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Server forums?


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/e shrug


"Go analys EQ/EQ2/SWG/WOW/LOTR and then tell me what you think."


Sorry...EQ never held my interest, SWG failed, I deleted WOW after playing for 20 minutes, and have never tried LOTR (but might in the future).


It's not up to me to change your mind or try to prove you wrong. All I can rely on is my own expierence with MMO forums. From MY viewpoint, there is nothing you can show or say that will lead me to believe that "server forums" build community.


Since you are challenging me for proof, I'd like you to SHOW me evidence that a majority of an MMO user base uses server forums in the capacity you are describing.


Fair enough, to each their own. However I did post a link for you and also suggested you check out the forums for each game, you'll find your answer quite easily.


Not that Bioware would ever do it, at least I highly doubt it, but vBulletin has the ability to dislay a report of user activity per day.......that would give you a clue as to just how many people were on here daily.


Thing is, I'm not doubting that there's people out there who don't use server forums, my key point is that there's far too many people on this forum to even make simple conversations possible unless it's in a off-topic low traffic forum section such as this one right here. Every other forum section, Guild Hall, General, etc. have so many people trying to post at once that any post you make is buried alive within seconds never to be seen again.


Which leads me back to the simple question which Bioware has made impossible, how are we supposed to effectively communicate with same-server people? We can't!

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I have played more than my share of MMOs and every single one of them even the 12 year old MMOs had server forums.


Ultima Online: No official ones but uo.stratics.com had very active server forums and they still are active to this day


Everquest: Official but most of them also non-official as well


DAoC: No official but very active server forums on IGN's vault network


Aion: Both official and non offial server forums


Rift: Official


WoW: Official


So why cant a current gen MMO released a month ago thats been in beta for who knows how many years figure out that server forums are a must. Even 10+ year old MMOs have server forums but something released in 2011 doesnt?

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So why cant a current gen MMO released a month ago thats been in beta for who knows how many years figure out that server forums are a must. Even 10+ year old MMOs have server forums but something released in 2011 doesnt?




Plain and simple, the answer Bioware gave us is weak

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Not saying anything about the lack of server forums, would make me as bad as the people who only complain about things and never work to get things fixed.


I would love to see server forums added to the game. From what I can take, the only real response Bioware gave was: "it is to expensive to pay people to moderate the forums" from what I can gather.


In their defense I can understand wanting to save money, until you are guaranteed to make a profit off of something that you spend so much time and money on producing. But on that same note, you need to provide means to sustain that income. Server Forums, may cost more money, but they will provide a better guarantee that you will continue to make those monthly donations. Its cool that I can sit there and see all the guilds recruiting for this or that, but if that means I have to re-roll after all the work and time I have put into my character, and risk loosing friends I have made on my server, whats the point ?

Regardless, if they decide to never add in server forums, there is a simple way for them to fix this issue with the large, clunky mass forum they use now.


I would just add an additional layer to the posting process , and search process. Force people to input a server name when they post things in the general lists like " recruitment." Then make it so I can just search through by server, and not hunt and peck through all the hits on my server name. I really don't care what guilds are recruiting on vornskr or <insert other random server name> I want to know who is recruiting on my server.



Google can only do so much for me. If worse comes to worse, just outsource forums that are server based.


Lack of centralized communities within a large community, can and will kill MMO's.


This way you can stand by the mass forums, and still become able to pinpoint the specific information you are requesting.

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Bioware! I have a New Year resolution for you!!!


give your customers what they need to build a strong community!




and your argument with the whole "getting away from negative posts..."

I've had no problems with the other mmo forums I've been to. neither has anyone I've talked to. ok maybe 1 a year about some sort of pvp trash talking but that is usually buried quickly even with trolls feeding it.


a suggestion I have no clue would work but whatever I'll put it out there.

if it's a moderation issue, have some of your customers apply to moderate the servers forums on the site. I'm sure there would be a ton of people willing to do it for free but even if that isn't the case you could always pay with a free sub.


p.s. Happy New Year!! may the force be with you!

Edited by Astronauts
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We will get server forums about the same time we get bracketed PvP. :D


I wish haha they pretty much confirmed that lvl 50's will be in their own bracket soon. if only there was some sort of confirmation leaning towards the creation of the server forums ::sadface::

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I'm on the Swiftsure server and the lack of community, guild recruitment and events iii game on our server is making the game less enjoyable. Other mmo's have them and they do foster relations particularly on a pvp server.


Server forums are also important for guild recruitment, progression threads and general trade between players. I don't want to be reading through other server comments in a general forum likewise I don't wan to be scouring the net and signing up to the multiple sights offering server forums - its fragmented. Each server needs one port of call. I'm liking the game so far but it's becoming more and more a solo playing experience which you cannot let happen to an mmo....big mistake!!

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I came here looking for server forums, as many others have stated. Communication in the game is very difficult..


