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Class quests are to hard!


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Okay, through my personal class quests (45 Sith Sorc) I've had very little difficulty. I mean the fight at the end of Act 1 (I don't know how to use spoilers and don't want to spoil) was fairly difficult, and I'll admit I died the first time but that's because I didn't know what the mob could do... once I realized what killed me I hit my interrupt and the fight was a face roll.


To the person who said they're always finishing #1 in their BG and having trouble with class quests, I call BS. If you're always number one in you're Warzones you'd be raking in so much XP that you should be WAY outclassing your Class Quests. Maybe you're stuck in PvP equipment instead of PvE (although the general consensus is that PvP gear is fine for PvE with the possible exception of hard mode operations).


But really, class quests, not that hard. The game is designed around you using your companion and using stims that are dirt cheap that provide free buffs for AN HOUR and a free buff that every class gets that lasts for an hour...


Now, if the OP had said "I'm new to MMO's and I'm having trouble." that'd be one thing we could get someone on the OPs server to hold their hand and help them along, but please this crying about difficulty has to stop...


Seriously, in most PvE situations, the only time you'll die is when your companion accidently agroes a second group, you forget how to use CC, OR you die intentionally because you've already used quick travel and its not off cool down yet.

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First time you face a boss, 'course it's gonna be hard, because you don't know what to expect. After that, you might need to train, or just simply get better tactics.


I tend to run through class quests a bit fast, so a lot of times I'll have to go back and level some more to make up for slack, but after doing that and learning the enemies' strategies, it's usually an easy fight.


So, stop complaining it's too hard. You're obviously not trying hard enough, or you're not willing to observe and make tactics rather than run at your enemy and spam two buttons.


Besides, what fun is a game without a bit of a challenge?

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  • 4 weeks later...
Well to me the levling part of a mmorpg should not be the challeng only a feat!

Like how you age in irl, not a challenge like a instance or raid, i have nothing against the difficult level in instances/raids, the more those are challanging the more fun but not the leveling part!

Take questing in wow before wotlk!

it was perfect the harder quest was meant to be done in a group, and the solo quest, well yea u could beat down alot of mobs before resting!

the part of the difficult level in the quest in this game are over the bar in my opinion!

as a jedi (thats what i play) i want to feel like a jedi just as powerful they are!


And no iknow my class, as i stated before.

pvp is something that i started earlier in this game and i love it allways top player in the bgs!

thats a part they made perfect, i cant say more then i just love pvp in this game so i took aside from the pve aspect for now, and stick with pvp!


your an idiot if you cant see the difference between PVP and PVE and make small changes in the way you play between the two. BW dont make stupid changes like WOW, the guy cant play.

just stick to PKing if you cant do your class quests. OR learn to adjust the way you play.

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ive had enough, this design of elites in solo class quest is a bad design!


im getting to frustrated and mad over a game, im suppose to enjoy not get this level of frustration!


And dont get me wrong i love the game just that part that there are elites in a class quest, how am i suppose to take down 2 elites by me and my companion its not do able???


And no im the same lvl and im up to geared and im useing ccs dps all i can use and so on!


i just had enough its not worth the stress!


Try Jedi Sentinel and having a specific class quest bug out (when we first go for the emperor) and you end up with 3 Elites and 4 healing weak mobs, as well as 4 normals.


I find the elites don't actually hit that hard, its there special abilities (the ones with a cast time) that hit like trucks.


Level 39 and its been my knight and Kira all the way, sure we died a few times figuring out fights, but thats the challenge (Agral was a COMPLETE *** to kill)

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I think a companion is definitely advised for all class content (at least, once the companion becomes available). I don't think you'll need to group up, though it can be an option.


Playing a SI, I know I died in a few boss fights, which usually meant that I had to work out the enemies attack routines and find out how to counter it.


So far, TOR doesn't seem as easy as Startrek Online was, which is good, but nothing so far was unbeatable.


If you also want to avoid using your companion, I am not sure that is doable. Not sure if going tank or going damage would be the better choice, but I don't have the impression that going healing is sufficient. You don'T get enough time between heals to damage anything (and some enemies have heals!)

