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Server population is dropping...


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Swtor's Lead Game Designer did some of the biggest mistakes in mmo history .


A. He allowed to players to know how much people are in every instanced zone (fleets , planets, warzones ) while there is not any Real information from the total population in any server ....!!!


B. He rewarded Too much the pvp gamers with the result of EMPTY PLANETS and very fast 50 lvl players.


C. Full of Bugs the end PVP game = illum




These mistakes are not the only but there are more ... like the poor design of guild tools , the poor design of LFG tool and the very poor design of END PVE GAME ( same rewards the normal , the hardcore and the nighmare [ joke raids under a good team ] ?



The game shines but for an experiensed mmo ( or not mmo ) gamer is very poor designed . deal with it to learn fast what you must change asap if you want to save the game !



I don't know what age group is your target bioware but the most passionate gamers are not the childs* (also no bubble chat either in the same faction) but the ages from 20 until 40 . and this age group is very dissapointed with your choises and the final design of the game.



* at least they can not control the internet today !

Edited by SWTOR-GR
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I don't know what age group is your target bioware but the most passionate gamers are not the childs (also no bubble chat either in the same faction) but the ages from 20 until 40 . and this age group is very dissapointed with your choises and the final design of the game


That is merely your opinion.


In my opinion older players are the ones enjoying this game and the kids are the one who rushed to 50 and now are bored.

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That is merely your opinion.


In my opinion older players are the ones enjoying this game and the kids are the one who rushed to 50 and now are bored.


define please the older age ... i am speaking for the ages from 20 up to 40 . up and under this range they are nowhere in gaming "internet" .



the "muppet show" of game communities right now and tomorrow controled from this age group ... 20 ~ 40 ! out of this range are only "soldiers" or "honored presidents" in GUILDS .


note . the kids are leaving because they allowed them to hit quicly the 50 lvl ... now they must run their "asian backup" ....

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define please the older age ...


I am 39 .... most of my guild is between 27-40+


i am speaking for the ages from 20 up to 40 . up and under this range they are nowhere in gaming "internet"


Nope .... you are speaking for yourself.... and not doing a very good job of it.

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That is merely your opinion.


In my opinion older players are the ones enjoying this game and the kids are the one who rushed to 50 and now are bored.



In my opinion players who are dissatisfied with the game will be dissatisfied no matter what their age group is and the people who rushed to 50 and are now bored are probably the same people who find the story boring no matter what their age group is. I just so love generalizations on this forum.

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I am 39 .... most of my guild is between 27-40+




Nope .... you are speaking for yourself.... and not doing a very good job of it.


i am speaking with the knowledge of someone that knows well what is the opinion of every swtor gamer in greece and i know very well what i am saying because i am an active palyer in a guild ( i know their ages too and what they are thinking ) and i am listening their problems in a european server that today is standard from heavy that was the first two months.


the swtor's problems are these that i wrote in my ex-post you like them or not ...


note . you don't know how many times a saw in general chat someone to claim about the popoularity of a planet and why not when right now there are many planets in low level ranges like tattoine or alderran where are only 10 or 15 ppls only. in the other hand the warzones are always full of ppls.


if this is not a poor game design i don't know what else would been .


a solution would be to make hight end pve raids on these planets that would combine a high end pvp option ( like tattoine ) or hign end pve raids on starter towns ( like quest that will make the ppls travel in both strater planets ) . this will give to the ppls that start the game a first view of their target in game and make them want to reach it .... ;)

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i am speaking with the knowledge of someone that knows well what is the opinion of every swtor gamer in greece and i know very well what i am saying because i am an active palyer in a guild ( i know their ages too and what they are thinking );)



thats awesome. lol

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Game is dying faster than most realize.


And you have this privileged information from ... ?


If it looks like it's dying to you, on your server, maybe so. All I can say is it doesn't look like it's dying to me, on my server.


The server graphs don't show that the game is "dying" either. There's a slight, gradual decline in players over the weeks, but it's far from "dying fast" in the manner that WAR, Rift, DCUO or AoC did after the first month. Nothing like.


Nothing a few decent patches with real solutions to some of the genuine (not hysterically worked-up) problems can't sort out.


I do think they've got to work fast though, and that 1.2 has to solve most of the major important gripes left after ability delay (e.g. UI, some major endgame tweaking, chat bubbles, a few major bugs, and some more optimization). Otherwise the decline will probably accelerate.

