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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR Naming Policy


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Hi Bioware


As this is a Star Wars game, names are important. I have been playing almost daily since pre-launch, and on different servers. I noticed there are some names that are IMHO breaking the naming policy that we players must follow as per the game Riles of Conduct. Some of these names are blatant mispellings of popular SW characters, some are mispellings of religious and historical figures, and some have sexual references in English.


When I first rolled my pre - launch characters, the first thing I read was the naming policy and I tried to abide by that. This naming policy now does not seem to be enforced. Is there a reason why it's not enforced? If you are not going to enforce it, please remove the policy from the Rules of Conduct.


I have nothing against the names that break the Rules of Conduct .I just want all players to be treated fairly, as the names I wanted to use for my early characters would have breached the naming policy, and I chose not to use those names, as I did not want to have to be asked to change these names. Now I see these names quite frequently and nothing has been done to change them.


So, are you going to enforce naming policies or not. If not, please remove the restrictions from the Rules of Conduct.


Thanks for listening.

Edited by Ratior
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If not, please remove the restrictions from the Rules of Conduct.




BioWare wrote them and posted them, they are now obligated to uphold them.

If they will not, then they need to take down that policy.


There have been multiple names I have reported (I won't post them here... that is a violation of the forum policy... which they actually DO uphold) that squarely landed under the bullet points of Section D: Naming Policy of the Rules of Conduct. I even quoted the full bullet text in each report, and after weeks, those characters are still running around. Many of which are now running around with policy-breaking Legacy Names because nothing was done to warn them.


CSR's need to read the rules to follow.

They also need to uphold them.

It's the right thing to do.

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I'd personally rather them spend time fixing bugs and implementing new features than worrying about people's choice of names.


As far as the EULA rules - those rules apply to us as players as a code of conduct that can be imposed on us, they are not abitrationally binding to Bioware to actually enforce those rules.


It's sorta like the speed limit being 55 but you wont actually get pulled over in most cases unless your driving in excess of 60 mph.


The naming rule exists to prevent third parties from being able to sue the game producer over copyright infringement.

Edited by sonickat
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If Bioware does not enforce the naming policy, it is not fair to other players who obeyed the policy by not naming their characters as they wished.


As per the post above, even reported names were not forced to change.


Be fair to everyone-enforce it or ditch it.

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This is exactly the problem on RP servers, naming on these severs should be far more stricter than on other servers.


It annoys me that people roll on RP servers then call themselves something like flippythedolphine


Comon guys you select RP sever to roleplay, if ya want to use silly names just go on the PvE servers.

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The naming policy should be enforced.


As paying players, our best efforts at reporting "junk" names to CSRs should be taken VERY seriously.


If a junk name offends the player who reported it, I would say that there is a 99% chance that it offends MANY OTHER PLAYERS too... especially on an RP server.


CSRs... please help us out!

Edited by LocalBulkCruiser
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This is exactly the problem on RP servers, naming on these severs should be far more stricter than on other servers.


It annoys me that people roll on RP servers then call themselves something like flippythedolphine


Comon guys you select RP sever to roleplay, if ya want to use silly names just go on the PvE servers.


If it annoys you, ignore it or play the game and just call them a shortened version of their name, understandable if the name is offensive in a large way, but something like that you're kidding me right? A server is a server, roleplay is everywhere even if one may be designated to a certain server they don't need to roleplay.

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My main characters are on a PvP servers, as such while I like to stick to 'role playing' names I in no way expect it from other players. That is their prerogative, especially on a PvP server.


That being said, more then I can ever remember in any other game ( I can only speculate at the reasons ) I see names that are just inappropriate. I figure it this way ... If I would be hesitant to explain to a child what the words which make up someones name mean, it is inappropriate. Maybe it is because I am getting on in years and have kids of my own. But ... yea, something more needs to be done, IMHO.

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If it annoys you, ignore it or play the game and just call them a shortened version of their name, understandable if the name is offensive in a large way, but something like that you're kidding me right? A server is a server, roleplay is everywhere even if one may be designated to a certain server they don't need to roleplay.


So lets make all servers PvP yeah, so everyone can gank you on any server yeah!?!


