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The reason I love being able to leave WZs with no penalty


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I love how one of the main arguements against people leaving is because


"leavers are bad and want a good team to carry them"




No, we leave because our team is *********** terrible / they walk into WZ`s with utter **** for gear / they dont understand or bother with objs


(only killing for medals is biowares bad design, its breeding idiots)


Oh but of course were just Elitists, "Elitist" is the new "Noob" that everyone brands each other with and hates, goodness knows its not the fault of the actual bads that cause people to leave.


IMO im a pretty good player, im certainly well above average, there isnt anyone im particularly careful of atm, but i can tell some notice me when i get chased down in strange situations, or switched to during a small skirmish. I know when the use CC, i learn all my rotations, and i have good situational awareness.


But im getting increasingly fed up with the amount of derp in WZ`s, so yes, i will leave.

Maybe if you didnt play like a gosh darn retard id stick around.


As for trying to educate people? been there, tried that. anonymous internet ******es will tell me to **** or ignore me.


To sum it up, yes, ill leave until i find a team who actually has a damn clue, i do not find it enjoyable to play with bads, win or lose im not really bothered. If i do lose, i want it to because we where outplayed, not because my team is incompetent. If i leave your WZ, its because i think you or our team is bad.


Deal with it, i`ll just switch to a alt if they put in some kind of lockout or penalty till it ends.


INB4 someone calls me elitist for referencing myself as "pretty good"

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I agree with the OP in most points, I've lost count of the lost matches I was queued to. 3-0 huttball with my "team" fighting everywhere but where the ball is. Or queues to half-assed groups with 4 total players, it's so much fun...
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why in rush to do ur dailies? Gear and valor? Even if u get all battlemaster gear then what? quit? i would suggest u quit from right now then...

Rush? Sometimes it takes 20 games and I have hit 36 games played before getting my 3 wins. You know when its a loss after a couple minutes. Do the math and see if you think its worth saving 13 min per game when you know your team will lose. No point in staying in games where everyone wants to farm medals in the middle.


Do what you want and role play that you're honorable or whatever you do, but I'm still leaving.

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For those complaining of 'a bad team' ... Join up with 3 others you consider worthy of your presence .. and queue for the wz together ... sheesh is it so difficult to do? If the rest of the team is so bad .. then you have a 50/50 chance to pull it your way.


As for the lowbies and noobs ... how else are they suposed to learn?


I guess they're just learning bad habits ... ''Oh we're losing ... I'm gonna drop!!!'' ... give ALL players a chance ... we ALL pay to play ... I wish players would quit being so selfish and only thinking of themselves. You'd actually waste more time dropping from various games ... keep the game rolling ... show the 'noobs' how to win.

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50/50 isn't really a good chance.


Having two people not helping, AFKing or just not in the game already is a huge handicap.



Honestly, the objectives in the war zones isn't very hard. I don't know why people are having difficulty trying to achieve them unless they're just farming medals.

Edited by Seductivpancakes
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Although I pretty much understand the OP, I also see the risk behind allowing people to leave the wz without penalty.


Aside from other aspects, I think it would be nice to have some kind of a preview of people who are entitled to join the upcoming wz before deciding whether to join or skip it. I hate that "Oh no, not this guy again...' scenario. Penalty or no penalty for skipping, it would save time.

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50/50 isn't really a good chance.


Having two people not helping, AFKing or just not in the game already is a huge handicap.



Honestly, the objectives in the war zones isn't very hard. I don't know why people are having difficulty trying to achieve them unless they're just farming medals.


Because they are just farming medals. Actually, not sure how many people will even notice a couple afkers in the middle of all the medal farm zergs.


I've given up and started farming right there with them when I feel so inclined, but this encourages people to roll classes that are good farmers (mercs definitely are, pre-50 melee not so much in my experience).


Giving up and just farming every losing game also forms bad habits. I can't tell you how many times we had a chance to win or were even winning where my focus wandered away from an objective because I got into the habit of chasing down that fleeing sorc with only a sliver of health left.

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There are a lot of them, but i'll highlight my main points.


1) One good player can turn the tide of battle, but not if the other team has more than one good player. If I join a WZ where no one is passing ball, fighting on turrets/doors, I would rather leave and wait for new group


2)Some teams are just fail. I played a Civil War earlier where a sorc tried to cap a Turret with me, instead of knocking back/stunning the group running to us. Then later, I solo capped a turret and got zero backup while 3 people fought out in front of the turret nowhere near it. I don't mind losing, I just don't want to play with bads


3) When I join a WZ and we have 3 level 10s in greens, you know its bad news. Now don't be hasty and say "but level 10s...etc". I started Queing at level 10 too - difference Is I already know how to guard turrets/doors pass the ball etc. People can learn by losing, I don't want to lose with you while you learn though.


