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Let's go. Highest Vanguard PvP Stats.


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VANGUARD Warzone High Scores Pre-1.2 (4/12/12)





Hoff of Shii-cho






Kall of Space Slug




Critical Hit


Rookie of Ven Zallow




Medal Count

Post nerf:


Boulen of Space Slug



Pre healing item nerf:


Lal'Mirch of Vrook Lamar




Damage Received


Astinek of Chuundar













This is a work-in-progress. Keep posting your high scores. And take screenshots using prntscrn.


To find your damage received,


Hover over your # of deaths, It will tell you how much damage you took! I always hover my my mouse down that list. I typically take 1.5 times the damage of every one on my team :) Which means I'm doing my job.


Similarly, to find your biggest crit, hover over your damage stat.





How to screen shot your scores:


PrintScreen (Prt Scr, or similar) button on a standard PC keyboard. Screenshots will be saved in Documents/Star Wars - The Old Republic folder
Edited by Godliness
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Why? Because if someone out there is breaking meters, I want to know. And more importantly, I want to know how so I can also do it. (And also because this game is getting boring, but that's for another thread.)


Biggest crit. Highest Warzone damage. Highest Warzone protection. Most medals? Sure. If you guys are into that sort of thing. Stipulate if it was before the healing medals nerf.


Let's hear it. Be sure to supply your spec and anything out of the ordinary from that match.


I guess I have to start. Fine. I run 25/11/4 or something like that. Biggest crit? I don't recall ever getting the 5k medal. Biggest I remember is 4.2k on some fresh 50. Highest damage was 530k in a Voidstar. Highest protection was something like 120k, also Voidstar. You'd think it would be in Huttball, but I get stuck with the ball a lot there.


Fine. Go. Beat those marks. Tell me what spec you're running. Tell me if you had a pocket healer or if the enemy loved standing in your Mortar Volley. Were you in full expertise gear? Did you have a PvE relic or Datacron relic or 2/5 PvE set? Rakata earpiece? Do you use the Biochem adrenal or the expertise adrenal? Re-gemmed your gear with champ enhancements? Are you pro or anti accuracy? Aoe spammer? DOT spammer? Amazing HIB proc streak? Whatever you want to share. Screenshots preferred if you have some ginormous number to report. If you say something interesting, I'll link to your post.


Go. Post. Describe.


FYI, this link is out there for PvP in general, but I don't care that sages are getting to 800k. Or that ops hit 10k crits. I want to hear about Vanguards.



And if any Powertechs snuck in here, G-T-F-O. Just kidding, you can post too.

Edited by Godliness
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Name Zandranich on Infinite Empire server. My best protection is 187,858.



By zandranich at 2012-02-16


Was Obiwon your pocket healer for that? Pretty nice SS.


I also love how you got ZERO MVP votes.... 'Tis the way of the Vanguard. :D

Edited by Kryptorchid
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I hit almost 500k damage in 2 warzones in a row as a full tactics spec. :D


I had a pocket healer though and we were fighting a very healer heavy team so not many peeps were dying.


Was still fun to hit almost 500k though as I usually sit in the mid 200-300k range.

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PrintScreen (Prt Scr, or similar) button on a standard PC keyboard. Screenshots will be saved in Documents/Star Wars - The Old Republic folder


Oh nice. I figured my screenshots were gone forever once I read Windows help section on printscreen, but you led me to them. Thanks.


530k dmg... didn't bother to protect much... embarrassing.



140k prot... re: the chat dialogue... an imperial had glitched into one of the doors.


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Never took any SS's but for what its worth iv done over 200K in protection several times.


My DPS has never went over 300K. like 280 something was the highest lol... I almost **** myself when I seen it!!


This is all PVE shield spec and supercommando gear. I dont bother respec'ing, I just enjoy running around and making imps lives miserable with my taunts and guard lol..


Not sure what my highest hit ever was. When I do check it, its usually around 2200 or so. Im assuming stockstrike+crit on a squishy target lol...


I usually average between 8-10 medals every match. same ol ones each time. I honestly dont even bother looking anymore lol..

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High Damage I recorded (SS) was 238501 with 70587 Protection, I did have a pocket healer, I usually do, I had full champ gear too. My build is 24/11/4 as well, and only once, it was last night have I ever received a 2.5k crit medal, it was on an un-geared operative with my guard on and having the expertise field boost.


I usually run around spamming grenades, gut, and exp surge. I rarely if ever use channeled skills.


Highest in 50 Bracket






I don't really count this, it was against low levels



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I always break the 2.5k medal when I smash somebody in the face with my Stockstrike. I got 70% surge dmg atm. :)


I'm tank spec but if I try (not focusing 100% on objectives) I can do 300k+ dmg a round easy. The first 3 guard medals are easy. Most of my dmg is through AOE, but I can still deal decent (i guess medium) single target dmg.


Buffed I got 33% crit + 70% surge and 40% shield chance + 32% absorb. 17k hp self-buffed (no hp pot).


Its a balancing act with tanking stats + dps stats. It's harder with BM gear, but once I got all the Supercommando stuff I can start pouching mods off other classes.

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Alas, I have no screenshots, but will return to supply some if (when) the feats stated below re-occur.


