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Vote kicking "idlers" during WZ - A fair design?


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I don't think anyone can doubt that some sort of system is needed.


Routine afkers will become known and will be votekicked.


That will also be a deterrent to potential afkers, knowing that they will become known and kicked out of every WZ they join and not be able to leech.


It's the same votekick mechanic as FPS games have. It works just fine there and will work just fine here.


People do not votekick useful and communicative players from their team.

If you're an antisocial, afking, leeching or terribad player, then yes, perhaps you should be worried.


Good point. Makes sense. Thanks.

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And PUGS feel the same about your premades. Premades should ONLY face other premades. Pugs vs Pugs. Its not hard.


I agree Im Premaids should never face pugs. You missed my point give us premades FIRST then deal with the afk'rs if its still a issue.


I afk only out of being stuck in a pugs with a lossing team thats not even trying.


I would be in a premade so there is one that wont afk in your wz

and I'm sure I'm not the only 1

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There is no reason to have an AFK vote kick system, because there arent any AFKers, really.


Without a deserter buff, there wont be any in the future either, cause they will just quit the BG and queue up for the next.


I dont get the sense of an AFK vote kick at this time.


We have a problem with leavers, and this isnt gonna fix it.

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There is no reason to have an AFK vote kick system, because there arent any AFKers, really.


Without a deserter buff, there wont be any in the future either, cause they will just quit the BG and queue up for the next.


I dont get the sense of an AFK vote kick at this time.


We have a problem with leavers, and this isnt gonna fix it.


You said it brother, heres your soap box please keep talking.


I agree with this message, ask your selves, is there really a problem with AFK'rs in WZ's?

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There is no reason to have an AFK vote kick system, because there arent any AFKers, really.


Without a deserter buff, there wont be any in the future either, cause they will just quit the BG and queue up for the next.


I dont get the sense of an AFK vote kick at this time.


We have a problem with leavers, and this isnt gonna fix it.


Agreed. However, they use the word "idlers" not afk'ers. Same thing from BW's end?

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That will also be a deterrent to potential afkers, knowing that they will become known and kicked out of every WZ they join.


It's the same votekick mechanic as FPS games have. It works just fine there and will work just fine here.


People do not votekick useful and communicative players from their team.

If you're an antisocial, afking, leeching or terribad player, then yes, perhaps you should be worried.


no it will continue. . always does


and yes they do kick out useful players called a troll


and lastly I'm not sociable and if you are a jerk I'm gonna tell you. should that be grounds for kicking? prolly will the vote kick idea as a vote is not going to work. It will be exploited. . .and you really want to kick players that might be new to it? a bad community can kill a game

Edited by Zilrota
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"Additionally, players will have the option to vote kick idlers"


Wow! Luckily people wont see my shadow guarding a turret In Alderaan or a door on Voidstar or waiting in the end zone in Huttball and think I'm just idling and kick me....oh wait, yes they just might.


Kicking afk'ers in the safe zones is one thing, but during the heat of the battle, one may think I'm afk while guarding, start the kick voting and many may vote yes without even thinking about it.


Someone explain to me why this wont happen all the time?





Also, whats to stop from kicking lowbies or those you dont consider "properly geared"?


easy, give a player voted out 30 seconds to enter combat or enter a random 4 character code into a dialogue box. was that really that hard to think of?

Edited by iceperson
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It would be fine if kill farming the full timer wasn't outright encouraged by the reward system and if so many games weren't so completely one sided. Since it is, Bioware is basically asking players to throw themselves continually into a meat grinder for no purpose whatsoever.
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It would be fine if kill farming the full timer wasn't outright encouraged by the reward system and if so many games weren't so completely one sided. Since it is, Bioware is basically asking players to throw themselves continually into a meat grinder for no purpose whatsoever.


you realize this change is being implemented along with several other warzone changes, which include 14 new medals for actually working on the objectives to win, don't you? it amazes me how people who don't know what changes are coming are so smart they can already tell you exactly how everything is going to work... :rolleyes:

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Oh, this game is like a flaming car wreck at times. I want to turn away and not look, because what I'm seeing is making me sick, but it just keeps pulling my eyes back because it's just so unspeakably wrong.


This vote-kick idea is going to be so BEAUTIFULLY abused, it's not even funny. Picture this. You queue with your level...oh, I don't know...say level 20 Merc. You're not too effective, but not too bad, you got your Tracer Missile for spamming, and you're ready to go.


Other people look at you, and see you're the lowest level on the team. Also, there's a pretty good chance that whoever replaces you after you get kicked would be higher level than you. Since 10-20 is only 10 levels, and 20-49 is 29 levels. Nearly 1 to 3 odds of an improvement. So they vote kick your butt out. Oh, and since Bioware loves you, you'll probably get a deserter debuff too, to add insult to injury.


