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Electronic Gaming Monthly gives SWTOR 9/10


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The game has gotten universally good to great reviews, to the best of my knowledge. Are you saying that EA paid for them all?


As for the metacritic score I wouldn't count it as a valid indication, there are far too many giving the game 0s and 10s to make the resulting average trustworthy. As for players over rating games I don't really agree, I've often seen a game get a certain review from official review sites and then get a lower score from players.


Let me explain why reviews are garbage nowadays and aren't worth anything:






One of the worst MMO experiences I've played and the game is now officially dead. Reviews praised the game though and it touted it's early success. Reviews don't pay the bills.

Edited by DigitalDreamz
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Let me explain why reviews are garbage nowadays and aren't worth anything:






One of the worst MMO experiences I've played and the game is now officially dead. Reviews praised the game though and it touted it's early success. Reviews don't pay the bills.


I'm not saying that the reviews are 100% correct, sometimes far from it (didn't care for Warhammer online either), though I for one like SWTOR enough to agree with the reviews it's getting. I'm just saying that when so many give this game a good review it's a bit ridiculous to say that the reviews were paid for.

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I don't know who buys what. I can tell you from experience that Marvel and DC could put out a stick figure comic and Wizard will give it a glowing review due to the advertising space they buy. The cover of Wizard Magazine, alone, costs $12k to have.


Same is also true of Image Comics in regards to The Walking Dead series.


EA also spends a lot of advertising money on these "top" magazines. So, since I don't follow reviews (I actually don't read any of the gaming mags), let me ask this: What was the last EA affiliated game that those magazines gave a less than stellar rating to?


I see that even DA2 is a 94, in the above link.

I generally don't read game reviews either, it's not what I spend my time online on and I'm not willing to by the magazines. As for your question I have no idea, reason being I seldom read reviews.


As for DA2, while I agree that a 94 may have been a bit over the top, I actually like the game. To each his own.

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Just picked up the latest Issue of EGM; huge in depth article about TOR.....they seem to be very happy with the end result; I haven't seen them give this high of a Score for a MMO since WoW...usually EGM is the magazine that rakes games over the coals and it was the review that a lot of people who don't like the game were waiting for.


You can tell the Reviewer spent a long time with it he covers Warzones, Ilum, Operations....the works.


Overall it's a good read and worth the price of the cover.


It's amazing that the game seems to get glowing 9/10 reviews from everyone that is a paid organisation.


Yet the player base is decreasing every day according to the server stats. Surely it should be the other way around if the game is so good?

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But a more interesting question is why are you wasting time on a game's forum when you should be playing?

I always find the logic that people who like the game have to play it 24/7 and never ever set foot on the game's own forum amusing. Sorry, but your reason for being here is far more shaky than that of someone who likes the game. Not saying you can't be here, just pointing out the flaw in you questioning someone else's right to be here.

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It's amazing that the game seems to get glowing 9/10 reviews from everyone that is a paid organisation.


Yet the player base is decreasing every day according to the server stats. Surely it should be the other way around if the game is so good?


When did you hack into Bioware/EA and get the server stats?

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i dont put a whole lot of stock in reviews either, i read them for inside looks at what features and stuff they found, to see if it interests me.


the cynic in me says they inflated the score so they might get their copy of Mass Effect 3 earlier than everyone else to review it sooner.


the happy player in me says the game is good and deserves a high score and high praise for attempting something different in its content delivery to the player.


either way, after reading these forums for so long, it seems many of you arent cut out to play bioware's style of games. dont get me wrong, i cant play bethesda games because open sandboxy games bore me to tears. i like bioware and will continue to play anything they put out.


some of you have canceled your subscriptions and continue to hang out in these forums and stink them up, like going into the bathroom when grampa used it before you. if only there were lysol so i could not have to deal with the negativity you guys exude. dont go away mad, just go away. please. when im done with this game, you wont hear from me anymore, i'll just stop. too bad others arent as mature.

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I always find the logic that people who like the game have to play it 24/7 and never ever set foot on the game's own forum amusing. Sorry, but your reason for being here is far more shaky than that of someone who likes the game. Not saying you can't be here, just pointing out the flaw in you questioning someone else's right to be here.


i can say for myself, i only haunt these forums when im at work and cant play. yes, my job is that cool. :)

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The game has gotten universally good to great reviews, to the best of my knowledge. Are you saying that EA paid for them all?


If they're not professionally, discreetly or aggressively alike, courting all the favor they can from every major game review medium consistently, someone else will be.


Don't imagine for one wholesome-hearted second that corporate business is an environment in which any edge is neglected. There are harder, meaner and colder men and women wearing suits and driving companies than you're soon going to find in most branches of most militaries across the globe.


But no, they almost certainly didn't outright bribe at least most of these mediums no matter. Just goes to show how far outside the curve of the matter you are if you think it's all about shady deals and envelopes full of cash, or even kneebreak scare tactics though.


