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I am not an mmo gamer and i am completely stuck.


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The one i remeber on the Marauder was the one in Alderran where waves and waves of mobs came out of the cave and then 2 strongs at the end with hardly any time to heal up inbetwween. But in retrospect, I should of used the healer comanion instead of vette.


I used Vette, and was a Juggy. Died once, then wised up and stayed near the soldiers (who helpfully tossed heals my way) instead of trying to be all one-man-army.

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Interrupt is the most important defensive skill we have in my opinion. I've tried fights with and without it and it's the difference between ending with 80% health and 10%.


In the fight at issue, start with the strong. Burn him down even if you have to use all your other defensive powers at one time.


Finally, I can't remember for sure if you can do this on this fight, but you can always run out the hut like a sissy and heal up to come back. Instance NPCs can't follow you out of their instance and it immediately breaks the encounter so you can channel hatred. I do it all the time.

Edited by Master-Nala
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Compare MMO games to non-MMO games, I think the most important aspects for a player to recognize are:


1. MMO games assume you understand the trinity and the various ways they achieve their roles.


2. MMO games assume you always have the option to get help.


In this case, SWTOR complicate things by also:


3. Assuming that you already have help because you and your companion filled 2 of those roles and excel at it.


This fight is not easy at the intended level because your companion is knocked out. You can basically do one of the following:


A) kill 1, die, rezz, kill the other

B) zone out, get your companion back, go back in (I.e. cheat)

C) get someone in the zone to help


That's just the high level, you really need to learn how to use each abilities. Learn when to burn your long cooldown abilities, when to attack, and when to interrupt what. These are things you will have to do repeatedly after Tatooine.


You did correctly noticed that the learning got steeper in Tatooine. This is real and is really a test to see if you have been using your abilities correctly, your rotations, your interrupts, medpack, buffs, even your gears, and your build.


Without details, it is really hard for us to point out what you did or didn't do right. Maybe shoot a video and put it up on YouTube? Option c is faster but this could be a real learning opportunity.

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As a Jugg are you tank specced? Are you in tanking stance or DPS stance, depending on what you're fighting this could make a big difference?


Are you using your healing companion? You should have Malavi Quinn if you're on Tatt, he's a great healer you get at the end of Balmorra.


Is your companion geared appropriately?


Have you disabled the DPS abilities on your companion's quickbar so he can only heal you? Jugg can be a little more challenging for some of the solo content, but it should all be easily do-able within a level or so of the content.



Most all of this is a moot point because your companion is knocked out before the fight starts.


Op, the best bet for you is to



concentrate on the Padawan while the old master is busy meditating. Just don't use smash, as it will break him of his meditation early. Beat down the young guy till he's gone. If need be after you do that step back out the door. The instance won't reset, heal up and come back in after the master.


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I did it as a Marauder. Half way through killing the strong mob, I accidentally interrupted the elite while he was channeling lol. Got hit like a truck, but that's when I used my Saber Ward and a medpac. Finished off the strong, Choked the elite, lined up my cds and got him down no problem. Dunno how you can fail if you're tank spec. And to the people on the first page who keep saying use a different companion etc you can't, your comp gets knocked out before the start of the fight. You fight this one on your own.
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I forgot most of the fight but I do remember that he channels for a long time, use it to beat his Jedi friend (the big guy) then just before he finish channeling use interupt or force charge on the Master, he will join in but shortly will start channeling again.


If all else fails you can allow another sith warrior who finished the fight before you to help you get through.


use your best stims to out last the fight.

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I forgot most of the fight but I do remember that he channels for a long time, use it to beat his Jedi friend (the big guy) then just before he finish channeling use interupt or force charge on the Master, he will join in but shortly will start channeling again.


If all else fails you can allow another sith warrior who finished the fight before you to help you get through.


use your best stims to out last the fight.


The biggest thing with that is don't use any AoE moves ala Smash. If you do, you will interrupt the master and he will join the fight early. Once the Padawan is almost down hell jo in automatically, but if you avoid hitting the master with anything he will stay out of it till the end.