  • The voiced quests hurts voip (ventrilo, teamspeak, etc..) communication (varying reasons).
  • Space combat wipes in game chat history (including whispers and guildchat).
  • Voiced quests make sound notification of incoming whispers disappear (or impossible to hear).
  • There are other aspects that contribute to difficult in-game communication, but most of you already understand.


This game has more need for server forums than most others.


I'm not saying these are bad features; they're a lot of fun (except the buggy chat wiping and missed whispers during quests).

I'm expressing a need for server specific communication to allow for community building. I have few ties to this game, with no real need to keep playing without some form of community (even a poorly moderated one).


The way the forums are currently set up, I'm not going to even bother looking for a community here, as much as I'd like to find one. I may or may not cancel my sub over this; maybe I'll get lucky and happen across a good server in the 'off site' server forums.


I wasn't going to post anything here, because it likely isn't going to be addressed like many of us want, but it isn't fair to myself if I sit in silence.

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As great as this game is, I wonder who was part of the braintrust that thought that not having server forums would be a great idea. Im in a full server <Jung Ma> but it kinda feels like an empty server do the lack of forum interaction. In addition, it really makes it hard for guilds to recruit.


It would be unfortunate if this would be a dealbreaker for some people. I know Im frustrated and i bet many are also

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I truly love how people on here are all, give us our server forums, we'll behave we promise!! You can already see the same attitudes that were rampant on the WoW server forums popping up in the game and in other forums for this game. I don't blame BW one bit for not wanting to deal with all the inevitable crap that will pop up from them.
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I truly love how people on here are all, give us our server forums, we'll behave we promise!! You can already see the same attitudes that were rampant on the WoW server forums popping up in the game and in other forums for this game. I don't blame BW one bit for not wanting to deal with all the inevitable crap that will pop up from them.


It comes with the territory in having a successful MMO. Behaviour has no part in whether or not you want your game to succeed; gathering and keeping a community strong and tight knit , wanting to stick around for each other in good times and in bad, is how you keep the game sustainable during 'slow development' times and in times of good fortune (server firsts, server requests, server events, etc..). Without the tools necessary to build and maintain a healthy server, the game itself will slowly dissipate and always feel like a single player game on an MMO platform.

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I truly love how people on here are all, give us our server forums, we'll behave we promise!! You can already see the same attitudes that were rampant on the WoW server forums popping up in the game and in other forums for this game. I don't blame BW one bit for not wanting to deal with all the inevitable crap that will pop up from them.



Attitudes? Those are found in all MMO communities. Singling out the most successful is just you saying you don't have any experience on this subject to fall back on.


And you want the honesty about WoW server communities? They were great until Blizzard added tools that removed the need to communicate with others. I still enjoy WoW(and SWTOR too!) but I can tell a noticeable difference from the WoW of its beginning to what it is now. However, what made it great was the ability to develop good server communities. I barely knew anyone outside my friend and family guild until I visited my server's forums. It opened up opportunities to do and see more than I had been capable of before. Sure, I could spam trade chat all day looking for a group, guild, answer to a question, etc. But I didn't want to spend all day doing that. And most of the time I ended up getting no where! I found I could ask on the server's forums and normally got a better answer.


Yes, trolls exist on an MMO's server forums, but they exist on all forums! You should quit trying to make things out to be a WoW only problem when it's an across the entire internet issue. I think server forums helped servers to self-police their communities. Have a problem with someone repeated "ninjaing" loot from others? Report it on the server forums. Yes, some lied and ruined others' reputations, but it also showed people their were consequences for poor behavior in-game.


I fully support the addition of server forums. It benefits more than what I stayed above. It also develops community. Community is what will strengthen and prosper SWTOR. Without it this game will be just another RPG with an MMO setting.

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I truly love how people on here are all, give us our server forums, we'll behave we promise!! You can already see the same attitudes that were rampant on the WoW server forums popping up in the game and in other forums for this game. I don't blame BW one bit for not wanting to deal with all the inevitable crap that will pop up from them.


Server forums don't contribute to "attitude", young players do and that's something MMO's will never be able to avoid....that's just life.


No one is denying any negatives to server forums, what most are saying is that the positives out weigh the negatives. Not having server forums infact adds more negatives then if we had them.


Laid out quite clearly throughout this thread you'll notice great examples of how the current forum layout fails. People can't stand to come to the forum, it's a disaster with a high volume of traffic.


I made a great example, and I want you to also think about the analogy,


You have a office room that's 30x30, then you have 500 people who have to stand inside this 30x30 space and effectively communicate with eachother. It's roughly the same deal we face right now, millions of customers all tossed into a 30x30 space to talk to eachother. Ever paid attention to the New York Stock Exchange? Try organizing and communicating inside that mad house.

Edited by Vandrel-Blitz
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