You scratch my back, I scratch yours. It would be very much appreciated if you guys review our games. We understand that times are pretty tough for printed media these days, and we've got the games that bring all the boys and girls to the yard, so, review this here contract by the end of next month, would you?


There are a few small provisions completely unrelated to the primary agreement you'll want to look at too. Section three, for example, outlines a little idea we had to facilitate the excellence of your service to us. You'll find therein a few outlines for requesting new computer hardware and gaming platforms, access to our development teams by formal request for the juiciest info on game mechanisms and design philosophies (not to mention interviews), and you know that it's all off the books if we encourage some of our headhunters to keep an eye out for good placements in your business.


We wouldn't want you reviewing our games on hardware we can't personally certify as being ideal for our product, can we?


You scratch my back, I scratch yours. This is a game of implications and reading between the lines and outside the contracts.


Oh, but there's more.


We get a lot of people throwing their resume's around haphazardly when they're fresh out of college, as I'm sure you're aware. I'm sure you guys get all kinds of people fresh out of journalism school thinking it'd be the hottest thing ever to write for your magazine; you know the drill.


If you're contracting with us for access privileges, let's just say we've got good cause to make sure some of those misfiring applicants better suited to your magazine get your card.



You go around being so hamfisted and unprofessional as to resort to outright bribes, you're just asking to be investigated for civil and even criminal charges sooner or later.


That sort of clutz doesn't get to be a big dog. They don't even get to be associated with a successful corporation if they're known for that kind've unprofessionalism.


Welcome to the world you live in, pal. It's authored by money, and the people that steer the money tend to know very well how to murder the opposition and come out smelling like a rose under any legal or professional scrutiny.





As for the metacritic score I wouldn't count it as a valid indication, there are far too many giving the game 0s and 10s to make the resulting average trustworthy. As for players over rating games I don't really agree, I've often seen a game get a certain review from official review sites and then get a lower score from players.[/color]



Funny how that works, innit? See the above exemplification for how slanting professional media in your favor can very well look.


It's routine, mate. So routine that it's mere professional conduct.

Edited by Uruare
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I remember how warhammer got awesome reviews...:D


the game itself was fun. unbalanced, but fun. ( i can say unbalanced, i played order)

it was the players who decided they didnt want to play 85% of the game and just hang out and play scenarios all the time. could do any pve stuff like the open quests or even play in the open pve lakes, it was just scenario, scenario, scenario. and thatll bore anyone after a while.

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If they're not discreetly courting all the favor they can from every major game review medium consistently, someone else will be.


Don't imagine for one wholesome-hearted second that corporate business is an environment in which any edge is neglected. There are harder, meaner and colder men and women wearing suits and driving companies than you're soon going to find in most branches of most militaries across the globe.


But no, they almost certainly didn't outright bribe at least most of these mediums no matter. Just goes to show how far outside the curve of the matter you are if you think it's all about shady deals and envelopes full of cash, or even kneebreak scare tactics though.


You scratch my back, I scratch yours. It would be very much appreciated if you guys review our games. We understand that times are pretty tough for printed media these days, and we've got the games that bring all the boys and girls to the yard, so, review this here contract by the end of next month, would you?


There are a few small provisions completely unrelated to the primary agreement you'll want to look at too. Section three, for example, outlines a little idea we had to facilitate the excellence of your service to us. You'll find therein a few outlines for requesting new computer hardware and gaming platforms, access to our development teams by formal request for the juiciest info on game mechanisms and design philosophies (not to mention interviews), and you know that it's all off the books if we encourage some of our headhunters to keep an eye out for good placements in your business.


We wouldn't want you reviewing our games on hardware we can't personally certify as being ideal for our product, can we?


You scratch my back, I scratch yours. This is a game of implications and reading between the lines and outside the contracts.


Oh, but there's more.


We get a lot of people throwing their resume's around haphazardly when they're fresh out of college, as I'm sure you're aware. I'm sure you guys get all kinds of people fresh out of journalism school thinking it'd be the hottest thing ever to write for your magazine; you know the drill.


If you're contracting with us for access privileges, let's just say we've got good cause to make sure some of those misfiring applicants better suited to your magazine get your card.



You go around being so hamfisted and unprofessional as to resort to outright bribes, you're just asking to be investigated for civil and even criminal charges sooner or later.


That sort of clutz doesn't get to be a big dog. They don't even get to be associated with a successful corporation if they're known for that kind've unprofessionalism.


Welcome to the world you live in, pal. It's authored by money, and the people that steer the money tend to know very well how to murder the opposition and come out smelling like a rose under any legal or professional scrutiny.








Funny how that works, innit? See the above exemplification for how slanting professional media in your favor can very well look.


It's routine, mate. So routine that it's mere professional conduct.



how do you get out of bed in the morning?


