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Powertechs Dps compared to other dps classe


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Hi guys im using the standard Advanced prototype build. Full columi set with a few tionese items. From what i see its pretty easy for me to pull agro from our tank. I use all my Cd relics and adrenals and i usually see 3.4k, 2k , 2.5 in a row. Thats is ofc when i crit. So my question is whats the biggest crit you have managed with powertech dps and how do you compare our dps with the other classes dps. Couse when i ask them what numbers they get they often talk about 5-6k crits. And im not sure if im doing it right or its normal for our class
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First of all respec pyrotech to give yourself a massive increase in dmg since ap is only able to do full dps in a completly static fight and even then its arguably worse than pyro. That said our dps in single target is prob the best if not one of the best in the game. I am easily able to strip agro from a full rakata geared jug with a guard on me for minus threat. You will not get crits quite as big as other classes but this is counterbalanced that you will hit far more often and get slightly smaller crits than the other classes. Like some classes can top out with a 6k or so with a big lead up when i pop cds my railshot crits over 5k every time and TD is over 4.5k.
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Like some classes can top out with a 6k or so with a big lead up when i pop cds my railshot crits over 5k every time and TD is over 4.5k.


I'm a 4/6/31 Pyro myself, and when you write you do that much damage you forget to say what gear you got ;) I'm 3 pieces from full champ, and with relics and adrenalins i land railshots for about 3k-3.7k. I take it your full battlemaster, otherwise i would like to know what i do wrong. :D

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When it comes to columi/rakata gear level, this is what I've found (and without DPS meters these results may not be 100% accurate, but this is what seems to be the case) - in order of the best damage dealers to the worst:


Marauders = Mercenaries


Operatives = Sorcerors


Snipers = Assassins


Powertechs = Juggernauts


A lot of it depends on which dps skill tree is being used as well, but in most cases it seems like that's the heirarchy. Dont let it fool you though, the classes arent drastically far apart right now, marauders/mercenaries being at the top seem to only be maybe 5-10% above powertechs/juggernauts at the bottom, when equal gear is considered.


This also changes a lot on different fights. Fights that require a great deal of movement put classes like mercenaries, sorcerors, and snipers lower on the list. Fights that involve a lot of melee-range AoE damage put marauders, operatives, assassins, powertechs, and juggernauts lower on the list.



Overall, I'd say we're still on the low end of the DPS spectrum, even with the pyrotech spec(s), and in most situations the top damage dealers are going to be mercenaries/sorcerors/snipers, simply because range allows them to DPS effectively in a larger number of encounters. Of those three, mercenaries are on top, and snipers are on bottom, due to the fact that mercs have access to a lot of elemental damage which bypasses armor, sorcerors are subject to armor reduction, and snipers can have the majority of their attacks reduced by both armor as well as dodged/deflected/shielded.

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There are a few things to think about when u ask this question, and a few traps to avoid. I've tanked for years in different mmo any one thing that really bites is damage dealers with high crits. It is a lot easier to manage agro with high steady damage then the omg crits that strip it off you. Also, there is a difference between "damage dealer" and damage per second (true dps ). If u want to look at DPS, u have to look at over how many seconds is your sample. One reson why i love my pyro teck is the zero "time on target". with a malee damage dealer i hated how long it took me to run back to the fight in pvp or to chase after people that were just out of range. With pyro i can be in the top five total damage, have upwards of 40 to 45 kills, in only 6 deaths. Sense that gives us the only true measure of damage done, and the matches last a specific amount of time,we can figure out the truer damage per second. And if we do this, i would argue that sorc, arsenal merc, and pyro pt are the top three "Damage per second" in the game right now. Btw, im only 29 pyro pt right now but im loving it, and yes it most certainly comes down to play style, aggression, and target selection.
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When it comes to columi/rakata gear level, this is what I've found (and without DPS meters these results may not be 100% accurate, but this is what seems to be the case) - in order of the best damage dealers to the worst:


Marauders = Mercenaries


Operatives = Sorcerors


Snipers = Assassins


Powertechs = Juggernauts


A lot of it depends on which dps skill tree is being used as well, but in most cases it seems like that's the heirarchy. Dont let it fool you though, the classes arent drastically far apart right now, marauders/mercenaries being at the top seem to only be maybe 5-10% above powertechs/juggernauts at the bottom, when equal gear is considered.