4) I don't care about medals/valor/commendations/stats. I care about competitive play and having teammates that can back me up and be accountable. If i find none of those in my current WZ, I will leave and come back later in hopes of a better group.



I am disappointed they are putting a penalty because It is not fun being stuck with bads over and over, but of course I see the logic behind it. I will enjoy the last 2 months of not being forced to waste my time losing because my team is full of low levels and bads.


1) Find a guild that specializes in PvP. My suggestion would be Blood Tithe of Keetael.


2) Queue with a group of guildies on vent.


3) Faceroll an entire server, or in the alternative...


4) Said guild finds out you actually DO suck, and this is all some QQ because you want to be carried, in which case they boot you.


PvP is srs bsns. Dropping warzones without a valid reason is grounds for a /gkick. "I'm losing" is not a valid reason. The only way to get better is to play against overwhelming skill and/or odds. Quitting does not advance your ability to get out of a tight spot, make the winning pass, or learn to pop cooldowns at just the right time for the maximum result. Practice makes perfect...if boxers just beat up training dummies all day, they'd suck...thats why they spar live opponents.


So put up or shut up.

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PvP is srs bsns. Dropping warzones without a valid reason is grounds for a /gkick. "I'm losing" is not a valid reason. The only way to get better is to play against overwhelming skill and/or odds. Quitting does not advance your ability to get out of a tight spot, make the winning pass, or learn to pop cooldowns at just the right time for the maximum result. Practice makes perfect...if boxers just beat up training dummies all day, they'd suck...thats why they spar live opponents.


So put up or shut up.



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There are a lot of them, but i'll highlight my main points.


1) One good player can turn the tide of battle, but not if the other team has more than one good player. If I join a WZ where no one is passing ball, fighting on turrets/doors, I would rather leave and wait for new group


2)Some teams are just fail. I played a Civil War earlier where a sorc tried to cap a Turret with me, instead of knocking back/stunning the group running to us. Then later, I solo capped a turret and got zero backup while 3 people fought out in front of the turret nowhere near it. I don't mind losing, I just don't want to play with bads


3) When I join a WZ and we have 3 level 10s in greens, you know its bad news. Now don't be hasty and say "but level 10s...etc". I started Queing at level 10 too - difference Is I already know how to guard turrets/doors pass the ball etc. People can learn by losing, I don't want to lose with you while you learn though.


4) I don't care about medals/valor/commendations/stats. I care about competitive play and having teammates that can back me up and be accountable. If i find none of those in my current WZ, I will leave and come back later in hopes of a better group.



I am disappointed they are putting a penalty because It is not fun being stuck with bads over and over, but of course I see the logic behind it. I will enjoy the last 2 months of not being forced to waste my time losing because my team is full of low levels and bads.


If this guy was honest in this post, then he would leave uncompetitive matches when he is winning 4-0, does he? NO. He likes matches he is winning or competing to win, if he is in a losing effort he quits. This whole post is wrong, this guy will use his subjective definition of when a match is no good to leave. Keep in mind, if everyone did this on BOTH sides 90% of the matches would have quitters. This is simply selfish behavior. It can be summarized as follows:


I like winning, I don't like losing, if my team is losing I blame them and leave. If I am winning I expect the other team to stay. A competitive match, as determined by me, you must stay for. I will determine what is competitive, If you feel 3-0 with 8 minutes to go is still a match and I don't, screw you, play with 7. I make the decisions.

Edited by richardya
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pvp will never be equal.. there is always tema skill, location, situation with the matches etc.


competitive play means your better off as the under dog.. justify quitting is fine i guess.. but why lie?


useless people are useless..


might as well download a hack, then you can win without quitting.

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All I know is that if a penalty is added I won't be seen in another Alderaan ever again. Half the time I respawn in the safe zone the speeders don't spawn in before I get kicked for being in the safe zone too long. The vendor is there, but no speeders, and I'm not at all OK with eating a debuff because of a bug.
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If this guy was honest in this post, then he would leave uncompetitive matches when he is winning 4-0, does he? NO. He likes matches he is winning or competing to win, if he is in a losing effort he quits. This whole post is wrong, this guy will use his subjective definition of when a match is no good to leave. Keep in mind, if everyone did this on BOTH sides 90% of the matches would have quitters. This is simply selfish behavior. It can be summarized as follows:


I like winning, I don't like losing, if my team is losing I blame them and leave. If I am winning I expect the other team to stay. A competitive match, as determined by me, you must stay for. I will determine what is competitive, If you feel 3-0 with 8 minutes to go is still a match and I don't, screw you, play with 7. I make the decisions.


Well Said

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As I've said before.


If they add a hard lockout I will be canceling my sub.


To explain in more detail:


By the time I get home from work until it is time for me to go to bed = 4 hours.


I do not have enough time to play a ton of losing WZs.


If it is a close match 3-4 I won't leave. But if it is 4-0 I'm gone. I just can't complete my dailies otherwise.


