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Trooper Commando vs. Bounty Hunter Mercenary


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Hey Guys


Ok, so levelled a Sith Warrior Marauder to 50 the other day and want to make an alt however holding out until the Oceanic servers become available. Not too sure if they will give me a free transfer off Assassins of Sion but heres hoping they will.


Long story short


I want an Alt


I was going to go for an Imperial Agent Sniper but oh god, they have the most gayest of voices and I cant see myself playing one.


So I have narrowed it down to either a Trooper Commando or Bounty Hunter Merc.


Now I used to have a bounty hunter and it kept on overheating, fairly certain I just did not learn to play it properly.


And i was thinking to play republic to experience the alliance side of life, just need to know more info if you guys can help me.



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I like the bounty hunter story a lot better, they also get what most people consider a much better looking ship.


I prefer commando animations, though. Grav round spam I can deal with, but when you spam tracer missile (the merc equivalent) it looks like you're squatting and shooting fire out your rear as the missiles dont even show up half the time. Also, having an assault cannon > using some dinky pistols.


As far as companions go, both classes have their ups and downs. Bounty Hunters get mako as a romance interest for males, and mako is hot and cute and all that. The trooper equivalent is Elara Dorne, who cant even say "lieutenant" properly because of her horrendous british accent. I guess she look ok, though.

For female romance interests, Bounty hunters get torian - a kind of emo-ish teenage mandalorian, not a big fan of him at all, he's also a melee dps so he has no access to orange-quality weapons and his damage output really isnt all that great. The trooper equivalent is Aric Jorgan, a ranged dps who uses assault cannons just like you do, he's also a Cathar, and they're just sexy no matter what anyone says =P I dont like that he's voiced by psych's lassiter, though, very grating voice.


For other companions... Bounty Hunters get Gault, a Devaronian Ranged DPS. He's an ex-smuggler and loves greed decisions, tends to lean towards darkside but he's still good for lightsiders too. Blizz is a jawa ranged tank, probably one of the coolest companions in the game at that. Skadge is pure annoying evil and nobody really likes him.


Troopers get M1-4x, a ranged tank war droid who resembles a cross between captain america and HK-47, probably one of the coolest droid companions in the game. You also get yuun, a gand melee damage dealer, and tanno vik, a weequay melee tank. I dont know how either of them acts or what personality types they prefer, I never got them on my commando during beta.

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Thanks for that info :)


I do admit the BT thunderclap that the trooper gets looks a little funny, u kinda expect that it should be flying a different way or something lol.


Bounty hunters seem cooler but id imagine the game mechanics for the trooper works out better?

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Thanks for that info :)


I do admit the BT thunderclap that the trooper gets looks a little funny, u kinda expect that it should be flying a different way or something lol.


Bounty hunters seem cooler but id imagine the game mechanics for the trooper works out better?


Game mechanics are exactly the same.

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actually it's other way around, i got both 50 :/


in short


Trooper Pulse Cannon > BH Flamethrower

- aoe is bigger (minor plus for trooper)


Trooper mortar/full auto < BH Death from above/Unload

- Trooper idles first half of the casting bar (major plus for BH)


i wont get into animations since opinions are like, you know, opinions

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Hey Guys


Ok, so levelled a Sith Warrior Marauder to 50 the other day and want to make an alt however holding out until the Oceanic servers become available. Not too sure if they will give me a free transfer off Assassins of Sion but heres hoping they will.


Long story short


I want an Alt


I was going to go for an Imperial Agent Sniper but oh god, they have the most gayest of voices and I cant see myself playing one.


So I have narrowed it down to either a Trooper Commando or Bounty Hunter Merc.


Now I used to have a bounty hunter and it kept on overheating, fairly certain I just did not learn to play it properly.


And i was thinking to play republic to experience the alliance side of life, just need to know more info if you guys can help me.




The same problem that you had with overheating is going to happen again with a commando you'll just be running out of ammo. The skills all use the same percentage resource, so you just have to manage it better. Meaning you cant go running around spamming Missile Blast (or w/e the commando equivalent is).


Now whether you go comm or merc is up to you. Do you want to be able to support your main or vice versa? in which case go with a merc. If you wanna try a different storyline go with a commando. Just have to be careful that you dont roll a rep on a low pop republic server.

