NOT WARCRAFT. you can say its a clone all you want but its not.


i am glad SWTOR got game of the year award and hopefull its get it for 2012.


P.S. LFR guilds dont matter and oyu can keep your Panda monk wont even think about wow till mist of pandear is at least over and next expansion is out


This, ladies and gentlemen, is SWTOR. :rolleyes:

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I am really enjoying the leveling in this mmo more than any other i have played, which is many. I entered the game on day 1 of release and am now up to 37/38. This is the first MMO where i haven't felt like i've been grinding what-so-ever. I'm no longer a hardcore MMO'r but i do still have my moments and so far SWTOR has delivered on all accounts.


Bioware appears to be on point and i look forward to future patches/fixes and additions!

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bit of a difficult one to answer, but I'm going with:


No - but a positive no


I am enjoying the game. I like the story (IAS), I like the characters, I like most of the gameplay, but as this is still early days. I'm expecting a lot more in terms of content and development over the next 6 month to a year - so it's for that reason I'm going for a "No" - it's ok right now, bugs and all, but there is so much potential.

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Mostly 'NO' - alas. Nothing is happening. Perhaps I'm just impatient, and shouldn't compare this to Rift as far as post-launch development. And it's not just me! Au contraire, in fact: for the past couple of weeks, I'm the only player in my guild who has any longer bothered to even log on. And basically the only reason I'm doing it is to finish leveling up my characters until all 4 classes are at 50.


I did enjoy the game until my first character had hit 50 and finished up with the story line. The discussion interaction system unfortunately makes one always wish for more, so it's really a doomed attempt for an MMO. I loved some of the scripts, although overall this whole Star Wars thing leaves me cold compared to Dragon Age and Mass Effect.


In short, it's a reasonable game to play through once, and I'm not regretting buying it. I'll probably resub in the fall to see if there's been any interesting development.

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Yes .... and No


1. space battles need expanding, add / attach maybe also spacequests to defend/attack another ship that you can board or have to repel boarders and that you get money to sell it when you do (kinda like a pirate)

make it possible to adjust difficulty lvl and with it xp and rewards of the easy space quests as they get boring quickly


2. crafting : reduce the quality of PvP gear so that players have to buy or make gear. Now PvP gear is better than the ones crafted so it's killing dedicated crafters + let crafters also make orange items or add extra slots in prototype items


make a direct comparison possible between items from light/darkside vendor (non slotted) with the gear you are wearing (with slots). I don't want to spend alot of credits on an item to find after slotting that the gear i was wearing is still better....


3. heroic quests / flashpoints : i like these but often there are inbalanced : with lvl 22 i should be able to win from lvl 20 elite, with lvl 25 from lvl 24 elite..... as I am a HERO. If a am getting beat up 5-6 times in same quest by enemies below my lvl there's not much to admire.


they say it's for groups but nowadays it's hard to find a group as most are lvl 50 and then it's no challenge / no fun to let him wipe out everybody and you just picking up.....


Maybe add the option at the entrance or from the questgiver to hire/get backup ie. one extra NPC joining your group (like he appears with you inside and vanishes when you exit). That way it would be possible to solo take on these heroic quests rather than have to come back for them when 6-10lvl' later and no xp (and no fun)


also my BH mercenary dps spec has inbalance issues at certain lvl's : sometimes he is strong (hutta), then weak (nar shaddaa), then ok (tattooine). Since I have choses double blaster and dps + he should be a hero i expect him to mow enemies of his same lvl down with ease but that's not always happening.... in fact he even gets beaten against some mobs of 3-4 with same lvl elite and 3 strong


4. datacrons : add a marker ingame to follow to get to it. It's so confusing and frustrating to wander for hours and check coordinates all the time to find out you are on the wrong mountain and still can't find / see the datacron.


I will continue to play for now as I still like the storyline/class quests though frequence has dropped from 2-4 times a week to now only 1-2 times a week. I might want to delete some char and start over with a new one till end of act 1 just to get some new good story to follow.

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i vote NO because:

- no macros;

- no mouseover;

- no combat log;

- no threatmeter;

- low fps with good hw;

- too many bugs (in solo, raid, pvp... everywhere);



I wait the next patch... i hope in changes. In the case i'll freeze my acc.


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Yes. I do like SWTOR currently. It is something that I find easier to approach in a casual state than a lot of other MMOs I have played. I enjoy the story telling and find myself making conversation choices based on the personality I think my character has. I greatly enjoy pvp, and I think the raids have very diverse encounters.


I also really like that the developers are watching the community and reacting to what we are asking for. I like the potential of the developments for the future. There are key things missing, but based on the Guild Summit, most of these issues will be addressed in 1.2 and beyond.

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I'm still leveling up my 1st character who is level 45 now, and I have 1 other who is level 23.


I'm not a pvp'er so however that works has no bearing on my feelings.


I really like the companions, and the quest storylines AND that I can interact w/ the storylines (via the response choices).


I like that the GTN returns my deposit on items that don't sell so that I don't only have to list items that should sell right away, I can adjust the price and put the unsold items back on the GTN only paying a commission on sold items.


I didn't think it would matter to me, but it turns out that I really like the customizable gear so that I can keep a "look" for my character.


Crafting needs work. I like the idea of reverse engineering to learn better versions of an item that is reverse engineered, but I don't like that it is a mystery as to whether there is a better version to be learned (I think that if you don't know how to create an item that you can reverse engineer, that reverse engineering should have a chance to teach you how to make that item). Also the more of a particular item that you reverse engineer, the more likely it should get that you do learn the better schematic.


I like social points and just having the whole group in the mission conversation where everyone has a chance to determine the direction of the conversation.


I've been enjoying space missions as well, although the objective screen goes by a little fast and I'm still having trouble identifying some of the targets that I need to complete bonus missions.


There are definitely areas that need a lot of love. I'm looking forward to guild banks.


My level 45 bounty hunter has already used all of the action bar slots, and I still have new actions to learn. This is a problem. (This is because I don't like displaying the left actionbar, instead I have it (bar3) configured for when I am the healer in a group. However when I am solo questing, I use a different configuration (bar1). This means that I have several actions on both of those bars.


I would really like macros, so that I could for example use both relics with one keypress. And I'd like to be able to bind a macro and/or an action to a key w/o having to put it in an actionbar slot.


Anyway, overall I've been really enjoying SWTOR so far and I'm hoping the devs keep improving it.

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The reason are too numerous to list. In short, the end-game pvp in this game has been a fiasco. I think even if it had been just so-so many players would have stuck with it and given BW time but it's just been so bad that a lot of great pvpers have left the game (on my server anyway).


Oh yeah and resolve IS TERRIBLE.

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Not sure if i have voted as of yet so if I have and my answer was yes...please change it to No. The game engine was poorly implemented. Features they are adding in 1.2 should have be in during launch (even if that put back the golive date), server instability, bugs, low populations, low replay value. Not worth the 60$ and the 15$ a month fee. I've told all my friends to not play this game till they fix many of the current issues. Most of my old guild has unsubbed and no longer plays this game (we play LoL instead). The concept behind this game is great; However, the game engine problems makes it near impossible to play in its current state. Over 30 subs may not be that important to BW, but thats 30 subs someone else is getting because of your lackluster product.
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