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Grace period for WZ DC's...


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So, just had a game of hutball grouped with a friend - our team was basically worthless, doing nothing but fighting imperials with no real regard for where the ball was - thankfully between the two of us we managed to coordinate a score which resulted in the game being won by our side - yay! Right?


Not really, because 2 minutes before the end of the match I was disconnected from the server. Nothing wrong on my end, just a random server disconnect... OK, so it happens right? No big deal. I instantly clicked log back in and was back in game less than 20 seconds after the DC. Too bad I'd already been removed from the Warzone and replaced, meaning I got zero XP/Valor/Commendation for a game I helped to win. The losing team got more than I did.


I much prefer the way things worked in WoW in these situations - if you disconnected, it took a minute or so for your character to actually dissapear from the game world, meaning if something like that happened in PvP, you could log back in quickly and still be in the game.


I realise it's a small thing but it's happened to a few people I know and myself twice - it really kills your enthusiasm for playing and some kind of way around it would be nice. It's like spending 15 minutes questing and gaining XP, disconnecting and having your character lose those 15 minutes of progression... small yes, but still annoying.

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So, just had a game of hutball grouped with a friend - our team was basically worthless, doing nothing but fighting imperials with no real regard for where the ball was - thankfully between the two of us we managed to coordinate a score which resulted in the game being won by our side - yay! Right?


Not really, because 2 minutes before the end of the match I was disconnected from the server. Nothing wrong on my end, just a random server disconnect... OK, so it happens right? No big deal. I instantly clicked log back in and was back in game less than 20 seconds after the DC. Too bad I'd already been removed from the Warzone and replaced, meaning I got zero XP/Valor/Commendation for a game I helped to win. The losing team got more than I did.


I much prefer the way things worked in WoW in these situations - if you disconnected, it took a minute or so for your character to actually dissapear from the game world, meaning if something like that happened in PvP, you could log back in quickly and still be in the game.


I realise it's a small thing but it's happened to a few people I know and myself twice - it really kills your enthusiasm for playing and some kind of way around it would be nice. It's like spending 15 minutes questing and gaining XP, disconnecting and having your character lose those 15 minutes of progression... small yes, but still annoying.


Yes I can understand this and have experienced the frustration of this happening - being DC'd or client crash after devoting a good 15minutes to a match.


The difficulty is finding the right balance. If the grace period is too long, your team is left a man down for longer, disadvantaging your team. If its too short, you won't have time to log in - for myself personally, if I have a client crash, I'm unable to log back in within a minute.

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