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They're both great classes to play, hands down. Monitoring your heat/ammo is probably the biggest obstacle to successful combat, honestly, and once you learn the mechanics (i.e. which shot to toss and when) you're good to go. The combat animations are great, too, with the trooper looking a bit more bad*** during gameplay, imo. Once they manage to take care of the "color matching" for trooper armor, they'll even look good running around.


I play for the story, though. I'll learn through the combat just to get to the meat of the tale. And when it comes to story I'll vote bounty hunter, here. There's just something intrinsically awesome about telling a Jedi he's out of his mind for thinking to force persuade you and then turning around and telling a Sith to do his own dirty work. The bounty hunter has an innate attitude that is pure incredible and I loved every single step of the bounty hunter story.

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I like the bounty hunter story a lot better, they also get what most people consider a much better looking ship.


The outside of the BH ship is nicer than Thunderclap but on the inside, Thunderclap is -far- nicer. The layout of Thunderclap is easier too. The interior lighting is superior on the Trooper ship as well.

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The outside of the BH ship is nicer than Thunderclap but on the inside, Thunderclap is -far- nicer. The layout of Thunderclap is easier too. The interior lighting is superior on the Trooper ship as well.


I disagree. The mantis has a perfectly designed interior.


-Captain's quarters at the back of the ship, with a doorway that overlooks almost every other location on the ship, is good psychological design - it keeps the captain aware of what's going on and keeps the crew 'below' the man in charge.


-The entry ramp to the ship joins directly to the cargo hold, no need to move bulky cargo through hallways or other rooms. Many other ships in the game do not follow this, and have cargo holds with no easy path to the ship entry point.


-Positioning the engine room and hyperdrives up front prevents them from being damaged by hostile fire from pursuers, while the heavy forward weaponry of the Mantis discourages frontal assaults.


-Everything in the mantis is in a straight line, there's no confusing hallways or corners/turns to get where you need to go. It has the simplest and most efficient layout of any player ship in the game, allowing crew to get to any section of the ship quickly and easily.


-Numerous bulkheads and doors seperate the ship's compartments. If there's a hull breach in any section of the ship, it can be sealed off and the crew have somewhere to retreat to that will retain atmosphere.




It's a perfectly designed starship. Plus, it feels like the firefly/serenity, which helps with the awesome factor =P

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I must say the mantis does kind of remind me of Serenity.


I played the trooper until level 10 last night and I see what someone meant by the lack of animation when it came to the mortar strikes, he sits there for a second before firing anything at all.


I like the troopers big weapons he gets to carry but I like the BH's way he does thing like DFA and such. Plus Mako is pretty cute

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Having played both, I would have to say the Bounty Hunter feels the more fluid class. Trooper animations are more sluggish, there's an activation lag on a lot of Trooper abilities. Mortar Volley is the worst, the lag before it starts doing damage is huge compared to Death From Above.


Animation / activation lag aside BH and Trooper play the same. Heat managment is hard work on both. You will need to learn rotations that keep your heat under control.


Bounty Hunter has a really diverse range of armour to choose from, you can put together a unique look and no two BHs I see in the fleet look completely alike. Some people don't like the ragamuffin look of the BH, but I do. Trooper gets to really look the part if you want that stormtrooper look from the films, the downside is that most Troopers look similar.


Storyline will be down to taste. Personally I prefer the independant free agent of the BH compared to the "yes sir, on it sir" military dialogue. BH has more varied responses to most situations.


Voice acting is good all round, BH female and male are both very good. Trooper female is Shepherd from Mass Effect, so can't go wrong there.


If I could only play one, it would be the BH.

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Ammo and heat are the same, the only difference is what they look like, and which direction the bar goes as you use your abilities.


Not technically. BH values don't add up to Trooper values (so BH's get "more"), and the cutoffs for having slower regen rates hit faster for a Trooper because the actual cutoffs are in percentages that are in between the values of 1 ammo for a trooper.


But really, that's all small potatoes compared to faster implementation of flamethrower / death from above, and the BH's channeled fire being less susceptible to interrupts.

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Storyline will be down to taste. Personally I prefer the independant free agent of the BH compared to the "yes sir, on it sir" military dialogue. BH has more varied responses to most situations.




I must admit i did notice that alot, also the republic citizens sounded like wingers like, oh you should of been here like 3 hrs ago and too late now, and the republic is useless lol

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