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5 months to get full Battlemaster gear. Working as intended..


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You've done nothing but put words in my mouth and offer irrelevant and unwanted commentary.

Bioware's current system deserves the full amount of disdain that any rational person can muster. I would improve it by making it the exact same as the Cent and Champ system. Why did they not do it for BM also when they made those changes?


but then it would be too easy to get gear. i want a steady progression but a long one.

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I'm getting tokens at about 25%, people just cry and lie on these forums.


My question is this. I am valor 57 and about to start grinding BM gear. Out of the BM tokens you are getting, how many are duplicates? I hope none but I bet I am wrong.

They aren't tokens for a specific piece, they are individual tokens to buy whatever you want.

Edited by Gotryce
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I would say: be happy you managed to get your champion gear before the latest changes.


The chance to get any piece of gear from champion bags is pretty much zero now.


Wich means it will take you months to get a full champion set, while it took a couple of weeks for those before the change.


Not cool at all.


And seeing that battlemaster keeps the trend im not sure im gonna keep bothering with PvP.

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Only took me 3-4 weeks to get full bm. RNG is RNG


Took me about 3 weeks.


I think the OP is over stating things as people do when they get frustrated. No one I know has had this much of a dry spell. They average a comm ever 4 or 5 boxes which is actually what's intended. Now if you don't do your dailies and weeklies all the time, it may take you months, but if you do the Ilum daily / weekly and do most WZ dailies and the weekly, you should have most of your BM gear in a couple of weeks of play.

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I would say: be happy you managed to get your champion gear before the latest changes.


The chance to get any piece of gear from champion bags is pretty much zero now.


Wich means it will take you months to get a full champion set, while it took a couple of weeks for those before the change.


Not cool at all.


And seeing that battlemaster keeps the trend im not sure im gonna keep bothering with PvP.

And by "months" you mean "weeks". The new system for Champion gear is MUCH better than the old system. I can't see anyone who is level 50 and actually PVPs on a semi-regular basis that would disagree. Other than you. But since you don't seem to know how the new system works, I am guessing you don't PVP on a semi-regular basis.

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And by "months" you mean "weeks". The new system for Champion gear is MUCH better than the old system. I can't see anyone who is level 50 and actually PVPs on a semi-regular basis that would disagree. Other than you. But since you don't seem to know how the new system works, I am guessing you don't PVP on a semi-regular basis.


It's better, but that doesn't mean it's fair, we (who levelled fast to 50), got our champion gear skipping entirely centurion on 1-2 weeks just doing dailies and not farming bags. Try to do that now.


I like how the system is right now, but some of us already got an advantadge over the slower fellas.

Edited by Keldaur
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but then it would be too easy to get gear. i want a steady progression but a long one.


No if you use logic to how much every piece costs. For example, if you doubled the amount needed on champion, but on battlemaster tokens, but every bag gives you 15 BM, would mean you need 264 BM commendations to get a mainhand weapon, and that would take 18 dailies (a week if you do every daily/weekly). It's a good rate for the high end gear and atleast you know you will eventually get it.

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Haven't read the thread, but people quoting the statistics are right, but shortsighted.


It doesn't matter what the average drop rate is, unless you combine it with its standard deviation (or more appropriately, the actual curve defining drop rate). The average could be 25%, but if you put a 1 sigma @ 10%, you've got a lot different results.


Don't just assume everything's Gaussian. It probably is, but it depends on what rand() they're using.

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11 for 70 here, the RNG system is complete garbage. They made us pre1.1 BM grind through RNG champion bags, then proceed to make ilum an easy valor farm and change champion bags to fast grind to full champion. Now they expect us to grind out the RNG BM bags just so that they can change them a few weeks later? No thanks, I will just not play until you realize the RNG system is a terrible way to encourage gameplay.


Agree! I got my full gear from opening loads of boxes and hoping for the pieces to drop, then when i finally get my champin set, they change it to this fast grind system...and now when im BM i have opened my 11th box and gotten only 1 drop from it..that means i need 30+ to get my wep...


