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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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I think the question is should be a little clearer like:


Do you like SWTOR in it's current PvP/Endgame state?

Most answers would be NO.


Do you like SWTOR in it's current story/leveling state?

Most answers would be YES.


I believe the game has room to improve being that it's only a few months old and it's the nature of most new MMOs to improve over time. In this day in age of MMOs we as MMO players have grown to expect more due to the fact that most of us have been playing polish and establish MMOs for some time.


It doesn't matter how much money and time was spent in development or how long it's been beta tested there will always be things BW won't get right, the real question is what will they do to fix these problems over the next 2-3 months.

Edited by Blazenor
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For the stories and the general SW experience. I love my IA! I even like the artwork (for the most part at least).


BUT (and this might be an "unusual" point ov view here, coming from a non-MMO-player)

For a casual player such as me, who is playing for the story element there's too much MMO-


I'm one of those who wanted a KOTOR III in the first place and unfortunately in SWTOR the

limitations of an MMO clearly show more often than not: Questing is not very variable

(where are the puzzles?) and the respawning sucks (I feel at home the most in my own

story instances). Clearly the gameplay is focused on MMO-combat: Flashpoints, operations

and most heroics are a succession of grinding fights against "champions" and "elites",

unaccomplishable by single playing persons.

I want an epic story and NOT fight the same dude 10 times or for 30 minutes.

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Yes i like the game in some ways, but i am goin to say.


NO will not resub. I hate saying that but No i wont re sub. :(


If LFG tool gets put into play, and the GTN gets fixed plus all the other general issues that most of us have with the game gets fixed i will come back to resub. But for now I will play the remaining time i have off and on, but lately i havnt been playin as much. Sitting around the freakin Station trying to get a group going DRAINS the fun out of the game.


I really wanted this game to work. Out of 20 people at my work i am the only one still playing off and on.

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-Maps are too large.Population is too small. Grind through mobs for bonus missions gets old.Sprinting from lvl 1, why not? Why 13?

-Act 1 story is great.Act 2 & Act 3 story gets weaker and weaker for lvl 50 trooper. I haven't made it out of prologe/Act 1 w/ all the other classes.

-LFG is next to impossible.Social points are a joke.

-Side missions/space missions too repetative.

-Crafting is broken.RE upgrades are broken compared to Dec/Jan.Recieving specific "rare" items in fetch missions is broken compared to Dec/Jan.Major time/materials consumption. I would spend more time fetching mats than progressing.

-Killing off alts because I get tired of looking at them.Re-rolling missions on the same 4 start planets again and again.

-Endgame looks like a grind fest w/ OPs which I will pass on since FP/OP groups are impossible to find.

-Agree w/ lack of weather change or day/night. Pretty scenery.Big scenery. GTA/Rockstar has been able to do it, why not SWTOR/BW?

-Customization is extremely weak.Agree w/ whoever said "special companions" then arrive at fleet and see duplicates everywhere.HUGE let down the 1st time I arrived.Like Santa Claus/Easter Bunny let down.

-Sound cuts in and out for music/speeders at random times when traveling.

-Traveling.Ugh.Fleet to ship to station to planet from docking bay TO world.Too much.Let us use our mounts if we have to "run" around that much. Fast travel needs to CD faster.

Edited by CaliJoe
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Nope. I've canceled my account because I finished leveling (which was awesome) and I've hit endgame (which is a complete disaster):


No damage meters

No way to find groups

No achievements

No arenas

No races other than humans with different color skin

No addons


Ultimately, SWTOR did some great new things that WoW failed at (like interesting leveling, non-healing specs of healing classes are still viable in PVP, crewmember NPCs, etc), but Bioware really failed hard at copying the good ideas. It still amazes me to no end that an MMORPG launched in 2012 without a combat log or damage meters. Absolutely unacceptable, and probably the main reason I've canceled my subscription

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No, sadly. Uninspired play, way too hard to find groups (to the point where it's not worth bothering), lack of basic tools that should be a given in a modern MMO, painfully bad UI, and, worst of all, a faction imbalance that's so bad that if I want to do anything at all I have to re-roll.


I hope they can pull it out, there's a good game in there somewhere, but as it stands I've never been as disappointed in a game as I am in ToR.

