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Logical fallacy of punishing WZ quitters - It will hurt more than help


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... intentional bad players on ignore. if i see anyone in my ignore list in one of my warzones, i leave automatically.


If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.


You're exactly like the people you put on your /ignore list. Fail much ?

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if you quit a wz you should take a 15 min timeout...dont quit play the game through yes your going to have bad game everyone do...doesnt mean you should be a big baby about it and qq only thing it hurts is the baby quitters cause now you cant reque until those lovely 15 min are up and if you quit again fine another 15 min of no one seeing you....quitting will only hurt yourself as it should be nut up or shut up
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I agree with the OP. And I think the root of the problem is blowout losses and teams that farm relentlessly when they're winning. It just isn't fun when that happens and it's worth losing the xp and medals to get out of that situation, or better yet, if I see it coming, to leave before it starts.


The best thing to do is grab the ball, head back to your own endzone, and stand there when this happens. If you cant even score on yourself then you really do suck and shouldnt even bother queueing up for a warzone anyway. lol

Edited by Rehme
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I understand this and get no enjoyment from 6-0s or 0-6s either. And sorry, had to edit my previous post to say "rather than they leave?" as that was what I meant to say and totally changes the meaning from how I previously typed the sentence.


From my experience, if a game starts out 0-2 or 2-0, the losing side turns it around much more often when the bad players, just looking for quick wins, leave the Warzone, and better players get in their spot and help turn it around. When the bad players stay in the game, it usually just continues in the same direction and is often a much more drawn out, yet clearly decisive and painful loss. Same thing when the game starts out vice versa where my team is facerolling the opposition.


Like last night in an Alderaan, we were winning with a 2-1 control, but not past the point where 1 base would win it. A few of the other side left, and some much better players got in their spot and gave us a run for the money. What was going to be a dull, boring, sit on our bases while the entire other team sits on their 1 for defender points, turned into a fun game where we had to fight hard at mid to keep it and hold onto the victory.




What they don't appreciate, though, is that 99% of 'WIN's in this game are cheap anyways because one team normally stomps the other.

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The best thing to do is grab the ball, head back to your own endzone, and stand there when this happens. If you cant even score on yourself then you really do suck and shouldnt even bother queueing up for a warzone anyway. lol


Can happen in games other than huttball. And just because the ball is over there doesn't mean they will score.

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I dont care what penalty they give me, Im not going to stick around in a warzone if its all level 10s and no healers vs a premade.


Thats ok because i bet thats not even one in 10 matches,then you will get your 15 minute timeout and go and have a pop tart.

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if you quit a wz you should take a 15 min timeout...dont quit play the game through yes your going to have bad game everyone do...doesnt mean you should be a big baby about it and qq only thing it hurts is the baby quitters cause now you cant reque until those lovely 15 min are up and if you quit again fine another 15 min of no one seeing you....quitting will only hurt yourself as it should be nut up or shut up



Yes, we should all listen to this eloquent little fellow.


'Nut up or shut up!'


Inspired ...


So at what point do we get our celebratory circ jerk on for creating a pre-made and smashing an ungeared players 6-0 in Huttball? WINNING!

Edited by TheRFC
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for starters for whatever necessity there is to institute some so of penalty for leaving warzones, its currently problematic simply due to the stupid knockdown bug where you rez on your back and can't move in ad get kicked.


Now as for the op's argument, it centers on the idea on preventing them from leaving the warzone, which is neither the only option on the table or the smartest one to choose from. If you keep someone in a losing warzone that wants to leave and they can't, as the op says there just going to contribute to losing faster. Which frankly is somewhat appealing in that you'll lose faster, but pragmatically there are better options.


I think the best option is something similar to a deserter buff, that prevents you from queueing. As far as the paticulars:


-it should last longer then a full game timer of huttball (its the longest default game time for a warzone). And a one game penalty is probably not motivating enough.

- if it were me, and you accept that your goal is to discourage people from not contributing in pvp the buff should not only prevent you from queueing but prevent you from gaining any valor during its entire duration. you shouldn't be able to go to illum and gain more valor from one game of a warzone by pvping on illum during your debuff. If you don't want to contribute to pvp in one aspect, why when you're punished for doing so, should you be able to still pvp elsewhere.

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Look, all else aside. Let me ask you, what is a level 10 player in a 10-49 WZ? Personally I feel that doing this is like giving the 7 people on your team the finger. Just because you CAN do it, doesn't mean you should.


It was the exact same thing in WoW. Level 10-19 battleground. One group would have mostly level 16+. Another group would have mostly level 10s, and would get horribly slaughtered.


Seriously, what can a level 10 do? Heck, what can a level 20 do to a level 49? Even 39 vs 49, all else being equal, level 49 will win 99.8% of the time.


So why is it when I end up in a warzone where 4-5 players on my team are giving me the finger, I am the one that gets punished for leaving? Doesn't make much sense. These people show up expecting to be carried. And I refuse to carry them.