But the thing that make me more annoyed is that they didnt do anything to the ppl exploiting the bug they got in Ilum. ppl that had about the same valor as me where 15-20 valor ahead the next day...First i was actually glad i didnt know about the bug since i tought it would be fixed, but now i really regret i didnt hang around Ilum so i might had found it out...since in this game we actually reward ppl that exploit..

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And by "months" you mean "weeks". The new system for Champion gear is MUCH better than the old system. I can't see anyone who is level 50 and actually PVPs on a semi-regular basis that would disagree. Other than you. But since you don't seem to know how the new system works, I am guessing you don't PVP on a semi-regular basis.


Wrong on every term.


I PvP on a daily basis, doing the daily and maybe half a dozen WZ's after that. I usually get a champion bag aswell from WZ points alone.


I dont know how you cannot understand that it takes months when you can only get about 1 piece of the main set per week. Ends up beeing about 6 weeks just for the 5 main pieces, add 2 more for the weapon, and several more for the other pieces. It will take you at least 3 months of daily PvP to get full champion set.

I will probably hit battlemaster before i got it complete.


Now im not saying this system is completely terrible. But, it IS terrible when the people that rushed to 50 managed to get a full set in a couple of weeks and will probably make progress on their battlemaster set faster than the champions will (even though it may depend on luck in some instances). I call that broken.

Edited by Nemmar
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why not scrap that rng garbage and issue currency that would allow us to purchase the sht at the same rate a 25 actual % drop rate would be. problem fricken solved


They ARE scrapping it. According to the 2/17 FAQ, in 1.2 they're doing away with bags and making all gear buyable for wz commendations.

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They ARE scrapping it. According to the 2/17 FAQ, in 1.2 they're doing away with bags and making all gear buyable for wz commendations.

Thing is, why can't they just put it in the next patch rather than wait till March (possibly end of March). I don't understand why they don't change a system that there has been more hate on than almost every other topic.

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If I had my way it would take 5 months to get to 50.



Bring back the Jedi alpha-class!


Na, sure we all like getting new gear, but if everything is obtainable super fast then whats the point? I already think they made a mistake giving so many "free" options to obtain gear. Yes people with limited time need ways to obtain things, but the abundance a little too much.


Some of that could and should have been placed in the responsibility of crafting. This is a MMO, why are vendors more important than players for gear progression?


Crafted PvP gear should have been in from the start.

Edited by AKfourtyseven
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Bring back the Jedi alpha-class!


Na, sure we all like getting new gear, but if everything is obtainable super fast then whats the point? I already think they made a mistake giving so many "free" options to obtain gear. Yes people with limited time need ways to obtain things, but the abundance a little too much.


Some of that could and should have been placed in the responsibility of crafting. This is a MMO, why are vendors more important than players for gear progression?


Crafted PvP gear should have been in from the start.


They wont admit it, but everyone wants their gear super fast because they arent planning on playing this game after whatever other game they think is the best idea ever comes out.


Short list of games "better" than SWTOR in the future.



Planetside 2

The Secret World

Bethesda MMO

Unannounced Fallout MMO

Blade and Soul

Aion 3.0

Titan (no one even knows what it is)

Diablo 3 (not even an mmo)

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Stop crying people.


If I had my way it would take 5 months to get to 50.


WoW = ruined mmos and took away ANY sense of accomplishment.


People think because they spent 15 dollars Bioware has to do what they say. Nope.


Yeah you're right! Players should be forced to be on an endless run of bad luck, unable to get gear week after week.


They dont deserve it anyway!


Back in my day we didnt even have a gear grind play incentive. We used to have to play for 28 hours a day, all camping the same boss spawn point, after a 4 hour corpse run, merely for the pleasure obtained by seeing his pixels rendered on our CRT display! HE DOESNT EVEN DROP ANYTHING!!!


It was enough for us then. It should be enough for you kids now. Get off my lawn.

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My reward was exactly 3 tokens from 20 bags. Im not really complaining about it, but its really frustrating tho. I agree with really up'ing the price for BM gear but meantime giving for example 1 token / bag. So make armors cost like 8 tokens and weapons 12 tokens. Its still the 25% as intended.

RNG shouldnt not be a reward for PVP grinding. Give something to people, even a little, but let them feel good about finishing the weekly/daily.

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