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Official Q&A Thread for February 24th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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For the Bounty Hunter Class, was there any intent to make more use of the rocket pack? Perhaps a quick burst of speed such as an inquisitors sprint. As a iconic part of the Bounty Hunters, I would have thought a BH would be able to Jet fly over a short distance, or find more mobility and use of the jet-pack than its current Limitations.
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When can we expect a combat log (or something similar) to be implemented? Additionally, will there be an in-game method for evaluating our damage / healing performance (or the ability for 3rd party mods to evaluate this) and when might we expect it?
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Do you have any plans too expand the space mission system? Making harder missions, more missions, group missions? Will you keep the current controls as is or will we be able to fly free soon? Will you make ship modification more....individual in the future or will be bound to using the same modules as we are now?
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This one has been Bugging me for a while now. Commendations for the various planets and the associated gear. By the time you grind up enough commendations the you are already way above the level of the gear you just grinded for. And since there is no way to exchange, convert, or otherwise do something useful with the commendations what exactly is the point of them?


Could it be possible to convert commendations for various planets into a smaller number of the commendations for the next planet along the line?


And I would like to see somekind of rewards for world PVP outside of level 50


Planetary conquest please, or some kind of reason to go back to planets.

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I am going to come out and say, I actually like huttball. I think the biggest issue with it thats its the only map that can be played same faction an obvious that gets old really fast. I understand we have a new warzone coming. But, as Huttball is actually a sport (albeit a murderous sport) is there any chance of you implementing a few new maps for huttball? I think its a fun match type, but adding in a few variant maps/arenas for it would make that style of warzone fun again.
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I understand in 1.2 you plan to make artifact (purple) items fully modifiable. How will this affect custom (orange) gear as at the moment in the game i would still see no real signs of wanting to choose to use orange gear over my artifact gear sets. Will you be planning on doing away with orange gear as artifact gear is fully modifiable? Or do you have something in mind to keep the two types or armour appealing in different ways? Will we see iconic armour in orange gear as previously said perhaps? Edited by Randytravis
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Do you have any future plans for implementing a feature that will let you transfer characters from server to server? The lack of people on the current server I'm on is just sad.


Since I've hit level 50 on my Sith Juggernaut it's been almost impossible to find a group to do any high level Flashpoints and PvP. Most people I see running around in Rakata gear said they got most of the commendations for it before the level 50 PvP bracket was added.

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Are the any works on problem "error 9000"? Many peoples can't play normally or absolutely in SWtOR, starting with one of the patches. I had ideal connections to server untill 1.1.2. And now sometimes i can't play longer than 10 minutes...
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There are many threads on customer service forums regarding performance issues specifically on warzones, ilum and fleets. No matter how high-end their machine is, and no matter what they do, people are experiencing these problems. Does Bioware acknowledge this?
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In place of the movement abilities or survival cooldowns other classes have (such as Sorcerers and Marauders), the Operative gets stealth. However, stealth doesn't prevent damage, and as such Operatives struggle in Operations and Flashpoints compared to the other melee classes.


Are there plans to address the lack of end-game utility for Operatives in PVE? Are there any plans to address the uselessness of stealth for healing Operatives in PVE?

Edited by subrosian
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