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No. Honestly. There are 3 things i want and single target push is one of them


1. A single target push (20 second cool down. does not generate focus)


2. To get rid of dispatch and make it the saber throw the guardians have that generates focus and has a 30m range (hopefully pick this up around lv 38 and has a 9 second cool down and generates 3 focus)


3.) shorter cool down times on Master strike (sense it has to be channeled in the first place)

Force Stasis (maybe knock this one to 20 seconds?)

Zealous Strike (I think a 10 to 12 second cool down would be nice here sense it's our main focus builder)

Pommel Strike (20 seconds again)


that's all i want. I'm not asking for us to be beefed up. just a few useful abilities and shorter cool downs. it'd sure as heck help in pvp

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No. Honestly. There are 3 things i want and single target push is one of them


1. A single target push (20 second cool down. does not generate focus)


2. To get rid of dispatch and make it the saber throw the guardians have that generates focus and has a 30m range (hopefully pick this up around lv 38 and has a 9 second cool down and generates 3 focus)


3.) shorter cool down times on Master strike (sense it has to be channeled in the first place)

Force Stasis (maybe knock this one to 20 seconds?)

Zealous Strike (I think a 10 to 12 second cool down would be nice here sense it's our main focus builder)

Pommel Strike (20 seconds again)


that's all i want. I'm not asking for us to be beefed up. just a few useful abilities and shorter cool downs. it'd sure as heck help in pvp


This entire post to just made my day. This is a result of not understanding ones class, and certainly not understanding the guardian class.


1. You dont need a push. Youve got slows and roots. The guardian has a push because it has none of these. the push, plus the reset on force leap after use, targets this issue. Sentinels have a much easier time staying on target with the slows, roots, not too mention lowered cd on force leap (if watchmen specced.)


2. Get rid of dispatch? Are you *********** kidding? Get rid of an execute, that hits like a truck, and is great for finishing off enemies? The reason guardians have an extra throw is because mainly because of focus generation. Yes it adds 3 focus, but guardians also dont have Zealous Strike. Their 6 focus generator is on a 1 min CD. And honestly, do you really think it makes that big of a difference? it doesnt. You use it once at the beginning of a fight in pve (in an ideal situation) and just randomly when you want to slap something in pvp from a distance.


3. Just not anything gamebreaking. Master strike shouldnt be used that often, except when abilities are on CD, and then only for first 2 strikes (except combat of course.) Force Statis is also nothing special. Situational, at best, and even if on a 20 second CD, it would be a waste of 3 seconds trying to stun a target, instead of slowing it and dpsing it down. Zealous strike's CD is lowered, in the combat tree.


Learn your class man. Lots of focus generation in combat, if you knew the spec.


Also, is sounds like you want the sentinel to play like a guardian. There is a better option......play a guardian. It has everything you apparently want. So instead of petitioning for the devs to make sentinels exactly like guardians, do what the rest of us what do and roll a guardian.

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I agree with everything the above poster said. Nothing much needs changed with Sent. Just learn to utilize your skill sets rather than moan that we dont have a push.


1) There is already WAY to many knockbacks/pushes/w.e in this game to begin with. i don't want another class to have it..FFS.


2) you must not use Dispatch that often. That thing hits like a frign truck on steriods. 2.8k+.. damn right I wanna keep it. Its an amazing finisher when someone thinks there getting away.


3) i don't use master strike much, and mainly use it on stationary healers when nothing else is up.

Force Statis has basically 2 functions. Hold the enemy on the fires in Huttball, Put off killing someone so people in your group on Ilum can come to get credit for the kill..and just for S&G's..A hidden interupt.

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This entire post to just made my day. This is a result of not understanding ones class, and certainly not understanding the guardian class.


1. You dont need a push. Youve got slows and roots. The guardian has a push because it has none of these. the push, plus the reset on force leap after use, targets this issue. Sentinels have a much easier time staying on target with the slows, roots, not too mention lowered cd on force leap (if watchmen specced.)


