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Everything posted by Shurbryn

  1. No, just no. The only game that has ever come close to allowing this is Rift with you being able to change souls. That game was designed around being able to do so. This game is not designed around being able to change your AC. How about make some different choices while levelling to shake things up a bit? Get high level friends to run you through flashpoints? There are other options, you just have your blinkers on. It's not BioWare's fault that YOU made the WRONG choice.
  2. Haha awesome, going to try this... I wonder if there is an outfit that you can get that looks like a sci-fi version of Ryu or Ken...
  3. That just reminded me of the first big guild I was in back in Ultima Online. Lynchmob Justice on Napa Valley. LMJ. Red and White colours were a requirement to be worn. And lots of people knew us on the shard. Although there were less people connected to servers back then, but it was a great community - The reason I play MMO's.
  4. Haha yeah. UO broke my cherry to the MMO world, like many others. And my addiction started from there. Although I never got the same satisfaction as when I hit 7 skills to 100...
  5. Yeah same here. Carpenters crafting items for you to deck out your tower. Tamers selling dragons. Alchemists selling potions. Large player run cities with vendors that sold a large array of items you would want to purchase for vanity or hunting. Running through the forests to get to a dungeon to meet up with fellow friends/guild members, only to come across a PK and have a fun time knowing that you may lose all your stuff if you don't win the fight. Ahhhh, those were the days!
  6. Just the info I was after as well! Thanks Randomness!
  7. +1 to epic thread. I am also loving this game! I'm not the biggest sci-fi fan in the world, as I prefer fantasy, with magic and dragons and stuff. But this game is so much fun!
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