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This game has most boring and repetitive side quests of any game I played


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I am fan of rpg games and have played pretty much all rpg games out there,including jrpgs on consoles.I never was fun of MMORPGs for one simple reason-I found them more boring and repetitive then single player games. I tried playing wow quit about lv40 when I realized all sidequest involved doing same stuff over and over.


I am big fan of bioware and loved both kotor 1 and 2. So I just had to buy this game eventhrough it was mmorpg. I hoped bioware might avoid some of the pitfalls those kind of game usually have. Boy was I dissapointed after only couple of hours of gameplay.


This game pretty much has 3 quests and thats it. They are just repeated hundred of times,with different dialogue.Quests are :


1) Kill random number of enemies


2) Press random number of switches,or other objects in the world.


3) Kill random number of enemies and then loot them to find random number of random things.


Whats worse even main class quests involve these 3 quests with addiotion of freeing somebody or killing some boss.


Now problem I have with this is that single player rpg are not this much repetitive. Not even close. Take Skyrim for example.


I just logged in to Skyrim and checked my quest log. I have about 20 quests there. NOT EVEN ONE quest involved killing random number of enemies or collectiong random number of crap nobody cares about. NOT ONE !


Whats saddens me is that bioware has made games which are not this boring or repetitive. Not one of their singeplayer games has side quests which consists only of those 3 templates I mentioned. Not dragon age,not mass effect none.


Dont get me wrong,of course you have to kill enemies,its just in another games its not so blatantly in your face repetitive. In singleplayer games,you kill enemies to survive,to achieve some other objectives instead of killing enemies. There is no any counter which counts how many enemies you killed.


Now I am not bashing just this game. I realize all MMORPGS I like this. I already mentioned WOW has same problem.


What MMORPG genre needs to do is clear : They need to make sidequests on the level of singleplayer game. If single player games have managed to add variety to sidequesting,to make sidequest interesteing not just because of dialogue,but because of the stuff you actually do,I dont see why MMORPGs cant do the same things. What the problem exactly ?

Edited by rpglord
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Re: first few responses and the countless more to come:

And the bioware defense force strikes!


No vehicle quests?


No bombing runs?


One escort quest imp side.


Fully voiced quest givers are totally wasted here when there is no variety in quests at all.


After your first 3 quest givers the only variety is a bit of fluff which is useless because your actions make no lasting effect on the game world anyway so who cares why your doing these things?

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It looks like MMO's aren't for you. You should keep playing Skyrim.


Thats exactly what I am doing..while waiting for ME3 :)

What I was wondering with this topic is why this kind of repetetive game would be for anyone ? Who in their right mind would enjoy playing this kind of game versus singleplayer games which provide more fun playing ?

I realize fun in MMORPGs come from playing with other people. But why do you have to suffer through these repetetive side quest so we get to have fun playing with other people ? Why we cant have both ? Fun,engaging sidequest full of deversity,not boring and repetetive,and still get to play with other people ? Why cant we have both ?

Edited by rpglord
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I am fan of rpg games and have played pretty much all rpg games out there,including jrpgs on consoles.I never was fun of MMORPGs for one simple reason-I found them more boring and repetitive then single player games. I tried playing wow quit about lv40 when I realized all sidequest involved doing same stuff over and over.


I am big fan of bioware and loved both kotor 1 and 2. So I just had to buy this game eventhrough it was mmorpg. I hoped bioware might avoid some of the pitfalls those kind of game usually have. Boy was I dissapointed after only couple of hours of gameplay.


This game pretty much has 3 quests and thats it. They are just repeated hundred of times,with different dialogue.Quests are :


1) Kill random number of enemies


2) Press random number of switches,or other objects in the world.


3) Kill random number of enemies and then loot them to find random number of random things.


Whats worse even main class quests involve these 3 quests with addiotion of freeing somebody or killing some boss.


Now problem I have with this is that single player rpg are not this much repetitive. Not even close. Take Skyrim for example.


I just logged in to Skyrim and checked my quest log. I have about 20 quests there. NOT EVEN ONE quest involved killing random number of enemies or collectiong random number of crap nobody cares about. NOT ONE !


Whats saddens me is that bioware has made games which are not this boring or repetitive. Not one of their singeplayer games has side quests which consists only of those 3 templates I mentioned. Not dragon age,not mass effect none.