2. Get rid of dispatch? Are you *********** kidding? Get rid of an execute, that hits like a truck, and is great for finishing off enemies? The reason guardians have an extra throw is because mainly because of focus generation. Yes it adds 3 focus, but guardians also dont have Zealous Strike. Their 6 focus generator is on a 1 min CD. And honestly, do you really think it makes that big of a difference? it doesnt. You use it once at the beginning of a fight in pve (in an ideal situation) and just randomly when you want to slap something in pvp from a distance.


3. Just not anything gamebreaking. Master strike shouldnt be used that often, except when abilities are on CD, and then only for first 2 strikes (except combat of course.) Force Statis is also nothing special. Situational, at best, and even if on a 20 second CD, it would be a waste of 3 seconds trying to stun a target, instead of slowing it and dpsing it down. Zealous strike's CD is lowered, in the combat tree.


Learn your class man. Lots of focus generation in combat, if you knew the spec.


Also, is sounds like you want the sentinel to play like a guardian. There is a better option......play a guardian. It has everything you apparently want. So instead of petitioning for the devs to make sentinels exactly like guardians, do what the rest of us what do and roll a guardian.




force push on sentinel wouldn't be game breaking but we have little point in having one other than making huttball even more annoying. sentinels are already on the stronger end of class balance I say leave us be.

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2) you must not use Dispatch that often. That thing hits like a frign truck on steriods. 2.8k+.. damn right I wanna keep it. Its an amazing finisher when someone thinks there getting away.



Dispatch doesn't hit all that hard, considering that it's still nearly melee range, still costs 3 focus, and a great deal of the time won't even activate because even though the target is at 5% health it just refuses to believe it. If it hit as hard as Merciless Slash I'd like it a lot more, or if it had a 30 yard range.

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We don't need a push, all though it would be nice sometimes. This game has FAR too many *********** knockback effects its ridiculous. Especially those who can reset their knockback again, and those knockbacks who first knocks, then ROOTS YOU IN PLACE. (Are you serious bioware?)
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Dispatch doesn't hit all that hard, considering that it's still nearly melee range, still costs 3 focus, and a great deal of the time won't even activate because even though the target is at 5% health it just refuses to believe it. If it hit as hard as Merciless Slash I'd like it a lot more, or if it had a 30 yard range.



I don't really know what kind of gear you have, but mine absolutely hits as hard as merciless slash. I often, in fact, see higher and more crits on Dispatch than on merciless slash.

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The guardian has an aoe slow they can spam for 0 focus if they spec into it.




But if you think that makes up for the other slowing abilities that sentinels have, then i dont know what to tell you.


And if you think that the AOE slow really is that game changing for guardians, i also, dont know what to tell you.

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I have actually been saying this for awhile now. Truthfully, every single class, except for the sentinel/Marauder have some kind of a pushback. ALL OF THEM.


THe guardian is the guy who is supposed to be taking all of the aggro, and all of the damage, so that well....the sentinel can kill everything around them.


The problem arises in two places.


1. Soloing your quests alone.


2. Any instance where you have a bad tank!




The sentinel has NO and I do mean, NO area of affect abilities. And yes, I know your going to say, "Well, you have 'Force Sweep', and it's AWESOME!" Well, to tell you the truth, your wrong if you say that. I have had Guardian players tell me there force sweep is cranking out 3k plus damage. Well that's great, but I am a sentinel, and mine doesn't.


THe other problem with it is this. It does not get anyone off of you. I am a DPS class. NOt a TANK! I can't take sustained damage from multiple targets for very long. I can't attack multiple targets at ALL So, if I am doing more damage than my tank, or my Companion, I am taking all of the aggro. I am taking all of the damage. So yeah, I have knocked a few guys senseless I get to ding them with pommel strike, and once I do, I have five targets attacking me from everywhere again. I am surrounded. It's a lost battle from the word go.


If my force sweep, actually pushed them back, I could get a break from the damage, and force leap onto one target buying me maybe enough time to finish off an attacker, and then maybe push them back again or even heal.


