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Commandos are just getting absolutely pathetic


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Seriously Bioware when are you going to nerf these stupid spamming commandos ... all they know how to do is spamm that stupid grav round, wheres the skill in playing come on ... surely you didnt design the class to be like that because if you did that is pathetic.


put a longer cooldown or a activation time ffs im sick of just getting 1 hit by 3 commandos running around together scared using nothing but shields and spamming that stupid same 1 skill and healing each other when they take the slightest bit of damage, how the hell do you expect other classes to even fight back with that when you nerf them.

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despite the hype, grav round/tracer is pretty balanced, sure you see it a lot, but unless you are stunned out in the open, it's your fault for not getting out of range, out of los, stunning them, ccing them, knocking them back, using an interrupt, or just rushing to them to kill them.


If your complaint is that one move which requires your enemy to stay in one spot and not move gets spammed too easily, then you should see the move coming, and know how to kill someone who spams it. It is easy to do.


You'll regret it when everyone goes assault/pyrotech and realizes that they can run around throwing dots and tossing grenades and do even more damage than they did with grav/tracer, all while staying mobile to capture pvp objective. Worse, when multiple pyros are on the same team, the number of burning targets will increase, and their other moves will go up in damage and down in heat cost.

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If you can't counter a merc playing incorrectly by spamming one button then i really think you should stop pvping because you are obviously a liability for whatever team you are on.


This, the people spamming nothing but grav round are idiots. My demolition rounds hit for much more than any of my grav rounds hit for at 50. Full auto also crits for 2k+ 3 times in the duration it would take me to cast 1 grav round, especially with a proc. Not even to mention that they'll run out of ammo very quickly and be spamming hammer shot for a while being pretty much worthless.

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im sick of just getting 1 hit by 3 commandos running around together scared using nothing but shields and spamming that stupid same 1 skill


That one string of text tells me you know absolutely nothing about the class. L2P and come back later.

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i love this thread, as alot of mandos are assault or healer, its not a 90% of this class are this and the rest fail, being attacked in open world pvp is funny as they EXPECT me to be a turret and spamm grav...oh no Mr we are going for a walk (cuz im assault), all the way to your grave
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i love this thread, as alot of mandos are assault or healer, its not a 90% of this class are this and the rest fail, being attacked in open world pvp is funny as they EXPECT me to be a turret and spamm grav...oh no Mr we are going for a walk (cuz im assault), all the way to your grave


Yeah, I think if more commando's learned how to strafe kite (regardless of spec) it would eliminate alot of the complaints regarding pvp issues.

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put a longer cooldown or a activation time ffs im sick of just getting 1 hit by 3 commandos running around together scared using nothing but shields and spamming that stupid same 1 skill and healing each other when they take the slightest bit of damage, how the hell do you expect other classes to even fight back with that when you nerf them.

Such a long sentence, when the solution to this is one word :



Sorry mate, BW can't help with l2p issues.

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I want to know who is one shotting people with grav round and then have them teach me this secret. I've never one shoted anyone with grav round before, it seems utterly impossible as it does not do nearly that much damage considering everyone in pvp gets huge hp buffs to like 12k, most my grav round has ever done in pvp is I think 2k on a crit.


So according to this guy and his funny math someone out there is doing 12k+ grav round hits.. now that is utterly amazing and I want to learn how they are doing it cause. wow.. that is just, so amazing that it seems ilogically impossible.


(sarcasm off)

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The fact that this Sith is QQing about one of the weaker PvP classes in the game speaks about his skill level. Just Sayin'. Most Sith classes can just interrupt a Commandos skills pretty easily 1v1.... and if you really did fight 3 at once, what the heck do you expect? 3v1 usually doesn't turn out well. Edited by Fishcatch
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Know thy enemy


Against non-standard/weak targets, commandos have few skills that are worth cell cost and time spent.


Hammershot, while it has no cell cost does considerably less damage. It (it and its brethren that all other classes have) exists to provide daamge when other attacks are too expenesive to use or to help manage sustainablity.


Sticky Grenade does not mez players and has delayed damage which might be worth the cell cost if the target survives long enough for it to go off. Its greatest strength in PvP is against targets that can stealth.


Full Auto does more damage than 2 Grav Rounds if not interrupted AND the commando's alacrity is not high enough to prevent the tick of damage from occuring


Charge Bolt does more damage than Grav Round, but not by enough to compensate for the lack of the armor debuff, which tghe commando's teammates can benefit from. This is the skill commandos will be spamming if they are not healing and do not have Grav Round. i have not noticed an audio cue with Charge Bolts, like Grav Round has, so this skill is less likely to be intentionally broken by LoS.


