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New PVP Abuse Incoming


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Rampant griefing is what will happen.


This will get abused by a guild that wants their own stacked group of guildees/allies.


It will get abused by hacking guilds who don't want honest people on their team.


This will get abused by guilds who have been reported by a player for exploiting and if that player is in a WZ with them the player will get kicked by the guild which comes in with a pre-made.


It happens to the Ilum ops groups all the time.


It will be worse when it is really late at night and you load in by yourself into a pre-made group formed of a guild that hates you. Boom, out you go.

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Maybe if you are afk. LOL how hard is it to attack someone in one minute while it is ticking down.


They would pick a target, watch for the target to be near death, then all report at the same time. Then the target had to die, rez, and get back into a fight before the timer was up. In some situations, this was impossible or very difficult (like if the other team was being camped in their graveyard).


Meanwhile, I never got kicked in matches where we were getting camped and I stealthed off on my druid. First, most teams wouldn't try to kick someone when we're getting farmed that bad, and they probably won't in SWTOR, either. Second, in stealth, I didn't die, so if I did see the moo cow icon pop up, I just got in combat, died, rezzed, and went on my way. But people actively in combat being griefed were vulnerable because the reporters could pick their moment to report.

Edited by maradigamer
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This is probably a stupid idea and if so I'm sorry. Lets say people do abuse the vote system. Could there be a status that boots you so it does not get abused? For example, lets say people don't like your gear and want to boot you. However, you recieve a status that will boot you if you are AFK (10 sec?). If you are not AFK however, the status goes away and the boot fails. Just an idea.
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Remember how well the Wow dungeon finder vote kick system worked?


Your loading the zone, group asks a question... your getting a glass of water, you dont respond... they vote kick you..


This one is completely justifiable, people want to get started not wait afk for somebody who was at there pc a few seconds earlier to actually click the join option then go afk.


Your thirsty? you wait till your load screen is finished then say bio real quick or what not.


Your busting for the loo?, you knew you needed it before it formed the group, YOU made the decision to wait before going, then it popped, the group should not have to wait for 1 persons bad decisions.


The rest of your reasons agree with but not this one.

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They would pick a target, watch for the target to be near death, then all report at the same time. Then the target had to die, rez, and get back into a fight before the timer was up. In some situations, this was impossible or very difficult (like if the other team was being camped in their graveyard).


How can a pug coordinate that? Why would a premade waste time doing that rather than win a game especially when it isn't even guaranteed. Even for a premade, that is going to be hard to pull off. You are just making up stories.


That is going to be hard to pull off in the warzones in this game. Warzones in swtor puts you in combat 5 seconds after you leave the spawn point.

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How can a pug coordinate that? Why would a premade waste time doing that rather than win a game especially when it isn't even guaranteed. Even for a premade, that is going to be hard to pull off. You are just making up stories.


That is going to be hard to pull off in the warzones in this game. Warzones in swtor puts you in combat 5 seconds after you leave the spawn point.


These were often groups of friends running together. So mini-premades much like we have here with the 4 man premades.


Edit: Voidstar in particular could make it hard to get back in combat in time if you get reported right as you die.

Edited by maradigamer
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These were often groups of friends running together. So mini-premades much like we have here with the 4 man premades.


Edit: Voidstar in particular could make it hard to get back in combat in time if you get reported right as you die.


Voidstar is actually the easiest warzone to get back into combat. Let's say the debuff starts at 2 minutes. If people can't get back in two minutes then they should be booted especially in voidstar when there is only 6 minutes to complete the objectives.

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System will be abused period ! unless bioware do a good job in how they

implement the system.


The thing is in WZ you will always have a few children with bad attitudes.

And they have nothing better then to start vote kicking just to do it.


The first thig i do when i hit lvl 10 is join a WZ like bioware say i can do

Do i have sprint ? NO can i take any damage from players 15+ lvl above me ? NO

Is this my fault ? NO But i want my valor and start saving for pvp gear at lvl 20/40.


And you bioware better do this right ! Otherwise you will have alot of angry players.


