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In all seriousness...Force Push


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Why do MARAUDERS not have this ability again? Without question, there were a few sith warriors who were dual wield and even used it in the lore.


Both AC's of Sith inquistor get their lighting, but I want to shove people across the map. >:|

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Give juggernauts Rebuke,Guarded By The Force... you guys dont need it if anything juggs need rebuke lol


If you know how fast a locked down marauder dies you would be amazed. We are 100% cooldown dependent, which is fine. Saying that we don't need it makes you look ignorant.


On topic, a pull would make marauders too good. I don't usually have any problems staying on targets and from my experience if I had a pull ability I would be impossible to escape from.


A push would be lovely. Aoe or single target, doesn't matter. I want to be able to have that viability in huttball. I think operatives / scoundrels should get a knockback as well. The amount of **** you can do with it, aside from getting a gap as a ranged, is getting out of hand.

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Look, while I want to sympathize with you, as an immortal jugg, I'm not really sure I can sign on to this. In the imoortal spec, you have 2 major cooldowns, you have force choke (1 stun) that isn't even channeled, we have backhand (2 stun), we have aoe stun (3 stun), we have force leap stun, force push stun - immediately followed up by force leap again (let's just group that to 4 stuns total).... I mean., how much do you want? If you time/consider some of your defensive cool downs, what is really the issue here? You can protect the hell out of people, intercede when you need to, and you're still worried?


Oh yeah, you beat the hell out of people when properly geared. Just saying :).

Edited by frozeqube
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Look, while I want to sympathize with you, as an immortal jugg, I'm not really sure I can sign on to this. In the imoortal spec, you have 2 major cooldowns, you have force choke (1 stun) that isn't even channeled, we have backhand (2 stun), we have aoe stun (3 stun), we have force leap stun, force push stun - immediately followed up by force leap again (let's just group that to 4 stuns total).... I mean., how much do you want? If you time/consider some of your defensive cool downs, what is really the issue here? You can protect the hell out of people, intercede when you need to, and you're still worried?


Oh yeah, you beat the hell out of people when properly geared. Just saying :).


You are talking about juggernauts, he is talking about marauders. Just saying :).

Edited by Mystcard
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maybe we should actually be innately faster and faster at attacking. Ya know, being warriors. Why we're equal/slower than people who spend their time standing there throwing lightning at you I have no idea. 50% faster attack animation would be nice. I mean lightsabers are weightless yet the vicious slash is so horribly slow.


Lower the rage cost of vicious slash (or have some clever automatic equivalent of berserk when you reach full fury stacks). Make it 50% quicker. And now you're looking at something which actually looks like a warrior. Not some couch potato slow at running sorc who relies on force speed to go usain bolt.


Post somewhat in jest btw. :D

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If you know how fast a locked down marauder dies you would be amazed. We are 100% cooldown dependent, which is fine. Saying that we don't need it makes you look ignorant.


On topic, a pull would make marauders too good. I don't usually have any problems staying on targets and from my experience if I had a pull ability I would be impossible to escape from.


A push would be lovely. Aoe or single target, doesn't matter. I want to be able to have that viability in huttball. I think operatives / scoundrels should get a knockback as well. The amount of **** you can do with it, aside from getting a gap as a ranged, is getting out of hand.


Every class has to click a button to take less damage. Your smart. lol @ cd dependent.

Edited by Furyofwar
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I wouldn't care for either push or pull, to me they are the lamest mechanics in pvp already. I would be willing to bet that at least 10-20% of kills in hutball come from this, which essentially makes them a 1 shot kill with the possibility of killing more than 1 person for the AoE knock back with root talent.


I would like a non-talented root. Every other class gets roots that cause no resolve, last 2-5 seconds and allow them to get away easy and then unload on you. A non-talented root to hold someone down for 2-3 seconds would be perfect in my opinion. If it is talented, needs to be a low level talent for almost all to take, just like in SI tree. Ours is 2 tiers and 3 tiers higher (in the carnage tree only) than the other classes. For annihilation folks like myself I don't have these at all.


just my 2 cents.