This also changes a lot on different fights. Fights that require a great deal of movement put classes like mercenaries, sorcerors, and snipers lower on the list. Fights that involve a lot of melee-range AoE damage put marauders, operatives, assassins, powertechs, and juggernauts lower on the list.



Overall, I'd say we're still on the low end of the DPS spectrum, even with the pyrotech spec(s), and in most situations the top damage dealers are going to be mercenaries/sorcerors/snipers, simply because range allows them to DPS effectively in a larger number of encounters. Of those three, mercenaries are on top, and snipers are on bottom, due to the fact that mercs have access to a lot of elemental damage which bypasses armor, sorcerors are subject to armor reduction, and snipers can have the majority of their attacks reduced by both armor as well as dodged/deflected/shielded.


How can you post something so DEFINITE when you have no actual numbers to back up this claim? I think you are SORELY mistaken about PT DPS, but I wouldnt make any drastic claims becasue none of us have any actual data to compare it against.

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I'm a 4/6/31 Pyro myself, and when you write you do that much damage you forget to say what gear you got ;) I'm 3 pieces from full champ, and with relics and adrenalins i land railshots for about 3k-3.7k. I take it your full battlemaster, otherwise i would like to know what i do wrong. :D


When i quote the 5k **** its when im messing around in pvp with full rakata for big hits otherwise in bm with rakata weps its mid to low 4ks and as far as dmg compairsons for classes I can top dmg in every warzone i do while only doing single target and death from above when its up. In pve dmg compairisons its best to use the council fight 4th boss EV to compare dmg as its a mob with a large ammount of hp that each person solos. I always finish first with my 150k hp mob and can norm beat second place by a solid 15-20 sec. Everyone in the raid is using a mix of t3 and t2 so theres no major gear difference. The happy thing is that in my pve gear my hp pool, base armor and the guard on me lets me survive pulling agro constantly

Edited by Honsous
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I can tell you that my parakeet (i.e. not pure DPS) spec takes aggro from the tank considerably more than anyone else I have grouped with.


And I can say that in pvp I have no problem topping the damage charts.




Since you run Ion with Parakeet, you would probably pull aggro from the tank....

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When it comes to columi/rakata gear level, this is what I've found (and without DPS meters these results may not be 100% accurate, but this is what seems to be the case) - in order of the best damage dealers to the worst:


Marauders = Mercenaries


Operatives = Sorcerors


Snipers = Assassins


Powertechs = Juggernauts


A lot of it depends on which dps skill tree is being used as well, but in most cases it seems like that's the heirarchy. Dont let it fool you though, the classes arent drastically far apart right now, marauders/mercenaries being at the top seem to only be maybe 5-10% above powertechs/juggernauts at the bottom, when equal gear is considered.


This also changes a lot on different fights. Fights that require a great deal of movement put classes like mercenaries, sorcerors, and snipers lower on the list. Fights that involve a lot of melee-range AoE damage put marauders, operatives, assassins, powertechs, and juggernauts lower on the list.



Overall, I'd say we're still on the low end of the DPS spectrum, even with the pyrotech spec(s), and in most situations the top damage dealers are going to be mercenaries/sorcerors/snipers, simply because range allows them to DPS effectively in a larger number of encounters. Of those three, mercenaries are on top, and snipers are on bottom, due to the fact that mercs have access to a lot of elemental damage which bypasses armor, sorcerors are subject to armor reduction, and snipers can have the majority of their attacks reduced by both armor as well as dodged/deflected/shielded.




