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Mercs and OP get a buff and Sorcs get a nerf in 1.2


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That said, we certainly think there’s room for improvements (and our upcoming Game Update 1.2 has a sizeable chunk of such improvements).


"There's room for improvements" is evasion pure and simple...not an acknowledgement of deficiencies. What's a "sizable chunk"? What's an improvement? The vagueness of the answer gives the hope of something, yet reveals nothing. Trust me, as a medical professional who is trained to be evasive, this statement commits to NOTHING.

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why when i read Georg's comment i always want to punch someone in the face....


So what he said is: We know sorcerer exceed other healers and we are proud of it...


Op/scoundrel should reroll sorcerer !!!!



That's so pissing me off ! lol... damn !


PS boy-georges , can you film your team running hm or Nightmare Ev or KP with 2 operatives... This will be so clunky compared to sorcerer x 2 run.. omg....

Edited by Saella
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That said, we certainly think there’s room for improvements (and our upcoming Game Update 1.2 has a sizeable chunk of such improvements).


Improvement to what? That was so vague as to be a non-statement. What is being improved? You just spend 80% of your post telling me to essentially "sit down" about this issue, then all the way at the end say "there's room for improvements, 1.2 has some".


Did you improve the size of the twinkies in my grocery bag? Cause bigger twinkies would be nice.

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I'm currently full BM geared Op healer, as far as stats concerned for PvE they are almost on par with Columni.


Now I'm not a bad player, I do tons of PvP where I do very well, I used to heal in a top 10 wow guild in the world and got Gladiator title multiple seasons.


Columni/BM gear is not bad either it should certainly be more then enough for 4-man hardmodes


So why did it feel like I had to **** my *********** pants to heal certain 4-man hm encounters? The tank even told me "wow you are good...for an operative". When I was DPS-specced I saw how blue/green geared Sorcs healed the same encounters seemingly easy so I was kinda shocked.


It just aint fair man..

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"There's room for improvements" is evasion pure and simple...not an acknowledgement of deficiencies. What's a "sizable chunk"? What's an improvement? The vagueness of the answer gives the hope of something, yet reveals nothing. Trust me, as a medical professional who is trained to be evasive, this statement commits to NOTHING.


Agreed to disagree then. I don't really think there is much to be gained in arguing if you read "That said, we certainly think there’s room for improvements (and our upcoming Game Update 1.2 has a sizeable chunk of such improvements)" and don't come out of it thinking that they are going to attempt to buff the healing of the class in 1.2.


Sure, you can be skeptical it will be enough, but complaining about it not being enough before we see what their plans are is trolling for the sake of trolling.

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why when i read Georg's comment i always want to punch someone in the face....


So what he said is: We know sorcerer exceed other healers and we are proud of it...


Op/scoundrel should reroll sorcerer !!!!



That's so pissing me off ! lol... damn !


Thats essentially how I read it too.


Ah well, at least its fun to nerd-rage for a few days before cancellation kicks in.

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Improvement to what? That was so vague as to be a non-statement. What is being improved? You just spend 80% of your post telling me to essentially "sit down" about this issue, then all the way at the end say "there's room for improvements, 1.2 has some".


Did you improve the size of the twinkies in my grocery bag? Cause bigger twinkies would be nice.


Trolling or an inability to read and comprehend? I'll let others decide and focus on those that prefer to have a real discussion.

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Now with 20% less packaging, so you can get to the creamy goodness that much faster!


Oh, you wanted more creamy goodness? Ingrate.


20% less packaging fixes nothing! Ho Hos are still the way more desired snack object, Please show me one situation where this packaging fix makes Twinkies desirable over Ho Hos!


Oh, and nerf Nutty Bars too.

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Reposting what I said in the Q&A thread, because I think it applies here.


Clever slight of hand there. He says that Commandos and Scoundrels are able to successfully run 16 man Operations at all difficulty levels. That's absolutely true. There's no hard-coded game mechanic that kicks them out of 16-man Nightmare content.


However, he says nothing about whether a group with only Commando/Scoundrel healing can succeed. He also says very little about the differing performance levels between the healers, until he gets to the end...when he acknowledges that Commando/Scoundrel AoE is getting buffed, and Sage/Sorc healing is getting nerfed.


Read between the lines. At the end of the day, Scoundrels/Commandos are getting buffed, Sages are getting nerfed. Everything else is just trying to dress it up so it doesn't sound like there are major imbalance issues right now


Don't focus on the PR spin BS. Actions speak louder than words. They're nerfing Sorcs and buffing Ops/Mercs. They know there's a problem, even if they have to publicly pretend everything's fine.

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Agreed to disagree then. I don't really think there is much to be gained in arguing if you read "That said, we certainly think there’s room for improvements (and our upcoming Game Update 1.2 has a sizeable chunk of such improvements)" and don't come out of it thinking that they are going to attempt to buff the healing of the class in 1.2.


Sure, you can be skeptical it will be enough, but complaining about it not being enough before we see what their plans are is trolling for the sake of trolling.


You're being overly optimistic.


Improvements can refer to a lot of things.


Making Medical Therapy work was an improvement.

UI improvements to make HoTs easier to keep up with would be an improvement.

Adding schematics for Vibroknives/Scatterguns that can be learned through RE would be an improvement.


But I seriously doubt those things would bring us anywhere near in line with Sorcs.

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Trolling or an inability to read and comprehend? I'll let others decide and focus on those that prefer to have a real discussion.


