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Why not a SWG 2 instead of a similar Kotor 3?


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Actually it probably is very illegal by using many copyrighted images, music, sounds and intellectual property from Lucasfilm.


But so far it doesnt seem like they care so fair enough


Actually it's not, they are not making money from it.


You fail at copyright law.

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On a side note, I do foresee some sandbox type of elements being integrated into the game. Also Bioware has alluded to an expansion of the space elements - not being a shooter on rails.


I think some ground missions or special missions should have bonus space elements to them.


IE: Assaulting some base and fight your way to the boss and defeat him, but his lackies have flown off in a ship to try and escape and you get picked up by one of your companions flying your ship and go chase them. That kind of stuff

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Actually it's not, they are not making money from it.


You fail at copyright law.


Pretty sure what they're doing breaches the fair use policy though and yes i prolyl do fail at copyright law since i've never been to law school or even been near a court.

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Pretty sure what they're doing breaches the fair use policy though and yes i prolyl do fail at copyright law since i've never been to law school or even been near a court.


Lol, how is it breaching it?


LA is known for it's going after those who violate such laws.


Years into the project, it's still running fine.

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Easy, WoW millions of subs. SWG even at it's best at 100,000s after launch.


If this isn't obvious to you then you are the same group of people that play wow but don't know it.


Actually they had 750k till wow launched then it fell too 375k. The cu took it to 180k and the nge took it to 30k.


Swtor will be sitting around 300k in a few months. This game just has no depth and the nature of fully voice overing will make it hard to add content. I was stupid and got a 3 month sub not realizing how shallow and linear this game is past 30. At 40 i stopped logging in.. This game is garbage.

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I see the SWG fans are out in force trying to rewrite history again. The CU and NGE were in response to subscription losses. As Dan Rubenfield pointed out, they were losing 10000 subs a month. Their sub attrition outpaced the gains from new players. The SWG devs didn't realize until too late (as in within the past few years too late) that they didn't deliver a Star Wars experience, they delivered a typical sandbox with a Star Wars skin.
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SWG had 100,000s of subs before the CU hit, that droped quite a bit. but was eventually going back up because it was still SWG in the end.


NGE completely killed it.


Sorry, I was playing SWG when all of this happened. You obviously never played it and think a few 100,000 subs is fail.


A prime example of how WoW has ruined the MMO community.



NGE lasted longer than Pre-CU and CU combined. I find it had to believe that "killed" it but I do like the Pre-CU system better.


Bottom line is you dont like NGE and you wont accept that other people did.


As for this game, its not going to have the freedom and people that never played games like SWG don't even know what they are missing.


A lot of that stems from people whining about game mechanics implemented 7 years ago.


Let it go.

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On a side note, I do foresee some sandbox type of elements being integrated into the game. Also Bioware has alluded to an expansion of the space elements - not being a shooter on rails.


The space game was the only part of SWG that appealed to me, I sincerely hope they basically clone it here.

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SWG had 100,000s of subs, the only reason why they dropped is because SOE NEVER FIXED BUGS! NEVER!


Fort Tusken having tuskens spawning in the walls for years and most likely still did until the servers went down forever.


I know you're clueless about either of those though.


First I have no idea why you're attacking me, 45 k subs is what was posted by SOE. If you need evidence, check - http://users.telenet.be/mmodata/Charts/Subs-2.png


Yes, the game was buggy - very buggy.

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What about the housing for example? Is it REALLY possible to implement that with this graphic engine?

I don't know..atm seems like it's really hard to let it works properly.


Hahaha sure, but it will be just like how your ship is.


Remember this game is instanced. Anymore then a few people on your screen and it goes to **** and drops your medium texture settings down to low like they did on fleet to help with fps.

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I see the SWG fans are out in force trying to rewrite history again. The CU and NGE were in response to subscription losses. As Dan Rubenfield pointed out, they were losing 10000 subs a month. Their sub attrition outpaced the gains from new players. The SWG devs didn't realize until too late (as in within the past few years too late) that they didn't deliver a Star Wars experience, they delivered a typical sandbox with a Star Wars skin.


Copy pasting from an outdated Wiki source are we?


Anyone who has played SWG in the past 3 years will say how much better the game had become. Nothing like the early NGE.


Best system ever, sure it has some bugs, but you know what? any bug found would be fixed within 1-2 days and SWG during the period only had about 5 devs.


If you're going ti put a game down at least have experience of it.


and no i don't have rose tinted specs about it. I loved and i hated it at times.

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Theme-Park leveling and questing + sandbox SWG-like features = WIN


I don't think I've talked to a single person that thinks otherwise. When the theme-park experience gets to a certain level, after they work out all the bugs and quirks people are constantly whining about, they'd do well to add sandbox features, little by little. It will make this game a long-lasting experience.