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Sadly, wanted to like it, actually did (mostly) like leveling my first toon.


The issues with the game are so deep and pervasive, in so many different areas, no amount of ad hoc patching is going to fix it...at this late date, they're not, for example, going to replace their freeware game engine with one that actually works as advertised. Hopeless, and patch 1.2 is most probably going to be on par with putting a bandaid on a gaping, sucking chest wound.


End of day, it's an extremely unfinished and unpolished beta of a single-player FPS that has some limited co-op play elements...not an MMORPG. In 6-12 months...it might be worth re-visiting, but by then it's going to be hopelessly dated, if it survives. Which it might. It's Star Wars, and it's not more <bleeping> elves, dwarves, and trolls.


"there's a good game in there somewhere"


What he said. Seriously, I don't think ANYONE on the SWTOR team actually games.

Edited by Smitar
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In that case...



I would like a response from a BW representative. Is there *any* plans to optimize SWTOR for better FPS performance - Particularly, in WZs? Better assets handling?




Processor : AMD Athlon II X4 @ 3200MHz

Physical Memory : 8192MB (2 x 4096 DDR3-SDRAM )

Video Card : Radeon HD 6870

Operating System : Windows 7 (64-bit)

Connection: Fiber

Average Latency: 50ms



SWTOR (HEROengine)

All Settings: High



SWTOR World (55- 65 FPS):









SWTOR PvP (15 - 18 FPS):










SWTOR (Opening closing bags - 2 FPS):








DC Universe Online (Unreal Engine 3)

All Settings: High


DCUO World (75 - 90 FPS):







DC Combat (FPS 70 - 80 FPS):









DCUO (Opening closing inventory - 85 - 90 FPS):







Diablo III Beta

All Settings: High


D3 Mini-Boss (78 FPS)




D3 (Opening closing inventory while DPSing - 88 FPS)









WoW (v4.x Proprietary Engine)


Settings: Ultra


50 fps +






Opening and closing bags...










I have an i5 and one ati sapphire HD4830 video card. With shadows off and everything else turned up to the max I have no issues at all, anywhere anytime. Thats right. A 4830... I turn shadows on, then fps becomes a concern.

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Undecided really, Only reason is I am in a small guild of friends I have not ran 8 man or 16 man OPS so really I cant speak to the whole game. Now, are there some issues? Of course there is... just like any game there will be issues.


Do I think 1.2 will make things better. Yes it is fixing some of the small issues I have with the game. I just hope it is received well and gives people hope that the game is not taking steps backwards but is actually taking steps forward to improve the game for EVERYONE!


I read a lot of hate on the forums. Some of which is really dumb and some of it is valid. I have trolled a couple of posts talking about all the QQ but really I understand it. I just think that people tend to blow things out of proportion but hey in the end they pay their 15 a month just like I do and should be able to say and do what they want. I mean no disrespect to those that PvP but I hope that Bioware doesn't JUST listen to them when they balance classes. That's where the issue in most games come from I think.


Anyway, have fun in game or not. :)


Edit: To Poster above me. LOL, funny you should say that I have the same card and do the same thing I have 60fps no matter where I am at.

Edited by Newsinz
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Highly enjoyable, great balance in pvp, great stories for classes, best levelling in an mmo by a long shot- many ways to level with pvp, questing, FPs and even space minigame all offerring good xp.


Dailies, operations at launch, rated pvp coming soon.


Only bad part is Ilum- but, considering how bad world pvp is everywhere else- that's simply meeting the norm.

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The biggest prob SWTOR has is that people compare it to an 8 year old MMO. How many mistakes did blizzard make? Give them a chance MMO's take time. Oh and by the way, All of you complaining... You are paying Bio-ware and making them rich. Who's the real idiot here?
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Reasons why(in no particular order):


-bad performance on my pretty good machine

-lack of replayability

-bad gearing system (both pvp and pve)

-boring endgame content

-many many aspects of this game are too easy

-lack of many standard MMO features

-horrific customer service

-very slow progress on bug fixes

-dated graphics (due to high rez graphics not being implemented anytime soon)

-tbh it feels like I'm still beta testing sometimes


Don't get me wrong, its not that bad of a game, but it does not feel like a game I should be paying a monthly fee for, not yet at least. I'm holding out hope that it will get better but my patience is thinning. If its not gotten significantly better by the time GW2 comes out then I'm sad to say I won't be coming back.

