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Vicious Throw doesn't give 2.5k medal?


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I was just wondering if anybody else was experiencing not being able to get the 2.5k demolisher medal with vicious throw? I have seen several 3k+ hits and none have awarded a medal. I was able to get a 3k+ hit on demand in the carnage tree with gore + force scream combo, but as annhilation I find that it is not so reliable to get a hit over 2.5k.


Most of the time annhilate for me hits around the 2.4k crit mark, and I have to pop adrenals and relics or bloodthirst to get a 2.5k annhilate hit on a full champion/bm geared toon. The highest I have seen it hit is 3.8k.


Also, I have noticed that I ALWAYS am awarded the medal if my force scream crits over the 2.5, but usually white attacks are the ones that do not register the medal, i.e. vicious throw and sometimes annhilate. Any confirmation of this?


I miss a lot of things about the carnage tree (15% run speed, root with deadly throw, and root with ravage), but the damage from annhilation is just ridiculous comparitively.


Thanks in advance for your replies.

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If they die in say 2k damage, and you hit for 3k damage, the medal only registers that you did 2k damage, not 3k. It's annoying but meh. (Most likely cause as you are talking about a finisher) Edited by Hahkil
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As hahkil says,

If the enemy you are killing only has 2k HP, you could deal 5k damage, but it would only register as 2k. I do not know if this is intentional. I do however think that this is to stop classes like ours getting the medal super easy (as vicious throw does insane damage with bad gear, fully kitted out, i can drop in excess of 7k damage with crits in 2 GCD).

Though if this is the case, it would be annoying as all the healer medals (apart from 75k) are pretty much out of bounds to us, with the exception of getting hoth water.

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As hahkil says,

If the enemy you are killing only has 2k HP, you could deal 5k damage, but it would only register as 2k. I do not know if this is intentional. I do however think that this is to stop classes like ours getting the medal super easy (as vicious throw does insane damage with bad gear, fully kitted out, i can drop in excess of 7k damage with crits in 2 GCD).

Though if this is the case, it would be annoying as all the healer medals (apart from 75k) are pretty much out of bounds to us, with the exception of getting hoth water.


Can I ask what are your stats? I run 420 bonus from power, 25% crit, 72% modifier(thanks surge nerf) and 4.1k is highest i've seen.

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