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Disable sorcerer pulls on ball carriers


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Nay! Stop making suggestions with the attempt to turn the only actually halfway strategic minigame into yet another generic pew pew arena
Half way strategic? There is no strategy. It boils down to whichever team has the most sorcerers each and every bloody time without fail. It is not fun, it ruins the experience for other players. It is unbalanced that sorcerer-ball is so thoroughly dominated by a single class.


If they won't debuff the ball carrier to disable ally pulls on him, then give players the damn choice of which arena to join so I never have to do hutball again. The only time it's fun, challenging and rewards strategy and teamwork is when there are no sorcerers in the WZ. It all goes out the window when the ball carrier becomes a damned frisbee.


Alternatively, give every single class a gap closer/force jump type ability, a knockback, an ally or enemy pull ability or take away sorcerers shields so at least they aren't frikkin invincible.

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Half way strategic? There is no strategy. It boils down to whichever team has the most sorcerers each and every bloody time without fail. It is not fun, it ruins the experience for other players. It is unbalanced that sorcerer-ball is so thoroughly dominated by a single class.


If they won't debuff the ball carrier to disable ally pulls on him, then give players the damn choice of which arena to join so I never have to do hutball again. The only time it's fun, challenging and rewards strategy and teamwork is when there are no sorcerers in the WZ. It all goes out the window when the ball carrier becomes a damned frisbee.


Alternatively, give every single class a gap closer/force jump type ability, a knockback, an ally or enemy pull ability or take away sorcerers shields so at least they aren't frikkin invincible.


This is sooo wrong... and the fact that you insist on calling it sorcerer-ball does not help your standing.

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If they disable that (and it wouldn't be a bad idea) they should also disable other similar things, like Force Speed, Egress, Force Leap, Guardian Leap.


They remove ALL those movement things from the carriers? Fine by me.


Singling out one is simply unfair.

No, there is no issue with the other powers. They all depend on the opposing team, except in the case of jugg/guardian which I also have no issue with as it has a cooldown. At the moment, 2 sorcerers can fling the ball carrier from the centre of the WZ practically to the goal line, bypassing every trap, ramp, obstacle and enemy player. The WZ practically every time boils down to who has the most sorcerers and where they're standing.


***/PT/Vans can only affect enemies, not their own ball carrier. Force speed doesn't bypass ramps/traps in any way. Force leap targets enemies. These are all fun and interesting and mix up the warzone, offering tactical advantages to passing the ball between classes. Sorcerers bypass everything. It is NOT fun. Look how many there are whenever you play next time.

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Half way strategic? There is no strategy. It boils down to whichever team has the most sorcerers each and every bloody time without fail. It is not fun, it ruins the experience for other players. It is unbalanced that sorcerer-ball is so thoroughly dominated by a single class.


If they won't debuff the ball carrier to disable ally pulls on him, then give players the damn choice of which arena to join so I never have to do hutball again. The only time it's fun, challenging and rewards strategy and teamwork is when there are no sorcerers in the WZ. It all goes out the window when the ball carrier becomes a damned frisbee.


Alternatively, give every single class a gap closer/force jump type ability, a knockback, an ally or enemy pull ability or take away sorcerers shields so at least they aren't frikkin invincible.


So your not only mad, your bad


3.2k shield is soo hard to break..-_-


And Watch out guys..Juggernauts cant leap to friends across fire traps or from the pits.

And they definitely cant jump to enemy players..because they never spawn and jump down ON THEIR GOAL LINE.

O and powertechs dont get to charge to enemies either..Nope


its all about Sorc's...because they can do all of that.



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This is sooo wrong... and the fact that you insist on calling it sorcerer-ball does not help your standing.

Really? Telling it precisely how it is does not help? Ally pulls on the ball carrier in hutball thoroughly dominate beyond the ability of probably anything but a pre-made or an opposing team with more sorcerers. That is not truth, or opinion but plain, easily observable and irrefutable *fact*. Calling it sorcerer-ball is extremely accurate way of describing that WZ right now.


And I did suggest an alternative. Let me pick which WZ i enter so I never have to play sorcerer-ball. I would have no problem with never doing that WZ again and letting sorcerers continue as they are, unchanged.

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No, there is no issue with the other powers. They all depend on the opposing team, except in the case of jugg/guardian which I also have no issue with as it has a cooldown. At the moment, 2 sorcerers can fling the ball carrier from the centre of the WZ practically to the goal line, bypassing every trap, ramp, obstacle and enemy player. The WZ practically every time boils down to who has the most sorcerers and where they're standing.


***/PT/Vans can only affect enemies, not their own ball carrier. Force speed doesn't bypass ramps/traps in any way. Force leap targets enemies. These are all fun and interesting and mix up the warzone, offering tactical advantages to passing the ball between classes. Sorcerers bypass everything. It is NOT fun. Look how many there are whenever you play next time.