Edited by RG_jhanlec
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solution seem simple to me.


make push a warrior base ability (instead of a Jugg base ability), and give Juggs pull as well.


solved the marauder issue of no push, and give Juggs the pull so they are actually up to par with the other tank classes in that aspect.


I'm nto a big fan of the pull idea, but that seems to me to be a pretty easy and smooth resolution.


If giving all juggs pull makes them too OP, then you can add it as an Immortal only talent. The rest of the Juggs will still have push, so no loss there.


and while were at it, juggs need an additional baseline defensive talent. perhaps to make up for losing their special push ability

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solution seem simple to me.


make push a warrior base ability (instead of a Jugg base ability), and give Juggs pull as well.


solved the marauder issue of no push, and give Juggs the pull so they are actually up to par with the other tank classes in that aspect.


I'm nto a big fan of the pull idea, but that seems to me to be a pretty easy and smooth resolution.


If giving all juggs pull makes them too OP, then you can add it as an Immortal only talent. The rest of the Juggs will still have push, so no loss there.


and while were at it, juggs need an additional baseline defensive talent. perhaps to make up for losing their special push ability




What's truly sad is that Powertechs, in their tanking setup, get a stun, an AoE stun, baseline 8sec interupt, credible ranged attacks, Force Leap (different name, same thing), a pull (which is also a root -- everyone takes that talent), and FAR superior burst to the Jugg when running the CP spec. Their defensive CDs are superior to Juggs.


It's not that Marauders and Juggs are a bad class -- they are just, relatively speaking, monkies in a time of chimpanzees. Powertechs trump both classes due to all the utility + ranged attacks they have.


Bioware's justification in beta for removing Pulls from SWs/JKs was that they are then 'unkite-able' Apparently, though, making powertechs have all those tools + good ranged ability is okay?


Give JK/SWs a pull in the Rage/Focus tree, at T5 or T6. Problem solved for everyone.

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Why do MARAUDERS not have this ability again? Without question, there were a few sith warriors who were dual wield and even used it in the lore.


Both AC's of Sith inquistor get their lighting, but I want to shove people across the map. >:|


Hell, you can even Force Push in your own cutscenes. I agree, Marauders need to have Push too.

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i wud prefer a pull over a push. we wud b alot better in huttball. plus pts have a pull so hell y not us :D **** i mean we had it in the beta. i think a push wudnt help to much. its ok to push sum1 off the ledge of the void bridge. but for combat that wwudnt rly hlep us with out kiting problem :p
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i wud prefer a pull over a push. we wud b alot better in huttball. plus pts have a pull so hell y not us :D **** i mean we had it in the beta. i think a push wudnt help to much. its ok to push sum1 off the ledge of the void bridge. but for combat that wwudnt rly hlep us with out kiting problem :p


A pull would change our game play and make us overpowered. That is the whole point. A push would not give us anything in regards to killing people.


If you have problems with kiting and need a pull you are not using your skills properly.

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Carnage Marauders can't be kited by a single player. They're also quite difficult to kite by multiple players. They have three ways to root you, a way to slow you, a channeled stun, a Force Leap, and they move 15% faster while in combat than anyone else. Also, their Force Camouflage (45 second CD) breaks all movement impairing effects.


Annihilation Marauders don't always need to be on their target to kill them (lol DoTs), still have the ability slow their target, still have the channelled stun, and still have all the standard Marauder defensive CDs (their Force Camo will make them invulnerable while the stealth effect lasts, but doesn't break movement impairing effects).


Rage Marauders get a second short-range Leap and reduced cooldown on Force Leap.


If you're getting kited as a Marauder, you are either trying to attack an army by yourself, or you're just really bad at using the tools available to you.

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marauders need alot of fixing.


melee gets the shaft so far


It is almost always the case early in MMORPGs that either melee or ranged has it very hard at the beginning. Balancing ranged outgoing versus incoming damage is just very difficult. So, either the ranged classes are too weak and enemies get to them and crush them, or they are too strong and nothing can even get to them before dying. I think BW has done a pretty goods job, but there is still room for tinkering.


As for PvE, I would expect less aoe and more ranged/spawned attacks from bosses in the next expansion patch.

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