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Friggin' fix Voidstar already!!


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I've gotten stuck behind the gate timer a few times, and sometimes even getting booted out because the deserter buff is already ticking down.


The gate timer on defense needs to be much shorter anyways, if our team gets wiped, we automatically lose the doors.

Edited by Sookster
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100% agree. It's so frustrating when you have a great team and are forced to watch them cap a door in the first 15 seconds.


How in the world did this make it past beta?




The gate timer on defense needs to be much shorter anyways, if our team gets wiped, we automatically lose the doors.

I don't agree with this. If your entire team gets wiped, you deserve to get your doors captured. That's the point of PVP - wipe the other team faster than they can wipe you.

Edited by Stenrik
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I don't agree with this. If your entire team gets wiped, you deserve to get your doors captured. That's the point of PVP - wipe the other team faster than they can wipe you.


Captured, yes. The problem is that it's enough time to capture, detonate, and run halfway to the next room setting the defense up for failure yet again with absolutely nothing they can do about it.

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And regarding the respawn timer - it's fine, EXCEPT in the instance of when you respawn in a back room AFTER they have opened a door. The respawn shield for the spawn points behind the action should become permanently open once they open each door.


Agree with keeping the door open after they bust through.

Edited by Anatlos
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even if voidstar has no bugs and works at intended it is a terribly designed map.


Just a bad map and rng on defense.


If your door is timed right you can interrupt non stop if it is not you get screwed.


The entire map is just awful and no fun to play.



I love the idea of a attacker/defender map but then make it right..


having two doors next to eachother and just blowing through doors is silly. There is almost no strategy involved at all just try to wipe them with the longest door timer possible then get far enough in front of them so they can't catch up.




Would be better if each door had a different way to get through it. First door is just dmg(enough to make it so people have to make choices of killing the door or people attacking you) Then 2nd door is the classic bomb. Then final door has something to do with that room AND then taking the information is like a 5 second cast, So basically you have to defend the hallways from the other team while they try to cap the data.




That way you can actually progress through the level and not spend 5+ min on the first door if the other team is healer heavy.

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even if voidstar has no bugs and works at intended it is a terribly designed map.


Just a bad map and rng on defense.


If your door is timed right you can interrupt non stop if it is not you get screwed.


The entire map is just awful and no fun to play.



I love the idea of a attacker/defender map but then make it right..


having two doors next to eachother and just blowing through doors is silly. There is almost no strategy involved at all just try to wipe them with the longest door timer possible then get far enough in front of them so they can't catch up.




Would be better if each door had a different way to get through it. First door is just dmg(enough to make it so people have to make choices of killing the door or people attacking you) Then 2nd door is the classic bomb. Then final door has something to do with that room AND then taking the information is like a 5 second cast, So basically you have to defend the hallways from the other team while they try to cap the data.




That way you can actually progress through the level and not spend 5+ min on the first door if the other team is healer heavy.


This would be awesome!!!

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even if voidstar has no bugs and works at intended it is a terribly designed map.


Just a bad map and rng on defense.


If your door is timed right you can interrupt non stop if it is not you get screwed.


The entire map is just awful and no fun to play.



I love the idea of a attacker/defender map but then make it right..


having two doors next to eachother and just blowing through doors is silly. There is almost no strategy involved at all just try to wipe them with the longest door timer possible then get far enough in front of them so they can't catch up.




Would be better if each door had a different way to get through it. First door is just dmg(enough to make it so people have to make choices of killing the door or people attacking you) Then 2nd door is the classic bomb. Then final door has something to do with that room AND then taking the information is like a 5 second cast, So basically you have to defend the hallways from the other team while they try to cap the data.




That way you can actually progress through the level and not spend 5+ min on the first door if the other team is healer heavy.


That's a...good idea actually.


But you're not a member of The Best PvP Team in the Business™ so who would ever listen to you?

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even if voidstar has no bugs and works at intended it is a terribly designed map.


Just a bad map and rng on defense.


