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Jedi Sentinel. Underpowered, no fun


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Sentinels get 2 stuns. At least in pve against weak and normal enemies.



Like, omg, have a cold glass of dust or something. I can't believe you posted that.



No one cares about stuns that only work in pve agaist weak and normal mobs. /ahhhhhHHHH

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You're going to hear a lot of "L2P", but they don't offer any advice on builds or their favorite rotation for specific types of mobs...in other words, they're not helpful.


Sentinels are under"powered", but they are playable to a certain degree--but you have to pick your fights. I can take down most elites with my healer companion no prob, but the sorcerer ones that spam lightening, AoE's, and whatnot...well, I don't have enough interrupts or cc, so I take massive damage--sometimes it'll take a few tries before I find the right rotation. It can be very frustrating.


As for PVP...well it's impossible to tell--your best bet is either one on one, or if in a group, choose an opponent that's already engaged and assist your group member. Don't try to kill a healer...at best you might be able to harass them and hopefully keep them from doing their job effectively--it's funny because I do it just for fun and they ignore me for the most part. If you're targeted by any ranged opponent, find another opponent and force leap out of there before you're stunned/rooted or whatever. The exception in my case to most of this, is if you have an awesome healer backing you up, go freakin nuts!


Funny thing while I was on Ilum tonight...saw a sniper standing by herself, so I lept in and began my barrage...she wasn't even fighting back--so I thought, ok maybe I'll win this. She got about to 60% health before she finally hit me with some kind of knockback/stun--honeslty don't remember--but then she got off like 2 shots and I was done. I'm under-geared for PVP(around 14.5K, with a few centurion pieces, but not fully expertise), but wow...It didn't surprise me really, but I was nothing more than an insect buzzing around her lol.


this is the absolute worst advice ever given about sentinel. i mean, if this is how you play the class, you should probably re-roll sorc or sage.


of all the classes, sent/mara has the highest skill cap, and also the highest potential for dominance.


if you fail to have success playing a sent/mara, it really is not the fault of the class. it's your own inability to play it properly. and that is a fact.

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Like, omg, have a cold glass of dust or something. I can't believe you posted that.



No one cares about stuns that only work in pve agaist weak and normal mobs. /ahhhhhHHHH




1. The OP was talking about PVE

2. In PVE, during normal questing, it is VERY beneficial to stun the weak/normal mobs after Force Leaping, then following up by a pommel strike. This will in many cases kill one weak/normal mob immediately, leaving you with one other weak/normal mob at close to half health, and the strong mob. This will reduce by a fair amount, the amount of damage you take in the encounter, and allow you to fight longer without resting.


So yes, our stuns that work against weak/normal mobs are actually quite important.

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Like, omg, have a cold glass of dust or something. I can't believe you posted that.



No one cares about stuns that only work in pve agaist weak and normal mobs. /ahhhhhHHHH

I Do!

We actually have 4 of them and they are great, because they allow us to use Opportune and Pommel Strike, allowing you to take down normal mobs exceedingly quickly and get onto the boss in short order.

They are Force Leap, Force Sweep, Blade Storm & Awe, plus we have Stasis that gives you focus and lets your cooldowns cycle even if you have to channel it, and kick that interrupts even if it doesn’t stun.

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This post title makes me chuckle. As a 50 Watchman Sentinel, I can tell you we are in fact the most powerful, not the least. We simply take more skill to bring us to that level of power than any other class.


If you consider skill on a sliding scale of 1 to 10, 1 being lowest, and you think you play at say...5 to 6? You will do horrid with a Sentinel. You would do better on a Commando/Gunslinger/Sage (ranged is way easier). However if you're a 10, playing a Sentinel actually takes you above and beyond what other classes can do. You will dominate, PvE and PvP.


End of story, not open for debate.

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Key binds, key binds, key binds! I can't stress that enough.


I was having a terrible time playing my Sentinel, even with a G700 mouse. I was using the shift modifier to try and get as many key binds as possible, but during the heat of battle I would still struggle and make mistakes.


Now I have a Razer Naga and it's a complete and utter game changer. In order to play a Sentinel/Marauder "well", takes twice the amount of key binds compared to any other class I've played. Which effectively means it takes twice the effort, and that effort can only be put in with the right equipment, hence the Razer Naga.