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-Maps are too large.Population is too small. Grind through mobs for bonus missions gets old.Sprinting from lvl 1, why not? Why 13?

-Act 1 story is great.Act 2 & Act 3 story gets weaker and weaker for lvl 50 trooper. I haven't made it out of prologe/Act 1 w/ all the other classes.

-LFG is next to impossible.Social points are a joke.

-Side missions/space missions too repetative.

-Crafting is broken.RE upgrades are broken compared to Dec/Jan.Recieving specific "rare" items in fetch missions is broken compared to Dec/Jan.Major time/materials consumption. I would spend more time fetching mats than progressing.

-Killing off alts because I get tired of looking at them.Re-rolling missions on the same 4 start planets again and again.

-Endgame looks like a grind fest w/ OPs which I will pass on since FP/OP groups are impossible to find.

-Agree w/ lack of weather change or day/night. Pretty scenery.Big scenery. GTA/Rockstar has been able to do it, why not SWTOR/BW?

-Customization is extremely weak.Agree w/ whoever said "special companions" then arrive at fleet and see duplicates everywhere.HUGE let down the 1st time I arrived.Like Santa Claus/Easter Bunny let down.

-Sound cuts in and out for music/speeders at random times when traveling.

-Traveling.Ugh.Fleet to ship to station to planet from docking bay TO world.Too much.Let us use our mounts if we have to "run" around that much. Fast travel needs to CD faster.


I read this statement over and over, scratched my head a couple times... Then I came to the conclusion: da hell? Last time I checked large worlds were a GOOD thing. No idea who wants a small world. I personally LOVE LOVE LOVE the huge areas. Do you know how many times I have litterily stopped to look at a ancient Sith statue, or a beautiful scenery of Hoth, Tatooine, Balmorra, Alderaan and many others? Sillwy wittle wabbit.

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My first mmo that i truly enjoyed, mind you i haven't played wow. The not so grindy leveling coupled with pvping whenever i want as soon as lvl 10 made me fall in love with it. It has it quirks as stated by other users but i guess improvement is on it's way.

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I have not had this much fun since Ultima Online first 3 months 10 years ago, wow came close to it but swtor menaged to match it. Sure it has flaws but far less than any other mmo i played at launch and i played many. Wow has droped 2 million subs latley, wonder why?
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NO000000! I'm absolutely positive I will not be playing this game long term.


I think it's worth mentioning that this game is really 2 games in 1. There is the leveling 1 to 50 phase and the post 50 phase. Everything is really quite different in both of those and you almost need a seperate poll for each. I mention this because ALOT of the people I see saying 'Yes' seem to be sub 50 which is not suprising because the leveling experience isn't too bad and I may have said yes had you asked during my leveling experience. It's at the post 50 that reality sets in.


Anyway here are my reason in order of importance.


#1 - PvP design is an abomination.

-Way too much CC, Stuns, ect. I don't care the reasoning it's just NOT FUN.

-The BM RNG grinding(I know it's being changed but that's only because of a massive outcry)

-FPS in WZ's and Illum brings my GTX590($700 video card!!!) to it's knees.

-World PvP in Illum is the world PvP we were told we would be 'blown away' by? Hardly

-No World PvP on a PvP server(outside of Illum). What's even the point of PvP servers?

-No point to world PvP or PvP at all. Rankings? Nope. Server vrs Server? Nope. Tourneys Nope. Yes, yes, I know it's coming but this game is released in 2012 not 2000 those should have been in launch.


#2 - Dead, Lifeless, Boring, Stagnant, Monotone, Uninspired Worlds.

-As a creator of this game how you, in good conscience, look at the world as seen HERE and tell us you put any effort into creating these worlds?

-So heavily instanced that you hardly see another soul while leveling reinforcing the lifeless husk of a world.


#3 Overall World design

-There is no reason to ever go back to planets once you reach 50. All you do is sit in Illum collecting valor and go to your faction hub to turn in the quest, that's about it.


