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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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This takes the cake as the most insane thing I have seen on ANY mmo forum since I started playing UO on release day. The pre-t2a UO was the best MMO of all time and nothing will ever top it because it wasn't burdened by having to have 10million subscribers so it didn't cater to the lowest common denominator (then it got bought by... guess who?).


WoW and SW:ToR have absolutely nothing in common with the original UO. Did you even play the game or did you just post it because you see old-schoolers speaking about how bad *** the original UO was? Or was the statement supposed to be sarcastic?



I never said in my post that any of those games where similar. I was compering amount of fun i have while playing them. The rush of joy i feel before i sit down to play. That feeling i only gotten from early uo, early wow and now swtor. I dont see them as similar at all.

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because I am so bored now. PVP is boring after while, after the 3rd alt you are not in the mood to play another one and the endgame is so easy that i have seen everything. Also nightmare is not realy nightmare and i see no sense in playing nightmare again, because there is no benefit. I am playing republic and the imperial / republic ratio is still so bad. I still see no action from BW here, waiting till everything fine is not a good tactic in my point of view. Also it feels that there are only a hand full of people nowadays on my server.


I like the game, but the current state is just bad.

Edited by Alyann
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I never said in my post that any of those games where similar. I was compering amount of fun i have while playing them. The rush of joy i feel before i sit down to play. That feeling i only gotten from early uo, early wow and now swtor. I dont see them as similar at all.


I apologize then. My impression was that your rush of enjoyment came from the similarity between the games simply because they were so drastically different. Though I do have to question how you could find the same rush of enjoyment from the original UO and ToR/WoW! A big part of it for me came from the fact you could actually lose something in UO.


I would love to see a modern version of the original UO but I just don't think that will ever happen.


On a side note: your showing your age by even bringing up the original UO! ;)

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No. The only way I'll resub short term is if the legacy system gives a fat (At least 20%) expereience boost to leveling alts and they fix the crafting system so all the profs are good at level cap. The vast bulk of this game is trash quests and I cannot stand doing them again. 20% exp should make pvp, flashpoints, space missions and class stories a viable option for leveling while avoiding the trash.


For the longterm, I need a proper 3d space game with ships to collect from fighter to space yacht, interior and exterior customization, space pvp and raids (Think guild vs guild cap ship battles.) and a pirate controlled area with all sorts of trouble to get into.


Would love to have housing, pazaak and other games, swoop racing and the ability to gamble on them as well.

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1. all items should b BoE to help all those that dont have time to enjoy the game in its full.


2. we should have the opportunity to chat with opposite faction, its not a another faction, its another human being, and of course ITS ONLY A GAME. (millions of reasons why some ppl cant use TS or Vent.)



people that dont want cross faction chat are.... simply inhumans

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No damage meters (useless)

No way to find groups (personal problem, not global)

No achievements (quest log, code entries, see them, all are there)

No arenas (dont know, dont do pvp)

No races other than humans with different color skin (dont like it too, but its small price)

No addons (the game just started, and most of add ons dont help)



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Things I would like,

1, Do away with the gear in PvP so it becomes skill based

2, Ilum is lacking and needs to be redone

3, Planets are dead

4, Make the planets a social hub and not the fleet

5, Player housing would be great

6, Make space open and let me be able to make my ships

7, operations for the lower lvl's

8, Give max lvl's something to do.

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YES, because:

Fun story and pretty decent gameplay. I like the combat system and companion system


NO, because:


- Dev team becoming just like SWG already... Got an issue? Swing a glowbat? Yes? We'll nerf the nasty little inferior classes right away for you, sir. Got an issue? Swing a glowbat? No? Shut up, we're busy nerfing you, stop annoying our target audience.

- LOLno Customer Service. It takes what... month to get a ticket answered? 90% answers are ticket closed without comment, the other 10% are "we're sorry for your inconvenience, suck it up and stop bothering us" or "yeah, we're planning to fix that in update 32.9, please be patient.


