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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Largest Entertainment Voice Over Project Ever


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Just amazing....


According to Guinness, Star Wars: The Old Republic has more voice over work than any other project ever.


The game has over 200,000 lines of recorded dialogue according to Guinness, easily beating out any feature film or other video game.


I'm curious what exactly defines "a project," though. Could The Simpsons be considered a project? That might have more voice work associated with it, if you take the entire series as a whole.


Source link - http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2012/01/07/star-wars-the-old-republic-is-the-largest-entertainment-voice-over-project-ever.aspx

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We certainly know where the focus was... and by extension, where it wasn't.

Is the game perfect? Nope. Is it a great game? Yes. Is BW heading in the right direction to improve things? So far so good and only time will truly tell. Perfection is a road, not a destination.

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200,000 different lines of dialogue? :)


I notice on the 4 stories that I have completed that a lot of the voice seems to be reused. :D


But er, good job I guess.


There's what? 30ish quests on Korriban alone? Most of which have multiple dialogue lines from multiple speakers, 3 to 9 varied player response lines with individual NPC reaction lines, and the funneled quest dialogue.


It gets multiplicative very very fast. I completely understand why some of the PC dialogue options are reused frequently.


More variety when your character says their particular variation of "I'll do what is required" would not be bad, but give them credit for the huge amount of work already done.

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Sure, but it doesn't make for a very good game once the "newness" of it wears off.

I disagree. Besides, what is important is having a good base to work on and it is. Additional game features and content can be added, but only if the game is fun enough to play that people sub, and so far so good on that. Heck, look at the huge improvement on FPS and ability delay that have all ready been implemented.


Now, if your an SWG fan, this probably won't ever be the game for you, but there are reasons why there are so many different games produced.

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Sure, but it doesn't make for a very good game once the "newness" of it wears off.


The game is still....new though lol? We just have to give BW time to add more content. There is almost infinite possibilites witht his game, I can't wait. :D

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Sure, but it doesn't make for a very good game once the "newness" of it wears off.


I disagree too actually, I thought that would be the case, but as I'm alt-ing more and more, I'm finding that zone quest givers, (and even side-quest givers sometimes) respond to you differently as a different class, and you have different dialogue options. Plus your companions have very different responses too.


That's the thing about all the VO, most players will never hear all of it, it's lots of little hidden treasures that add variety to replays, different class quests, alt-ing, etc.


It's not like VO is just a gimmick, it's actually how people interact, by talking to each other, and I find that even side-quests can feel different with different class voice, and can be more or less engaging when told by someone verbally rather than in text. (Not saying I never spacebar on my umpteenth side-quest x run through, but I do it surprisingly less than I thought I would. e.g. doing side-quest x with a gruff dark side Scoundrel can feel very different from doing it with a mild-mannered Jedi Consular, and my attitude to the quest giver may be quite different)

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Too bad they didn't put the same effort into the game systems.


Sure there's some bugs but you gotta admit the voice overs are amazing. They really bring a sense of RPG in the game. I love having choices to be Light or Dark side and some of the replies are funny.

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