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That is merely your opinion.


In my opinion older players are the ones enjoying this game and the kids are the one who rushed to 50 and now are bored.


And that's your opinion.


I am 39.


My wife is 35.


My brother is 34.


My best friend is 40, and his wife is 38.


And we are just five people in my circle of friends and family that have felt like, after 60 days of playing, that we wasted money on SWTOR and have cancelled (matter of fact, today would have been the billing date . . . not even sure why I can still post).


And yes, all of us are MMO Vets, and have been playing the genre continuously since 1999. This is not our first MMO, nor even first launch MMO.

Edited by Jumajin
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Game is dying faster than most realize. I'm guessing f2p before christmas.


You were already guessing in your first sentence.


Server population on my server has gone up in the last couple of weeks. That's all I know. It doesn't tell me how the game is doing in general. So, I won't even try to guess :)

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If it dropped to 1 million subs? One million? Still... Horrible... Dying...


Even 500,000 (10 full Dodger Stadiums). $7.5M in subs a month... Horrible... Completely dead. Only way an MMO can live is with 10M+ subs, 100% retention, and at least 10% constant per month or it's DEAD. Even WoW is dying now.. Everything is dying... Skyrim forums people are bored of Skyrim.. 2012... Death of gaming..


Don't worry... Guild Wars 2 guys.. It's going to save everything... Yeah.. That will be the game to end all games. Time to pull out my hype pills and overdose again..



Edited by fadingdimension
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If it dropped to 1 million subs? One million? Still... Horrible... Dying...


Even 500,000 (10 full Dodger Stadiums). $7.5M in subs a month... Horrible... Completely dead. Only way an MMO can live is with 10M+ subs, 100% retention, and at least 10% constant per month or it's DEAD. Even WoW is dying now.. Everything is dying... Skyrim forums people are bored of Skyrim.. 2012... Death of gaming..


Don't worry... Guild Wars 2 guys.. It's going to save everything... Yeah.. That will be the game to end all games. Time to pull out my hype pills and overdose again..



It is.


The fact is TOR was made with the whole idea of being a game getting WoW numbers. Those numbers are dropping fast due to the state of the game. And a number of people have said they are not coming back. Really the three biggest games of this year will be Diablo 3, Tera and Guild Wars 2.


And look at what they are doing with Guild Wars 2! A ton of people and sites who have tried the beta have said it, Guild Wars 2 is a game changer and the MMO we have all been waiting for. TOR? 1.2 will be coming out around May and by that time most of the player base will not be around.


TOR needs a full on overhaul and fast, as many have pointed out they need a new engine. They need to redo the game play and put in more of an open world for the end game.

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So, this morning when it was just me and my wife in fleet I screen capped it. Idled there for about an hour crafting while we did other breakfasty type stuff. It never got above 4-5 people. So the 4-5 of us sat by the PvP daily box and chatted, then we went to Tatooine where there were 3 people (including us) and did a few quests... Then I went off to work.


It's worth noting that it prime time there can be close to 100 people in fleet, however it rarely goes above that. Used to always be above that.



Edited by _Marou_
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So, this morning when it was just me and my wife in fleet I screen capped it. Idled there for about an hour crafting while we did other breakfasty type stuff. It never got above 4-5 people. So the 4-5 of us sat by the PvP daily box and chatted, then we went to Tatooine where there were 3 people (including us) and did a few quests... Then I went off to work.


It's worth noting that it prime time there can be close to 100 people in fleet, however it rarely goes above that. Used to always be above that.




Your pic is 5 AM........:rolleyes:




Pics of server status as of this past Sunday.

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The people that SWEAR they aren't coming back are the first ones to resub when new stuff comes out. This game may have issues but at the very foundation it is a great game. Countless people will still play it and depending on how they develop the game it will continue to grow.


The people crying about dead servers were the ones SCREAMING at early access to let them in that this was fail and they didnt' care if they had to play alone they would. The worst part of MMO's are the sad reality that most of these ignorant people that just run their mouth are common every day people that actually have jobs and have the right to vote. Mind blowing to think that half of these fully grown trolls are allowed to have legal rights in this country.

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The fact is TOR was made with the whole idea of being a game getting WoW numbers. Those numbers are dropping fast due to the state of the game.



Evidence you have none....thank you for making up facts for us. We couldn't think without them.

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