Dont get me wrong,of course you have to kill enemies,its just in another games its not so blatantly in your face repetitive. In singleplayer games,you kill enemies to survive,to achieve some other objectives instead of killing enemies. There is no any counter which counts how many enemies you killed.


Now I am not bashing just this game. I realize all MMORPGS I like this. I already mentioned WOW has same problem.


What MMORPG genre needs to do is clear : They need to make sidequests on the level of singleplayer game. If single player games have managed to add variety to sidequesting,to make sidequest interesteing not just because of dialogue,but because of the stuff you actually do,I dont see why MMORPGs cant do the same things. What the problem exactly ?


Lets see. Skyrim quest


1) go to X dungeon to collect X item.

2) arrive at X dungeon

3) kill XX amount of enemies till last boss.

4) kill boss and collect X item

5) turn in quest.


The only difference is sw tor tells you to kill XX enemies before looting the item.



You know these same type of quests are in every Rpg and mmo and just as boring!


So what point were you making again?

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Thats eaht MMO's are kill stuff, loot stuff, kill more stuff! Thats the model for most if not all MMO's. Looks like MMO's are not for you mate!


Yeah but dont you think MMO's would be better if they weren't like that ? Shouldn't devs want to try to get more people to play their game ?

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1) Kill random number of enemies


2) Press random number of switches,or other objects in the world.


3) Kill random number of enemies and then loot them to find random number of random things.


Whats worse even main class quests involve these 3 quests with addiotion of freeing ?


Every MMO is the same, except in a LOT of MMOS like WOW the quests are just random, go killme 15 of these things, then go kill me some more and some other stuff and then here is a trinkett


At least if you bother to listen and follow the story they are trying to show your doing a task to get to a certain aim.


Even most computer games are repetative, just kill things until you get to other end of maze,

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Re: first few responses and the countless more to come:

And the bioware defense force strikes!


No vehicle quests?


No bombing runs?


One escort quest imp side.


Fully voiced quest givers are totally wasted here when there is no variety in quests at all.


After your first 3 quest givers the only variety is a bit of fluff which is useless because your actions make no lasting effect on the game world anyway so who cares why your doing these things?


i agree...but wow didnt have these kinds of quests either until burning crusade, wich implemented VARIOUS ENGINE FIXES AND ADDITIONS so that they could implement these new quest mechanics...


the hero engine/swtor still has a lot of stuff to fix before they start adding completely new code and mechanincs to the game

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Lets see. Skyrim quest


1) go to X dungeon to collect X item.

2) arrive at X dungeon

3) kill XX amount of enemies till last boss.

4) kill boss and collect X item

5) turn in quest.


The only difference is sw tor tells you to kill XX enemies before looting the item.



You know these same type of quests are in every Rpg and mmo and just as boring!


So what point were you making again?


Not true. Some of the quests "templates" in Skyrim off the top of my head :


1) Kill boss in dungeon

2) Lure somebody to get sacrificed at some altar

3) Search abandoned house/fort whatever then fight to survive

4)Go to some npc to get something,either by stealing it,killing the npc,or persuade through dialogou to get it

5) pay money to somebody

6)rescue somebody from somewhere

7)kill somebody ( not boss in dungeon )

8) fnd somebody who may or may not be in some dungeon

9) find something,usually just ONE THING which is reason enough for me to make this kind of quest much less repetetive. Honestly,which is more boring and repetetive, finding 1 thing or finding 7 things ?

10 ) escape from somewhere

11) listen to some old guy talk about magic,let him try it on you,then you demostrate your own magic prowess :) ( no,you dont kill him )


As you can see,a lot of more variety :)

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Skyrim also has basically 4-5 types of quests repeated over and over too. Its more like RPG's aren't for him.


Read my last reply. And this is not Skyrim vs SWTOR post. Dragon age and mass effect,also made by bioware,are far less repetetive then this. And so is most of sp rpgs

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I am fan of rpg games and have played pretty much all rpg games out there,including jrpgs on consoles.I never was fun of MMORPGs for one simple reason-I found them more boring and repetitive then single player games. I tried playing wow quit about lv40 when I realized all sidequest involved doing same stuff over and over.


I am big fan of bioware and loved both kotor 1 and 2. So I just had to buy this game eventhrough it was mmorpg. I hoped bioware might avoid some of the pitfalls those kind of game usually have. Boy was I dissapointed after only couple of hours of gameplay.


