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So how long is 'Give them time...'?


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So for all the people that are saying 'Give them time to do X...', how much time should we be giving them before we say enough is enough? This isn't a troll or a negative post, I'm just trying to pinpoint when we should be fed up.


Are we saying 6 months? 9 months? A year?


Personally, I think if there isn't a significant turnaround in 6 months then you seriously have to consider if the game has a long term future. I think after 6 months that you have to really start looking at Server Merges, forced faction balances, etc.


I truly don't want to see any of those things, but after so long you can't use the argument 'Give them time...' anymore. What are your thoughts?



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So for all the people that are saying 'Give them time to do X...', how much time should we be giving them before we say enough is enough? This isn't a troll or a negative post, I'm just trying to pinpoint when we should be fed up.


Are we saying 6 months? 9 months? A year?


Personally, I think if there isn't a significant turnaround in 6 months then you seriously have to consider if the game has a long term future. I think after 6 months that you have to really start looking at Server Merges, forced faction balances, etc.


I truly don't want to see any of those things, but after so long you can't use the argument 'Give them time...' anymore. What are your thoughts?




On STO it took over a year to get things kinda fixed, but they lost so many subs it is now F2P.

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So for all the people that are saying 'Give them time to do X...', how much time should we be giving them before we say enough is enough? This isn't a troll or a negative post, I'm just trying to pinpoint when we should be fed up.


Are we saying 6 months? 9 months? A year?


Personally, I think if there isn't a significant turnaround in 6 months then you seriously have to consider if the game has a long term future. I think after 6 months that you have to really start looking at Server Merges, forced faction balances, etc.


I truly don't want to see any of those things, but after so long you can't use the argument 'Give them time...' anymore. What are your thoughts?




So at 2 months in, you're threatening doom and gloom if things aren't exactly how you want them to be in 4 more months? Do you realize that this mindset, more than anything else, is what ruins the game for you, and not the game's issues themselves?

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If they want time, unsub and give them time. Return when you are finally satisfied with the game.


Since it took them 2 months to fix the Warzone wins not being counted, I don't see a very bright future for this game.


Then we will get the excuse of why things were not fix was because we unsubbed and they didnt have enough money to fix everything.

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So at 2 months in, you're threatening doom and gloom if things aren't exactly how you want them to be in 4 more months? Do you realize that this mindset, more than anything else, is what ruins the game for you, and not the game's issues themselves?


Did you even read what I wrote? I said how long is long enough to quit giving them the benefit of the doubt and say 'Give them more time...'. I'm not expecting a perfect game in 6 months, but I am expecting significant improvements, and that goes beyond just bug fixes.


But mostly I just wanted to get a feel from the community how they feel about it. If they feel like giving them a year, then great. But I just don't think people will stay subbed that long without a much better MMO experience.



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So at 2 months in, you're threatening doom and gloom if things aren't exactly how you want them to be in 4 more months? Do you realize that this mindset, more than anything else, is what ruins the game for you, and not the game's issues themselves?


I love how you put those words into his mouth.

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Did you even read what I wrote? I said how long is long enough to quit giving them the benefit of the doubt and say 'Give them more time...'. I'm not expecting a perfect game in 6 months, but I am expecting significant improvements, and that goes beyond just bug fixes.


But mostly I just wanted to get a feel from the community how they feel about it. If they feel like giving them a year, then great. But I just don't think people will stay subbed that long without a much better MMO experience.




Very few people will pay them money to fix the game for that long - I suspect this is part of the reason for a staged regional release, to keep the revenue flows going for the updates.

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So for all the people that are saying 'Give them time to do X...', how much time should we be giving them before we say enough is enough? This isn't a troll or a negative post, I'm just trying to pinpoint when we should be fed up.


Are we saying 6 months? 9 months? A year?


Personally, I think if there isn't a significant turnaround in 6 months then you seriously have to consider if the game has a long term future. I think after 6 months that you have to really start looking at Server Merges, forced faction balances, etc.


I truly don't want to see any of those things, but after so long you can't use the argument 'Give them time...' anymore. What are your thoughts?




Change in what?


How long do we give them to do what?


They are pumping out fixes/changes/additions and the game rocks!


Do I know there are problems that exist? Sure, but 99% of the game works perfectly fine.


You may think the game needs to change or they will die, I think the game needs to continue doing what they are doing and listening to the community and providing feedback and applying content changes.

