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It pains me to tell you this my friends


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I have a secret. A secret build. I share it with you, person on the PT forums at 2am. BEHOLD THE ULTIMATE POG! I mean SPEC!



I did 750k dmg with the following spec, single target, in a voidstar. I am in full champ with a bit of BM and a bit of rakatta.





This is the single most powerful PT spec in terms of dmg, it sacrifices TD and thus some range, for extremely high overall dps. You are essentially a little more melee and a lot more powerful.


I call it Splarg's Deep burn spec

Edited by Jabbb
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Explosive dart and Thermal Detonator do about the same dmg.


Not sure if serious... TD does way more, especially when it crits (cause it gets 30% bonus damage on crit). The only way ED makes up for it is if it hits a group of 3+. Now whether that extra burst is worth it or not, is up to the user, but TD definitely does more damage, that there is no doubt on. However, I would also be one to take 9% extra aim over TD. As much as I love the burst, I prefer strong, consistant damage, even for PvP.

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I deal considerably more dmg than with TD, I did 750k single target in a warzone. Thermal det is not worth 6% crit and 9% aim, it's a mediocre ability with good range, it's hard hitting but only every 15 seconds and it's a heat hog.
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I deal considerably more dmg than with TD, I did 750k single target in a warzone. Thermal det is not worth 6% crit and 9% aim, it's a mediocre ability with good range, it's hard hitting but only every 15 seconds and it's a heat hog.


It's not a heat hog and all you have to miss out on is 9% aim to get it.

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It's not a heat hog and all you have to miss out on is 9% aim to get it.


Well I'm doing 750k in warzones without it. It is a heat hog, its 16 heat without any proc capability, FB or RP are also 16 heat but give 30 and 45% chance for a free railshot which actually drastically reduces your heat. Using TD in rotation can put you out of fast heat regen



Incendiary + railshot + thermal = 45 heat. Now you're in melee range what are you going to do? RP for 16 heat? okay you're now at 60 heat you're totally over heated and if you didnt get lucky on your rp you already have to vent heat


Compare that to a simple


Incendiary + railshot = 30 heat, you're still in fast heat regen so you're burning heat considerably well, you can FB into a RP and have the same heat as with a thermal but you'll lose an extra 10 heat because you were lower going into FB TB rotation and you'll have a higher chance of railshot procing, all of this letting you hold off on venting longer. If vents not up and you use TD and land at 45 heat you have to actually start auto attacking or you seriously risk hitting 60 heat on your RP with no proc and then your sol

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Well I'm doing 750k in warzones without it. It is a heat hog, its 16 heat without any proc capability, FB or RP are also 16 heat but give 30 and 45% chance for a free railshot which actually drastically reduces your heat. Using TD in rotation can put you out of fast heat regen



Incendiary + railshot + thermal = 45 heat. Now you're in melee range what are you going to do? RP for 16 heat? okay you're now at 60 heat you're totally over heated and if you didnt get lucky on your rp you already have to vent heat


Compare that to a simple


Incendiary + railshot = 30 heat, you're still in fast heat regen so you're burning heat considerably well, you can FB into a RP and have the same heat as with a thermal but you'll lose an extra 10 heat because you were lower going into FB TB rotation and you'll have a higher chance of railshot procing, all of this letting you hold off on venting longer. If vents not up and you use TD and land at 45 heat you have to actually start auto attacking or you seriously risk hitting 60 heat on your RP with no proc and then your sol


Lets assume Vent Heat and Thermal Override are on CD. We lose 8 heat every GCD. So that's basically -8 heat cost to every ability. Also, while we're on it, TD would be first. So that's 8 heat. Now you add the 17 from IM, now you're at 25. Then RS is free. So you're sitting at 25 heat. You could hit RP and still be at 33 heat. If RS procs, you're still at 33 heat. If he's still up, you can do rapid shots here.


