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FPS Issues - It's time for Answers Bioware


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It's about time for answers. We've heard enough lies. Tell us what exactly your engine does that's causing so much fps issues for many paying customers. Tell us what exactly you can do to adress these issues and give us some ETAs! your even dodging our questions in Q&A. Stop it!


Most of us can play any other, more taxing, game at max settings and at high resolutions. But not SW:TOR.

Many people are suffering from unbearable performance in essential parts of your game: Warzones, Ilum, Ops, some even EVERYWHERE, on planets, in flashpoints. We're talking not about smooth 30FPS friends. More like 5-20 FPS and heavy stuttering due to assets being loaded from HDD constantly. your engine is handling resources VERY BAD.



"I think I know what's causing poor FPS for some users (no fix yet)"

some theories made by players about how the engine isn't properly using system resources



"Horrid FPS"

The 12th iteration of this thread, a total of 12000+ posts:



They kept ignoring our complaints. In the "Horrid FPS" thread Joveth Gonzalez, Community Manager, then promised us a "blog post" regarding this issue.


He released it:




In the beginning this thread was made sticky by Joveth Gonzalez. But after nearly 90 pages of well-deserved negative comments they removed it from being sticky to let it fall under the rug.


Again Bioware is completely ignoring our complaints.


Please stop insulting the intelligence of your customers!


Rather than admitting to a problem with your engine, you provide us with a "guide" telling us that our systems are bottlenecked and just define things that any casual computer user already knows.We should not have to tweak, overclock, or completely

buy new hardware just to play your game when your game is the only one that is causing issues. stop blaming your customers!







Edited by Rikeryo
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Seriously, I want BW to address this nonsense.


Anyone who says they have "no problems".... I want you to do the following...


Please enable your FPS display (CTRL SHIFT F).... post your specs... and take several SSs mid-combat in WZs... link them.

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Processor : AMD Athlon II X4 @ 3200MHz

Physical Memory : 8192MB (2 x 4096 DDR3-SDRAM )

Video Card : Radeon HD 6870

Operating System : Windows 7 (64-bit)

Connection: Fiber

Average Latency: 50ms



SWTOR (HEROengine)

All Settings: High



SWTOR World (55- 65 FPS):









SWTOR PvP (15 - 18 FPS):










SWTOR (Opening closing bags - 2 FPS):








DC Universe Online (Unreal Engine 3)

All Settings: High


DCUO World (75 - 90 FPS):







DC Combat (FPS 70 - 80 FPS):









DCUO (Opening closing inventory - 85 - 90 FPS):







Diablo III Beta

All Settings: High


D3 Mini-Boss (78 FPS)




D3 (Opening closing inventory while DPSing - 88 FPS)









WoW (v4.x Proprietary Engine)


Settings: Ultra






Opening and closing bags...








Edited by Sizzurps
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Eh well bioware will keep dodging why? they know they goofed when they picked HEROEngine, at start they didnt understand how bad it was but halfway through the closed beta they should have seen whats up, and now it's too late to rewrite their codes completely so they give us cruddy guides that does... nothing players are left to explore ridiculous work arounds such as RAMDrives and what not.


It's still mind boggling that they didnt opt to build their own damn game engine or use another more reliable engine such as Unreal/Crytech etc.


inb4: Biodrones attack en-masse

Edited by tkshinoda
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Wow, some people think they're more important than they really are.


Bioware doesn't owe you anything. When you stop thinking that the forums are the places to toss threats around then maybe you'll learn how to properly report things.


And another thing. TLDR.


Someone is mad. EA loves customers like you. All i am saying

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Well Got on server(bloodworthy) 3am, Fleet has 33 peeps on, So was smooth, 111

Then went Too Ilum 3 peeps ,111 Smooth, Looking for create's while waiting for que.zzzzzzz

30 mins later first game Void star, Smooth ish 111 fps 2 50 fps.


Back to ilum 80 fps now


Another Voidstar. Not smooth now, 111fps too 30 fps. enjoy the match tho.

End of match Loading screen, got funny looking loading screen,(sli) me thinks, then Black screen crash, (HARD RESET).


Reformatted, 5 times since game came out, tried all nividia driver's (beta) ect. Direct x all update's blah blah.


And Same result's. I Do like PVP, But The game is so dam buggy, I dont wont to leave, but left with no choice.

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maybe your computer sucks? I mean you might not be very computer savy and not know what causes fast gameplay to happen.


Here is some help if you don't understand how to make games better



Sorry, but ppl shouldn't have to do these to make a low demanding graphical game play smoothly.