It's all because the Dailies require you to win.


I would much prefer a system that rewarded you for completing WZ specific actions like capping a turret, scoring the huttball etc.

Edited by AidenPryde
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1) Find a guild that specializes in PvP. My suggestion would be Blood Tithe of Keetael.


2) Queue with a group of guildies on vent.


3) Faceroll an entire server, or in the alternative...


4) Said guild finds out you actually DO suck, and this is all some QQ because you want to be carried, in which case they boot you.


PvP is srs bsns. Dropping warzones without a valid reason is grounds for a /gkick. "I'm losing" is not a valid reason. The only way to get better is to play against overwhelming skill and/or odds. Quitting does not advance your ability to get out of a tight spot, make the winning pass, or learn to pop cooldowns at just the right time for the maximum result. Practice makes perfect...if boxers just beat up training dummies all day, they'd suck...thats why they spar live opponents.


So put up or shut up.


Yes, go on ignoring the fact that large numbers of warzone pvpers like pug solo queuing. Pretend we don't exist and pretend your queue times aren't fast because of us.


Keep doing that until we no longer bother to queue.


Then be sure to cry loudly on the forums about how long your queue times are.


Face it, people who prefer to premade over pugging are a minority. You need us. So stop pretending we aren't here before we really aren't anymore and you're stuck waiting 45 minutes to get into a turtle fest with another coordinate premade that has the same number of healers you do, making for a long, boring stalemate.

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If this guy was honest in this post, then he would leave uncompetitive matches when he is winning 4-0, does he? NO.


Huh?, hes leaving because his team is terrible and cant be bothered with the trouble, if his team is winning, aka its players are doing well, why would he abandon them, because the enemy is bad? Hey i can use stupid logic too, lets start asking the other faction to 1v1 in WZ. Or how about, ill let them cap alderaan turrets because thier 180 points behind us


hurr durr...



He likes matches he is winning or competing to win, if he is in a losing effort he quits. This whole post is wrong, this guy will use his subjective definition of when a match is no good to leave. Keep in mind, if everyone did this on BOTH sides 90% of the matches would have quitters. This is simply selfish behavior. It can be summarized as follows:


He states he doesnt mind a win or a loss so long as his team is dependable and not arsing around, dont see him saying he`ll quit if hes getting rolled by a better enemy. more assumptions please.


I like winning, I don't like losing, if my team is losing I blame them and leave. If I am winning I expect the other team to stay. A competitive match, as determined by me, you must stay for. I will determine what is competitive, If you feel 3-0 with 8 minutes to go is still a match and I don't, screw you, play with 7. I make the decisions.


More assumptions.... dribble

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Yes, go on ignoring the fact that large numbers of warzone pvpers like pug solo queuing. Pretend we don't exist and pretend your queue times aren't fast because of us.


Keep doing that until we no longer bother to queue.


Then be sure to cry loudly on the forums about how long your queue times are.


Face it, people who prefer to premade over pugging are a minority. You need us. So stop pretending we aren't here before we really aren't anymore and you're stuck waiting 45 minutes to get into a turtle fest with another coordinate premade that has the same number of healers you do, making for a long, boring stalemate.


LoL @ you, its so cute that you think you're important. Blood Tithe currently has over 200 members, and guess what...we love Huttball! So no, we don't "need" you solo queueing because A) you're not on our server, and B) you don't matter, as much as you'd like to convince yourself otherwise. Honestly, the only time we get any competition is when the match is BT vs. BT, or when we face our buddies in Jamming the Radar in the 50 bracket. And guess what...we all...group...queue.


So, go find something else to be self important about.

Edited by Rhaiz
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6) I have a modem that likes to randomly crash without warning. Getting a debuff for technical issues is liable to keep me from queuing up altogether.


7) Sometimes, I get thrown into a losing match that's already halfway over, and I don't feel like playing the rest of a match that's already lost.


8) I hate playing in Alderaan.


If there is a leaver penalty you wont get the half way done games because people wont leave...So theer wont be any half games anymore

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LoL @ you, its so cute that you think you're important. Blood Tithe currently has over 200 members, and guess what...we love Huttball! So no, we don't "need" you solo queueing because A) you're not on our server, and B) you don't matter, as much as you'd like to convince yourself otherwise. Honestly, the only time we get any competition is when the match is BT vs. BT, or when we face our buddies in Jamming the Radar in the 50 bracket. And guess what...we all...group...queue.


So, go find something else to be self important about.


If you don't need us, then why do premades whine about potential long queue times when pug players ask Bioware to separate the queues?


Insult me all you want, all that proves is that you don't have a real basis for your argument.

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If you don't need us, then why do premades whine about potential long queue times when pug players ask Bioware to separate the queues?


Insult me all you want, all that proves is that you don't have a real basis for your argument.


-jedi wave- these are not the premades you are looking for...

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