Similarly, some people are just awful. And you don't have to be awesome to know that they're awful. Like when your teammates die on the way to the ball, without any enemy contact by running into the fire or standing in acid. Do you really think these people contribute in any way to the WZ? No, they are there once again expecting to be carried. And once again, I refuse to carry them.


If my choices come 1.2 boil down to AFKing or eating a deserter debuff or quitting the game altogether, I'm kinda leaning towards the last option myself. Well, that or only play with a premade. Which is nice, but I have a hectic schedule. And I kinda feel bad when my premade gets matched up to a PUG...with level 10s and morons. Especially if the few good players on that team can't even quit without being punished for it.


I agree 100%


Im not going to bother with any warzone if I see a lvl 10 in there. I dont care what kind of buff they get, they still wont have some very essential specials to do well in there. They dont have the interrupts, they dont have the cc, and they dont even have the burst run to chase someone down.

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Punishing people for leaving is idiotic unless they fix all the random warzone issues.


There's still rampant speed-hacking, the voidstar door exploit, etc. They're just going to force you to sit through a slow loss on a game you're be cheated against anyway.


Join an 8vs4 Voidstar in progress on Offense. Can't even get through the 1st door because it's 8vs4. Eventually becomes 8vs6. Get to either be slaughtered slowly over 10 minutes, or leave.


After the next patch it'll be get slaughtered for 10 minutes or get a deserter debuff. There is no competition in that situation, and it's difficult to get medals, either, since you're down people.


All the people that would normally leave are either:

A) Not going to PvP anymore. Resulting in longer queue times.

B) Going to AFK. Your 8vs6 experience will now be 8vs4 since 2 people are stealthing in the corner.


Unless they increase the amount of commendations you get from medals by 100%, winning the dailies/weeklies is the fastest way to get gear, and for BM it's the only way to get gear. You think those BM geared people are going to try super-hard to win in an 8vs5 game when even if they manage to pull an epic win it may not even count?

Edited by savionen
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But seriously, I wouldn't even bother paying attention to the guys who want people punished for the sake of it. BW won't! Ha ...




Ok, what do you think Bioware will do.... will it


a) Implement a deserter debuff, which is the same system that every other MMO uses and that is known to work perfectly


b) Implement a reward for people that do not leave, which is a system never used anywhere and that only works until the people have all the rewards, if at all


c) Implement objective based incentives in the form of daily quests that were part of Warhammer Online and that fail in reality and are known to not work


d) Not do anything at all and have this games PvP die


Now, thinking that Bioware is part of EA and wants to earn money, and thinking of risk vs reward considerations...


WHAT do you think they will choose? Hm..... I am wondering...

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Ok, what do you think Bioware will do.... will it


a) Implement a deserter debuff, which is the same system that every other MMO uses and that is known to work perfectly


b) Implement a reward for people that do not leave, which is a system never used anywhere and that only works until the people have all the rewards, if at all


c) Implement objective based incentives in the form of daily quests that were part of Warhammer Online and that fail in reality and are known to not work


d) Not do anything at all and have this games PvP die


Now, thinking that Bioware is part of EA and wants to earn money, and thinking of risk vs reward considerations...


WHAT do you think they will choose? Hm..... I am wondering...

(a) is just wrong, deserter debuff compounds the problem because people afk rather than play a match they are not enjoying. At least now we get replacement players that can and do help the team.

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do learn what a logical falacy is before you post. a penalty hurting more than it helps is not a falacy just a bad idea. not to mention its an opinion on which is worse, suffering a bad wz or taking deserter buff for a while. Edited by SvnStrSlm
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for starters for whatever necessity there is to institute some so of penalty for leaving warzones, its currently problematic simply due to the stupid knockdown bug where you rez on your back and can't move in ad get kicked.



For future reference, when this happens, immediately reload your UI (CTRL+U CTRL+U), and you will be able to release back to spawn.

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also winning should have its benefits, but losing is such a goose egg in terms of any gains that it borders on the painful, even when you making reasonable contribution to a game. You dont even get half the the commendations of the winning team.


But again i don't know that i see this debuff being instituted prior to the warzone ranking patch. The vast majority of games i see people leaving are blow outs, and most blow outs are battlemasters vs none/centurion. So i can't completely devalue that people might be more apt to stay if its more competitive.

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Ok, what do you think Bioware will do.... will it


a) Implement a deserter debuff, which is the same system that every other MMO uses and that is known to work perfectly


b) Implement a reward for people that do not leave, which is a system never used anywhere and that only works until the people have all the rewards, if at all


c) Implement objective based incentives in the form of daily quests that were part of Warhammer Online and that fail in reality and are known to not work


d) Not do anything at all and have this games PvP die


Now, thinking that Bioware is part of EA and wants to earn money, and thinking of risk vs reward considerations...


WHAT do you think they will choose? Hm..... I am wondering...


While I disagree that deserter debuff works perfectly, they already said they are going to penalize quitters and give more rewards for staying.

Need to gear up before 1.2

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(a) is just wrong, deserter debuff compounds the problem because people afk rather than play a match they are not enjoying. At least now we get replacement players that can and do help the team.


Have a two minute timer in zone,you dont move,you get removed plus the lockout,seems fair.

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