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G13 and Razer Naga Sentinel Help


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I have a Sentinel at level 21. I'm new to mmos but I finally made the decision to become a non clicker lol. I got the g13 and the razer naga but I am having a little bit of trouble figuring out what to bind all the keys to. Is there any chance someone that uses either the g13-naga combo or just the g13 could post their profile/setup or give me any advice on where to bind all my abilities to?



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ok well you need to hold right click to turn and use the thumb dad to steer. Make sure you change the left and right on the dpad to strafe left and strafe right.


Macro zealous strike and strike together as one key, that will be you focus builder button.


assign your other keys as needed. Building some simple macros (like the zealous strike /strike0 macro will help to keep as many button pushes off the naga as possible. Personally i have a key for all my relics/adrenals, one for dispatch/blade storm. and a few others. tell me what spec you are running and i can suggest a few things.

Edited by LiveandDieinLA
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Here are a couple other things I've had success with (note: I have a nostromo, not a g13m, which has less keys so you will have more options with your left hand than I do.)




Mouse wheel forward for force leap / Mouse wheel backward for select target (tab).


You should never really be using your keyboard anymore except to type, so you need to make a select target button. I feel like the scrolling down with the wheel is a quick and easy way to cycle through targets. Putting force leap on scroll forward flows very nicely from this.


Mouse wheel click Jump.


Because you are using the dpad the steer your avatar with your left thumb, which usually would press the space bar to jump you need to put that function somewhere else. When I converted to the naga and left handed controller I didn't know where to put it, so I played around with a fee things and came up with using the mouse wheel button for jump.


I put kick and master strike on the two index finger buttons on the upper left above the 1-12 number pad, so that both those skills were on my right index finger.

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I find g13/nostromo pads to be unnecessary in this day and age of 17 button mice. I do use a Naga and couldn't imagine playing any pc game at this point without it.


Btw you don't need one of these not to be a clicker. Button modifiers (shift, alt, ctrl) should be used liberally.

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I love my Nostromo/Naga combination. Full movement and combat control without ever having to move my hands or wrist. The only time I touch the keyboard is to chat. I assign keys on the Nostromo to shft, ctrl and alt, then assign left ribbon to shift 1 thru 12, right ribbon to alt 1 thru 12, leaving ctrl 1 thru 12 to command my comp. It's works very well.
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Im gonna have to give moving with the mouse a try. However, do you ever find that when your turning around with your mouse and you have to press a button on the side it messes up your turning a little bit? Is that something I just have to put up with or am I doing something wrong?
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You're missing buttons.


- huttball

- blade storm

- leg slash

- crippling throw


Bladestorm for Watchman? No.


I switch in Leg Slash + Crippling Throw and the huttball whenever I PVP. I haven't done it lately.


Im gonna have to give moving with the mouse a try. However, do you ever find that when your turning around with your mouse and you have to press a button on the side it messes up your turning a little bit? Is that something I just have to put up with or am I doing something wrong?


Nope! I just.. move the mouse right or left while holding down MB1 + MB2.

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I use standard keyboard & Razer Naga. I'm watchman build. For me its goes that way:


movement- t,g,f,h

stafe- f,h+ rmb

naga's 4- follow target

naga's 5- autorun



y- nearest enemy

r- next enemy

e- previous enemy

wheel push- focus mod

ctrl+ wheel push- set focus


Naga switched for lumlock

alt as "shift" key

shift+ naga 1-12 for companion bar


upper bar: Naga's 1-11

1- strike

2- zealous strike

3- slash

4- cauterize

5- merciless slash

6- dispatch

7- leg slash

8- master strike

9- saber ward

10- force leap

11- overload saber



bottom bar: alt+ Naga's 1-11

1- pacify

2- rebuke

3- riposte

4- cyclone slash

5- blade storm

6- crippling throw

7- force sweep

8- force statis

9- guarded by force

10- force camoufage

11- awe


upper/bottom bar 12:

x- zen



left bar 12: force kick keybinded to z & alt+z both(!)


naga 12 button keybinded disable droid for pve usage



keyboard keybinds: L&R bar

4- pve stimpack

5- pvp stimpack

6- adrenal

7- power relic

8- defense relic

u- valorous call

i- inspiration

j- resolute

k- introspection

q- call on the force

w- force might

o- targeting device

s- hutball

a- speeder

c- stealth weapon

alt+c- sit down





Hope it help, work perfect to me.

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Macro zealous strike and strike together as one key, that will be you focus builder button.



Can you explain how to do this? or is it specifically a Nostromo or Naga device thing. If I could macro abilities like that without the Nostromo or Naga that would help me out a lot.

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That thread really helped. I'd also like to see your bindings if that isn't a problem. I think I'm finally getting the hang of it but I am trying to make everything more efficient.


Here you go, man.


Here's the layout of the Nostromo:


1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 wheel

16 D-Pad 15


This hot it goes:



Top Row:

1 - Strike *ring finger*

2 - Force Sweep *ring finger*

3 - Force Leap *middle finger*

4 - Zealous Strike *index finger*

5 - Cauterize (for stealthers in PvP) *index finger*


Middle Row:

6 - SHIFT (modifier) *pinky*

7 - Precision Strike *ring finger*

8 - Blade Storm *middle finger*

9 - Blade Rush *index finger*

10 - Force Kick *index finger*



Bottom Row:

11 - Space Bar (jump) *pinky*

12 - Leg Slash *ring finger*

13 - Crippling Throw *middle finger*

14 - Resolute *index finger*




Now the same thing but this time modified by key #6 which is SHIFT:


Top Row:

1 - unused (too uncomfortable for the hand)

2 - Pacify *pinky + ring finger*

3 - Pommel Strike *pinky + middle finger*

4 - Dispatch *pinky + index finger*

5 - unused (again, too uncomfortable)



Middle Row:

6 - it's a modifier, so it's obviously always pressed for these *pinky*

7 - Riposte *pinky + ring finger*

8 - Zen *pinky + middle finger*

9 - Transcendence *pinky + index finger*

10 - Cyclone Slash *pinky + index finger*


Bottom Row:

It's pretty much unused because I don't like the way it contorts my hand. I do have Disable Droid assigned to 12, but I just click on it, because it's usually done in static situations (i.e. reaction time doesn't matter).


D-Pad - Moves me around *thumb*

16 - Master Strike *thumb*

15 - Force Stasis *thumb*

Wheel - Speeder *index finger*

The reason those 2 are assigned like that is because they're the only 2 skills you can use where movement is not an option, thus I can afford to take my thumb off the D-Pad to use them.


The left sidebar is assigned to the Naga and they all correspond to the Naga buttons (they're all defensive abilities). The 5 abilities are assigned to the easiest buttons in terms of accessibility.


This is the most efficient set up I found for myself. YMMV. Hope it helps. :D


EDIT: forgot to mention targeting - mouse wheel click (+ modifier).

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