You claim I'm ignoring that line. I'll see that, but I'll raise you the 80% above which was essentially a "classes are fine, lrn2play" post.


80% "lrn2play", one vague "changes" line. I don't begrudge you on focusing on the latter (honestly, I don't), but one vague promise of essentially nothing doesn't offset the 80% blowoff post above that, to me at least.

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20% less packaging fixes nothing! Ho Hos are still the way more desired snack object, Please show me one situation where this packaging fix makes Twinkies desirable over Ho Hos!


Oh, and nerf Nutty Bars too.


Not Nutty Bars man! It's not their fault that Twinkies lag behind them so much, it is clearly the fault of the people who make them. Twinkies and Nutty Bars need to band together and demand to be made as good as those damn smug HoHos.

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You're being overly optimistic.


Improvements can refer to a lot of things.


Making Medical Therapy work was an improvement.

UI improvements to make HoTs easier to keep up with would be an improvement.

Adding schematics for Vibroknives/Scatterguns that can be learned through RE would be an improvement.


But I seriously doubt those things would bring us anywhere near in line with Sorcs.


I have and am merely stating that it is good that the dev's have acknowledged the deficiency and are planning to address this in 1.2. Obviously, the proof is in the pudding, and we won't know if they succeed until we see and test the changes.


However, arguing the dev reply is bad news is trollish.

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Reposting what I said in the Q&A thread, because I think it applies here.




Don't focus on the PR spin BS. Actions speak louder than words. They're nerfing Sorcs and buffing Ops/Mercs. They know there's a problem, even if they have to publicly pretend everything's fine.


Could be true. Hope it is.


The one thing that does need to be acknowledged though is the laughable line about Surgical Probe. That was really the line that sent me over the edge -- that the developer can make a statement like that which is so incredibly ignorant of the class is what kills the post for me.

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Reposting what I said in the Q&A thread, because I think it applies here.




Don't focus on the PR spin BS. Actions speak louder than words. They're nerfing Sorcs and buffing Ops/Mercs. They know there's a problem, even if they have to publicly pretend everything's fine.


Lets hope this is true.

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I have and am merely stating that it is good that the dev's have acknowledged the deficiency and are planning to address this in 1.2. Obviously, the proof is in the pudding, and we won't know if they succeed until we see and test the changes.


However, arguing the dev reply is bad news is trollish.


We aren't arguing that the reply about improvements is bad.


We're trying to get across the fact that, combined with the stance at the beginning of that reply that the devs believe all of the healers can succeed in all of the content, it means jack ****. :(

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20% less packaging fixes nothing! Ho Hos are still the way more desired snack object, Please show me one situation where this packaging fix makes Twinkies desirable over Ho Hos!


Oh, and nerf Nutty Bars too.


My market research shows that all snacks are able to be enjoyed, no matter the situation (now, and in the future). There are even some situations where some snacks may be challenged (say, pants pocket on a hot summer day + chocolate) to provide the goodness, but still succeed. There is no goodness-imbalance.

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My market research shows that all snacks are able to be enjoyed, no matter the situation (now, and in the future). There are even some situations where some snacks may be challenged (say, pants pocket on a hot summer day + chocolate) to provide the goodness, but still succeed. There is no goodness-imbalance.


Man, I just got snack-developer served!

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My market research shows that all snacks are able to be enjoyed, no matter the situation (now, and in the future). There are even some situations where some snacks may be challenged (say, pants pocket on a hot summer day + chocolate) to provide the goodness, but still succeed. There is no goodness-imbalance.


You're neglecting the clear advantage chocolate has in every scenario that involves a lack of pants, which is at least 3/8 of the time, and that's without even considering exhibitionists.

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We aren't arguing that the reply about improvements is bad.


We're trying to get across the fact that, combined with the stance at the beginning of that reply that the devs believe all of the healers can succeed in all of the content, it means jack ****. :(


And I believe you are interpreting the beginning of his statement to read essentially that he believes all healers have roughly the same amount of power, or abilities, or whatever you would like to call it.


I think the acknowledgment that Ops need improvement is pretty clear that his statement is really saying "Op healers are currently capable of healing all content, but we realize we they aren't as strong and are making improvements in 1.2"

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I think the acknowledgment that Ops need improvement is pretty clear that his statement is really saying "Op healers are currently capable of healing all content, but we realize we they aren't as strong and are making improvements in 1.2"


I guess the point we're trying to make is that he COULD have come out and explicitly stated just that, but did not. In fact, he tried to dismiss the fact that there's an imbalance (by both stating there isn't, and then trying to provide faulty examples of how things are "fine").


If Georg truly meant that Scoundrels needed help, he would have come out and said so without mincing words. He didn't, and instead said "Wait for 1.2, we're bringing you improvements, of which 1.2 is filled with chunks of them". Why send a message about hope that's so thickly-wrapped in dismissive, convoluted tripe unless you don't want it to be construed as hopeful?

Edited by Aluscia
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I think the acknowledgment that Ops need improvement is pretty clear that his statement is really saying "Op healers are currently capable of healing all content, but we realize we they aren't as strong and are making improvements in 1.2"


All this is your interpretation, and I don't really know where its coming from.


Its like me spending five minutes telling you what a failure you are and how ugly you are, then right afterwords giving a vague statement that maybe we should do something together sometime, maybe -- somehow I don't think I'd get my hopes up that we have a date in the foreseeable future.

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