This game pretty much has 3 quests and thats it. They are just repeated hundred of times,with different dialogue.Quests are :


1) Kill random number of enemies


2) Press random number of switches,or other objects in the world.


3) Kill random number of enemies and then loot them to find random number of random things.


Whats worse even main class quests involve these 3 quests with addiotion of freeing somebody or killing some boss.


Now problem I have with this is that single player rpg are not this much repetitive. Not even close. Take Skyrim for example.


I just logged in to Skyrim and checked my quest log. I have about 20 quests there. NOT EVEN ONE quest involved killing random number of enemies or collectiong random number of crap nobody cares about. NOT ONE !


Whats saddens me is that bioware has made games which are not this boring or repetitive. Not one of their singeplayer games has side quests which consists only of those 3 templates I mentioned. Not dragon age,not mass effect none.


Dont get me wrong,of course you have to kill enemies,its just in another games its not so blatantly in your face repetitive. In singleplayer games,you kill enemies to survive,to achieve some other objectives instead of killing enemies. There is no any counter which counts how many enemies you killed.


Now I am not bashing just this game. I realize all MMORPGS I like this. I already mentioned WOW has same problem.


What MMORPG genre needs to do is clear : They need to make sidequests on the level of singleplayer game. If single player games have managed to add variety to sidequesting,to make sidequest interesteing not just because of dialogue,but because of the stuff you actually do,I dont see why MMORPGs cant do the same things. What the problem exactly ?


I disagree - that is what YOU think they need. I love the quests in this game and the storylines. I enjoy the interaction with the npc's and the heroics not being required to advanced but being fun for groups.


sorry - just my completely subjective opinion like your completely subjective opinion.

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Read my last reply. And this is not Skyrim vs SWTOR post. Dragon age and mass effect,also made by bioware,are far less repetetive then this. And so is most of sp rpgs


MMO's are Meant to be repetitive, they cannot add endless different content. 3 of TOR planets = Skryim in size.

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I disagree - that is what YOU think they need. I love the quests in this game and the storylines. I enjoy the interaction with the npc's and the heroics not being required to advanced but being fun for groups.


sorry - just my completely subjective opinion like your completely subjective opinion.


I love the storyline and interaction with the npc's too. Its the part when you are actually supposed to do the quest which is the problem.

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This game pretty much has 3 quests and thats it. They are just repeated hundred of times,with different dialogue.Quests are :


1) Kill random number of enemies


2) Press random number of switches,or other objects in the world.


3) Kill random number of enemies and then loot them to find random number of random things.


This is simply not true.. just some missions i remember of the top of my head..


On Coruscant you get a mission to help a police chick to capture a guy in a bar..

you can kick his *** or persuade him to turn himself in.


On Balmorra the is a Escort mission escorting force sensitives, also on Balmorra a mission to heal injured soldiers.. just a couple examples. and there are prolly way more

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Read my last reply. And this is not Skyrim vs SWTOR post. Dragon age and mass effect,also made by bioware,are far less repetetive then this. And so is most of sp rpgs


This is not a single player RPG. And I did read your last post. I can list 20 different things to do in SWTOR too. Just the other day I had to seal a giant monster from escaping a prison that was breaking apart by welding the doors shut on Belsavis! Look variety!!!!!!!


The majority of Skyrim's quests are the same 3-4 types. Every RPG will have that. You can't have 1000's of quests all with tremendous variety.

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@last 2 posts

Problem is that quests in SWTOR which does not fit in 3 types I described are very rare.90%,if not more,of your time questing will be spent doing one of 3 things I mentioned.

While in other games,different quests are not so rare.

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Yeah but dont you think MMO's would be better if they weren't like that ? Shouldn't devs want to try to get more people to play their game ?


I cant say I see any difference.


I bet if you look past the fluff and story telling, ALL of Skyrims quests involve kill X...arrive at Y...or collect/interact with Z.


How can they not?


Just because they have more of a sugar coated narrative does not make them anything less than generic vehicles for xp gain and as such, even RPGs have recurring themes.


Like I said, even DAO was just kill x...travel to y....or interact with z...underneath all the fluff...Skyrim is no different.


Don't get me wrong I love RPGs as much as MMORPGs I just dont see what the OP is driving at here...





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