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I miss the Horde


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Where is the misunderstood honorable bad guys? And don't tell me the Empire is the Horde, because the Empire is composed of selfish evil villians all trying to kill each other as well as everyone else.


Republic = Alliance

Empire = Burning Crusade or maybe the Scourge



I miss faction pride =(

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Back to WoW with you. Keep that misunderstood bad guys BS as far away as possible please.



One of the better aspects of SWTOR is that it actually feels like there is a WAR going on between the two factions. The imps and the reps hate each other and it's plain to see.

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Erm. This is Star Wars. Not World of Warcraft.


If you don't understand Jedi and Sith, that's plain too bad for you.


I actually do understand it, but they forgot to add a Mandalorian faction, which would of along the lines of what I am talking about.


So, left with evil empire or pansy Republic.

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There is faction pride in the empire, just no honour.


Horde weren't bad guys, they were just rough good guys. I don't think the idea would suit SW.


And yeah I prefer Horde over Empire in RP terms too, therefore I play republic.

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Issue is:


BW always focuses on the Empire as pure bad guys, blood thirsty and murderous killing machines. This is very black/white and not levels of grey.


The Sith are fueled by passions, not purely rage. Happyness, Love, Hate, Friendship, etc. Whatever the emotion is, the Sith embrace it fully, where the Jedi attempt to be without emotions which will cloud their decisions.


Sadly this tends to translate into:

jedi are super nice people (which is pretty untrue)

sith are super bad people (which reading cannon books, seems pretty untrue).


What is true is the chance of a bad guy sith is much higher, but to portray every sith as a super blood thirsty guy is a bit much I feel.

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I actually do understand it, but they forgot to add a Mandalorian faction, which would of along the lines of what I am talking about.


So, left with evil empire or pansy Republic.


My trooper slaps imps in the face and lol's at them w/ M14X cheering me on!


Imps are sad.

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The Empire is more than just the Sith. Sure, they take all the spotlight with their evil shenanigans, but the truth is the bulk of the Empire is just normal people trying to live their lives. You can hate the people in power and still be proud of your nation irl, and I think this applies here too.


If you want a more in-depth view of the Empire, I recommend rolling an Imperial Agent.

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You don't love getting ordered to 'clear those rebel filth' over and over by pompous military officials with british accents? That is Empire. Republic is pretty bland, but at least you don't have to answer to those as your leaders.
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BW always focuses on the Empire as pure bad guys, blood thirsty and murderous killing machines. This is very black/white and not levels of grey.

True. That's how it is in the movies and the books.


I think you've missed a point here - this is not Bioware's universe. They do not get to make up the story. It is Lucas' universe and he decides these things. He has decided that Empire = bad guys. Bioware have to run with that.

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Alot of guys here are missing the point. I have nothing to fight FOR. So I play the good guy in an evil empire, half my world quests are just evil. I don't want to do them.


There is no faction pride, no leader that is wise beyond belief you would give your life for.

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You don't love getting ordered to 'clear those rebel filth' over and over by pompous military officials with british accents? That is Empire. Republic is pretty bland, but at least you don't have to answer to those as your leaders.


I don't know the repubs created world destroying weapons and just abandoning them for other people to use, did what they did to citizens of Voss, and just look at the Jedi starting zone.


Bemoan a bunch of people for seeking sanctuary and through lack of intervention allow them to be wiped out or even be I don't know, xenophobic about a race that has been there and wanting to learn of the force. Not even demanding in just a chance.


The Empire is just a-holes and don't care who knows it while the Repub just pretend to be nice and try to hide their xenophobic destructive ways. Don't see how the later is bland imho.

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