Yeah.....sorry but that's bs... where is the proof of this? Its seems like this info is coming from other threads


Edited by slicjedi
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I posted a forenote in that reply that mentioned it's only based on apparent damage output, and there is no hard evidence to back it up (and that will remain the case until we get damage meters / parsers).


The order I listed them in comes from grouping with those classes for hardmodes and seeing differences in how quickly (or how slowly) bosses are taken out. I ran with a pretty consistent group up until recently, and whenever we bring in someone of a different class you notice the change.


It's also partly based on the numbers I'm hearing from those players - crits for X amount or Y amount against PvE bosses. Those may not demonstrate overall DPS, but they do show you burst capability, which in many fights is far more important than sustained DPS (Soa, Fabricator, Pylons, so on and so forth).


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I posted a forenote in that reply that mentioned it's only based on apparent damage output, and there is no hard evidence to back it up (and that will remain the case until we get damage meters / parsers).


The order I listed them in comes from grouping with those classes for hardmodes and seeing differences in how quickly (or how slowly) bosses are taken out. I ran with a pretty consistent group up until recently, and whenever we bring in someone of a different class you notice the change.


It's also partly based on the numbers I'm hearing from those players - crits for X amount or Y amount against PvE bosses. Those may not demonstrate overall DPS, but they do show you burst capability, which in many fights is far more important than sustained DPS (Soa, Fabricator, Pylons, so on and so forth).



And I have to agree from my own observations.


As a full on arsenal merc in rakata/columi I get comments ALL the time when I join groups. They are simply amazed at how much faster it is to finish a hardmode with me than with any other DPS.


I hear all day long from our powertechs and jugs bragging about how amazing they think their damage is, than they run a flashpoint with me and we both pull the same mob and solo it, and I kill mine faster EVERY TIME without fail.


It's not even about who is pulling agro: for one thing, a large amount of agro is based on position. If i walk up face to face with my target I pull agro far more often than when I stand back, and Im doing the EXACT same rotation and damage but the closer range I am the more often I pull agro. You can pretend this is only my opinion, but the reality is this is my opinion based on 1000 hours of gameplay as a merc post launch (I can virtually guarantee you less than 1% of the population has the amount of hours put in as me on one class)


Powertechs pull agro all the time from me, no matter whether they are doing less damage or not.


You dont need DPS meters to know who is putting out the most damage. There are enough situations in this game where multiple mobs of the same type are right there to fight. Pair off and see who kills them faster, repeatedly. Im not telling you that 1 or 2 is enough to make a judgement, but if after 100 or 1000 kills you see the same pattern over and over again, you have to be an idiot not to conclude that one is more DPS than another.


Just one example of where this matters: fabricator in karaga. I kept being told I had to do the puzzle and not DPS as much because our sorc decided he was "number one dps" and should never stop shooting the boss. We failed over and over with him enraging at about 200k hp left.


Finally we switched and let me DPS the boss more often with him doing the puzzle and tossing in attacks only when the boss was debuffed. Just moving me to full time DPS allowed us to take the boss without enrage. (that was our first time on it, a couple weeks ago, we've since downed him a few more times) Point being this is one example of hundreds I could give where I constantly prove an arsenal merc to out DPS every class I've run into that makes the claim they are the best DPS.


Marauders are the only ones who seem to come close, but to be fair I rarely meet a good marauder, most are truly horrible at their class. However the good ones destroy me in PVP (where their jumpyness and interupts are simply designed to shut down a ranged DPS) and they seem to at least match or nearly match me in PVE DPS output, though they sometimes suffer from the positional issues of being in the close range AE of the boss which makes them less than ideal in many situations.

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Finally we switched and let me DPS the boss more often with him doing the puzzle and tossing in attacks only when the boss was debuffed.


Maybe he was just better at the puzzle than you? So you having to "DPS" gave a false sense of superiority to this sorc.