If your door is timed right you can interrupt non stop if it is not you get screwed.


The entire map is just awful and no fun to play.



I love the idea of a attacker/defender map but then make it right..


having two doors next to eachother and just blowing through doors is silly. There is almost no strategy involved at all just try to wipe them with the longest door timer possible then get far enough in front of them so they can't catch up.




Would be better if each door had a different way to get through it. First door is just dmg(enough to make it so people have to make choices of killing the door or people attacking you) Then 2nd door is the classic bomb. Then final door has something to do with that room AND then taking the information is like a 5 second cast, So basically you have to defend the hallways from the other team while they try to cap the data.




That way you can actually progress through the level and not spend 5+ min on the first door if the other team is healer heavy.


I'm consistently amazed at how often the playerbase comes up with ideas for the game that beat the holy hell out of anything the actual developers have thrown together.

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I've gotten stuck behind the gate timer a few times, and sometimes even getting booted out because the deserter buff is already ticking down.


The gate timer on defense needs to be much shorter anyways, if our team gets wiped, we automatically lose the doors.


Could be worse really. I've had situations where the moment I land I have like 5 seconds or so left on that deserter debuff. By the time I land and move forward I get kicked out. Has happened to me a couple of times. Gotta love the loading times and speeder delay!


The debuff should start the moment you land not when you zone in.

Edited by Xruptor
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The map is stupid id rather see us spawn at the end of the map with spawn teleporters taht take you to other parts of the ship and a push back effect like say yeah they can get through the first door but we get our defence going and we push them back


A progressive flag cap the brings your spawn closer or something this stuck behind a 30 second door is just stupid. NOBODY like standing around in a spawn area in pvp gw2 has this figured out. Wow has this figured out. Rift has this figured out TIMED DOORS are just stupid. Seriously who is designing this stuff. It's about as fun as running back and forth through 6 loadscreens for a stupid questline. We pay for the game to waste our time having fun. Not to waste time being angry at stupid bugs and poorly designed halfassed quests and buggy pvp zones that ultimately crash from memory leaks and random disconnects.

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The map is stupid id rather see us spawn at the end of the map with spawn teleporters taht take you to other parts of the ship and a push back effect like say yeah they can get through the first door but we get our defence going and we push them back


A progressive flag cap the brings your spawn closer or something this stuck behind a 30 second door is just stupid. NOBODY like standing around in a spawn area in pvp gw2 has this figured out. Wow has this figured out. Rift has this figured out TIMED DOORS are just stupid. Seriously who is designing this stuff. It's about as fun as running back and forth through 6 loadscreens for a stupid questline. We pay for the game to waste our time having fun. Not to waste time being angry at stupid bugs and poorly designed halfassed quests and buggy pvp zones that ultimately crash from memory leaks and random disconnects.



The spawn teleporters sometimes mess up during zoning. I know a few instances where the door was capped and I was in mid transit to the spawner only to show up at the previous spawner. I've also been kicked back and forth one time at a spawner.

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Totally agree.


And while they're at it, they should really rid of the cutscene at the beginning too, and I can't tell you how many times I've accepted the queue and sat at the loading screen where you have to hit spacebar for a good 10-15 seconds before I remember I have to hit spacebar... what's the point of that?

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Totally agree.


And while they're at it, they should really rid of the cutscene at the beginning too, and I can't tell you how many times I've accepted the queue and sat at the loading screen where you have to hit spacebar for a good 10-15 seconds before I remember I have to hit spacebar... what's the point of that?


Everyone has multiple times Im sure.

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This WZ was so poorly designed it should be scraped. There is no fix for this POS.


Do what I do and just leave as soon as you see its ballstar.


It's got its problems (mainly delayed release of defense team), but Voidstar is actually my favorite warzone. I think it's really fun overall and always look forward to getting one.

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If this isn't fixed in the next 3 weeks I am gone for sure. There is literally no reason for the speeder at this point. If they can't fix this little unintended bug, then the best of luck to the people stupid enough to stay. Edited by finetop
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