As it stands right now. For all of the Jedi classes....The sentinel doesn't have ANY real force powers. I may as well be a smuggler with two glow rods. The sentinel is not a Jedi....he's a wanna be Robin Hood. In a universe full of people that have him outmatched, and outgunned.


It has already been noted on this forum in several places where the Sentinel was 'NERFED' before the game even launched, because Bio-Ware didn't want a ton of sentinels running around! YOu play any other class, and the difference is night and day! Literally. WHen a smuggler's survival odds are ten to one better than a Jedi's something is wrong.


I have had smugglers push me away, Juggernaughts push me away, bounty hunters push me away, consulars push me away, OPERATIVES, Commandos! Sentinel, nah, they got two sabers and Force SWeep....F'EM!


Sentinel IS way underpowered. All they need to put them on par with everyone else, is a force wave. Easy enough to add to the force sweep. You just got to get the damage off of you. THe other skills are great, but they just don't work long enough, or even reliably enough to count on. They take too long to cool down. Rebuke, Saber Ward, they are awesome. But they wear off too fast, and during a sustained engagement, you just can't get them back up fast enough.


It really is a class that is all bark and no bite.

Edited by GBlues
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This entire post to just made my day. This is a result of not understanding ones class, and certainly not understanding the guardian class.


1. You dont need a push. Youve got slows and roots. The guardian has a push because it has none of these. the push, plus the reset on force leap after use, targets this issue. Sentinels have a much easier time staying on target with the slows, roots, not too mention lowered cd on force leap (if watchmen specced.)


2. Get rid of dispatch? Are you *********** kidding? Get rid of an execute, that hits like a truck, and is great for finishing off enemies? The reason guardians have an extra throw is because mainly because of focus generation. Yes it adds 3 focus, but guardians also dont have Zealous Strike. Their 6 focus generator is on a 1 min CD. And honestly, do you really think it makes that big of a difference? it doesnt. You use it once at the beginning of a fight in pve (in an ideal situation) and just randomly when you want to slap something in pvp from a distance.


3. Just not anything gamebreaking. Master strike shouldnt be used that often, except when abilities are on CD, and then only for first 2 strikes (except combat of course.) Force Statis is also nothing special. Situational, at best, and even if on a 20 second CD, it would be a waste of 3 seconds trying to stun a target, instead of slowing it and dpsing it down. Zealous strike's CD is lowered, in the combat tree.


Learn your class man. Lots of focus generation in combat, if you knew the spec.


Also, is sounds like you want the sentinel to play like a guardian. There is a better option......play a guardian. It has everything you apparently want. So instead of petitioning for the devs to make sentinels exactly like guardians, do what the rest of us what do and roll a guardian.


Slows and roots? I know of 2 roots if you spec combat, but any sent worth his salt doesn't spec that tree. Am I missing a root(s) somewhere?


My post wasn't about keeping classes in melee range. Obivously if you PUSH someone away from you, kidna defeating the point of that, no?


I agree there are way too many kb's in the game as it stands. The problem is, we are the only ones without one. So untill they take some away from classes (which won't happen), I think we need one. I'd even give up some damage for one. It pisses me off how every other class can physically stop a player from scoring in huttball, EXCEPT us. Or how every other class can save a healer by knocking a palyer off with a kb.


But go ahead, flame away like all 3 year old trolls do and tell me to learn my class. I'm sure if I dig deep enough I will discover a secret knockback that we have had this whole time but my newbiness blinded me to it.

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Giving Guardians a push that reset a pull made no sense. Still to this day it makes no sense on why they implemented it - from a PvP aspect. They should of made it so that Guardian Leap resets Force Leap.


Now giving a Sentinel a push ability works against the class. We are not a tank, nor a ranged class. We already have two abilities that can create distance if needed - awe and our 4 second invisible.

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Slows and roots? I know of 2 roots if you spec combat, but any sent worth his salt doesn't spec that tree. Am I missing a root(s) somewhere?


My post wasn't about keeping classes in melee range. Obivously if you PUSH someone away from you, kidna defeating the point of that, no?