It'll be awesome! Awesome, I tells ya! :rolleyes:


Better yet. Suppose you are a good solid level 40-something. But you try to get people organized. You know, politely ask them not to killfarm like morons but rather go after the ball? Well, guess what? If you just sounded a little too "bossy" to 3-5 of them, however many it takes for a successful vote...POOF, you're OUTTA HERE! lol :D


Oh, yeah. This game just keeps getting better and better. Just when you think they've finished shooting themselves in the foot, they take out a bigger gun, this time with a laser sight so it's harder to miss, and get right back to it.

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you realize this change is being implemented along with several other warzone changes, which include 14 new medals for actually working on the objectives to win, don't you? it amazes me how people who don't know what changes are coming are so smart they can already tell you exactly how everything is going to work... :rolleyes:


We'll see, but that won't fix lopsided matches. Severely inferior teams won't get near the objectives.


Also, it will still probably continue to be beneficial to farm.

Edited by maradigamer
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Oh, this game is like a flaming car wreck at times. I want to turn away and not look, because what I'm seeing is making me sick, but it just keeps pulling my eyes back because it's just so unspeakably wrong.


This vote-kick idea is going to be so BEAUTIFULLY abused, it's not even funny. Picture this. You queue with your level...oh, I don't know...say level 20 Merc. You're not too effective, but not too bad, you got your Tracer Missile for spamming, and you're ready to go.


Other people look at you, and see you're the lowest level on the team. Also, there's a pretty good chance that whoever replaces you after you get kicked would be higher level than you. Since 10-20 is only 10 levels, and 20-49 is 29 levels. Nearly 1 to 3 odds of an improvement. So they vote kick your butt out. Oh, and since Bioware loves you, you'll probably get a deserter debuff too, to add insult to injury.


It'll be awesome! Awesome, I tells ya! :rolleyes:


Better yet. Suppose you are a good solid level 40-something. But you try to get people organized. You know, politely ask them not to killfarm like morons but rather go after the ball? Well, guess what? If you just sounded a little too "bossy" to 3-5 of them, however many it takes for a successful vote...POOF, you're OUTTA HERE! lol :D


Oh, yeah. This game just keeps getting better and better. Just when you think they've finished shooting themselves in the foot, they take out a bigger gun, this time with a laser sight so it's harder to miss, and get right back to it.



this is exactly why im going to stop queueing pug wz and only run premades

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In world of Warcraft, they introduced this system and it worked fine.


Some of you peeps are over exaggerating of what may happen.


And "if" it does happen, how many times would this affect "you", and how many times will it help games to kick out afkers, and those that are addicted to leaving warzones because they can't take losing?

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I think if the vote to kick option prompts a timer on you where you have to do something within X amount of time before you get kicked, that would be fair. Then it's not all in the voters' hands; if you're actually idle, they can vote you out and you'll be removed, if you're not, even if they try to vote you out you can keep yourself in.


Doesn't seem that difficult.

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I think if the vote to kick option prompts a timer on you where you have to do something within X amount of time before you get kicked, that would be fair. Then it's not all in the voters' hands; if you're actually idle, they can vote you out and you'll be removed, if you're not, even if they try to vote you out you can keep yourself in.


Doesn't seem that difficult.


Depends on how much time there is to get back in combat. And of course this won't stop botters at all. In fact, it might increase their numbers. Bioware should go around and permaban that bunch by hand, but will they? Blizzard never could stay on top of the botter problem, what makes anyone think Bioware can?

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Depends on how much time there is to get back in combat. And of course this won't stop botters at all. In fact, it might increase their numbers. Bioware should go around and permaban that bunch by hand, but will they? Blizzard never could stay on top of the botter problem, what makes anyone think Bioware can?


Maybe combat wouldn't have to be the requirement, though. It could be extended to casting a heal, throwing out a stealth scan, rebuffing, etc. So if you're voted idle and the prompt pops up, you just have to do SOMETHING to show that you're actually there and paying attention.

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Maybe combat wouldn't have to be the requirement, though. It could be extended to casting a heal, throwing out a stealth scan, rebuffing, etc. So if you're voted idle and the prompt pops up, you just have to do SOMETHING to show that you're actually there and paying attention.


Again, it depends on the timer, though. I can think of a situation in Voidstar where there would be nobody but yourself to heal for a good long run. And if all you have to do is heal yourself or buff yourself, that won't help at all.

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idk about vote kicking a player.. seems like something that can be abused easily by the wrong people.. I think they should add a drop timer when you idle, outside combat, for too long in a non objective area that could be triggered by said vote.
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