To be honest if you want to play a Sentinel/Marauder "well", you're going to need to put in the cash and get some suitable gaming equipment. Some may think that's inappropriate for a game you pay to play, but then the Sentinel wouldn't be the awesome class it is without the need for said equipment. I've honestly never had so much fun playing a class in an MMO before now that I'm playing to the Sentinel's full potential - it really is amazing. Yes it sucks a bit that I had to go out and buy a Razer Naga to reach that potential, but I can assure you it was worth every last penny.


Put it this way, the day Bioware caves in and dumbs down this class for people who can't afford to put the effort in, is the day I cancel my sub.


Peace out.

Edited by Sweeet
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I've had a VERY fun time playing this class. I leveled a shadow up to about 30 and a vanguard to about 20 before switching to sent. Yeah, it's much easier at 20 to get medals and be useful in PvP as those classes and when I was doing PvP with my sent at 20 I was very disappointed and stopped PvPing for a while and concentrated on PvE.


I'm at 39 now with my sent (I take it slow :) ) and have rolled everything in PvE, just keeping gear up to date with commendations and being +/- 1 level with all the mobs. I love laying on the dots, popping zen and watching them burn. This is my first mmo. It took me a while to get used to the class, and esp. using interrupts smartly, which is absolutely key.


Keybinds are also super important. I switched from wasd movement to esdf movement, and was gimped for a couple hours before getting used to it. If you're having troubl with Keybinds and don't have a fancy gaming keyboard/mouse I suggest trying that and giving yourself some time to get accustomed to it.


Now at 39 some of my gear is starting to lag (gloves, belt, bracers, etc) but I'm still fine with PvE but I decided to do some PvP so I could buy the lvl 40 PvP armor. It's my first PvP in 20 levels and I feel like I'm doing a pretty good job. Always get top or near top for damage and kills and objectives. Besides using your skills well picking targets is important. We can really make life miserable for channelers/casters/turrets so I focus dots and interrupts on them and stick to the periphery of the fight. I don't think I've ever lost in a 1 on 1 fight.


I guess we'll see what it's like when I hit 50 but so far after a rough start I'm loving it. I hope they don't "dumb it down" or overbuff us. Making force stasis non-channeled (so we can fire and forget) would be nice but prob massively OP for PvP.

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The issues is exactly what you guys are talking about..


I have a lvl 50 combat sent. I struggled through everything.. too like forever to get to lvl 50. Dieing was constant. Gear was max lvl I could get, all orange.


The issue: is that you HAVE to key bind HAVE to set up a rotation and you HAVE to have your timing down.


Then you will slaughter everything.


All of the other classes, you do not HAVE to key bind (sure they help) you do not HAVE to set up a rotation, you do not HAVE to have your timing down.


On my BH, I feel like I can screw around a little bit.. and mow through people without dieing at all.


With Duel Spec it won't matter..

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The issues is exactly what you guys are talking about..


I have a lvl 50 combat sent. I struggled through everything.. too like forever to get to lvl 50. Dieing was constant. Gear was max lvl I could get, all orange.


The issue: is that you HAVE to key bind HAVE to set up a rotation and you HAVE to have your timing down.


Then you will slaughter everything.


All of the other classes, you do not HAVE to key bind (sure they help) you do not HAVE to set up a rotation, you do not HAVE to have your timing down.


On my BH, I feel like I can screw around a little bit.. and mow through people without dieing at all.


With Duel Spec it won't matter..


For the TL;DR crowd, Chuck basically said: L2P

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What spec are you? I can tell you I went from playing combat to watchman around level 25ish and I actually felt overpowered. As mentioned before, keybinds are your best friend as well. You have to be able to pay attention to cast bars and such so having to look at keys is a bad thing. Honestly, do people really click still now a days?


With watchman, you can just force leap, use overload saber, followed by a zealous strike, a cauterize, and a merciless slash and a strong is half dead. Also, force leap has no minimum range so you can use it as an interrupt.


One thing I will say is, I felt like I needed Doc. How people leveled with Kira the whole game baffles me. Doc is great and the only companion I still use. Also, use rebuke. And kick. YOu have no idea how many sentinels I run in to where I ask if they use that stuff, and they are like, what? /facepalm

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I find it fascinating how so many people say "learn to play" without offering any specific advice...


because no matter how much you tell someone how to play this class they will never grasp it. This class has a dynamicly changin prioirty system if you cannot understand that then you will never be good at the class and its not something that is just easy to list out.

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The issues is exactly what you guys are talking about..


I have a lvl 50 combat sent. I struggled through everything.. too like forever to get to lvl 50. Dieing was constant. Gear was max lvl I could get, all orange.


