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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thank you BW!! Really Ty ;)


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For implementing a penalty to WZ quitters!


Today I have enjoyed the plentiful amount of forum tears with people saying " I should be allowed to quit because" blah blah blah; suck it up Sally time to man up and not look for a team to carry you!


Only people that have a slight right to complain is the people with frequent crash's/ bad interwebz; but that can ( for the most part) be fixed with a little self effort.


Awesome job; thanks for improving my gameing experience in WZ's!



No doubt bro. no doubt. I hear you. Its gonna be killer when you see all the AFKers club dancing on your team. Enjoy!!

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If you think I'm going to be forced to play a game I don't want to because of leaver penalty, think again.


I'll find a nice rock to afk behind. Failing that, I'll auto run straight at the other team and not do a thing.


It makes me laugh when I see kids acting like this. It's exactly like when a child refuses to eat his green beans. You tell him he can't have dessert unless he eats them. He throws a tantrum and tosses them on the floor.


Well guess what, kiddo...you still have to eat them :D

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Wow!! I have to say the comments from people that play this game, wish we had an ingame douchebag jar would make a killing.


Really people are going to sit afk rather then just play because they might not win????




Get a grip its a game losing is part of life, and no don't put in vote kick because people like above will abuse it because they are total tools and ruin it for people that just want to play for fun

Edited by neolightninezero
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My group would vote kick you. You would then rethink such a stupid mechanic.


Yes, it would be glorious when premade elithist starts deciding who stays and goes, depending on what they percieve their standards being, no it won't be abused at all *laugh*

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I have one word for you - GATORADE!


Stock up on it, and start drinking it pretty heavily. You need to hydrate yourself, to prepare for all the weeping you're going to do on this forum when all these quitters turn into AFKs instead, just like you've always wanted.


an AFK timer would be easy to implement...


Besides, all you tards are thinking about this the wrong way. You would have to be flagged AFK before vote kick could be used. As in... no movement or activity for 2 monutes or something like that.

Edited by Sylvannus
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lol if my team sucks I will just afk, alt tab to browse the internet and tab back to hit my space bar to avoid afk detection until the game ends.


no big deal really but it will take longer to get dailies done.


That's the spirit! If your team sucks you shouldn't even bother to try!


Why do you even PvP since you obviously can't handle it?

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I havn't read the blog (or interview) where this was announced, but I'm all for it.


Those saying they would rather spend the 15 minutes in the warzone AFK or being a jerkbag to their teamates rather than sit out their 15 min timer out of the match are just bluffing. They may not try to win, but they'll try to get their medals.


People who would afk after the change are the same people who afk before the change.

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I havn't read the blog (or interview) where this was announced, but I'm all for it.


Those saying they would rather spend the 15 minutes in the warzone AFK or being a jerkbag to their teamates rather than sit out their 15 min timer out of the match are just bluffing. They may not try to win, but they'll try to get their medals.


People who would afk after the change are the same people who afk before the change.


Just saying we don't need another Alterac Valley Syndrome.

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People who would afk after the change are the same people who afk before the change.


This is true but those that usually should have bailed due to various reasons will now be afk'ish as the lockout from the deserter debuff will be the same as idle through a bad WZ.


So a bunch of semiafk peeps trolling chat and blocking possible replacements is what we will end up with.

The ones beeing punished by this bs deserter thing is disconnects,kicked to char.select and god knows what kind of bugs that mess with peoples game and pc's. :mad:

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Funny how they don't fix the hacks/bugs in Warzones, but yet they implement this. Let's not fix the bugs and problems that keep people from enjoying them, lets just kick the people who quit them.


Very sound logic Bioware, very sound!!

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If you think I'm going to be forced to play a game I don't want to because of leaver penalty, think again.


I'll find a nice rock to afk behind. Failing that, I'll auto run straight at the other team and not do a thing.


"You can't fire me because I quit!"


"Yea, well either way you still aren't earning any money."

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