#4 PvE. Haven't done any heavy PvE but I mean couldn't you at least put something in where the top guilds could be challenged. Wow had Nef, Rift has Akylos, what legendary boss does Swtor have?


#5 Loading Screens and loading times.

-Why is it that Skyrim and load an entire huge area with 10x the detail of a Swtor planet in 1/10 the time? Mind you even going to a planet where there wasn't a soul around would be painfully slow on my raptor HD.

-Honestly do we really need to go from our ship to orbital station to planet. How bout from ship to planet, it's silly running through an empty corridor that means nothing just to get to the planet.


#6 Space Combat.

-Should have just used those resources to flesh out a better end game or pvp system. I only used space combat when leveling. I know, I know, things are 'in the works', as well they should be for collecting millions of $ a month however in it's current form it's pretty much pointless and once you reach 50 you never do a space mission again.


#7 Overall Game design

-It seems as though everything in this game was designed to appeal to the person that first picks up the game such as leveling, voice acting, story and space missions however barely a nueron of though was put into what a person will do once they reach 50. I understand the basic premiss...you hook em in in the beginning then by the time they are 50 they've invested so much time they will want to keep playing. You'll add stuff later, the main things is to put 99% of all resources into the initial experience.


#8 Choice of Hero Engine. Nuff said.


#9 Lack of Server Forums. Seriously $200,000,000 and you couldn't even give each server it's own forum to build a community? At least with that there might be some semblance of community on your server.


#10 Bugs.

-WZ not giving credit for wins that went on what seems like forever.

-Bugged PvE encounts.

-Tons of other bugs not going to spend time going over them since others have already.


#11 The Interface.

-Really, no movable windows? Hero Engine FTW again!.


I'd say it's safe to say that the only reason 99% of the players paying for this game are still paying for this game is because it is (supposed) to set in the Star Wars "universe." The fact that it is called "Star Wars" is the only reason I'm paying a monthly fee - but that effect won't last much past a better game and from what I read, I'll completely lose interest after 2 weeks at 50 because I'm not going through the same BS with an alt. I don't like "grinding." As an MMO the game sucks. Sorry. I had huge huge huge hopes for this game - I dropped $900+ on a custom built computer in anticipation for this game mainly (even though it was time for an upgrade if I wanted to play any of the new MMOs coming out). I still play because most of the F2P games out there suck and at least I have a few friends still playing this game (most quit pretty quick just to go back to MW3 or wait on some of the newer mmo's). I am about at 50 with my vanguard and I don't think I'll be playing post Diablo 3/GW2 releases; plus, there are a couple MMOs on the horizon I'll be keeping an eye out for.


The bad thing is I wasn't someone who closely followed the game pre-release, I learned a long time ago not to get my hopes up but I'd absolutely LOVE to know where the half a billion they spent on development went? I'm not a game developer (I have a finance degree though) and it has been my understanding that most game development resources (time/money) go into a graphics engine? From what I've been able to gather on the internet the Hero engine is antiquated at best and I'm sure it didn't take much to license it and adapt it considering the insane amount of money apparently blew on the development.


I can tell you there are going to be some capital budgeting guys in EA's finance department that aren't happy with the IRRs and other measures of financial return (or success) they start seeing with from what I can tell is an already dropping subscriber base - not considering initial investment and what I'm assuming are still pretty high current cash outflows.


This is opinion - please save your hate.

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I have not had this much fun since Ultima Online first 3 months 10 years ago, wow came close to it but swtor menaged to match it. Sure it has flaws but far less than any other mmo i played at launch and i played many. Wow has droped 2 million subs latley, wonder why?


This takes the cake as the most insane thing I have seen on ANY mmo forum since I started playing UO on release day. The pre-t2a UO was the best MMO of all time and nothing will ever top it because it wasn't burdened by having to have 10million subscribers so it didn't cater to the lowest common denominator (then it got bought by... guess who?).


WoW and SW:ToR have absolutely nothing in common with the original UO. Did you even play the game or did you just post it because you see old-schoolers speaking about how bad *** the original UO was? Or was the statement supposed to be sarcastic?


On what grounds can you possibly be making this comparison? Oh, you must mean the fact that UO didn't have races or classes and WoW/ToR both have races/classes and so that makes them similar? Or the fact that UO was completely skill based (I.E., if you want to raise lumberjacking you go beat on trees and the skill goes up) and that is the complete opposite of WoW/ToR?


