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How do "casual" players enjoy the game?


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I am a father of six, mostly older kids. I have a wife, and maintain a house. I had a stroke a little over a year ago, so my reflexes aren't what they used to be. I play ToR because I like games and I like SW. When do I play? When I can, without compromising all the other things I have to do. I am not even sure 'casual' describes me. Perhaps 'consistently occasional'? I use PvP to help rehabilitate my reflexes and have a lot of fun doing it. I also enjoy a quick story-based quest or two before bed. Anyway, the point is, I read threads like this and just chuckle to myself about the whole thing and how wrapped up people get over games.
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I rushed my 1st char to lvl50 (sentinel), but that's because it was over the winter breaks..... so I wouldn't count that as casual.... but ever since then, I have started a new Shadow and just took things slow.


- On weekdays, I tried to spend 2-3hrs of gameplay, and make some progression with the Class quests.


- Doing dailies (yellow space combat, pvp warzone) -- they are really enjoyable.


- On weekends, I try to get the chapter done, and frequent more warzone.


- In between breaks/ tv shows/ meals I'd send my companion to do missions, gatherings, and crafting, and selling them on GTN.


- It's routine, but routinely fun I have to say..... not so much of pressure to lvl-rushing, since I already have a lvl50 char (been there done that). And low level warzone is very enjoyable.


- As for my lvl 50, I use him as resource build up, selling GTN mats, hasn't play him much.


I do this too, but i tend to spend just a littlemore time in WZ then you, but yea I use my fifty to progress my alts.

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It all depends on how you define "casual" player. I only have about 2-4hrs to commit to the game on a weekly basis so I tend to lump myself into that category, but some like to use "casual" as a synonym for bad etc. By my definition of a casual player (ie one with limited time who isn't super-concerned about being the best eva) you can enjoy just about any aspect of the game. It's largely just an issue of pacing, SWTOR is a very "bite sized" type of game. You can hop in and do whatever you want for an hour or so and have some progress to show for it, this is one of the things people with more time despise about the game. I enjoy the story, FPs, space missions, crafting and PvP though I spend most of my time lately PvPing.


Some claim that PvP isn't really accessible to casuals, I'd obviously disagree.

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Am I a casual player? Not sure.


My computer atm runs the game, though it could do it better. My schedule is unpredictable, so I neither PvP nor group in any consistent fashion, as I've posted elsewhere I compulsively create alts in order to find a race/gender/class/faction I like so I will probably never see the legacy system.


Every game I've played has had things I liked, and things I didn't. The Old Republic is no different. Do I enjoy it? Yes. Do I see places it could improve? Yes. Could I find 2 people that have had the exact same experience playing I did/do? Probably not.

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I think this game is best suited for the casual player in it's current state.


So far I have 3 characters and enjoy playing them all. The story is AMAZING and for the first time in 10 years of playing primarily MMO's I actually care about the story and don't skip quests. In every other MMO to date I start out caring but after a while I stop reading the quests all together.


I can play for a few hours each night and actually feel like I am progressing even if my average character level is lower than most.

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I'm curious what different type of activities "casual" players enjoy pursuing in game. Crafting? Story lines? Space combat?


I would never use the word "hardcore" to describe any gaming endeavor, but I suppose I am more of a min/max type player and I only pursue those activities that I believe provide the greatest benefit/time ratio to enhancing my characters.


For those who don't really care about levels or valor amounts, what sort of in game activities do you pursue?


Social, PvP, and PvE.


The only difference for me is... I don't want a weekly schedule of things I am required to do. When I have time off work, I want to login and play.

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