TD can crit for 4k, easily, and only costs 8 heat for that GCD. You went a path that has more sustained damage, that doesn't make TD less viable, you just aren't looking to burst anyone down. If you were to start out with TD->IM->RS and TD/RS were to crit, you're looking at ~10k, in 1 GCD (due to delayed explosion of TD). This is very good for bursting down healers, or someone not paying as much attention. With what you're saying, your rotation would be IM->RS->RP in the first 3? So about 6.5k if they crit?


Either way, both have their own advantages. Neither is bad at all. Sustained damage is great for some things, burst damage is good for some things. There's not really a wrong way. Saying TD is a heat hog is just wrong though. Saying it's not much stronger then ED is wrong.

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Lol, I gave you the tap that the 750k match was impressive, but thinking a single game where you got that due to having an obvious large amount of turtling and pocket heals means you can say such things is just silly.


When you can do that consistently without a premade and actually win matches (or at least make it close), you can use those matches as examples.

Edited by Moostick
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Lol, I gave you the tap that the 750k match was impressive, but thinking a single game where you got that due to having an obvious large amount of turtling and pocket heals means you can say such things is just silly.


When you can do that consistently without a premade and actually win matches (or at least make it close), you can use those matches as examples.


We're talking about pure dmg capabilities, obviously there wasn't a lot of objective based actions in that specific game, but dmg when only going for dmg translates to dmg when used in an objective situations, so fighting a game like this just shows the maximum abilities of a spec. This spec has the most dmg capabilities of any spec (8 8 25 is probably comparable). My point is it's not worth taking TD, especially if you have heat problems.

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We're talking about pure dmg capabilities, obviously there wasn't a lot of objective based actions in that specific game, but dmg when only going for dmg translates to dmg when used in an objective situations, so fighting a game like this just shows the maximum abilities of a spec. This spec has the most dmg capabilities of any spec (8 8 25 is probably comparable). My point is it's not worth taking TD, especially if you have heat problems.


Yeah, this means a whole lot when you basically had invincibiliy, could take your time to kill anyone, and didn't have to spend time in jail/run to the fray again.


Very nice, meaningful comparisons going on here.



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Yeah, this means a whole lot when you basically had invincibiliy, could take your time to kill anyone, and didn't have to spend time in jail/run to the fray again.


Very nice, meaningful comparisons going on here.




Again, we're talking about pure dmg capabilities under ideal conditions, obviously the limiting factors you've raised will lower over all dmg, but if I can do this much dmg in ideal conditions I can do good dmg in less than ideal conditions, I don't think a TD speced PT could do this much single target dmg in ideal conditions and thus couldn't do it in nonideal conditions.

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Again, we're talking about pure dmg capabilities under ideal conditions, obviously the limiting factors you've raised will lower over all dmg, but if I can do this much dmg in ideal conditions I can do good dmg in less than ideal conditions, I don't think a TD speced PT could do this much single target dmg in ideal conditions and thus couldn't do it in nonideal conditions.


And this is what I'm saying. How are you coming to such conclusions with no experiments or data?


Are you psychic?

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TD is still great for out bursting healers bursts. It would not be as good if it didn't get the 30% crit damage boost but it does. Combined with a crit rate of 40% it is always worth it.



You won't overheat if you using rapid shots at times and as you are killing something overheating isn't too much of a problem.


You also the lost the match by a very large amount. Obviously too focussed on seeing big numbers.


You only died once which suggests you avoided large groups most likely the ones actually planting the bomb or defending the door, and not even bothering with the objective of the game. Less deaths also mean less time waiting for the defender barrier to open and of course more time doing damage.




TLDR; Winning is better. I'd rather win than get top damage.

Edited by The_Beastwood
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These are all too funny threads. Really do you expect everyone to take you seriously when, "So this one time I did 750k in a WZ so this spec is awesome" Truly you had near 100% uptime because you had a healer and prb some others guarding you. Because once you run into halfway intelligent pvpers on the opposing team you won't see these numbers.
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I love how nearly every one of these people e-peening about their damage posts a picture of a loss. I hope BW adds combat logs soon so that these guys can flex their actual dps numbers instead of "contributing" to warzones.
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