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  1. From the video's I have seen. Not all have been on this site. This space update hhas the looks and feel of PVP from Star Trek Online.Not what I would call encouraging.
  2. Well guess I dont need to think about loging in till 1.2 at the earliest then. Though I wonder if for those of you who are still around/interested, Georg would arange a master class in Agent/Smug healing?
  3. With the talent and quality of there programmers they cant fix S***.
  4. Addresses every point I think I could have made. Good post, sums up the way I have been feeling about my Oprative Healer for the past couple of weeks, and I have very little faith now in this game. If they wont even try to improve Agent/Smuggler healing, I would really start to worry about the future of the game.
  5. Do I detect a touch of sarcasm there?
  6. I would consider another class at this point, IA just isn't worth the effort.
  7. Apparently Smuggler is working. So I am unsure how AI is broken.
  8. 4. I got a blue Implant schem just before last patch (Critical Nano-Optic Skill Package) Hope this info helps some
  9. Airski

    PVP ranking

    Would it be possible to make some thing like this? I beleve that BW have said they track most gameplay. http://swg.activeframe.de/bb-std/tp-en/main.12.html
  10. In my opinion server Queues are a non starter. I have never Queued to play a MMO and I am not about to start now. I Wish to game with the people in my Guild we were placed on a server, as a prelaunched guild. So opening new servers up isn't really going to help us, unless you can move us all en-mass with our allys etc. as stated just my opinion Air
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