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Attacking republic in Open World is griefing?


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I had to read 10 pages of drivel before I even saw one post questioning if the OP isn't just making up some story... especially considering how implausible this whole situation is.


Get real. People on the internet are like mindless sheep.


On any other game forum the mods would have at least had the audacity to comment on a situation, true or false.


The fact that BW hasn't responded means that it probably happened, and they are embarassed to post here because they are in the wrong.

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This does not help your argument.


Actually it does help his argument. On a PvP server the "winner" of a PvP doesnt have to leave the area. The loser doesnt get a complimentary prize of free run at the area.


The losers of the PvP fight leave and dont come back.. Or suffer the possibility of more deaths.


Period. That is no argument, that is the purpose of a PvP server.

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What a bunch of no-lifers... I could understand repeatedly camping if they wanted to kill the boss... but lol.. just doing it for the hell of it.. if you don't have anything better to do in game then just log off and play another game and get some fresh air. Edited by Plaidpants
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Recap of every OMG we are awesome at PVP story ever;


We took overwhelming numbers to this place.


We killed everything with no resistance


We griefed people who could not fight back due to the aforementioned overwhelming numbers for a while.




In WoW, when this happened, people went to the capital cities and called for help.


"Barrens overrun by Alliance 60s, need help!"


And what happened? People came to help, and drove the alliance out. And that was fun as hell.


That is open world PvP. Zerging something is a challenge to the opposite side.


But all anyone in this game can do is cry about being preyed upon. Pathetic.

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Pretty shady subject, griefing in my belief is a high level hindering the progress of lower levels. That has been mostly taken care of since most of the levels anyway are in their respective space. When you get into actual places meant to fight in pvp your character should be at a comfortable enough level to stand a chance and it not be considered griefing. Sure their is spawn camping but there is also the spawn from another location, so that is taken care of.


And to solve the problem of another guild stopping repubs from taking a world boss? Recruit more people then retaliate, cause at that point the game content changes from pve to pvp and should be handled as such. If enemies come to fight you you don't cry about it you retaliate then take the WB out at a later date that has no imps "griefing" you.

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In WoW, when this happened, people went to the capital cities and called for help.


"Barrens overrun by Alliance 60s, need help!"


And what happened? People came to help, and drove the alliance out. And that was fun as hell.


That is open world PvP. Zerging something is a challenge to the opposite side.


But all anyone in this game can do is cry about being preyed upon. Pathetic.


Very true. very sad.


What happened to gamers... when did you all become so... blahmeh.. gimmegimme

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LOADING SCREEN, cant remember which one quite clearly says "Actions that can be solved with pvp, are NOT griefing" or something to that effect, so basically, if your on a pvp server and you get your *** kicked, it CAN be solved with pvp, therefore is not griefing.


Whoever the GM was should shut his ****in pie hole

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So here is the scenario.


Belsavis World Boss is up. Republic guild is trying to take him down. A group of Imperials attack the repubs.....repeatedly til they abandon the boss.


Imperials get warnings for griefing.



I could have sworn this game said it had open world PVP....and I also could have sworn I chose to play on a PVP server.


So I would like the devs to clarify this.


And a little bit of rant here.

Bioware, you have never been big on the whole PVP thing, so much so that you had to co-opt developers from Warhammer to do it for you. The above example only shows your lack of knowledge about PVP.

A couple of things to enlighten you.

First, open world pvp in the gaming community means.....pvp anywhere, anytime.

On a PVP server, a common practice is denying the opposing faction areas, entrances, bosses....you know...it's almost like....oh I dont know....a WAR...like STAR WARS!!!!


I can deal with bugs, I can deal with slow patches and fixes. (you have been good with patches)...I can deal with alot of things. But one thing I cant stand is a mommy game company babysitting a PVP server.


So I would like some clarification.

Is it ok on a PVP server to actually attack the opposing faction in an organized fashion to deny them areas, quest bosses, or anything else? Can my guild decide to wage war on Belsavis and attempt to deny to the whole world to the republic?


If I kill someone and they come back to the area, am I allowed to keep killing them til they give up? If not, what's the magic number before I am griefing?




One pissed off PVP'er.


I would Pitch a fit personally thats just BS if you got a warning even if it is just a warning ITs a freaking PVP server and you are right every were anywere anytime is pvp if they dont like it they shouldnt be on a pvp server.

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lol...those carebears shouldn't be running around on a pvp server.


Crazy how catered and softened up everythings getting these days.


"aw, Johnny's sad cuz he sucks, lets punish the other guys" Yes, that makes for a strong willed character right there haha. =P

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Very true. very sad.