Imagine someone new to the game at lvl 10 gets thaat pop up saying you can now join a WZ.This player then joins a WZ.After he/her joins he is votekicked out because the player was low lvl or not doing what he was supposed to do, like he would understand the system fter only one match yeah right.So what does this player then maybe do.Stop playing the game.1 more lost sub because bioware made a system tht allows braindead children to have to much fun in a WZ.


So i'm just saying bioware, know what you are doing with this.


And i dont think this system should be live until we have CSQ.

That way we can have lvl 10-30 30-49 and 50 brackets.

Otherwise the que time on each sever might be to long.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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Voidstar is actually the easiest warzone to get back into combat. Let's say the debuff starts at 2 minutes. If people can't get back in two minutes then they should be booted especially in voidstar when there is only 6 minutes to complete the objectives.


Two minutes might be okay. But it's not the easiest when you die and get sent back across a bridge after a team has busted through and made it to the next area.


Also, I'll never guard another node in Civil War or lightly attacked door in Voidstar again if this system is put in place. I also won't play defense in Huttball on one of my toons that can knock a carrier into the pit. This is going to create some very sloppy play.

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players will have the option to vote kick idlers.


Idlers. So most likely after the vote you will get a debuff and if you don't partake in a PvP action in say 1min you will be removed.


Worked great in Rift... sometimes atleast.

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players will have the option to vote kick idlers.


Idlers. So most likely after the vote you will get a debuff and if you don't partake in a PvP action in say 1min you will be removed.


Worked great in Rift... sometimes atleast.


Tell that to the non-healing clerics who came crying on the forum because they were constantly under threat of a debuff.

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WOW REALLY? Giving power to the players IS THE MOST STUPID MOVE YOU COULD POSSIBLY MAKE. Just like in many Counter Strike servers noobs votekick me or anyone who owns them and their fellow bads pitch in and boom we are gone. In champions Online all you had to do was get a couple of people to "report spam" on your name and 24 hour mute. Truly amazing.


Cool I get penalized for not being able to load the warzone fast enough and/or get caught behind invisi door watching my timer run out.


This is ridiculous beyond belief and starting to affect my subscription decision since Warzones is pretty much all I got to do in this game.

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If they go this route they need to lower rewards for farming and increase them for participation in game objectives. The fact that they didn't do this in the first place leads me to believe it's too exploitable or too difficult to program. I'll be nice and assume they realized it was exploitable.


Medal farming does not help your team. If I get on my merc and start tracer missile spam on a Huttball ledge, I get medals, I top dps, and I do absolutely NOTHING for my team. That shouldn't be rewarded more than the poor guy who got ripped apart trying and failing to carry the ball.


Healers who stand in acid or chase after their two buddies off fighting to the side aren't helping, neither are their buddies. Tanks who shield some poor guy getting beat down because the enemy caught him alone isn't helping. He shields the ball carrier, now he's helping.


Oh, and yet, if objectives are highly rewarded, guess what? Four man premades will die rather than pass the ball to a pug player over one of their friends. And we'll end up with 8 man dance parties at Civil War turrets even when we might have been able to come back and win. But if they make it so capping a turret is what gives the reward, enemy teams will trade caps back and forth.


I better stop, I'm starting to feel sorry for pvp devs.




I see your point but they say they're going to be including mode objective based medals, which I'd love to see.


Currently defending (say a node) gets rewarded easily yet there are NO offensive medals as of yet. I think introduction of these would help a lot. And objective doesn't necessarily have to be 'who scored/ planted a bomb' but those fighting in the proximity of objectives.


Guess it could work like the 'guard' type function. You can slap guard on someone but if you aren't within 30m of them then it doesn't work.

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One of my main concerns is that with the Vote2Kick function, a lot of people may just vote positively to have that player kicked w/o knowing if that person is AFKing or not.


I'd love to see a combat log introduced so if I saw a vote2kick someone pop up then I could just get the combat log up - check if they'd done/ were doing any damage, healing, protection and make my decision based on that.


Think a lot of people will find it easier to just click in favour of the kick option rather than investigate the issue mid-match/combat or whatever.