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maybe your computer sucks? I mean you might not be very computer savy and not know what causes fast gameplay to happen.


Here is some help if you don't understand how to make games better



that's the point. we DO KNOW how to set up our computers. they also meet the recommended system requirements / totally exceed them. turning ingame graphic settings to low or high makes no difference in frames per second. yet bioware is saying our rigs are below minimum / have corrupt drivers etc.

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Wow, some people think they're more important than they really are.


Bioware doesn't owe you anything. When you stop thinking that the forums are the places to toss threats around then maybe you'll learn how to properly report things.


And another thing. TLDR.


BioWare doesn't owe him anything? Are you daft? He is a customer having a legitimate problem with the product he's paying for. Of course BioWare owes him something. It owes him an acknowledgement, an explanation, and a resolution.


When I bought TOR I had a system that surpassed the recommendations. To my surprise and bitter disappointment the game was absolutely unplayable even at the lowest graphics settings. I had been pondering getting a new system even prior to buying TOR so I said what the hell and pulled the trigger on a nice ASUS gaming laptop. The game now runs fine for me. However, not everyone has the money to go out and buy the latest hardware to play a game. If you meet the stated system requirements the game should be playable. Period.


Either the system requirements are a deliberate lie or the BioWare employee(s) that determined the system requirements are morons.

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lower your settings to low for maximum performance. :)


My graphics settings make zero difference to my FPS issues. All maxed out I get the same fps (or even slightly better fps) than I do with all set to off and all at minimum.


In every other game I have played, the graphics settings have a massive impact on game performance. Not in this game. I am just clueless as to why this is, and have tried *everything* on these forums to resolve it. Bioware have given us very little support and all the useful advice has come from gamers themselves.


This is just not good enough. I want to keep playing, and my machine exceeds the 'recommended' specs, but the support is almost non existant.

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lower your settings to low for maximum performance. :)

I'm so annoyed with people saying this... seriously, F off!


People have been playing on the lowest, done ALL tweaks mentioned like quitting unnecessary processes, running fraps in the back doing ram-drive thingy, tweaking the config file etc etc etc


For some of us, this does NOTHING!


And yet we can have super mega fast computers playing the latest games on MAX with top fps, EXCEPT swtor.

Edited by IronclawFTW
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Seriously, I want BW to address this nonsense.


Anyone who says they have "no problems".... I want you to do the following...


Please enable your FPS display (CTRL SHIFT F).... post your specs... and take several SSs mid-combat in WZs... link them.


Why should anyone have to prove themselves to you? I have occasional FPS problems which a simple computer restart fixes. I don't need to go take screenshots of myself in combat in a warzone because I know what my FPS is, I always have it showing. I am not going to just take a bunch of screenshots just to make a point to you, and neither will most people simply because we shouldn't have to prove it. You either accept the fact that there are problems on your side that are also causing it, or you can keep putting all of the blame on BioWare.


However, since it is easy enough to just give you some simple specs, I run XP, I have a Geforce 8600 GTS graphics card and two gigs of ram. This computer is five years old, and it can run this game on low settings with almost no problems. Whenever I find I am starting to have frame rate issues, as I said above I just do a computer restart and they are all fixed.


I'm sure the problem exists and for some people, it really is the game just not working right with their computer for some odd reason. It is just the same though as there do exist people who have almost no FPS problems that they can't fix in their own ways.

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this is an MMO, ffs. I should not need a 2000$ beast to run it at DECENT fps.


The graphics arent even great! I dont think people would complain if the game had amazing graphics quality. But right now, its ugly AND slow.

That's the thing. Even if you buy a 2000$ beast, that could exceed the recommended stuff by 5 times, there's still no guarantee you could play the game above 10fps i WZ and on Ilum!

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I join this demand for answers.

We all have realised by now that there's something wrong with the way the game runs.


  • Lowering or maxing graphic options have no effect.
  • Official and unofficial performance tweaks have no effect.
  • Acquiring faster internet connection has no effect.
  • Running the game without other background programs has no effect.


Somehow I keep high FPS in flashpoints in the middle of blaster shootouts, as well as outdoor PvP, but when it comes to Warzones (and Illum) I'm at 5-15 FPS no matter what.


I enjoy the game, it helps me relax and enjoy my free time but as a traditional PvP player I am tired of waiting for the fix. I'll probably cancel in March unless 1.2 finally solves the issue. Looks like I'll unintentionally join the anti-ACTA March Boycott after all.

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