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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So how long is 'Give them time...'?


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Haters tell fanboys they love the game.


Fanboys tell haters they hate the game.


People work, social lives, schedules, there are REASONS why people are on a forum and not the game.


I don't logoff at night and think to myself "Man I hate this game, but I will go onto the forums and try and convince every to like it."


You are just a hypocritical as the next person, claiming that anyone who likes the game is just a fanboy.


Even if you think this game is subpar, it's still ok for others to like it.


Right look at that persons forums posts and see that just today she has been on the forums for 9 hours and then look at yesterday basically the same thing.


When does she play this great game again?

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Azzras I think I am someone who hates the RAGEQUIT posts more than you do. No one cares that you are quitting and they also don't care about your QQ. Just leave quietly and not look like a troll.



OP l2 english as a 2nd language kthx. Reading comprehension is prettier than rainbows with unicorns on top.

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Did you even read what I wrote? I said how long is long enough to quit giving them the benefit of the doubt and say 'Give them more time...'. I'm not expecting a perfect game in 6 months, but I am expecting significant improvements, and that goes beyond just bug fixes.


But mostly I just wanted to get a feel from the community how they feel about it. If they feel like giving them a year, then great. But I just don't think people will stay subbed that long without a much better MMO experience.




I read what you wrote and understood it perfectly. People post these all day. Pretned to be asking an innocent question but really just do it so you can provide the complainers and trolls another thread in which to go ballistic and rant and rave and comlpain and say how it's going to go F2P and BW is fail and looky it's bleeding subscriptions and gimme gimme gimme make it the way I want it or else, etc. One of the oldest tricks in the book, albeit not a very effective one if you're trying not to be obvious. You said 6 months. I took you at your word. If it's 6 months for YOU and YOUR preferences and YOUR expectations of the game and BW's development team, then what do YOU care about what everyone else thinks is their magic drop-dead deadline date for BW to fix the vague and diffuse problems and issues that you don't even define in your OP?

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So for all the people that are saying 'Give them time to do X...', how much time should we be giving them before we say enough is enough? This isn't a troll or a negative post, I'm just trying to pinpoint when we should be fed up.


Are we saying 6 months? 9 months? A year?


Personally, I think if there isn't a significant turnaround in 6 months then you seriously have to consider if the game has a long term future. I think after 6 months that you have to really start looking at Server Merges, forced faction balances, etc.


I truly don't want to see any of those things, but after so long you can't use the argument 'Give them time...' anymore. What are your thoughts?




Whatever time it takes to


a) identify whatever bug is your current peeve of note.

b) be able to reproduce the bug consistently enough to verify it isn't just in your head/only with your obscure hardware and software configuration/only happening at midnight Borneo time on the fifth Thursday of odd numbered months during a Leap Year.

c) design a solution that doesn't break other things at all/too badly.

d) parse through millions of lines of code written by scores of different programmers to make the needed changes.

e) compile your pet change and everything other teams have been working on into a patch for internal testing

f) perform said internal testing

g) perform any tweaking internal testing requires, repeat step f

h) export the new patch to public test, because the environment has far more permutations than internal testing ever could

I) tweak the patch again for serious issues that arise on the test server

j) prep the patch for live publication

k) publish the fix, only to find more complications, because live is as thorough a test environment as can be

L) repeat with next peeve issue.


In that light, I don't think they're doing a bad job pushing through major fixes (like ability delay issues) in a quite rapid fashion.

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Right look at that persons forums posts and see that just today she has been on the forums for 9 hours and then look at yesterday basically the same thing.


When does she play this great game again?


I work 9AM to 6PM Monday - Friday: http://www.adeptcomputers.com


Come see me in Eugene Oregon if you have PC troubles!



I am in the forums for 9 hours, because I Leave my browser open smarty pants...


Any other questions?

Edited by djsmileey
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Right look at that persons forums posts and see that just today she has been on the forums for 9 hours and then look at yesterday basically the same thing.


When does she play this great game again?


Some of us spend 10 hour days in front of a computer.


What else are we going to do on a crappy work computer but go on the forums?