What happened to gamers... when did you all become so... blahmeh.. gimmegimme


seems to me just after BC hit for wow this mentality hit.. the QQ gimmy things NOAW! crowd showd up.. personally would rather work for my level and gears then just be handed crap like they do these days.


dont get me wrong i dont like super grind fests but level capping in a week of 4 hour a day play times is not awesome doing raids aka ops in 60 minutes and downing all the boss's with out any trouble is not awesome..


What ever happened to the EPIC Battles both pvp and pve????? i mean it seriously...


doesn't anyone remember the 20 minute boss fights? after you did that you felt like you earned it not just meh its done after like 5 minutes if that.

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In WoW, when this happened, people went to the capital cities and called for help.


"Barrens overrun by Alliance 60s, need help!"


And what happened? People came to help, and drove the alliance out. And that was fun as hell.


That is open world PvP. Zerging something is a challenge to the opposite side.


But all anyone in this game can do is cry about being preyed upon. Pathetic.


Which just leads to two of the exact same story I said.


One side is "we took overwhelming numbers to this place, and griefed everyone"


The other sides is "we waited until that side got board, then we took OUR overwhelming numbers and kicked them out!"




You have nostalgia for something that has never existed. Open world PVP in a game that is not PVP only has always been zerg vs zerg with no goal other then to overwhelm and grief. There are a few PVP games that did it well (shadowbane comes to mind) but they all failed because the main audience of people who want open world PVP were not at all interested in games where they would be challenged by the people they were fighting, which is why they all play PVE games instead.

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Anyone remember the good old days of UO? Where you could be killed/murdered anywhere you stood? If you were in the right place such as in town there may have been retaliation, but outside town meant you lost everything you carried on you. Theives could steal deeds for castles that took you a year to save for. Righteous fations could hunt them down. Skilled guilds could wipe out town guards and take over. I miss real PVP.
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I'm on the fence on this one... on one hand, its perfectly acceptable to wipe them and take the boss... it's even acceptable to wipe them and not take the boss. Used to do it in WoW all the time, even had a few times we never completed our nightly raid we got so caught up in a huge PvP fest.


The only issue I really see with this is population imbalance issues, if Imperials outnumber Republic 5 to 1 or so, which seems to be the case on most servers, isn't it a little unfair to the lesser faction? Not trying to sound carebearish and I understand that Rep's chose to go Rep... being on the Horde back in the day when Alliance outnumbered us about 10 to 1 on my server was a nightmare, we still had fun times, but mostly we'd just get steamrolled, repeatedly, then corpse/graveyard camped till we logged.


But... at the end of the day I suppose they chose to roll Rep on a PvP server knowing full well the majority of the population in this game plays Imp... so I guess it's not really griefing, more like poor judgement?

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What I find utter male bovine fecal matter is to have a gang of players that are level 50 hang out at a KNOWN storyline mission point on a Level 26 planet, with the sole intention of denying other players a chance at completing a mission.


Happend to me and a guild mate tonight.


Its one thing to be of a close level, hitting random players once or twice and moving on... its another to be WAY over level and sitting in one spot to deny players that dont even have a chance to fight back.

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Recap of every OMG we are awesome at PVP story ever;


We took overwhelming numbers to this place.


We killed everything with no resistance


We griefed people who could not fight back due to the aforementioned overwhelming numbers for a while.




Someone is mad that we didn't let him quest.

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If this is true it is indeed a sad day for PvP in general and is not a confidence inspiring portent for the future of SWTOR PvP.


Honestly though, first off I'm in awe that you recieved a reply from a GM that wasn't a) a rubber stamped blow off and b) recieved in a timely manner (I'm assuming it was a GM this was reported to and who "warned" you).


Ironically this is indicative of this game's laughable attempt to go around it's elbow to get to its ******e to achieve anything resembling open world PvP. Ilum is a well known joke now and it's already a dead PvP spot on my server, I suspect 1.2 will be the final nail in that coffin. All they had to do to foster open world PvP was stick the two factions questing in the same zones of the planets. Voila! Someone's gonna jump someone and someone's gonna call on help prompting the opponent to call for help, etc., people who enjoy and roll on PvP servers know how this works and how it goes.


Personally, I find grinding WZ's for commendations, tokens, valor, ranks, titles, inevitably gear, to be roughly as boring as running the same FPs and Ops repeatedly for weeks and months to, again, collect gear. I want to spend the majority of my time killing opponents, not trying to stay current in a virtual arms race to occasionaly have a good fight that isn't decided largely by who had more free time to pour into running around collecting "teh phat lewts!!!!111one!!". I'd rather have this kind of open world PvP and conflict popping up all over the server constantly. If it weren't for the neccesity of gearing up, I would forsake all WZs and a lot of PvE time to pursue these types of fights. The game has been clearly designed to prevent such PvP escalations and battles though. You can quest clean through to 50 and very likely not see one member of the opposing faction outside a WZ unless you actively seek them out in their questing area. I think I may have seen no more than 10 imps leveling my VG and they were nearly all 50s just out to, what a surprise, stir up some PvP!