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I see the SWG fans are out in force trying to rewrite history again. The CU and NGE were in response to subscription losses. As Dan Rubenfield pointed out, they were losing 10000 subs a month. Their sub attrition outpaced the gains from new players. The SWG devs didn't realize until too late (as in within the past few years too late) that they didn't deliver a Star Wars experience, they delivered a typical sandbox with a Star Wars skin.


Or maybe the SWG fans, you know those who actually played the game, know why people left.


Bugs never being fixed, and no new content for extremely long periods of times.


Helps to actually be in contact with the people who quit and read the forums.

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Theme-Park leveling and questing + sandbox SWG-like features = WIN


I don't think I've talked to a single person that thinks otherwise. When the theme-park experience gets to a certain level, after they work out all the bugs and quirks people are constantly whining about, they'd do well to add sandbox features, little by little. It will make this game a long-lasting experience.


Well..the matter is that theme-park mode doesn't let you all this freedom, and i'm not speaking bout players, but even about devs.

To be honest I don't understand so much theme-parks..why not a sandbox style with many theme-park story lines?

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NGE lasted longer than Pre-CU and CU combined. I find it had to believe that "killed" it but I do like the Pre-CU system better.



Considering how SOE is known to get every single penny they can from a game before finally closing it, what you're saying has no effective point.


Pre-CU had more subs then both CU and NGE combined. More subs = more money btw.

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Theme-Park leveling and questing + sandbox SWG-like features = WIN


I don't think I've talked to a single person that thinks otherwise. When the theme-park experience gets to a certain level, after they work out all the bugs and quirks people are constantly whining about, they'd do well to add sandbox features, little by little. It will make this game a long-lasting experience.


And it eventually will. There will be some sandbox elements.


Just a reminder for that guy that was posting about the 100k SWG subs/




The last time SWG had 100k subs was in 2008.

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SWG towards the end of its life had the best system ever out of its previous incarnations.


I played it steadily for 8 years and was never bored. Although i did love the crafting in it, that was never one of my strong points, but i did support the crafting community by harvesting mats needed for stuff.


What made SWG great was player cities and the community as well as the crafting as good player shops gained visitors to your city.


A game such as this anything i have mentioned would be next to impossible to impliment alas


Impossible to play a game for 8 years when it came out in 2003 and died in 2005. NGE is not and never will be SWG.


/rolleyes @ troll


Since you obviously didn't bother to see the difference the past few years, your trite and idiotic reply merely shows others your motives.


The NGE was more than six years ago. The game "created" by the NGE hasn't existed for a few years and SWG had again become an entirely different and much better game. Even in the last few months SWG added revolutionary to the industry features that no other game has done--one of which was true atmospheric flight. Sure, the NGE sucked. But the game itself pulled back up.


And like the person you responded to, I too was an eight-year veteran of that game.

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/rolleyes @ troll


Since you obviously didn't bother to see the difference the past few years, your trite and idiotic reply merely shows others your motives.


The NGE was more than six years ago. The game "created" by the NGE hasn't existed for a few years and SWG had again become an entirely different and much better game. Even in the last few months SWG added revolutionary to the industry features that no other game has done--one of which was true atmospheric flight. Sure, the NGE sucked. But the game itself pulled back up.


And like the person you responded to, I too was an eight-year veteran of that game.


All someone has to do is look at your post and see who the troll is.


NGE added "revolutionary to the industry features that no other game has done"? LMFAO.


"one of which was true atmospheric flight."


Um, other MMOs have flying mounts. lol......



The fact you think the game was better, despite having at prime time on all servers the same number of people pre-cu had a few minutes before server shutdown on one server, is epic lulz.

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This game was never going to be an SWG 2.


That was evident even back in 2008 when they announced it.


Would I love to see an SWG 2? You bet. Will this game ever fit that bill? No. It wasn't designed to. This is theme-park, SWG was sandbox. Two entirely different genres.

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All someone has to do is look at your post and see who the troll is.


NGE added "revolutionary to the industry features that no other game has done"? LMFAO.


"one of which was true atmospheric flight."


Um, other MMOs have flying mounts. lol......



The fact you think the game was better, despite having at prime time on all servers the same number of people pre-cu had a few minutes before server shutdown on one server, is epic lulz.


Cheers for not bothering to read what I wrote NOR bothering to read up on the feature I mentioned.


Comparing flying mounts to atmospheric flight as implemented in SWG in late 2011 is like comparing riding a tricycle to driving a race car lol.


So try actually reading my comments and don't try cute come-backs that include completely inaccurate statements on what I said, wrote, and think.

Edited by Onyx
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