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Share tips on how to gain warzone medals


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After last patch we lost Pure Shockfrozen water medals(2+5k heals) and now i find it very hard to compete with tank/healer classes that can get additional medals we have no way to get. So if ppl have tips on how to get ex the defender medal(in huttball) or 5k hit medals feel free to share^^
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5k hit isn't too hard, just pop relic+stim (maybe Bloodthirst if you need it?).


I get plenty of medals. Damage ones, healing ones, one-on-one, finishing blow,etc.


Defender medals on huttball come from killing people in your little area when the ball is there.

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Has anyone figured out what exactly reliably gets you defender medals in Huttball and Voidstar?


Because some matches I do the exact same thing and get even 3k defender medal, and some matches I get none, even though I have my nose halfway up the ball carrier's tailpipe for half the match.

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Sabba Tjumped says u get the defender by kill opponents in ur goalline zone in huttball, for voidstar i dont know, yet^^ anyhow i think it sux that its more or less impossible for us to get above 10 medals, as tanks and healers CAN do this.
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Has anyone figured out what exactly reliably gets you defender medals in Huttball and Voidstar?


Because some matches I do the exact same thing and get even 3k defender medal, and some matches I get none, even though I have my nose halfway up the ball carrier's tailpipe for half the match.


Huttball - Killing ball carrier on your side of field


Voidstar - Attacking someone active planting or defusing a bomb.

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"I get plenty of medals. Damage ones, healing ones, one-on-one, finishing blow,etc."

how do you get the healing medals? do u rly have that much hp so ur dotcrits can get u healing medals?

You can legitly get the 2.5k heal off of a cc breaker crit when specced into the shared tree. Deliberately being vague on names since I play a Sent not a Mara to avoid confusion. ;)

Edited by shadowflit
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75k damage

Killing blow

Solo kill

10 kills

25 kills

2.5k Hit

1k Defender


You should be able to reliably get those every huttball match.


Add in possibly:

3k Defender

300k damage

5k Hit

75k healing(annihilation spec only)



since the nerf to frozen water 75k heal is quite harder to gain, still easily doable... But it requires a full lenght WZ. While before the nerf it was a 100% medal gained or almost.

Edited by atreyuz
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"I get plenty of medals. Damage ones, healing ones, one-on-one, finishing blow,etc."

how do you get the healing medals? do u rly have that much hp so ur dotcrits can get u healing medals?


yes and when you pop berserk it heals teammates so that counts towards

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Probably in Alderan easiest if is a long drawn game. In huttball, as a lvl 41 mara, I average 30-45k healing depending how often I get to use zerk instead of predation to help my team score or catch enemy baller.


Ideally you might want each team to hold a side turret and everyone else (you included) fight at middle one without any team capping it :D

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I have a marauder about lvl 20, so stroll through here from time to time..


I can understand the group-heal and crit heals giving medals (yeah us!)


I dont understand how in Voidstar, my Juggy alt - according to the port-game screen - Had Damage, Guarding and HEALING numbers...


Was wondering if there's something i Missed there that would allow the same on the Marauder

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