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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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Exar Kun, Empire, ~200 people on fleet. Few of them 50, fewer still looking for hardmode flashpoints or even raids.


Now, the individual planets are a different matter...


Which was what I was trying to come at with my previous post where I got shot down cause I didn't have a good comparison I guess and it might have been aimed more at finding groups for FP's and Ops but I guess you can look at how easy it is to find 25 people to do Baradin Hold all day long for the first few days after a reset, and as far as I know there's no LFR/LFG tool for BH and people still manage to get groups going way faster and that's 25 people at top level.


On my server: Sith'ari, 25 50's is probably the amount of 50's in the fleet that are looking for PVE content, and I do often look for people on Illum and Belsavis as well to get grps going.


We've all heard the arguments that the server is not dead due to the fact that there are enough people on it and just because not everyone want to do the same thing as you there is no need to complain.

Well isn't there? I mean shouldn't BW make sure servers have a population on them to facilitate people doing the things they want and all the things the game has to offer? and enjoy the game?


For me it boils down to a design flaw and having no know how or knowledge about game engines or developing them so it might be unfounded, but when sharding up planets/areas a higher general population shouldn't cause anyone notable issues no? Which leaves me to think it was a poor design choice.


A miserably messy post I know, but I would like to state that I do actually like the game and if I didn't I wouldn't bother complaining about this issue.

So here's hoping they will not only merge light and standard servers but increase server caps to hold 4-5000 people instead of the 2500? that is full now...

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I have not played in probably two+ weeks, though the last time I was on and checked my guild most players hadn't been on in 20+ days. Some might have been alts, though we had over 125+ members and I say a good 60-70% hadn't logged on in awhile.


I have no idea if they jumped ship to another toon/game I can't say. I do know at peak times WZ ques were long even at the 10-49 bracket. We had maybe 20-30 Imperial 50s and about 5-20 players max per zone after Taris. I quit at level 48 and haven't been back on since.

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Im not sure you understand what "primetime" means if you think 11pm is it.


11pm is primetime not when you get off from school. I get out of work late and every night its the same thing, NO population. 8-11pm on a friday should be one of the busy times. Its the start of the weekend, and yes it is during primetime.

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My EU server, The Shaltin Tunnels, Imp Fleet peaked the day before yesterday at 74 when I was there; the lowest was 36, 50 was about the average. On the Republic side, Coruscant had 68 at one point, Taris 50. Last time I was on Republic Fleet it was not prime time and had 58 people, that was three or four days ago.


Yesterday I was on Alderaan Empire, it went between 25-29, and Quesh Empire, which had between 5-9 people. Tried an alt on Tython for a while, it had between 39-43 people the time I was there.


The Fleet and capital numbers have gone down from early January, when there were usually 80-90 people on Imp Fleet on prime time and Coruscant and Dromund Kaas had up to 170 on prime time. The planets beyond I've been on seem to be relatively stable; at prime time you had between 25-40 people on the major planets then and it seems the same now.


The Shaltin Tunnels is Standard from late afternoon to early night on every day. Can't remember it ever having been Heavy.


Getting FPs have become a little bit harder, Warzones come up perhaps at little bit longer intervals than before, but it's still a healthy server in my opinion and should not be merged.


It's the PvP servers that are the problem in EU, three English and one French being Light even at prime time now. All others were Standard last evening at prime time, but the number of servers that are Heavy has decreased significantly and there were no Very Heavy ones when I looked.

Edited by Rouge
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Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.


I agree,but do it right! For example dont take a 4Rep's-1Imp server and add it to a server with the same unbalanced Pop.


I am having D.C Universe flashbacks here,not that it was as anticipated as this game but everyone endgamed in about 2-3 months and now it is F2P

Edited by xSnMx
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I dont see the problem with server merges they released way too many servers even when the game had launched i saw some servers with light which tells me that there are too many. Now we have this problem. They should just merge servers. Yes it looks bad but they released too many so what everyone makes mistakes but it can be easily fixed. And yes for some reason Lord Adraas is a very nicely popped server. Im also thinking that the mentality also not too merge is that BW are thinking that when holidays come again the servers will be full thus a que ensues. I love this game and i got lucky choosing a heavy server but i want others too enjoy it too who were unlucky. Other than that the game should do fine with the supposed 1.7 million subs
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My high pop servers were all showing medium tonight with a bunch of servers I've never even seen the names of showing heavy.


Now, the question is, do I believe what they're telling me, or no?



Of course my suspicion could be misplaced. Did the game just open up in Australia or somewhere else this weekend?

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I'm on maybe the 15th most populated server according to that popular website. While I don't have a major problem finding people usually, sometimes the queues are quite long for warzones in off-peak hours, and I can't help but wonder why we don't get merged with one of the lower population servers.


I know they have the technology and even have instancing, so why not have way fewer servers that are always higher population. It's a solution around cross-servering and promotes more community while maintaining a better level of players.. It seems like a no-brainer.

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I see you all complaining about how bad your server is... try ice breaker. you are lucky to see 20 people on the fleet on the weekend. on AVERAGE ive seen about 5 people per planet. The pvp areas are empty. the AH is a joke, as there is so little to buy and no one to sell to. you can be queued for warzones for hours upon hours and never get in.


Ive had to end up soloing the 2 and 4 man content at a higher level, as there is no one to run them with. Same goes for FPs. When I do the lower content, I get whispers begging me to help them run the 2 and 4 mans.


It really is taking the fun out of the game, since so much of it requires the server to be populated.

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I see you all complaining about how bad your server is... try ice breaker. you are lucky to see 20 people on the fleet on the weekend. on AVERAGE ive seen about 5 people per planet. The pvp areas are empty. the AH is a joke, as there is so little to buy and no one to sell to. you can be queued for warzones for hours upon hours and never get in.


Ive had to end up soloing the 2 and 4 man content at a higher level, as there is no one to run them with. Same goes for FPs. When I do the lower content, I get whispers begging me to help them run the 2 and 4 mans.


It really is taking the fun out of the game, since so much of it requires the server to be populated.




You know what's sad? The trolls that come to these posts and claim that we're making this stuff up, or that it's "not proven".


I, on several occasions, stated exact numbers for certain planets during "prime time" (Friday evening, 9:30 PM EST, on Eastern PvE server - Krayiss Obelisk).


Balmorra, Quesh, and Hoth ... all had less than 10 people each.


But, hey... I guess we have/had nothing to complain about, right?

(yes, that was sarcasm)


EDIT: and how they conveniently skip over posts that have dates/times/specific numbers, and make argumentative statements to those that are voicing concerns about player populations.


News Flash - I don't want the game to fail. I would just like to either have server merges or free Character Transfers to servers that have a decent population. Try running Heroic group quests, when the planets you're on have less than 10 people on them (as an example).

Edited by Ereint
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You know what's sad? The trolls that come to these posts and claim that we're making this stuff up, or that it's "not proven".


I, on several occasions, stated exact numbers for certain planets during "prime time" (Friday evening, 9:30 PM EST, on Eastern PvE server - Krayiss Obelisk).


Balmorra, Quest, and Hoth ... all had less than 10 people each.


But, hey... I guess we have/had nothing to complain about, right?

(yes, that was sarcasm)


Don't worry their ignorance sure are making EA employees' wallets happy

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Of course it is because you say so.




Why can't you just accept when someone tells you the figures on their server? I mean really, multiple people have given their server figures, but you still won't accept them.


What exactly do you need? It be beaten into you with baseball bat?

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