The issue: is that you HAVE to key bind HAVE to set up a rotation and you HAVE to have your timing down.


Then you will slaughter everything.


All of the other classes, you do not HAVE to key bind (sure they help) you do not HAVE to set up a rotation, you do not HAVE to have your timing down.


On my BH, I feel like I can screw around a little bit.. and mow through people without dieing at all.


With Duel Spec it won't matter..


Orange gear means nothing if you don't keep it top upgraded and properly upgraded according to your spec's strengths

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because no matter how much you tell someone how to play this class they will never grasp it. This class has a dynamicly changin prioirty system if you cannot understand that then you will never be good at the class and its not something that is just easy to list out.


That's another reason why I love this class so much, because the rotation is dynamic. I levelled a few classes to mid 30's and doing the same rotation again and again gets very tedious after a while.


Playing a Sentinel keeps me on my toes and stops me getting bored as I have to constantly prioritise what to use next. It's such a refreshing change not having to stick with the same tedious rotation over and over and over - I love it. Again though, if Bioware so much as dumbs down this class even just a little, I'll be cancelling my sub immediately.


If only all classes were so dynamic.

Edited by Sweeet
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From my experiences, (I'm a level 50 Sentinel) Leveling a Sentinel sucks so bad. (Gets a little better when you get Doc)


Once you hit 50 the good news is it still sucks, but once you are geared and learn to play your class you will be impressed. Took me awhile to figure out the rotations and the spec I like the most. I started to do really well. I mostly do PVP, and I'm wearing full champions. Watchman spec. I am really enjoying the Sentinel now.


I really hated this class and wanted to re-roll every day even when I hit 50. until I learned how to play it.


So moral of the story. Class sucks to level, but it is worth it in the end.

Edited by GaryCartel
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Now, I'm not saying sentinel is easiest (shadow and trooper seem to have that down), but it isn't hard. And it isn't slow either. Its nicer to level than a seer sage.


I was using Kira/T7 for a bit, and that works fine, just more downtime than I prefer. So for giggles, I switched to C2-N2 (only level 25ish). Now, I have zero downtime and can solo the heroic dailies just fine too. Plus I get to see him punching stuff for fun.

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I really hated this class and wanted to re-roll every day even when I hit 50. until I learned how to play it.


So moral of the story. Class sucks to level, but it is worth it in the end.



Maybe the moral of the story is that you have to learn to play the class not just get levels behind you to enjoy it.

Have you considered that it may be as much your skill that stopped it sucking as the gear you have got.

Maybe instead of ************* about how it sucks you could do something constructive like tell people about what you have learned that way others can enjoy the class earlier (BTW I have posted many posts doing this if people care to check, or there is the Sentinel Primer at the top of the Forum which is GOLD!

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as good as combat can be, watchman does it better, i hate it, but its true, when they come out with meters it will be apparent and combat will get a buff of sorts, wether its a bladestorm buff or a simple ataru adjustment


Yea "procs" will never be as good as on demand damage. I'm now enjoying watchman spec sadly, I kinda liked focus. Now with watchman even the basic focus builder strikes actually seem to do something. I'm liking it better.

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Maybe the moral of the story is that you have to learn to play the class not just get levels behind you to enjoy it.

Have you considered that it may be as much your skill that stopped it sucking as the gear you have got.

Maybe instead of ************* about how it sucks you could do something constructive like tell people about what you have learned that way others can enjoy the class earlier (BTW I have posted many posts doing this if people care to check, or there is the Sentinel Primer at the top of the Forum which is GOLD!


When I said " until I learned how to play it." I thought everyone would understand my skill was the problem and once I improved on that. I have become a better player.


As for helping for leveling, I never really found a spec I liked. I just kind of suffered through it. If I did it again, I would level Watchman, but you don't get a lot of the good stuff until higher level.


Make sure you put 2 talent points in Jedi Crusader under the combat tree. Put the rest in Watchman until you get Merciless Slash. Then You can put more into combat.


Open with Zealous strike > Rebuke > Overload Saber > Cauterize > Slash > Slash > Force stasis *Throw Strike in there when you don't have focus. Use Master Strike a lot too.

Edited by GaryCartel
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someone said we dont have interupts or stuns...

ummm force sweep=stunn on lower mobs,

blade storm=stun

kick is an interupt, as is force leap. and stasis.


sorry if this was already posted. i only read 2 pages...


i lvled steadily using the watchmen class and solod my entire class quest and almost all planet quests.

just make sure you get your skill upgrades when you lvl

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