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this is what pvpers are looking for


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Gw2 seems like it will be Awesome. There will be Casual and hardcore Aspects (I.e the Quickplay option that puts you into a match with the appropriate skills, weapons, gear and level, something you can jump right into) and there will be GvG tournaments and stuff like that. And everyone will be responsible for their own saftey and everyone will be able to heal themselves.


Don't get me Wrong, I play what I like. I like SWTOR PvP, but I also play and love WoW PvP, and RIFT PvP. And I will probably enjoy Gw2 PvP. You people who zealously promote and defend a game to the death...... I'll never understand this "There can only be one" attitude you have

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If you want !!! REAL !!! pvp go play EVE and cut this bs about GW and SWTOR, swtor pvp is fun and rewarding but dont tell me 1)that it sucks and 2) that real pvpers play GW....really you are making yourselves look like real fools.


If you want real PVP you play DAoC. And what is GW2 doing that made DAoC the best PVP game ever? O yeah its WvW. (or in DAoC case RvR which is the same thing)

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No gear progression no heals.....LOL yea thats pvp.


lol yeah, except... it does have heals, and it does have gear progression (both in PVE, and in WvWvW - just no gear STAT differences [there are other forms of gear progression here though] in the competitive area's, arena's tournies etc..).

Edited by Jebi
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This is why casuals ruin pvp and cry rivers on the forums. MMO's are team games not single player...premades are a team....get it..


People like to kill people 1v1. Premades and rolling over other non premades is a joke and the only people that enjoy premades are BADS. How hard is it to grab 4 BADS in top gear and roll over 4 good players in bad gear? Easy. Thats what GW2 is doing differently. All you bads wont stand a chance unless you are running around with 500 other people. When you get caught alone you will just get smoked.

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If you want real PVP you play DAoC. And what is GW2 doing that made DAoC the best PVP game ever? O yeah its WvW. (or in DAoC case RvR which is the same thing)


you obviously havent played EVE have you, seen people playin since 2003 get beat by someone from 2010 because they build thier ship better and just straight outplayed em, and DAoC was meh imo

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GW2 is so overhyped. Like any new game or MMO, it's always the best next alternative.


It's Shiny it's New! It must be good!


I guess GW2 is going to be the next flavor of the month game. I'm not defending SWTOR but seriously people are already looking at the next big thing.


I remember a time when it was all SWTOR this and SWTOR that lol.


Well, maybe one day one of these games is going to finally do it right. Its a long shot, but one can hope.

Edited by DarylMusashi
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GG2 will be compared and trolled just like SWTOR.


It already has, and will continue.


Go to their forums, if reminds me of here.


Same crowd of people trolling that game as well.


Really, i find that odd seeing their forums aren't even online yet.


Nice troll tortanic fanboi try again.

Edited by Evuke
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Except the company who made GW have already proved they can make decent PVP - Bioware have not.


This may be true and to a degree I'll even agree with you. It's just amusing to see so many people constantly hop from one game to another. Reminds me of the 'OH Shiny!' joke some folks have with electronics.

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lol can't wait for the hype train for gw2 to run into a wall when the game comes out, gw was never a game changer and the pvp was never that great. There was always imbalance and there always will be.


The hype train?? You mean the hype train that was SWTOR? Did you just post this in the SWTOR forums? Your whole post is an oxymoron at best.

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you obviously havent played EVE have you, seen people playin since 2003 get beat by someone from 2010 because they build thier ship better and just straight outplayed em, and DAoC was meh imo


Highly unlikely. It takes far too long to get the skills trained up, and then also afford all the upgrades unless you become the property of some mega corporation, but that still won't get you around the sheer time it takes to get the skills trained up. EVE pvp is nothing more than a griefer's paradise. If that is what you prefer then so be it, but the vast majority of MMO subscribers do not thus EVE is not a major player, and never has been.

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For the last two years all i heard in other game forums are how awesome swtor was going to be yet those same people cry about it now. Then they start touting gw2.


I have zero interest in gw2 at this point as I don't think it gets the heart of a mmog at all.


The heart? You mean scripted PVE encounters? This game will run the care bears out of it FAST and will leave the PVP for people that enjoy PVP.

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Well, maybe one day one of these games is going to finally do it right. Its a long shot, but one can hope.


God I hope so. Seems everything is just a rip-off of something else these days. This includes console and PC games. One can only hope! :(

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you obviously havent played EVE have you, seen people playin since 2003 get beat by someone from 2010 because they build thier ship better and just straight outplayed em, and DAoC was meh imo


I dont have to play EVE. When you ask people that have played MMO's since 2000 what the best PVP game was of all time DAoC is always #1 as TEAM based PVP. Eve is never even mentioned unless the question is "whats the biggest grind MMO of all time".. I will give you EVE there and prolly Lineage.

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If true I won't bother to even play it. I like solo pvp against other solo players and anything else is unacceptable.


Must say I agree.


Anything can happen when no one knows one another. Lots of drama. I lost at Huttball after being up 4-2 with 1 minute to play. They scored twice and grabbed the ball at the end. I've also been down 0-2 when people on my team started to quit and won 5-2. The 4 guys who didn't quit were lolling at the quitters. That could never happen if everyone is on Vent and we're coordinating like a freaking Navy SEAL team.


Premade in PVP = boring unless it's against another premade.

Edited by kristoffbrujah
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This may be true and to a degree I'll even agree with you. It's just amusing to see so many people constantly hop from one game to another. Reminds me of the 'OH Shiny!' joke some folks have with electronics.


I bought SWTOR to hold me over till GW2 and I know a number of others feel the same. Its not about hopping from 1 MMO to another its just that we are all waiting for GW2 and have nothing else to play till its release.

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The casual battles are supposed to be up to 100 vs 100, so the dynamics will be completely different from half your team or more being one premade. However, I could see large guilds finding ways to roll as one huge zerg. If that happens no one except those large guilds is going to be happy with the ''casual' pvp.


Edited for being wrong, one source says it's up to 500 on a map.


i know there will be a plattform for mass pvp in opvp but if u roam solo away from keeps/objectives etc. i guess theres room for solo pvp. kill ppl who are pveing etc. i know not exactly the best kind of solo pvp but atleast the possibility is there. cant expect it to be a huge factor, afterall its a team orientated pvp game.

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TIL; There are some seriously delusional people on these forums. If you think GW2 looks that awesome then go play it but to post about a game that you have never played as though it will be the best thing ever...


I post in these forums from work so I'm normally not influenced by having just gotten face rolled but I can bet that 90% of the "PvP sucks, Endgame Sucks, and GW2 is awesome" posts are from people who need to L2P and they're only raging because they don't understand the game systems and or they just got rolled by a premade (OMG why do good people partner with other good people? nerf them!)


If you DO understand the game systems, and you hate SWTOR so much, please do us all a favor and smash yourself in the head with your keyboard and or monitor till you pass out (or just stop playing/posting) and hopefully when you wake up you'll be able to play GW2...

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I bought SWTOR to hold me over till GW2 and I know a number of others feel the same. Its not about hopping from 1 MMO to another its just that we are all waiting for GW2 and have nothing else to play till its release.


I did the same, as well as waiting on The Secret World for pve. It's a testament to SWTOR that I'm still playing because I don't last this long in most filler games. There are some things I really enjoy about SWTOR. But there are some issues that keep me looking to the horizon as well.

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