You'll just have to take my word, or not, for now.


I am deep Assault (4/6/31) and have recently hit Battlemaster.

Running with Eliminator set for HiB crit, and have switched several mods out to stack crit and surge in place of power and accuracy.

I use the Crit adrenal, crit/surge and power relics, and Battle Focus as often as possible.

I do not spam DoTs, instead picking a target and bursting.

Mortar Volley on cd at all times.


Have not managed the 5k medal, but not far off. Highest was 4.7 with 15% expertise boost on a fresh 50 in Civil War.


Most damage done was 702k in a Voidstar. Both teams had 3-4 healers so it was non-stop combat. Laughably, all that damage returned only 11 kills, due to the ridiculous amount of healing.


My protection is somewhat lacklustre as I have to rely on taunts in Plasma Cell, but managed the 50k medals a couple of times.

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PvE Shield Spec Vanguard here, mix of centurion and champion super-commando gear. All solo queue/PUGs, but my server seems to have a tiny PvP community so everyone is pretty familiar with everyone else.


My highest protection so far has been : 164,657 (fun fact, I was only second in protection that game, another VG got 167,727 /shake fist)


My highest damage so far has been : 225,269 (I did 160,947 protection that game as well and we actually lost this game. :( )



I've never gotten the 2.5k crit medal, I think the nearest I've gotten is 2.2k on a stockstrike.

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I have all three sets of gear (SCommando, Elim, and CTech) and have experimented with various builds, including the popular Iron Fist and Carolina Parakeet.


In terms of pure damage dealing, Eliminator with 31 points in Assault has yielded (by some distance) the greatest results.


With a flat 32% crit chance (with Lucky Shots), 25% from Battle Focus, 670 crit rating from relic/adrenal and 15% from Eliminator, your HiB will crit for what seems like and unfair amount of the time.


Some prefer to trade out the crit adrenal for surge and use SCommndo set with dps mods, but since I run Plasma Cell, it's an easy choice for me.


Each to their own, though. Sadly, there can be no definitive information until the implementation of a combat log.

Edited by Peytona
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Just broke 500k tonight (after the surge fix/nerf w/e you wanna call it)



Spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801hMbZMsMrRrfkbsZb.1


Which cell do you run with for this? HIgh Energy i'm assuming. Secondly did y ou use this build while leveling, or did you re-spec into it when you hit 50?


For me at Lvl 38 Vangaurd SS (Yojacks SS build) I once hit (with the help of a healer to keep me going) 174,000 damage. I've not successfully got my protection above 30,000 yet. But I do routinely get 5 medals. Which isn't a whole lot, but for me it's progress :)


I don't have a SS cause honestly I don't know how to do that (I know lame, but I never needed to before now :)

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Best protection so far.


Against 4 Marauders etc on Voidstar. I was switching guard like a mofo, dropping taunts as soon as they were up aswell as the debuff. As you can see, they had no chance with the heals from Caridin, Elael and Ragorl.... I had 0 deaths.... Was addrenaline pumping.


Total, 239499 protection, 33 kills, 196531 damage. 3 pocket healers... Their tanks must have been HELLA annoyed to not be able to kill anything.


Killzo is a Battlemaster Marauder and he only managed 300k dps and 14 kills.... Ouch!

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Gotta remember to take screen shots :/


I was running solo yesterday when i noticed two people generally grouping in same Wz often, and when we did we won 75% of the time, so we grouped together (a 49 sent, and 27 sage, the sent got a guildie for another 49 sage. to make a pug premade) I then procedded to get 200+ k in protection in a void star, and 150 k in damage, died 5 times with 23 kils, and 7 medals. I could get more if my gear was better but im just running my blue crit/overkill armormech equipment in yojacks build with the 46 orange rifle with crit/surge 315 damage i think. wasnt using adrenals, or the powerups just straight in the middle of the fray taunting, and ccing my arse off lol was a blast :D


Ghrunn Felshard

47 Vanguard, Corillieans Run

Order of Methedras

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I'm commenting because I see protection be the stat everyone is quoting.


Protection I think is far more game specific than other stats, to the point where I think it's virtually irrelevant as a measurement stat. You have the option to guard whenever you are running ion spec but how it plays out varies a lot.


Also, it's a damage transfer (with a bit shaved off) outside of taunts. From a certain point of view, does it matter if you got it or the other guy got it? Sure, you kept a healer up. Maybe.


I think the structure of builds in my experience is this:


Non premade, playing objectives hard, at level 50

- Iron Fist / Carolina spec: 70k protection, 150k damage, 8 deaths

- Assault spec: 15k protection, 350k damage, 8 deaths


Pre made where you will be healed

- drop deaths by 2

- increase damage by 100k

- up protection in guard spec by 50k


I have done >500k damage in assault spec in warzones. The easiest one to excel in for stats is Voidstar... but I prefer the ones where we progress through the objectives.

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My new highest Protection is Link=220697


Great screenshot and reinforced why I posted what I posted above. You did great protection and that's good. But the problem is your team lost and it was clearly through a lack of offensive pressure from the team overall. Roughly similar healing; not enough damage. Relatively speaking however, your damage was good and you had mid range deaths.

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