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When it comes to columi/rakata gear level, this is what I've found (and without DPS meters these results may not be 100% accurate, but this is what seems to be the case) - in order of the best damage dealers to the worst:


Marauders = Mercenaries


Operatives = Sorcerors


Snipers = Assassins


Powertechs = Juggernauts


A lot of it depends on which dps skill tree is being used as well, but in most cases it seems like that's the heirarchy. Dont let it fool you though, the classes arent drastically far apart right now, marauders/mercenaries being at the top seem to only be maybe 5-10% above powertechs/juggernauts at the bottom, when equal gear is considered.


This also changes a lot on different fights. Fights that require a great deal of movement put classes like mercenaries, sorcerors, and snipers lower on the list. Fights that involve a lot of melee-range AoE damage put marauders, operatives, assassins, powertechs, and juggernauts lower on the list.



Overall, I'd say we're still on the low end of the DPS spectrum, even with the pyrotech spec(s), and in most situations the top damage dealers are going to be mercenaries/sorcerors/snipers, simply because range allows them to DPS effectively in a larger number of encounters. Of those three, mercenaries are on top, and snipers are on bottom, due to the fact that mercs have access to a lot of elemental damage which bypasses armor, sorcerors are subject to armor reduction, and snipers can have the majority of their attacks reduced by both armor as well as dodged/deflected/shielded.


powertech at the bottom lol, I must be doing something wrong with my ops:rolleyes:


I guess I shouldnt be finishing my mob in Nmm Ev 4th boss while the other dps still has 20% hp left on their mob :o, considering everyone is in Full rakata gear.

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With no visible combat logs and only data-mined formula to go off for ability damage numbers anecdotal evidence is the best your going to get


Pretty much this.


I'll say again though I've seen nothing to make me even suspect that PTs (at least not Pyrotech PTs) are in the bottom tier of dps.

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And I have to agree from my own observations.


As a full on arsenal merc in rakata/columi I get comments ALL the time when I join groups. They are simply amazed at how much faster it is to finish a hardmode with me than with any other DPS.


I hear all day long from our powertechs and jugs bragging about how amazing they think their damage is, than they run a flashpoint with me and we both pull the same mob and solo it, and I kill mine faster EVERY TIME without fail.


It's not even about who is pulling agro: for one thing, a large amount of agro is based on position. If i walk up face to face with my target I pull agro far more often than when I stand back, and Im doing the EXACT same rotation and damage but the closer range I am the more often I pull agro. You can pretend this is only my opinion, but the reality is this is my opinion based on 1000 hours of gameplay as a merc post launch (I can virtually guarantee you less than 1% of the population has the amount of hours put in as me on one class)


Powertechs pull agro all the time from me, no matter whether they are doing less damage or not.


You dont need DPS meters to know who is putting out the most damage. There are enough situations in this game where multiple mobs of the same type are right there to fight. Pair off and see who kills them faster, repeatedly. Im not telling you that 1 or 2 is enough to make a judgement, but if after 100 or 1000 kills you see the same pattern over and over again, you have to be an idiot not to conclude that one is more DPS than another.


Just one example of where this matters: fabricator in karaga. I kept being told I had to do the puzzle and not DPS as much because our sorc decided he was "number one dps" and should never stop shooting the boss. We failed over and over with him enraging at about 200k hp left.


Finally we switched and let me DPS the boss more often with him doing the puzzle and tossing in attacks only when the boss was debuffed. Just moving me to full time DPS allowed us to take the boss without enrage. (that was our first time on it, a couple weeks ago, we've since downed him a few more times) Point being this is one example of hundreds I could give where I constantly prove an arsenal merc to out DPS every class I've run into that makes the claim they are the best DPS.


Marauders are the only ones who seem to come close, but to be fair I rarely meet a good marauder, most are truly horrible at their class. However the good ones destroy me in PVP (where their jumpyness and interupts are simply designed to shut down a ranged DPS) and they seem to at least match or nearly match me in PVE DPS output, though they sometimes suffer from the positional issues of being in the close range AE of the boss which makes them less than ideal in many situations.


How does 1000 hours in ONE advanced class give you ultimate perspective on every other advanced class' dps?

Edited by Agooz
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