High Impact Bolt has debuff requirements (which may be fulfilled by GR).


Hail of Bolts does not do enough single target damage to justify the cost


Mortar Volley cannot be spammed.


Demolition Round is set up by Grav Round


Assualt Plastique if a commando has this, that commando does not have Grav Round


Even if Grav Round was nerved by 20% I would still spam it long enough to dtack the debuff five times, because the damage increase from my allies would make it worth the cost. On the other hand, solo that damage loss would cascade up the Gunnery tree, reducing Gunnery's viability (especially with Full Auto bugged)

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I want to know who is one shotting people with grav round and then have them teach me this secret. I've never one shoted anyone with grav round before, it seems utterly impossible as it does not do nearly that much damage considering everyone in pvp gets huge hp buffs to like 12k, most my grav round has ever done in pvp is I think 2k on a crit.


So according to this guy and his funny math someone out there is doing 12k+ grav round hits.. now that is utterly amazing and I want to learn how they are doing it cause. wow.. that is just, so amazing that it seems ilogically impossible.


(sarcasm off)

I feel ashamed to admit I've OS a lvl35~ robot @ lvl50, in D7 HM (the astromech one). I know this is totally OP, even if it's not pvp related.

The max I've done so far in pvp is around 3K on a light armor guy. And it happen only once. Usually the max crit I have is around 2k5 on light armor.

Edited by erei
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I highly doubt you got 1 shotted.


3 vs 1 you will die.


Also, it takes at least 2 grav round shots for demo round to be worth firing and 5 shots for HIB buff.


So you probably got shot 5 times not knowing and then ran to the commando and he did a demo round/HIB and you died. That our basic combo.


Grav, grav, grav, grav, grav, demo, hib, then fa or whatever. Most classes equally gear without heal will be dead before the hib, if grav round crits.



My jedi shadow on the other hand. I can use force potency and do over 6-8kk damage in a few seconds: project, ,ss, force breach, ss, project.



I feel oped when i play my shadow for dps and stealth. I'm so use to having a cast time and spaming grav round, playing a shadow is refreshing.

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Seriously Bioware when are you going to nerf these stupid spamming commandos ... all they know how to do is spamm that stupid grav round, wheres the skill in playing come on ... surely you didnt design the class to be like that because if you did that is pathetic.


put a longer cooldown or a activation time ffs im sick of just getting 1 hit by 3 commandos running around together scared using nothing but shields and spamming that stupid same 1 skill and healing each other when they take the slightest bit of damage, how the hell do you expect other classes to even fight back with that when you nerf them.




Yes. It's not like we don't spam the same ability costantly in RL war either. No **** there I was in Iraq, shooting insurgents with my M4. Then suddenly I rushed out of cover to buttstroke one across the face, because I didn't want to 'spam' one ability in order to win. Have to mix it up so the insurgents feel like the have a fair chance at killing me.


Stupid. If you are losing PvP to one commando, spamming grav round (or their BH counterpart and his tracer missle) then you need to revamp your playstyle. Bioware gave you all these other wonderful little abilities to stun, interupt, knockback, ect. If ya can't find them, hit the 'P' button. You can thank me later.


Really tired of seeing this complaint when its easliy fixed. L2P.


PS: I play a BH, but I'm PT speced. So I Have no tracer missle or grav round. But I will pull you into fire.

Edited by Raynn
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Honestly the only issue with tracer missile is that it bypasses armor. That's what makes it seem so good pre-50. The bolster mechanic makes it hit too hard for the amount HP bolstered characters have. At level 50, tracer spammers die en masse because there's enough melee interrupters who just keep them from ever casting it in PVP. The damage at 50 is also not so out of line because you have +50% HP from a champion set.


TL;DR - Tracer/Grav Round is good in 1-49 brackets because of how the bolster mechanic works not because the skill itself is imbalanced.

Edited by dcgregorya
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Honestly the only issue with tracer missile is that it bypasses armor. That's what makes it seem so good pre-50. The bolster mechanic makes it hit too hard for the amount HP bolstered characters have. At level 50, tracer spammers die en masse because there's enough melee interrupters who just keep them from ever casting it in PVP. The damage at 50 is also not so out of line because you have +50% HP from a champion set.


TL;DR - Tracer/Grav Round is good in 1-49 brackets because of how the bolster mechanic works not because the skill itself is imbalanced.


Grav Round/Tracer Missile DO NOT BYPASS ARMOR. This is a myth thats being perpetuated on these forums. Do the testing yourself.

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