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So for all the people that are saying 'Give them time to do X...', how much time should we be giving them before we say enough is enough? This isn't a troll or a negative post, I'm just trying to pinpoint when we should be fed up.


Are we saying 6 months? 9 months? A year?


Personally, I think if there isn't a significant turnaround in 6 months then you seriously have to consider if the game has a long term future. I think after 6 months that you have to really start looking at Server Merges, forced faction balances, etc.


I truly don't want to see any of those things, but after so long you can't use the argument 'Give them time...' anymore. What are your thoughts?




Six months... This game's subscription numbers have pretty obviously already "plateaued." While EA might have been downplaying how much monthly income they expected, I doubt they are thrilled that TOR didn't even hit two million before stalling. Especially considering they spent a couple hundred million making this game.


If subscription numbers start dropping like they have for almost every other MMORPG that's come out over the last few years within a couple months of launch... Well the Bantha Poodoo is going to hit the fan. They didn't even give Mythic a year after WAR launched before heads started rolling.


Without people to make new content and fix old content... Well, it doesn't get done. BioWare has six months to, at least, convince everyone still paying to keep paying. If they have not by that point then most of the people in Austin better update their resumes.

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I read what you wrote and understood it perfectly. People post these all day. Pretned to be asking an innocent question but really just do it so you can provide the complainers and trolls another thread in which to go ballistic and rant and rave and comlpain and say how it's going to go F2P and BW is fail and looky it's bleeding subscriptions and gimme gimme gimme make it the way I want it or else, etc. One of the oldest tricks in the book, albeit not a very effective one if you're trying not to be obvious. You said 6 months. I took you at your word. If it's 6 months for YOU and YOUR preferences and YOUR expectations of the game and BW's development team, then what do YOU care about what everyone else thinks is their magic drop-dead deadline date for BW to fix the vague and diffuse problems and issues that you don't even define in your OP?


That was extremely painful to read, but I did chew through it. Please, next time use paragraphs.


If you had read the whole thread I did define what things I was looking for based on feedback from people. Also, I am not trying to hide anything in my original post. I asked a legitimate question of the community to get an understanding of how everyone feels.


And if the thread is so worthless how come everyone that has viewed it has commented? I would say that's a successful post.



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Haters tell fanboys they love the game.


Fanboys tell haters they hate the game.


People work, social lives, schedules, there are REASONS why people are on a forum and not the game.


I don't logoff at night and think to myself "Man I hate this game, but I will go onto the forums and try and convince every to like it."


You are just a hypocritical as the next person, claiming that anyone who likes the game is just a fanboy.


Even if you think this game is subpar, it's still ok for others to like it.


I'll go one step further: it's also ok for people not to like too. And this is coming from someone who gets called a fanboy for telling people to sto being so negative and be more constructive. I dont' view "how long until you quit if you don't get what yuo want?" as all that constructive. We can agree to disagree on that I suppose. Seems BW is perfectly ahppy to let people phish for complaints this way.


What's not ok? If you don't like it, don't come here and yammer non-stop about not liking it. Quit and go away. Period. It's those posts that start the whole mess and the flame wars. Those posts are entirely inapropriate, childish, immature, mean spirited and generally just evidenec that the person posting them is displacing valuable air that could be breathed by a more worthwhile lifeform. If people were constructive and respectful instead of just trolling jackholes, none of it would even start and the flame wars wouldn't exist.

Edited by Blotter
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Right look at that persons forums posts and see that just today she has been on the forums for 9 hours and then look at yesterday basically the same thing.


When does she play this great game again?


It's ok, one day you'll be able to afford a computer that can have internet explorer and an mmo playing at the same time.


Probably some time after you learn what a job is and how that can sometimes consume people's time.

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I want to globally whine about everything with total disregard to specific changes coming in each patch, is currently on test server and many dev posts describing future plans!!!


There is nothing coming!!!






/sarcasm off.

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I work 9AM to 6PM Monday - Friday: http://www.adeptcomputers.com


Come see me in Eugene Oregon if you have PC troubles!



I am in the forums for 9 hours, because I Leave my browser open smarty pants...


Any other questions?



Oregon represent!


It's ok, one day you'll be able to afford a computer that can have internet explorer and an mmo playing at the same time.