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I remember when i saw something in that other game, an undead psychologist treating 2 chained orcs, do you want to know what was his diagnostic? They were IDIOTS, IDIOTS he said!!!!


Well, now i say to the OP:


You are TROLLING, TROLLING i say!!!!


Now seriously, as almost everyone in the first page said, class quests are tuned to be made with a companion......

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I'm lvl30 at "Choke Point" on my Marauder. Using Quinn to help keep me alive, and go easy on my medpacks. I managed to do it solo up to the point I had to fight that elite droid. After I died, I asked for help in General, then "/who"'ed and PMed a player or two to see if they were busy. Either they were too busy, or didn't care. I might see if I can find better gear on the market, and stock up again on meds and Presence stims.
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Even having a companion in a class quest is enoying!

I want to go trough the story on my own, idont want any help with it but as it seem atm i have to, if idont want to call for the medical probe every now and then!


Sorry but this is just plain silly. No one in the SW universe ever truly succeeded when they went off all on their own. Heck, when they tried running it alone, Anakin lost his legs and got burned crispy and Luke lost his hand and almost fell off Cloud City. Bottom line, friends are cool in Star Wars. Bioware understood that and gave you a slew of buddies to pick from.


So pick the right one and have fun! Went with Gault last night to kill the beastie thing on Dromund Kaas, prove myself to Mandalore, all that good stuff. And got stomped a couple of times. Finally switched Gault out for Mako and stomped the monster right back. All the Mandalorians cheered for me when I came out of the cave. Not one of them whined about how Mako helped me out, shrug.

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For my SW marauder all was easy as cake until end of 2 act.

Lord Draagh prison, god, elite mobs that are in your way are 10 times harder than final Darth Forgothisname. ***, Bioware?

Voss was pain in the ***. Long forgotten Evil and the last boss of The Trials..well at least this are not class quests.

But when they sent you to deal with Gormak, for which you need to destroy shield generations protected by two strong mobes - that was painful. I considered myself lucky each time i killed one strong mob and died, Otherwise death was completly useless. If I knew what I was getting myself into, i would just kill damn Voss commandos and took his key. Screw you, roleplaying of LS Sith.

And Baras Lair.. dear god, Baras lair. First you must twice fight a strong mob and 2 normal ones just while you go from Imperial base to the quest location. Not hard figth, mind you, but annnoying as hell.

And once inside you go a long way to final boss, with at least one place where 2 strong mobs have a big chance of killing you unless you use all defense abilitiesyou have.

Finally the Lair final boss with his damned AOE. And you lie on the floor, look at 10 minutes revive timer and think - "Screw this, i am not gonna go to medcenter only to fight my way back here. It will take much more time than this timer shows anyway"

Baras is a pain too, but hey, he's the last one! Not to mention that he is far more close to medcenter.:D


P.S. Illum quest to kill a Jedi Master have a nasty moment when you must fight a tough Jedi Guardian AND a Jedi healer. Thank god it is not a daily quest.

Edited by Gelious
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Up to 33 had only two somewhat problematic places on my scoundrel girl(sawbones spec). Fight for the ship (it was my first elite-fight, and also there were no proper heal skills and also I had no idea of how to manage my companion in a proper way etc) and the second one was on Tatooine, had 2-3 wipes, until realized which of two elits should be cared firts. All the otheres perfectly fit my level and my playstyle (mostly healer + CC and some damage). Somewhat challanging, but not wipy and sooo nice.
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only class quest i had issues with was the Lightspring (Smuggler).


Died aboot 15 times before i swapped out companions, manually adjusted their attacks, and learned some patience. overall, tactics.


it was a very satisfying victory when i finally won that encounter, if only the loot drop would have been better (or for my class for tha tmatter) it would have been a near perfect experience.


Bioware, make MOAR quests that require some thinking and tactics please. Other than the Lightspring, i've breezed through class quests.

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As the title says, almost every single elite in a class quest end with i have to call a medical probe to revive me, and i have to go out and gain a couple lvls, so im about 1-2 more lvls then the needed elite for my quest!


This part is enoying as ....!