I agree there are way too many kb's in the game as it stands. The problem is, we are the only ones without one. So untill they take some away from classes (which won't happen), I think we need one. I'd even give up some damage for one. It pisses me off how every other class can physically stop a player from scoring in huttball, EXCEPT us. Or how every other class can save a healer by knocking a palyer off with a kb.


But go ahead, flame away like all 3 year old trolls do and tell me to learn my class. I'm sure if I dig deep enough I will discover a secret knockback that we have had this whole time but my newbiness blinded me to it.


3 year old trolls huh? I was just calling you out on what you said that was wrong. If thats something you cant accept, then thats ok. Thats your choice. Just know that there are many sents that dominate in all aspects, and arent complaining about what they "dont" have.


Every class cant have everything in the game. If that was the case, there would be no classes. There would be a singular avatar to play, and all would play the same.


Ill say it again, based on the things you want, you need to play a guardian.


All classes have their pros and cons. The rest of us weigh the pros and cons, and based on what we find important in the game, we choose a class. Maybe you should do the same. Or at least play something you like, and stick with it through and through. Keep in mind, that the "worst" classes as percieved by the majority of an mmo population, can still dominate, given the right player.


EDIT: And no player worth his salt plays combat? Once again, speaking with not much knowledge of the class. Combat is a viable option, and chosen by many players because of its ability to perform in pve and pvp.

Edited by Murderrus
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This entire post to just made my day. This is a result of not understanding ones class, and certainly not understanding the guardian class.


1. You dont need a push. Youve got slows and roots. The guardian has a push because it has none of these. the push, plus the reset on force leap after use, targets this issue. Sentinels have a much easier time staying on target with the slows, roots, not too mention lowered cd on force leap (if watchmen specced.)


2. Get rid of dispatch? Are you *********** kidding? Get rid of an execute, that hits like a truck, and is great for finishing off enemies? The reason guardians have an extra throw is because mainly because of focus generation. Yes it adds 3 focus, but guardians also dont have Zealous Strike. Their 6 focus generator is on a 1 min CD. And honestly, do you really think it makes that big of a difference? it doesnt. You use it once at the beginning of a fight in pve (in an ideal situation) and just randomly when you want to slap something in pvp from a distance.


3. Just not anything gamebreaking. Master strike shouldnt be used that often, except when abilities are on CD, and then only for first 2 strikes (except combat of course.) Force Statis is also nothing special. Situational, at best, and even if on a 20 second CD, it would be a waste of 3 seconds trying to stun a target, instead of slowing it and dpsing it down. Zealous strike's CD is lowered, in the combat tree.


Learn your class man. Lots of focus generation in combat, if you knew the spec.


Also, is sounds like you want the sentinel to play like a guardian. There is a better option......play a guardian. It has everything you apparently want. So instead of petitioning for the devs to make sentinels exactly like guardians, do what the rest of us what do and roll a guardian.


Thank you. I was about to say this too. And to mention tanks generate one less focus every time anyways. Also the cooldowns of the guy above you are redonkulous. My SW would not suck so much if we had that kind of cool down...most attacks are cloned is why I say that

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But if you think that makes up for the other slowing abilities that sentinels have, then i dont know what to tell you.


And if you think that the AOE slow really is that game changing for guardians, i also, dont know what to tell you.


Simply correcting your error. No need to look into and try to find something that isn't there.

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3 year old trolls huh? I was just calling you out on what you said that was wrong. If thats something you cant accept, then thats ok. Thats your choice. Just know that there are many sents that dominate in all aspects, and arent complaining about what they "dont" have.


Every class cant have everything in the game. If that was the case, there would be no classes. There would be a singular avatar to play, and all would play the same.


Ill say it again, based on the things you want, you need to play a guardian.


All classes have their pros and cons. The rest of us weigh the pros and cons, and based on what we find important in the game, we choose a class. Maybe you should do the same. Or at least play something you like, and stick with it through and through. Keep in mind, that the "worst" classes as percieved by the majority of an mmo population, can still dominate, given the right player.


