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Commando PVP Help


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No, it's a IWIN button. The only people who defend it as anything else are the people who are using it. The admin should take a sample of the damage meters in random games of huttball, usually it's the snipers and the gravity round cannons winning top damage/heals.

All I can do as a sorc is, well, win the game with ninja speed.


So, yeah, if you are having DPS issues embrace the IWIN button and have yourself a slaughter.


you want iwin buttons look at sages/sorces gunslingers/snipers they do 3x the damage if not more commando's/mercs are doing lol


plus these class's have more defense and survivability than commando's/mercs

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Helpful hint: If you face a imperial agent when they are charging their attacks they stand out of cover. So if you are a Jedi knight you can force leap to them or if you are any class with an interrupt you can use it on them. Gunslingers stay in cover the entire time they are charging up their big attacks.


Choose your enemies wisely, young grasshopper.

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Helpful hint: If you face a imperial agent when they are charging their attacks they stand out of cover. So if you are a Jedi knight you can force leap to them or if you are any class with an interrupt you can use it on them. Gunslingers stay in cover the entire time they are charging up their big attacks.


Choose your enemies wisely, young grasshopper.


you cant leap or pull gunslinger/snipers while they are in cover and they become dps tanks wen they are in cover.

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Stuns and interupts are your bestfriends. Its not an IWIN button issue is a L2P issue
Interrupt gravity round

dot up/slow them

LOS them and pop out for shocks/dots

stun if caught out in open

burn them down or heal up when stun is on

Can also force run away, keep at max range and dip in for instant casts/out when they begin casting gravity round.


Basically, you don't have to let them spam gravity round on you.




Combat Shield says hi.

Edited by AntoniusDelitan
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Combat Shield says hi.


Yea thats for the heal spec, not the dps spec that these ppl are crying about and other people are telling to interupt....nice try though, you at least half-arsed researched it.


The only other way would be for them to be hybrid meaning grav would be their only effective dmg, and the cast can still be interupted with a stun/knockback/push/pull

Edited by ugig
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How to make Grav Round an IWIN?


Seems like a perfect link...


Yeah perfect if we were talking combat medic and not gunnery. Please L2P your class, the topping the chart issue is because smart troopers/BH/GS/Snipers know how to postion themselves in huttbal. Like I stated its a L2P issue, if you just leave any of those classes and even sorc/sages to free dmg without putting pressure on them then its you AND your teams fault. Same goes for all WZs really. Civil war mid turret is a great example, any ranged class can perch themselves on the sides and if not messed with, BAM top charts, I do it all the time on my Sage.

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Immune to interrupts... Are you not seeing that?



I play a sorc, not a noobtube trooper. I can get wrecked by Mr. Gravspam in 5 casts.


Ugh you need to pay attention, that link is to a skill in the ability tree COMBAT MEDIC on TIER 3..... get it, got it, good. Any sane Gunnery Commando is not going to go Hybrid and lose out on demo round to gain the immunity thats on a 2 min timer.




This is the Commando ability list, Level 14 is the shield. Now go to any website with a skill tree calculator and look at the combat medic tree. Then do /facepalm for ignorance.

Edited by WolfAttack
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Ugh you need to pay attention, that link is to a skill in the ability tree COMBAT MEDIC on TIER 3..... get it, got it, good. Any sane Gunnery Commando is not going to go Hybrid and lose out on demo round to gain the immunity thats on a 2 min timer.




This is the Commando ability list, Level 14 is the shield. Now go to any website with a skill tree calculator and look at the combat medic tree. Then do /facepalm for ignorance.





Grav Grav Grav Grav High Impact DED!! No interrupts!



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Can we get a count on how many commandos use that those specs, im mean seriously a 12sec imunnity on a 2min cd

Edited by WolfAttack
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One. I'm running back from the medcenter the other two fights.


Well since we are assuming, maybe on our first encounter my reactive shield was on CD, come on we can do this all day. As i said its a L2P issue, you can do this with all classes if you want to make scenarios ie oh what if my CC breaker was down or my cryogrenade. Hey lets throw in that I have no PvP gear into the scenario too.

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No, it's a IWIN button. The only people who defend it as anything else are the people who are using it. The admin should take a sample of the damage meters in random games of huttball, usually it's the snipers and the gravity round cannons winning top damage/heals.

All I can do as a sorc is, well, win the game with ninja speed.


So, yeah, if you are having DPS issues embrace the IWIN button and have yourself a slaughter.


This guy is so FOS it isnt even funny.

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Well since we are assuming, maybe on our first encounter my reactive shield was on CD, come on we can do this all day. As i said its a L2P issue, you can do this with all classes if you want to make scenarios ie oh what if my CC breaker was down or my cryogrenade. Hey lets throw in that I have no PvP gear into the scenario too.


But... you have grav round. Without the shield... it just takes ~15 seconds to kill a sorc healer instead of 8.

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Hits for 3.2k easy on light armor. Why do you really need to cast anything else except HIB as an execute?


on a crit maybe with BM gear..


sorc is the only class I think commando has a upper hand on at all .. sorcs tend to have a upper hand over ALOT of classes .. good sorcs will still crush me 1/2 the time.

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Heres my rotation for my commando. grav3-demo-grav2-bolt-full auto. Most anyone will be dead after that if you are relatively geared. plus my skill tree is 7-31-3. Im currently the top dps commando on death wind corridor through my experience so i feel this setup is succesful.
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Crits for 3.2k easy on light armor. Why do you really need to cast anything else except HIB as an execute?


Im sorry but i have to ask what is your pvp gear compared to theirs? Even without having jack for pvp gear on my sage I dont believe i have even been hit for 3.2k on a grav hit at least if i have i must have had a full 5 vortex stack on me and they got a lucky high dmg crit. You might be seeing grav followed by a massive demo hit would be my guess. Demo with a 5 vortex debuff combo is just nasty. Getting that 5 stacks takes at least 3 grav rounds unstunned/uninterrupt/unknockbacked. Also it can take longer than 4.5 sec to get the full 5 with being pushbacked.

Edited by WolfAttack
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