Or the fact that the economy of UO was completely player driven and that is the complete opposite of WoW/ToR?


Or that pvp was truly open EVERYWHERE in UO and that it had real consequences, I.E., if you died you lost every piece of equipment you had on you and were holding as the other player picked through your corpse?


I could make the list of how WoW/ToR were literally the EXACT opposite of the original UO in literally every single facet of the game go on for pages and pages. Surely, you must of meant that WoW/ToR were similar to UO due to the fact that WoW/ToR share in common absolutely nothing with UO?


In all the years I've spent looking for a game that was 1/1000000th the game the orignal UO was this post just absolutely blew my mind in a way I have yet to be blown on away reading the endless game comparisons on any games forum.


Unfortunately for those of us that were lucky enough to experience the original (pre-t2a) Ultima Online most of us realize there will NEVER be a game like it because it wasn't a game for the whiners and babies that took over the MMO scene but - being a finance major - I understand why the major releases want the lowest common denominator: money.

Edited by hurriedcorgi
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Well, I do like it in its current state, even if I'm on a sabbatical to trying to finish Skyrim. However, it can do with a number of improvements like adding UI customization (which they will be doing apparently in 1.2) and improving crafting with more/better schematics that can make us competitive with vendors (which it seems they're also working on), etc. I imagine people have most of this stuff down already. I do love the storylines and my companions - would actually like to see more such content and flashpoints like Kaon (very atmospheric and fun). My main is a Jedi Sentinel, and on the whole, I quite enjoy it (some sort of Force Pull or Push would be nice, though).
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No i do not like SWTOR in its current state. This Game had so many other MMO's to go by and see what worked and what did not.

It missed simple tools that require an MMO to thrive and at the moment it lacks server population balancing.


This game does not vary enough from other MMO's such as WOW, Rift, Warhammer, Aion. They are all the same in the traditional sense of an MMO.


Its inability to be unique and stand out has and is pushing me and many of my friends away. Guild Wars 2 is taking a walk in the Unique, dynamic and new places. SWTOR needs more variety and more content.


Level 50 seems somewhat pointless in this game due to lack of content. PVP becomes the same old grind. BIoware need to think of new ways to mix it up.


Piece. THis game brought me loads of joy, but it did not last long enough. I shall be back in a few months to check it out. ENjoy friends. THis game has potential.

Edited by Alphabawss
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Needs more stuff to do at 50, the 1-49 game is (provided you like stories) very strong.


More world events, more reasons to go back to previous planets than just dailies, reasons to help out lower levelled players, new ways to earn social points.


What's in the game so far is good, needs to be fleshed-out & given variety & more content.


Guild-ships I know are on the table, space PvP, guildship vs guildship space PvP. more "sports" besides Huttball, which is good but it gets boring ran over & over ad nauseum.


More "fluff" etc etc.


Oh and a tuning pass on itemisation, so much "real estate" is given to extremely situation stats & the continuity between tiers is bloody awful, I must have swapped out almost all my mods & enhancements to something that provides real benefit to my class & want to swap more, the present system pretty much requires players to farm a certain item from their class-set to get the modifications that work the best, only to see the bosses carrying them get nerfed itemisation, a clumsy solution of dealing with the symptoms & not the illness.


Only so much Alacrity & Accuracy are useful - namely when you've hit the crit & surge diminishing returns as a heal/dps already do you gain any real benefit from these, similarly with Power, for example as a BH Healer Alacrity is on so much of my tiered gear it's frustrating & annoying, the extra speed just means I burn out in heat exhaustion so much faster with pretty weak heals, the mechanic is directly opposed to fast-spamming as heat build-up cripples the BH, all that alacrity is counter-intuitive, bigger heals are better with endgame geared players with the bigger mob-damage, throwing more heals per second at much lower values ends up being doubly punishing with the heat mechanic. if a "spammy healer" was desired then Alacrity would also need to lower heat costs to compensate for the lower heal values caused by sacrificing other stats.


Similarly Accuracy is no good unless you are hitting tanks yet it's all over dps gear & is pretty much way overkill, it's relative benefit is extremely low.

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