EDIT: And no player worth his salt plays combat? Once again, speaking with not much knowledge of the class. Combat is a viable option, and chosen by many players because of its ability to perform in pve and pvp.



Lol. The only part of post that was directly in response to you was the question about the roots. The troll comment was directed at people saying "learn the class" when I'm looking for a player displacement move.


You quoted the guy below me who wanted everything under the sun, and on a shorter cooldown. Even I think what he wants is unreasonable. Good job.


So no guy, you were not calling me out. I made the oginal post asking if others would think we would be imba with a PUSH, not a pull, or some other means to stay within melee range.


I would like a PUSH to either a. save my healer, or b. be able to do what every other class in huttball can do. Our other skills and damage output are fine.


Nice failjob at trolling though.


Predit reply; Not much knowledge of the class? 20 days played, battlemaster. Respec twice a week. Leveled as combat all the way to 50. Compared to watchmen and focus, combat is fail.

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The sentinel has NO and I do mean, NO area of affect abilities. And yes, I know your going to say, "Well, you have 'Force Sweep', and it's AWESOME!" Well, to tell you the truth, your wrong if you say that. I have had Guardian players tell me there force sweep is cranking out 3k plus damage. Well that's great, but I am a sentinel, and mine doesn't.


THe other problem with it is this. It does not get anyone off of you. I am a DPS class. NOt a TANK! I can't take sustained damage from multiple targets for very long. I can't attack multiple targets at ALL So, if I am doing more damage than my tank, or my Companion, I am taking all of the aggro. I am taking all of the damage. So yeah, I have knocked a few guys senseless I get to ding them with pommel strike, and once I do, I have five targets attacking me from everywhere again. I am surrounded. It's a lost battle from the word go.


If my force sweep, actually pushed them back, I could get a break from the damage, and force leap onto one target buying me maybe enough time to finish off an attacker, and then maybe push them back again or even heal.


As it stands right now. For all of the Jedi classes....The sentinel doesn't have ANY real force powers. I may as well be a smuggler with two glow rods. The sentinel is not a Jedi....he's a wanna be Robin Hood. In a universe full of people that have him outmatched, and outgunned.


It has already been noted on this forum in several places where the Sentinel was 'NERFED' before the game even launched, because Bio-Ware didn't want a ton of sentinels running around! YOu play any other class, and the difference is night and day! Literally. WHen a smuggler's survival odds are ten to one better than a Jedi's something is wrong.


I have had smugglers push me away, Juggernaughts push me away, bounty hunters push me away, consulars push me away, OPERATIVES, Commandos! Sentinel, nah, they got two sabers and Force SWeep....F'EM!


Sentinel IS way underpowered. All they need to put them on par with everyone else, is a force wave. Easy enough to add to the force sweep. You just got to get the damage off of you. THe other skills are great, but they just don't work long enough, or even reliably enough to count on. They take too long to cool down. Rebuke, Saber Ward, they are awesome. But they wear off too fast, and during a sustained engagement, you just can't get them back up fast enough.


It really is a class that is all bark and no bite.


Force Sweep is only useless if you go Combat or Watchman. It's insanely good if you go Focus spec. So, if you really want the aoe...then respec


I'm giving 3.5k+ to multiple targets in WZ's everyday with force leap. It just depends on what your play style is.


And trust me, sentinels are NOT underpowered...if you think they're underpowered then you aren't playing it right...

Edited by jbutl
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Lol. The only part of post that was directly in response to you was the question about the roots. The troll comment was directed at people saying "learn the class" when I'm looking for a player displacement move.


You quoted the guy below me who wanted everything under the sun, and on a shorter cooldown. Even I think what he wants is unreasonable. Good job.


So no guy, you were not calling me out. I made the oginal post asking if others would think we would be imba with a PUSH, not a pull, or some other means to stay within melee range.


I would like a PUSH to either a. save my healer, or b. be able to do what every other class in huttball can do. Our other skills and damage output are fine.


Nice failjob at trolling though.


Predit reply; Not much knowledge of the class? 20 days played, battlemaster. Respec twice a week. Leveled as combat all the way to 50. Compared to watchmen and focus, combat is fail.