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One of my main concerns is that with the Vote2Kick function, a lot of people may just vote positively to have that player kicked w/o knowing if that person is AFKing or not.


Well if Bioware doesn't completely fail at how they design the feature, they'll just copy WoW's system where you are given 1 minute to go attack a player on the other team in order to override the Vote Kick function. If people voted to kick you even though you weren't AFK, and then you didn't bother attacking an enemy player within 60 seconds, then sorry you actually were AFK and deserved to get kicked


Basically every possible complaint in this thread is irrelevant if Bioware uses this very obvious design.

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Also, I'll never guard another node in Civil War or lightly attacked door in Voidstar again if this system is put in place. I also won't play defense in Huttball on one of my toons that can knock a carrier into the pit. This is going to create some very sloppy play.


Hyperbole much? All of the BGs are tiny. You can run from one side clear to the other side in under a minute.


I mean seriously - you won't guard the lightly attacked Voidstar door? Why, because it takes all of 3 seconds to move over to the other door?


The only ACTUAL way you could conceivably not be able to attack an enemy within a minute is if you're stuck in a full 30 second rez, and then you only get 30 seconds to find someone. All Bioware has to do though is make any Idle timer not tick down while you are stuck in a rezzing zone

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Well if Bioware doesn't completely fail at how they design the feature, they'll just copy WoW's system where you are given 1 minute to go attack a player on the other team in order to override the Vote Kick function. If people voted to kick you even though you weren't AFK, and then you didn't bother attacking an enemy player within 60 seconds, then sorry you actually were AFK and deserved to get kicked


Basically every possible complaint in this thread is irrelevant if Bioware uses this very obvious design.


I quit wow so didn`t knew they added this, but if they copy it then it`s pretty cool i like this system....

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League of Legends takes the stance of banning feeders from their game. Many feeders are just griefers, but some are honestly bad players and they get banned for being bad.


Riot stepped up and finally said "If you suck at our game, that's too bad for you" and LoL's competitive community has prospered because of it.


If Bioware did the same, the competitive pool of players in SWTOR would be cleaner.


To be fair, LoL has that flexibility because they're F2P.


EA/Bioware is never going to flush a subscription because someone backpedals in a WZ or charges into enemy groups alone.

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Yes because further disincentivizing and punishing players in the one area where there's actually something to do (PvP) other than sit around spamming LFG is really going to help player retention.


I hope the people who whined and pushed for this enjoy the +15-30 minutes added to their queue times. Because no form of punishment is going to keep someone from not quitting something they are not having fun at. I can't wait to see all the posts flooding PvP about the "long queue times" after this. I also have to wonder if these people actually do think they are playing a single player game.


I for one am glad I'm going to be long unsubbed by the time this is rolled to live.


Do people forget that this isn't the only game in the world? Quit a WZ that was unfair? Buggy? Locked out for 15 minutes or whatever? = Play Xbox with some actual friends you can talk to = Whoops forgot about SWTOR = One less player standing around in fleet.


This is absolutely the wrong time to push something that penalizes players, and is the prime example of the dev team wasting precious time on something that is not needed.


What's the worst that happens when a team quits? Oh, you win one fast, or lose one fast (hope it counts) and then cycle right on through to the next WZ where you will probably get a good fight. All the things they say are "working as intended" and this one actually works well, regardless.


Even when people do quit, heck those people are usually replaced nearly instantaneously on servers with a fair population.


And to think people on low population servers are pushing for this. You've gotta wonder why some people are always voting against their own interests.

Edited by GavNash
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If 5 or 6 votes are needed, what abuse? Premades won't kick anyone alone and even if they could, why would they kick someone who is participating?


Some people must had it tough in childhood, seeing everything as potential abuse now.


Someone replied to this post and used the vote to kick feature in WoW as an example of what happens to systems that are easily abused.



They get abused




I used to vote to kick players out of dungeons for anything, and usually, one or two other people in my party would also approve of the kick for some odd reason. I think people just tend to click "accept" or "ok" when boxes pop up on their screen.

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