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I'm sure you'll still be here posting how much you hate this game.




nope sub runs out sometine in the 20's of this month. But we will know you will be on the forums telling everyone else that bought the game later that hate it how great it is.


Do you ever log into the great game or just the forums.

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To the OP, check the dev tracker and patch notes.


If issues you are concerned with aren't being addressed there, do a search on the forums.


If that doesn't turn up any satisfactory results, then open a ticket or go to the suggestions box to post your issues/concerns.


If that doesn't do it, gracefully unsub, submit your feedback via email and find a game that suits you better.


But please don't come back with a RAGEQUIT thread and just say everyone else and I are quitting. This game sux.


That is not constructive to the game, nor does it really benefit you or anyone else.



Edited by Azzras
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True. The companies now only care about making money and not making a good product. Then some people expect us to pay another 90 bucks in a 6 month sub just to get a satisfactory product.


This I already realised the day TOR was announced.


TOR saw light because of KotOR, one of the best games ever made. And suddenly they went from a single player RPG to a multiplayer MMORPG, no matter how many people were against it.


The storylines in this game are nice, but to be honest I could play KotOR for the 8th time now and still get more kick out of the confrontations with Darth Malak than I got in anything during my storyline as a Jedi Guardian.


In fact, the whole storyline was pretty boring and small. The buildup is just too little. I don't want to spoil the Jedi Guardian story so that's why I can't go in depth, but let's just say that everything is going a bit too fast. The best experience I had in this game was Flashpoint: Maelstrom Prison. And guess what? That's because it all had to do with KotOR...


Also the companions are not interesting at all. In KotOR I loved to hear all the stories Canderous had to say about the Mandalorian Wars. In this game I just want everyone to shut up.


Music in KotOR was top notch... really beautiful. In this game, nothing is giving me shivers. Not to mention we hear soundtracks from the actual movies that take place only 4000 years after the game I'm playing.


I could go on and on... but the point is clear. KotOR III would have been 90/100 material again as it's predecessors, but instead they decided an MMO would bring more money to their cash flow so they went with TOR instead which after you've played for 2 months is really only a 60/100 material at most.

Edited by dnomz
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I think I am going to give them 3 months and see if things improve to what I would like to see. I want to see them put forth a customizable UI, ability to choose which WZ I want to play, and a much better LFG system. I'm not saying a full blown LFD type of tool, but something more than flagging yourself LFG.


Also, I'd like to see old bugs that have been in since Beta get some love. There are still many and they are game breaking for some. Get these things fixed and I'm definitely in for the long haul.





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nope sub runs out sometine in the 20's of this month. But we will know you will be on the forums telling everyone else that bought the game later that hate it how great it is.


Do you ever log into the great game or just the forums.


Haters tell fanboys they love the game.


Fanboys tell haters they hate the game.


People work, social lives, schedules, there are REASONS why people are on a forum and not the game.


I don't logoff at night and think to myself "Man I hate this game, but I will go onto the forums and try and convince every to like it."


You are just a hypocritical as the next person, claiming that anyone who likes the game is just a fanboy.


Even if you think this game is subpar, it's still ok for others to like it.

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So for all the people that are saying 'Give them time to do X...', how much time should we be giving them before we say enough is enough? This isn't a troll or a negative post, I'm just trying to pinpoint when we should be fed up.


Are we saying 6 months? 9 months? A year?


Personally, I think if there isn't a significant turnaround in 6 months then you seriously have to consider if the game has a long term future. I think after 6 months that you have to really start looking at Server Merges, forced faction balances, etc.


I truly don't want to see any of those things, but after so long you can't use the argument 'Give them time...' anymore. What are your thoughts?




For me, many of the issues with the game will need to see significant progress, otherwise I'm gone when my game card time expires in a couple of months.


This game has a lot of potential and can be fun as is, but it also has a lot of challenges and issues that detract from my enjoyment, especially at end-game.

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To the OP, check the dev tracker and patch notes.


If issues you are concerned with aren't being addressed there, do a search on the forums.


If that doesn't turn up any satisfactory results, then open a ticket or go to the suggestions box to post your issues/concerns.


If that doesn't do it, gracefully unsub, submit your feedback via email and find a game that suits you better.


But please don't come back with a RAGEQUIT thread and just say everyone else and I are quitting. This game sux.


That is not constructive to the game, nor does it really benefit you or anyone else.




Azzras I think I am someone who hates the RAGEQUIT posts more than you do. No one cares that you are quitting and they also don't care about your QQ. Just leave quietly and not look like a troll.



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