So i may have had a little to drink and quoted the wrong person.


My b yo, my b.


EDIT: Haha, this post kinda made my day. Wake up hungover and feeling like an ***, good stuff.

Edited by Murderrus
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I just wanted to point out that even if dispatch wasn't that good for sentinels, taking it away would be dumb anyway because it isn't a sentinel skill, but a Jedi knight skill. Meaning my guardian would be very upset if all of a sudden my epic finishing move was gone because some sentinels complained.


From what I've read I think that some people misunderstand guardians. Yes they can tank, but they can also dps and just because you are a guardian doesn't mean you tank. also, just because you have heavy armor doesn't mean you can play like a tank if you aren't specced as one. You'd be surprised at how fast a dps guardian can be killed if they don't play right.

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Dispatch doesn't hit all that hard, considering that it's still nearly melee range, still costs 3 focus, and a great deal of the time won't even activate because even though the target is at 5% health it just refuses to believe it. If it hit as hard as Merciless Slash I'd like it a lot more, or if it had a 30 yard range.


maybe your dispatch doesnt hit hard, but mine does..gear could be the reason..and I stack power all the way with watchman..


so yeah..my dispatch hits for 2.8k+ for basically 1 focus...can't beat that and I never have trouble with it. Doesn't seem to be buggy.

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  • 1 month later...
Force Sweep is only useless if you go Combat or Watchman. It's insanely good if you go Focus spec. So, if you really want the aoe...then respec


I'm giving 3.5k+ to multiple targets in WZ's everyday with force leap. It just depends on what your play style is.


And trust me, sentinels are NOT underpowered...if you think they're underpowered then you aren't playing it right...


You know....I did just recently respec into the Focus tree, and it was much better at level 50 than it was at say....23 or 30 even. However.....I cause way more continuous damage in the watchman tree. As well as force sweep not being that great still. It's still not an AOE. Regardless of what people may think. The only thing it does is knock low level npc's senseless, allowing you a split second to figure out what it is that your going to do, and it had better be good, and you had better have enough focus to use that next skill or you are FUBARed. Period.


Your causing 3.5k damage to multiple targets with a skill that is specifically designed to attack a single target? I call B.S., and I would even go so far as to say that your not playing a sentinel....AT ALL!


Trust me when I tell you. WHen I literally can take on bosses at level 27 with my shadow...or my smuggler....that I Couldn't even touch with my sentinel....THEN THE SENTINEL IS UNDERPOWERED! IT doesn't take a brain surgeon to see it. All you have to do is play any other class, even for a freaking hour to see that the sentinel is a total waste. If it hadn't been for the amount of time that I had already spent on my sent. I would have deleted him and gone guardian or some other class. Cause flat out...they SUCK! I have seen some amazing sentinels do some amazing things, even to include killing bosses 4 levels higher than them solo. But this is not the norm. It is the exception.


And to say it's because people aren't playing the class right is sheer crap. There is only one way to play the sentinel. Cause as much damage as is humanly possible! That means you jump on the target you wish and start whacking his brains out until they are splayed out all over the floor. It's kind of his job!


As far as another poster posting that the sentinel has CC, hog wash! Force Camoflauge??? Really? Try that crap on ILUM! You'll get whacked while you run away to try and recuperate.


To tell you the truth, the people that I see the most, saying learn your class, are the Guardians. They are constantly trying to tell me how to play my class, and have no clue what is going on with the sentinel class. So unless you actually play a sentinel, i would respectfully ask that you keep your mouth shut, and your opinions to yourself. You have no clue! Your class is completely different than ours in every aspect but story. And you keep saying that the sentinel class isn't broken because right now....NO sentinel stands a living chance in hell of taking a guardian of the same level. NONE! I beat a level 34 guardian with my 24 shadow! Both of us were full health. Yeah...sentinel is broke, cause I have no chance matched level for level, and health for health against any class.


So go feed your crap to somebody else. We ain't buying those golden cow turds here dude.

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