Lets see,, about 75% of MY warzones have 2 or LESS sages. I always count the sages. Since I'm often (maybe 20%) the ONLY sage. So I definitely count the number on my team. Whereas the Imps frequently have 3 or 4, if not more.


Nevertheless, I prefer to work with the team, not QQ (referring to most of these posts please) and remove and skills and dumb down huttball. It removes any challenge at all from the map. Even when we have less ranged, with good team work, we have won.

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People run in soccer ball carriers in huttball can't run.

True they cant run, but force sprint, is kinda running, i know its only for 2 seconds, but consider the speed for those 2 seconds, everyone else will prob allready be in combat, thus be slower by default allready! even if they ahve their 30% buff on! ..


So your statement is FALSE!

That said, i havnt played hutball since the last patch, so not sure if they can still sprint with the ball, but they sure used too!

Edited by UrbanB
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I laugh at people calling it Sorcerer-Ball.


Until people can actually pick with War-zones to queue for, the reason for so many sorcerers in any war-zone will be because they are just a larger portion of the population, not because they are better at Huttball.


Even then it totally ignores that if the other team has sorcerers up in the rafters, or sitting happily on the end-zone just WAITING to pull the ball carrier when they finally get near enough to pull, you're playing huttball all wrong.


And even THAT ignores that other classes have equally good or better mobility options to hand.


It is perhaps one of the most failed derisive comments going around this thread.

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the PULL is fine.


The CHAIN-PULLING is another matter entirely.


I think if they just limited how many pulls on the same individual you could do within a certain time period it would not be an issue and would actually add a bit more strategy.


This way you cannot chain-pull the carrier across the field.


I've been in too many situations where we do the right things and finally get the carrier OFF the ramps after 2-3 pulls and jumps. Then there is another sorc who then pulls the carrier back up again.


Put a debuff on the carrier after 1 pull. Lasts for X minutes.

Would work for me. The carrier could still leap to a friendly and/or hostile once too ...

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The best most effective pre-made I was ever in for hutball had one healing sage, a Jedi guardian hybrid tank spec, a sentinel, and a vanguard.


Opposing team had a well geared pre-made with 3 sorcs and a merc. We destroyed them 5-1 and they never had a chance.

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And a good passer can pass the ball to a stunned person at the goal to win.. It is the same thing, just in reverse.


No, I'm saying that a stunned ball carrier can't pass the ball, and that a well-timed life grip can save them when they're being chain CC'd and are unable to pass. Pull is just not the same thing as a pass. Sure, it's somewhat analogous, but that doesn't make it equivalent.


Again, I'd like to reiterate that I don't agree that it needs to be nerfed in Huttball. I'm just pointing out what I perceive as an error in your reasoning.


EDIT: Also, you can't pass the ball to someone who is stunned. If you time it right, you can intercept a pass because of this fact.

Edited by belialle
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So. A stunned ball carrier cant pass.. uhhrm let me see, i stun, some other idiot blow another CC. i pop my CC breaker.. o wait!! Full RESOLVE BAR! i can now PASS, and im no longer stunned! .. Wait .. your trying to stun me again, wait, i still passed.. And again, no knockback worked eiter, i STILL PASSED IT!


So.. now i roll sage or Sorc.. Why not just hit my forcesprint.. Go as far as i can .. with the ball in my hand, knowing anyone behind me will be considerbly slower than me.. Then see if i can pass to someone, or get it all the way .. Because even if its only 2 seconds, i can jump the acid pit, not get pulled backwerds, and pass the first firepit, and with some luck, it will be up again, and .. ya.. Ou and if i do meet someone on the half way, ill just hit my instant knock them down to the side. it works like a charm..


Wait thats completely normal, and ofc. only happends a few times in most hutball games


Most WZ i see, all the Sages and Sorcs quit all other maps than Huttball, because tehy know they can steamroll in huttball. They are the kings of that map!

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If you see a Sorc/Sage getting ahead of the ball carrier: go get him. My pull leading to a goal is becoming less of a sure thing simply because people are adapting.




OP: More Huttball. Less QQ. Run with a team and learn to communicate.


BW: Please ignore demands for removal of all the awesome abilities that make Huttball fun. I would play Huttball on 20 different maps exactly as it is.

Edited by Cephim
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The Sorc running ahead on high ground potentially can stop anytime and start healing or zap lightning at people below him. So you're not really playing 6 on 8 here because this guy could always contribute in the fight in a moment's notice.


A stealther attempting to somehow sneak all the way to goal isn't going to be helping anybody since stealther are melee, so they can't take advantage of the high elevation. I guess they could melee someone on high elevation, but in that case that guy probably would've seen the stealther anyway since the upper paths are pretty narrow so your stealth attempt failed.


That said, since the best pulling spots are the best spots for the ranged classes to unleash doom, you really should hunt any ranged class in such position because otherwise you'd probably lose the game just from the damage they do. A merc can't pull anybody, but if you leave one up in the rafters for a while, you'll notice most of your guys are eating missiles in the face and that'd tend to adversely impact your ability to defend.

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