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Don't know if this was mentioned but youmentione dyou were new.


in interface add the other tool bars, have on companion bar go to say left side. Expand your pet's abilities, you will see a bunch that are not checked. read over them and see if those will help. Also check teh stance. each copanion/pet has 2 stances available. one forexample helps one guy heal for more and generates less threat, the other allows more DMG to be done.


made a big difference when we discovered that tidbit. good luck and if all else fails ask someone for a hand.

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Don't know if this was mentioned but youmentione dyou were new.


in interface add the other tool bars, have on companion bar go to say left side. Expand your pet's abilities, you will see a bunch that are not checked. read over them and see if those will help. Also check teh stance. each copanion/pet has 2 stances available. one forexample helps one guy heal for more and generates less threat, the other allows more DMG to be done.


made a big difference when we discovered that tidbit. good luck and if all else fails ask someone for a hand.


That won't help him at all since your companion is knocked out. As a few others stated don't use AOE and instead knock out his apprentice in rapid order. Then if you need you can run out and heal up or take on the Master.

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i guess its the quest when you are in the big desert in a small house , and you are fighting 2 STRONG jedis , and your companion are not able to help ?


Then i dont know what your problem is :p I did it with my lvl 28-29 marauder i think i used a health pack because i was slacking because i thought my healing companion was with me :p When i noticed i was alone i turned on my pro mode and survived ^^


What level are you btw ?

Edited by Terimac
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Then i dont know what your problem is :p I did it with my lvl 28-29 marauder i think i used a health pack because i was slacking because i thought my healing companion was with me :p When i noticed i was alone i turned on my pro mode and survived ^^


aka. I am godmode l2p noob. Very helpful lol.


The easiest tactic is the one being promoted the most here, focus on the apprentice use no AOE spells at all (aka Hulk no Smash!) and use interrupts to stop the big damage hits from the apprentice when the cast bar comes up. Stim up and use med pack if needed. Finish off the prenti then duck the heck outta that mess reset your cooldowns if needed hatred up your health then go and perforate some Jedi Master spleen with your shiny stick.


Small things to consider that may help would be using soresu form to up your defense and retaliation to do the same saber ward will help with the incoming sticks of painful light. Force choke if and when available as a form of interrupt as well channel it all the way if fighting only one of the two.


Should get you through it. Good luck. :cool:

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aka. I am godmode l2p noob. Very helpful lol.


The easiest tactic is the one being promoted the most here, focus on the apprentice use no AOE spells at all (aka Hulk no Smash!) and use interrupts to stop the big damage hits from the apprentice when the cast bar comes up. Stim up and use med pack if needed. Finish off the prenti then duck the heck outta that mess reset your cooldowns if needed hatred up your health then go and perforate some Jedi Master spleen with your shiny stick.


Small things to consider that may help would be using soresu form to up your defense and retaliation to do the same saber ward will help with the incoming sticks of painful light. Force choke if and when available as a form of interrupt as well channel it all the way if fighting only one of the two.


Should get you through it. Good luck. :cool:


This...i was 3 levels below and this is what I did on my marauder.

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I'm not reading through all the pages as I have to leave for work, soon. But I know the fight you are on. It really sucks that your companion can't help in this fight. But it is challenging.


My recommendation is to focus on one target at a time. The apprentice is probably a little weaker and start with your Saber Ward to reduce the dame you take. If you can get a strong medpack, that would help, too. If you can kill one, dieing isn't such a big deal as he doesn't revive after that. So just focus on killing one, then the other.

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Try posting on the Juggernaut sub-thread.


Try reading the "How to play Juggernaut well in PVP and PVE" thread.





I didn't have any trouble with my class quests until the very, very end. You're either under-leveled (so go do more quests, do ALL the quests), under-geared (I know you feel like you have good gear, but maybe you don't) or not playing your class fully. (Again, I know you feel like you get the class, but ignoring one or two abilities can really be HUGE. Also, using the right abilities at the right time makes a WORLD of difference.)

Edited by miliways
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