I always say it takes a crook to know a crook , I am a professional and I try to live my live above board , Mr.broad stroke.

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Honest reviews lose advertisers in your magazine. SWTOR is a 5 at best.


I love how he states this as though it's a rock solid fact. As if his "opinion" is so important and he's so above everyone else and what they think. Pathetic.


I don't have time to play 5's.

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Just picked up the latest Issue of EGM; huge in depth article about TOR.....they seem to be very happy with the end result; I haven't seen them give this high of a Score for a MMO since WoW...usually EGM is the magazine that rakes games over the coals and it was the review that a lot of people who don't like the game were waiting for.


You can tell the Reviewer spent a long time with it he covers Warzones, Ilum, Operations....the works.


Overall it's a good read and worth the price of the cover.


I agree with the score its a fantastic game. The first game in a long time that has sucked me in. But I bet a lot of hardcore players will dislike the game because of the lack of depth and the lack of content.

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i can say for myself, i only haunt these forums when im at work and cant play. yes, my job is that cool. :)


how cool?

i haunt when i work too,

and this the most ISO27001 crap company i have ever worked,

restrict network security too much.

this work environment sux, but nice pay.

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If they're not professionally, discreetly or aggressively alike, courting all the favor they can from every major game review medium consistently, someone else will be.


Don't imagine for one wholesome-hearted second that corporate business is an environment in which any edge is neglected. There are harder, meaner and colder men and women wearing suits and driving companies than you're soon going to find in most branches of most militaries across the globe.


But no, they almost certainly didn't outright bribe at least most of these mediums no matter. Just goes to show how far outside the curve of the matter you are if you think it's all about shady deals and envelopes full of cash, or even kneebreak scare tactics though.


You scratch my back, I scratch yours. It would be very much appreciated if you guys review our games. We understand that times are pretty tough for printed media these days, and we've got the games that bring all the boys and girls to the yard, so, review this here contract by the end of next month, would you?


There are a few small provisions completely unrelated to the primary agreement you'll want to look at too. Section three, for example, outlines a little idea we had to facilitate the excellence of your service to us. You'll find therein a few outlines for requesting new computer hardware and gaming platforms, access to our development teams by formal request for the juiciest info on game mechanisms and design philosophies (not to mention interviews), and you know that it's all off the books if we encourage some of our headhunters to keep an eye out for good placements in your business.


We wouldn't want you reviewing our games on hardware we can't personally certify as being ideal for our product, can we?


You scratch my back, I scratch yours. This is a game of implications and reading between the lines and outside the contracts.


Oh, but there's more.


We get a lot of people throwing their resume's around haphazardly when they're fresh out of college, as I'm sure you're aware. I'm sure you guys get all kinds of people fresh out of journalism school thinking it'd be the hottest thing ever to write for your magazine; you know the drill.


If you're contracting with us for access privileges, let's just say we've got good cause to make sure some of those misfiring applicants better suited to your magazine get your card.



You go around being so hamfisted and unprofessional as to resort to outright bribes, you're just asking to be investigated for civil and even criminal charges sooner or later.


That sort of clutz doesn't get to be a big dog. They don't even get to be associated with a successful corporation if they're known for that kind've unprofessionalism.


Welcome to the world you live in, pal. It's authored by money, and the people that steer the money tend to know very well how to murder the opposition and come out smelling like a rose under any legal or professional scrutiny.








Funny how that works, innit? See the above exemplification for how slanting professional media in your favor can very well look.


It's routine, mate. So routine that it's mere professional conduct.


You're not telling me anything I don't already know. My posts were merely a response to those that kept claiming that EA must have paid for all those reviews, "paid for" was their wording, not mine, don't think for one wholesome-hearted second that I'm so dense as to believe that some EA rep would walk up to the editor with two bags labelled $ and wink.


I know the role advertising plays in these circumstances and I know more than one magazine has let themselves be swayed. I also know that more than one magazine has told the company or whatever in question to put their "offer" somewhere which would be space saving as well as drastically limit its exposure to sunlight.


I remember hearing about a car magazine that had given a certain car a very poor review, or whatever you call it when it's about cars, calling it, among other things, a bag of nails. The company that had made the car approached the magazine and hinted at that if a retraction was not printed they would pull their advertising from the magazine in question. In its next issue the magazine said that they were indeed wrong in calling the car a bag of nails and went on to say that they should have named it a rusty bag of nails.


If you're going to claim that all of those reviews that give swtor good to great scores have been "bought" then what is the point of ever trusting any reviews even in the slightest?

Edited by Runeshard
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We have iPad's now :p


Marc Antony comes back from fighting in battle to Cleopatra, sitting on her throne, looking hot.


Marc strides up and whispers in her ear: "Hey Cleo, how about a little NOOK tonight? You're all I could think about the whole time I was in battle!"


Cleopatra looks at him and snorts: "Not this week pal, I'm on the iPad".


eBook reader geek humor.

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