Since i have no idea when a elite will show up or how the fight will end!


Ido all the side quest and bonus missions! so no im not lacking in lvls or other wise!

iknow my character, and my gear on him is not crap, and yes i have the latest spells learned!


idunno about you guys but i prefer to play my story quest solo, and not with a bunch of other people!


And may the force with you, since it is clearly not with me :(


PS. Iknow my english sucks :/


You are looking for a single player rpg, not a mmo....in my opinion class quests are too easy and should always require at least 2 players and 2 companions, (or 3 players would be better)....

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As the title says, almost every single elite in a class quest end with i have to call a medical probe to revive me, and i have to go out and gain a couple lvls, so im about 1-2 more lvls then the needed elite for my quest!


This part is enoying as ....!

Since i have no idea when a elite will show up or how the fight will end!


Ido all the side quest and bonus missions! so no im not lacking in lvls or other wise!

iknow my character, and my gear on him is not crap, and yes i have the latest spells learned!


idunno about you guys but i prefer to play my story quest solo, and not with a bunch of other people!


And may the force with you, since it is clearly not with me :(


PS. Iknow my english sucks :/


Class quests are fine everyone else.got theirs done.

So learn to play.

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OP - in lieu of the numerous "LTP" replies, I offer these general, constructive, suggestions. I haven't read all 7 pages, so some/all of these may have been covered.


1. Make sure you're at an appropriate level. If the quest name in your log is red, you probably need to wait until you get up a level or two, if it's orange, you 'should' be able to do it, but it probably won't be easy.


2. Use your cc's and interrupts. Many of the end of questline bosses have special abilities that are easily avoidable with an interrupt. If there are additional mobs, cc the main boss and kill the adds, they usually go down quick.


3. Check your companion gear (somewhat obvious, but I still see many people missing it).


4. Use a friend, associate, guild member, some random guy standing outside zone, to help. The end of Act I quest for SI is somewhat difficult, but I got a guild mate, and brought another guy who was standing outside the entrance - we had to do it 3 times, but it was fun and went very smooth.

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Of the two classes I've played past 30, the only class quest that I found terribly frustrating was the "End of Chapter One Cannot See Target" one.


That one. Much hate. And those who have done it know the hate.


Until I got the timing right on getting the companion to draw the bastard out. And even then ... haaaate.

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OP - in lieu of the numerous "LTP" replies, I offer these general, constructive, suggestions. I haven't read all 7 pages, so some/all of these may have been covered.


1. Make sure you're at an appropriate level. If the quest name in your log is red, you probably need to wait until you get up a level or two, if it's orange, you 'should' be able to do it, but it probably won't be easy.


2. Use your cc's and interrupts. Many of the end of questline bosses have special abilities that are easily avoidable with an interrupt. If there are additional mobs, cc the main boss and kill the adds, they usually go down quick.


3. Check your companion gear (somewhat obvious, but I still see many people missing it).


4. Use a friend, associate, guild member, some random guy standing outside zone, to help. The end of Act I quest for SI is somewhat difficult, but I got a guild mate, and brought another guy who was standing outside the entrance - we had to do it 3 times, but it was fun and went very smooth.


I would change your 4 to 5 and add this:


4. Not all of the class quest bosses can be "zerged". You may have to go through the battle twice, but look for patterns, or see if there's ways around a particular hard spot. If you don't want to do this, then look for an online guide to help guide you.


I don't know how many times I tried to do the Lightspring cave quest on Tattoine for my smuggler, but I was failing to see what was actually going on during the opening parts of the battle. So I did what my point says. I watched what happened for the first 5 seconds of the battle. Oh look, the Jedi is holding the Sith at bay, which I was breaking attacking the Sith and dying really quick. After that, I knew to attack the mob boss guy first, and then go after the Sith lady.


Another one on Tattoine is the the Rakata fight for the Czerka quest lines. I didn't know that the side things were also going to produce undead things, and I'm trying to run around and get a break from the two things up top near the device that are spawning undead.


So yeah, pay attention to surroundings when you do these. They are meant to be soloed with your companion at a reasonable level.

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