"Warning" one group not to engage another in PvP because the other group 'feels like doing something else in that location' is sad and ridiculous. Honestly, I'm not gonna call you a liar but I'm really having trouble swallowing the fact that this was an official warning from a BW Rep. Maybe just because I'd like to hope it's not true.


In games past my guild would assemble for raids regularly and head out to zone into them together, if we saw a raid from the opposing faction attempting to do the same though? Screw the raid, we're jumping these guys and we'll stomp them into the ground for as long as they want to go on with the battle. If it turns out we'd be "griefing" to do so in SWTOR, consider our bags packed and preorders to GW2 confirmed.

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Recap of every OMG we are awesome at PVP story ever;


We took overwhelming numbers to this place.


We killed everything with no resistance


We griefed people who could not fight back due to the aforementioned overwhelming numbers for a while.




The whole point of such an action is to motivate the few to call out friends, guildies, ya know PvP'ers who rolled on a PvP server to um... PvP? You there by amass an equivalent force and engage in uh... what's that called again??? oh yeah - PVP!


Ironically the fun and point of PvP has been lost, particularly on those yet to truly experience it, by companies attempting to "tame down" PvP.

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  • 2 weeks later...
What I find utter male bovine fecal matter is to have a gang of players that are level 50 hang out at a KNOWN storyline mission point on a Level 26 planet, with the sole intention of denying other players a chance at completing a mission.


Happend to me and a guild mate tonight.


Its one thing to be of a close level, hitting random players once or twice and moving on... its another to be WAY over level and sitting in one spot to deny players that dont even have a chance to fight back.


unfortunately, this happens all the time, but that is what you sign up for when you join a PvP server. Han Solo didn't stop himself from killing Stormtroopers because they were lower level than him. It sucks, but you have to take your punches. one good thing to do is go the fleet and blast it over chat and have hope that some lvl 50's will respond. My guild and i regularly seek out the gankers (much to thier surprise when we show up) and when you and your group reach 50, you can do the same thing if you want. All these lvl 50's (both sides) that hang out on tatooine and alderaan basically cannot stand up to other lvl 50's or else they would be on Ilum(as sorry a state as it is), Belsavis, or doing WZs. unfortunatley most of these ******* use the PvP server argument as an excuse to be ***** and the other PvPers get grouped with them and get warned for PvPing when we PvP.


OP: what probably happened was that the group you all attacked had been ganked numorous times in the past and when some of your group stayed behind and harrased them, they got furious and that's when they probably reported. I'm not saying that is how it went, but it is a possibility. would my guild or i reported you? no. Would we have been upset? yes. What would we have done after that? We would have regrouped and sought your group out for a good ole PvP death match, because that is what World PvP is about; giant death matches with as many people as possible:D

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No man, the truth is: you suck.


If u and your friends had the balls, u would attack these republic players after they took out the world boss, not at the same time.


Instead, you jump on them in the mid of the battle, knowing that the world boss will also help you take them down.


You should get a warning because u suck, not because you´re a griefer.

Edited by EduardoJN
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No man, the truth is: you suck.


If u and your friends had the balls, u would attack these republic players after they took out the world boss, not at the same time.


Instead, you jump on them in the mid of the battle, knowing that the world boss will also help you take them down.


You should get a warning because u suck, not because you´re a griefer.


/scratches head...


were talking about PVP on a PVP server yes?

There's a server with open world Pvp occuring and your complaining.


Please forgive me I want to get the facts straight before I call the


Edited by VoidJustice
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"Open world" PvP is one thing.......but denying another group of players access to content is another....


I would suspect there is a balance they are working here....


Did your group proceed to slay the world boss?


....or were you just killing off the republic players so they could not?



You should have rolled on a PVE server as you're a carebear and have no idea what open world pvp is. In open world I can kill you at anytime, if you're on a mob, if you're sitting afk, if you're moving from place to place, its a PVP server and they were in a PVP area. That's the end of the story, there is no time out in PVP.


You are a poor excuse for a pvper and should delete now.


This cannot be true.


It should be perfectly fine to kill republic and deny them that boss. That is what a PVP server is.


Correct sir, this is the DRIVING force in open world pvp, fighting over World Boss kills will do that. It amazes me the losing side actually got people warned by this.


HAHA, BW have lost it completely...Warning for PvP on a PvP server is just about the dumbest thing I have ever heard.


Yes, yes it is.

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