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Who has a higher position?


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I would say the Dark Council member. At the moment the Emperor is in an undisclosed location doing who knows what. He has been absent for quite awhile. The Dark Council has been pretty much ruling in his stead ever since this absence began, which is natural for Sith.


The answer sounds more obvious when the question is phrased like this: Who has a higher position, a Dark Council member or the Wrath of the Absentee Emperor.

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You are the Emperor's Wrath. Just because the Dark Council isn't told about the Emperor's doings doesn't mean he isn't doing anything. Its made apparent in the Sith Warrior and the Jedi Knight stories that he is indeed plotting and scheming.


Not to mention the Dark Council is totally scared of him after he defeats Darth Barras.

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Well, I just finished the book, and wrath has it


(book = Star Wars: TOR: Reven)


I know this might be daring to ask for your time but could you be more specific?



When I was watching the end game quest videos for both classes it seemed like the Wrath would come out on top, but then they said "do as you please, unless it interferes with our plans" or something of that sort...making me thinkg, "well maybe he is not that unrestrained as they made him out to be before"


the other argument is that since the emperor is gone "The Wrath" has no real purpose and the Dark Council is the ruling body now, making "The Wrath"'s position and power moot?


With the Emperor gone, I am very much looking forward to the story unfolding showing the future of "The Wrath" and his/her purpose.

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in the Jedi knight side/republic aspect of the story It seems pretty clear that Scourge has more say than the council as he by definition is to be seen as any other appendage of the emperor.



However as Republic you kill off most of the dark council on Corellia and as a Jedi Knight Kill the emperor so.... still scourge


Edited by MatronAdena
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The Wrath of th Emperor

(the Sith Warrior is it after Scourge)

is "higher" ranked than dark council members because


, as they "explain briefly" in the final SW cutscene the Wrath can basically do anything he wants without the Dark Council or anybody else having the right to interfere unless the Wrath would like to do something like paint all of DK pink/do anything to seriously weaken the empire. I mean, they literally bow to the Sith Warrior in the end after you yell at them that they've gotten too comfortable and things are going to change... you da boss n all.



Also, for the JK story:

You didn't kill the emperor, you killed the voice of the emperor after the previous host body has been killed by the Sith Warrior for some reason on Voss. So the Emperor was weakened by a recent "death" and some other stuff before the JK kills him, the emperor was never on DK or anywhere else at any point thus all the power fights between Dark Council members etc.


Edited by Aethyriel
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Honestly, I think the Wrath would have more power than any single Dark Council member, because s/he does allegedly do the Emperor's will. In the final cutscene of Chapter 3 for the SW story, one of the Dark Council members (either Vowrawn or Ravage), says something along the lines of "You are answerable only to our ultimate Master." The ultimate Master being the Emperor, of course.


Darth Marr (I think? Dude with the awesome-looking body suit) makes a point of emphasizing that, so long as the Wrath's actions "do not contradict our own," the Council won't interfere as a whole. That said, the entire body of the Dark Council could beat the Wrath down hard, provided that they all found it necessary and agreed to do so.

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Honestly, I think the Wrath would have more power than any single Dark Council member, because s/he does allegedly do the Emperor's will. In the final cutscene of Chapter 3 for the SW story, one of the Dark Council members (either Vowrawn or Ravage), says something along the lines of "You are answerable only to our ultimate Master." The ultimate Master being the Emperor, of course.


Darth Marr (I think? Dude with the awesome-looking body suit) makes a point of emphasizing that, so long as the Wrath's actions "do not contradict our own," the Council won't interfere as a whole. That said, the entire body of the Dark Council could beat the Wrath down hard, provided that they all found it necessary and agreed to do so.


Well the Wrath definetly seems to have Vowrawns allegiance. And the Imperial guards who i think have a portion of the emperors power.

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The Wrath of th Emperor

(the Sith Warrior is it after Scourge)

is "higher" ranked than dark council members because


, as they "explain briefly" in the final SW cutscene the Wrath can basically do anything he wants without the Dark Council or anybody else having the right to interfere unless the Wrath would like to do something like paint all of DK pink/do anything to seriously weaken the empire. I mean, they literally bow to the Sith Warrior in the end after you yell at them that they've gotten too comfortable and things are going to change... you da boss n all.



Also, for the JK story:

You didn't kill the emperor, you killed the voice of the emperor after the previous host body has been killed by the Sith Warrior for some reason on Voss. So the Emperor was weakened by a recent "death" and some other stuff before the JK kills him, the emperor was never on DK or anywhere else at any point thus all the power fights between Dark Council members etc.


oooooh so you do not kill the Emperor? That is weird I thought that was the whole point of the JK;s story.


Well in that case it would be the Wrath, I was just wondering about the position of the Wrath after the Emperor's death but since that did not happen...

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oooooh so you do not kill the Emperor? That is weird I thought that was the whole point of the JK;s story.


Well in that case it would be the Wrath, I was just wondering about the position of the Wrath after the Emperor's death but since that did not happen...


The Emperor is still away, gathering power or whatever, no Sith knows what he's up to, I doubt even the Hand knows more than his location a little bit. That the real emperor isn't the one you've killed can be seen as Darth Baras claims to be the Voice of the emperor, wanting to make the Dark Council bow to him, which they don't directly protest seriously and the emperor himself and his absense from everything allowed that to happen in the first place... the "standing" of the wrath can be seen there, too, as noone dares to interfere when you want to strike him down, not wanting to go against the Wrath.

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The Emperor is still away, gathering power or whatever, no Sith knows what he's up to, I doubt even the Hand knows more than his location a little bit. That the real emperor isn't the one you've killed can be seen as Darth Baras claims to be the Voice of the emperor, wanting to make the Dark Council bow to him, which they don't directly protest seriously and the emperor himself and his absense from everything allowed that to happen in the first place... the "standing" of the wrath can be seen there, too, as noone dares to interfere when you want to strike him down, not wanting to go against the Wrath.


The wrath can do what ever he wishes its the inqusitor that gets the big mans chair.

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Who do you think has more power and the higher position in the Sith Empire?




Wrath of the Emperor




Member of the Dark Council?


And why do you think so?


The Emeperor's Wrath is obvious, the Wrath serve directly to the Emperor as do the dark council but Darth Marr fear The Wrath

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The council basically lays down the law the new Wrath saying something like... "as long as you don't interfere with us."


The Wrath is 1 man, the dark council has an army of sith.


Darth Marr the strongest of the Dark Council is scare of The Wrath The Emperor chose his Enforcer I'm pretty sure The Wrath can dispouse of the council it may take him a while be he can

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Honestly, I think the Wrath would have more power than any single Dark Council member, because s/he does allegedly do the Emperor's will. In the final cutscene of Chapter 3 for the SW story, one of the Dark Council members (either Vowrawn or Ravage), says something along the lines of "You are answerable only to our ultimate Master." The ultimate Master being the Emperor, of course.


Darth Marr (I think? Dude with the awesome-looking body suit) makes a point of emphasizing that, so long as the Wrath's actions "do not contradict our own," the Council won't interfere as a whole. That said, the entire body of the Dark Council could beat the Wrath down hard, provided that they all found it necessary and agreed to do so.


I thought that was Darth Ravage?

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I don't think one is meant to be higher than the other. The Emperor's Wrath really doesn't have power over anyone in the same sense the Dark Council members do. They have their own power bases and run the Empire while the Emperor is away. The Emperor's Wrath is just one person that can do pretty much whatever he wants while enforcing the Emperor's will. He isn't really in charge of anything, but he doesn't have to obey anyone besides the Emperor. Edited by Drasill
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