- Waaaayyyyy too much client side resourse usage/pc overheat



Seriously, the yes isn't enough to outweigh the no, this game isn't going to last long, people are already losing patience.

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1) 0-5fps on ilum on 1 year old computer;


2) "win 3 warzones" quest take up to 5 hours to finish;


3) daily PvE quests aren't fun;


4) due to ability to run ops in group of 8 our 25-persons-online guild vanished;

4.1) server population dropped dramatically;


5) huttball is too complicated to win - and it's default warzone;


6) character stuck like every other hour;


7) no economy, no craft, no sandbox;


8) for a mediocre game - updates are way too slow;


9) updates not properly tested and exploits/bugs takes forever to fix (and it seems none of BW team play the game - otherwise they could react much faster)


and so on. Subscription expires in 2 weeks and not going to resubscribe until free server transfers will be available - somehow I'm sure my server will be completely empty in a couple of months and there will be nothing to do alone.


P.S. Bioware devastated their reputation with this game. I'll never buy any EA/Bioware/Gabe Amatangelo/"Warhammer team" related MMO again.

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Both Yes and No to be honest


I don't hate SWTOR in its current state but I do believe there can be improvements - without continued updates I wouldn't continue to play. I doubt many would.

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At its current state: A clear NO!


Reasons why:


- a huge mass of bugs and glitches

- hardly any improvements compared to OLDER MMO's

- the worst Chat system ever (ffs i have to add to FList to see lvl and class ***)

- no Guildvault (dear lord this is aint a singleplayer game)

- Infight bugs (especially with stealth)

- Companion infight behaviour (really bad *_*)

- Geardriven PVP...who needs skill if you have a Full PVP set on a Trooper

- 3 warzones (rnd queue ***??)

- No reason to do any professions (except biochem)

- hardly any UI improvements

- FPS Issues

- Soundbugs (seriously?????)

- no combat log (imo one of the worst mistakes made)

- no addons to play with

- no reason to start another Class

- no dualspecc system



i could go on and on. But i must say the first few weeks have been ok but that is just until the hype for the game was gone and I started realizing that they released WAY to early.

There is no depth in this game that keeps you going on.


For now the only reason why i didn't unsub is because i'm playing with friends living in other countries and i enjoy playing with them....BUT there are a lot of other games to do so. So in this case SWToR has to give me a reason to do this here....at this state they are failing hard.


I'm not the kind of guy who is going to start yelling: FWAAACKK AMA GONNA UNSUBB!!!!


I'm going to give BW time for another 2-3 patches to see what the improvement is and will decide then if its worth spending money on game that could have been deved to be a F2P.

If it would be an F2P i would not say a word....but as it is now i spent money on an unfinished, untested game which seems to be in ALPHA stage. So IMO I'm paying to do the dirty work for BW instead of getting paid for it.


And to add....if this continues....BW will be completely dead for me and i wont spend a cent for any of their games in the future. EA (the devils reincarnation) is already dead for me...so pls BW don't give me a reason to think likewise of you.





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Seems to me most people find leveling fun but aren't fond of the subpar V.O side quests.


Then when you start doing other things like, grouping, PvP, end PvE, crafting, customizing your character and so on the game fails to deliver.

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I started playing less than two weeks ago, so I haven't experienced the endgame yet. So far I've mostly liked the game, although I do have some concerns based on both my own experiences and what I've read on the forums.


What I like:

- Detailed storyline

- Dialogue with meaningful choices

- Crafting system which combines both active and passive elements



- Current crafting recipes have little use in the endgame, but hopefully 1.2 will balance that

- Getting certain crafting materials is difficult (especially purple underworld metals)

- Finding groups for heroics has become more difficult as I've progressed through the levels

- I've yet to find repeatable solo content aside from space missions; for now I have the storyline to keep me busy, so this isn't critical yet

- Doing all the side quests puts me significantly ahead of the level range of each new planet I visit


In short: Do I like the game as it is now? Yes, I'm enjoying the storyline and progression. Do I want it to stay this way forever? No, if nothing ever changes I'll get bored.

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