People select the servers they feel they are most likely to enjoy playing on, PvE and RP servers are the exactly the same, only that one is meant to keep in line with lore to allow for a better immersion into the universe.

Player who call themselves bigpinkrhino clearly are not caring for the lore of SW, so why roll on a RP server? By doing this they could potentially be effecting another players gaming experience.


RP servers are for the purpose of roleplaying, letting people have stupid silly names goes against this.


It is not a game breaker for me, but it is slightly annoying still.

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So, are you going to enforce naming policies or not. If not, please remove the restrictions from the Rules of Conduct..


Every game has a naming policy. It's not enforced unless people report names, and even then it's amazing when it's enforced.


No MMORPG I've played has ever had active CSRing...it's reactional only. Ie, they don't look for trouble, they only deal with reports of trouble.


The way I look at names is this, we all pay to play, but paying to play doesn't entitle you to grief other players, which, IMO, if you intentionally create a toon with a name that violates the naming policy, you are likely griefing someone, because you're ruining their game environment or immersion.


I would imagine most people who play this and other MMORPGs consider themselves intelligent? If so, come up with a creative and appropriate name for your character(s) and be considerate of other players.

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Every game has a naming policy. It's not enforced unless people report names, and even then it's amazing when it's enforced.


No MMORPG I've played has ever had active CSRing...it's reactional only. Ie, they don't look for trouble, they only deal with reports of trouble.


The way I look at names is this, we all pay to play, but paying to play doesn't entitle you to grief other players, which, IMO, if you intentionally create a toon with a name that violates the naming policy, you are likely griefing someone, because you're ruining their game environment or immersion.


I would imagine most people who play this and other MMORPGs consider themselves intelligent? If so, come up with a creative and appropriate name for your character(s) and be considerate of other players.



The problem is folks are reporting the names and nothing is being done. This is the core issue.


Great they have a naming policy, it does nothing if its not enforced. If they are going to have one they need to enforce it.


Seriously I will be the designated name violation CSR. Pay me let me sit at home and force folks to change there names or have me name there toon. And trust me, me naming your toon is not something you want to happen as I will name you Genericname and name everybody that name so all your mail goes to who ever is on with that name till you change it.

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BioWare wrote them and posted them, they are now obligated to uphold them.

If they will not, then they need to take down that policy.


There have been multiple names I have reported (I won't post them here... that is a violation of the forum policy... which they actually DO uphold) that squarely landed under the bullet points of Section D: Naming Policy of the Rules of Conduct. I even quoted the full bullet text in each report, and after weeks, those characters are still running around. Many of which are now running around with policy-breaking Legacy Names because nothing was done to warn them.


CSR's need to read the rules to follow.

They also need to uphold them.

It's the right thing to do.

I don't normally necro threads, but I really want to see a Dev response to this issue and haven't found one yet. CSR is COMPLETELY disregarding tickets that are created regarding Naming Policy violations. I have done exactly what Frigidman did with quoting the Naming Policy in my tickets only to have some useless generic response that does not address my ticket at all. And I still see people running around after a full month of reporting their Character/Legacy name that is in CLEAR violation.


I want to see this issue get a Dev response, and its pretty pathetic that BioWares CSR is treating this issue with such disregard.

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Hi Bioware


As this is a Star Wars game, names are important. I have been playing almost daily since pre-launch, and on different servers. I noticed there are some names that are IMHO breaking the naming policy that we players must follow as per the game Riles of Conduct. Some of these names are blatant mispellings of popular SW characters, some are mispellings of religious and historical figures, and some have sexual references in English.


When I first rolled my pre - launch characters, the first thing I read was the naming policy and I tried to abide by that. This naming policy now does not seem to be enforced. Is there a reason why it's not enforced? If you are not going to enforce it, please remove the policy from the Rules of Conduct.


I have nothing against the names that break the Rules of Conduct .I just want all players to be treated fairly, as the names I wanted to use for my early characters would have breached the naming policy, and I chose not to use those names, as I did not want to have to be asked to change these names. Now I see these names quite frequently and nothing has been done to change them.


So, are you going to enforce naming policies or not. If not, please remove the restrictions from the Rules of Conduct.


Thanks for listening.


In my experience, CSRs are selective in enforcing many policies even when the reported case is clearly a violation. It depends on who works the ticket.

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