Probably some time after you learn what a job is and how that can sometimes consume people's time.


Make no mistake, that person has a job. It is a called a shill.

Edited by Reico
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I loved TOR while it lasted for me. And I cannot wait to start an alt on the Republic side when Patch 1.2 hits. To me, the story really carried the game to its conclusion. Do I feel like I got the money I spent on the Collector's Edition back plus a month? Definitely. And I cannot wait to return.


As for people saying they'll leave... I can't say I blame them. BioWare titles always have this... "not for everyone" twang to them. And that holds true here. I'm not about to go off the handle and say, "HURR GO BACK TO WOW!" I can get that this game isn't everyone's cup of tea.


The most glaring problem that I can see is that there are VERY few armor textures. Many recolors, but not much texture diversity. I call it the Dragon Age: Origins problem with gear permutations.

Edited by Digital-N-Plus
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Good is a relative term.


TOR is a good product, for those who like it.


What compels people to play a game they hate? Or even hang out in a forum, is there seriously no other priorities in your life?


is it:




Do I not have a right to express how I feel like this company lied to everyone and gave a product that was unsatisfactory.


Maybe if enough people complain that they will not except this in a game then maybe the companies will change, but as long as they have players that will accept trash and keep paying to hopefully get some fixes then they will never change.


I dont want the next game I buy be it a Bioware game or some other game to be as bad as this one was put together.


I have said this game is not bad for a single player game but it should not have been labeled an MMO. Maybe the next game they make they can have one large server and when you make a toon you are instanced from everyone else and never have the operetunity to interact with anyone else and they can also call than an MMO.

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The game is pretty fun, when you can play it. I log on, plead for a group in general chat for an hour or so and then log off. That is not fun. Every now and then I get a Hardmode flash-point group and have fun but not nearly often enough to warrant paying 15 dollars a month. I'm debating canceling until some kind of LFG system is implemented or something is done about extremely low pop server/faction. I imagine they are going to start losing quite a few people who are fed up with not being able to advance their mains in any meaningful way outside of raiding. Cant even find a decent guild on my server, not even sure one exists. Rerolling is not an option, and I shouldn't be forced to do so after spending the time to level the character/class I want to play.
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Do I not have a right to express how I feel like this company lied to everyone and gave a product that was unsatisfactory.


Maybe if enough people complain that they will not except this in a game then maybe the companies will change, but as long as they have players that will accept trash and keep paying to hopefully get some fixes then they will never change.


I dont want the next game I buy be it a Bioware game or some other game to be as bad as this one was put together.


I have said this game is not bad for a single player game but it should not have been labeled an MMO. Maybe the next game they make they can have one large server and when you make a toon you are instanced from everyone else and never have the operetunity to interact with anyone else and they can also call than an MMO.


Good news, I doubt after this EA will ever let Bioware make an MMO again.

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It's ok, one day you'll be able to afford a computer that can have internet explorer and an mmo playing at the same time.


Probably some time after you learn what a job is and how that can sometimes consume people's time.



Right thats the excuse to use because it cant be unproven. Its alot better than the we are on a 5 min OPS break that lasted for 40 mins.


Retired so I dont have to work, I put in my years so I dont have to work anymore.


Also you dont even make sense with what your saying. A job can consume peoples time up so they cant play but they can post on the forums every 5 mins for 8 hours. Or are you saying she works for Bioware?

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Good news, I doubt after this EA will ever let Bioware make an MMO again.


Which is a shame I think.


I think that BW can learn a lot from this release and subsequent maintenance. I think their next MMO could really benefit from that and would be infinitely better. I would even dare say many people are really looking forward to Titan because Blizzard will take all their knowledge from WoW and utilize it there.


However, everything I have read is that it will be a Casual MMO with a FPS flare. Nothing confirmed but that is from all the information I have read.



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I don't see a reason why I should be considering when I give up on the game. I enjoy it, it's what I expected. This is a personal opinion and I don't expect it to affect anyone beside myself or my guild mates or friends.


Should I now make threads every hour to find people who enjoy the game as I do to make my opinion validated? There are so high expectations to this game that is really unrealistic.

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